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July 22, 1992 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1992-07-22

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One hundred and one years of editorial freedom
Volume CI No. 11S Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, July 22, 1992 @1992 The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor
Electrified by space
University scientists will
transform NASA's space
shuttle Atlantis into an
enormous physics
laboratory late this month.
The researchers will study
electricity in the upper
fringe of the Earth's
atmosphere through the
use of an Italian satellite
deployed at the end of a
12-mile-long copper cable.
Beam me up Scotty
Scientists from the
University and the French
National Atomic Energy
Commission have
produced the world's most
powerful beam of laser
light. The 55-terawatt
beam of laser light was
produced in April 1992 at
the Centre d'Etudes de
Limeil-Valenton in Limeil,
Knight Foundation award -
The Knight Foundation
awarded $875,000 to the
University's Joumalism
Fellows Program, lauded as
a magnet for attracting top
journalists for more than a
decade. The program
combines both general and
special studies.
Kelsey Museum closes
The Kelsey Museum of
Archaeology will close to
the public Monday, July 27
for internal renovations
which will include the
construction of a climate-
controlled storage unit
called SAFE box. SAFE
stands for Sensitive
Artifact Facility and
Environment. The project
will create a building within
a building on the second
floor of the Museum.
MSA doles out money
At last night's meeting,
MSA allocated $1,150 to
student groups on campus,
including $500 to study
campus military research,
$300 to create info booths-
on the first few days of
classes and $350 to help
produce a Student Social
Workers of America
pamphlet on Guatemalan

'U' raises tuition

by Melissa Peerless
Daily Staff Reporter
unanimously approved the
University's General Operating
Budget - including a 9.9 percent
tuition increase - for the 1992-93
school year at its regular meeting
University Provost and Vice
President for Academic Affairs
Gilbert Whitaker said the budget is
one of "shared sacrifice."
Whitaker said.
In order to compensate for de-
creased state and federal funding,
the University is asking each of its
departments to make a 2 percent
across the boardcut in its operating
budget. Faculty, staff and adminis-
trators will receive a small cost of
living adjustmentstipendinstead of
a salary increase.
And students and their families
will be asked to pay more to attend
the University.
by '
by David Shepardson
Daily Opinion Editor
Days after the administra-
tion stressed that no money is
available forstaffwage increases
this year, University gainers
offered atleastonecampusunion
a salaryincrease.
Thursday, Provost and Vice
President for Academic Affairs
Gilbert Whitaker announced a
"shared sacrifice" plan during a
presentation on next year's Uni-
versity budget. Under the pro-
posed plan, all salaries would be
frozen at current levels, due to
budget financial shortfalls. The
money crunch is caused prima-
rily by cuts in state funding.
Despite Provost Whitaker's
remarks, yesterday University
negotiators offered the Ameri-
can Federation of State, County,
and Municipal Employees
(AFSCME) a 2 percent wage M
increase. AFSCME members M
rejectedthislatestcontractoffer, Ro
stressinglong-standingconcerns thi
See UNION, Page 2 the

Undergraduate Michigan resi- subsidize thi
dents face a 9.9 percent tuition in- "The Un
crease, with non-residents paying crease thetu
an additional 7.5 percent In addi- pays to cove
tion, all students face $20-per-se- others," he
mester registration fees and $100- of astudent'
per-semester infrastructure mainte- the financi4
nance fees to finance repairs on di- should not :
lapidated University buildings. extent that f,
Whitakeremphasizedthatalarge financial aid
portion of the tuition increase will Univers
be used to provide financial aid to Duderstadt;
University students. are going di
"More than 46 percent of the Hesaidtuiti
money from tuition - or roughly fund, out o
$12 million - will go directly back money is air
into financial aid," he said. "If we "None o
aretotakeseriously ourcommitment is going to
to keep the University open and others," he
accessible to every Michigan resi- ing those wl
dent, we must be willing to bear this share to do
cost." premise of
However, some regents dis- America."
agreed withWhitaker's philosophy. Nielsen
Regent Neil Nielsen (R- too much bi
Brighton) spoke out against raising students, w
tuition for some students in order to

9.9 percent
rn of others.
;hould not in- AVERAGETUsTdeN
t of financing INCREASE *
er 30 percent
oes to paying $9000
f others. We
tuition to the $8,00C PERCENT PERCENT PER
ave to pay the
ident James --
uition dollars
financial aid. - -
financial aid $5,00i
rn of students $4000 -
the tuition of
are just ask- 5300 -
ford their fair:;
t is the great $200
education in
budget puts
middle-class $0
uready stug- *'Sta rftevgnso * Eineerng,
umoN, Page 2 ANDREW LEVY/Daily Graphic
'U' scientists
shed light at
AIDS meeting
by Emily Fries
Daily Staff Reporter ;Transmission
A brief psychological is of
evaluation can predict who is AIDS highest soon
Slikelyto relapse into high risk after infection, 'U'
sexual behavior after HIV anti-std as
body testing, University -study says
searchers reported Monday at by Emily Fries
the Eighth International AIDS Daily Staff Reporter
Conference in Amsterdam, @1992 The Michigan Daily
Netherlands. Universityresearchershave
"Many cities are reluctant t found that transmission of the
offer mental health services to AIDS virus is highest soon af-
people getting HIV-antibody ter infection.
Theresults are based on data
testing for fearofmassive costs," from the Coping and Change
said David Ostrow, director of Study conducted by the a-
the University's Midwest tional Institute of Allergic and
BiobehavioralResearch Center. Infectious Diseases.
"Butit appearsthateveryone James Koopman, professor
may not need extensive coun- of epidemiology, estimated
seling," he said. "Wecan target transmission probabilities for
ed oralandanalsex in homosexual
tho who most n males. He determined rates of
and concentrate our efforts and transmission for three different
funding on them. Such an aP- periodsofHIVinfection- the
proach would provide good primary infection stage (before
AIDS preventionthatislikely to antibody develops), the early
be very cost effective." antibody positive stage and the
TheFederalGovernmenthas late infection stage.
already expressed an interest in Koopman found that prob-
using Ostrow's results in its ability of transmission via anal
AIDS testing centers to see if sex is highest during the pri-
See RisK, Page 2 See TRANsMssioN, Page 2

Raking a wish
bert Smith of The Cure performs Saturday night at
ePalace of Auburn Hills. Saturday's show was taped by
e group for a later release on videotape.

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