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July 22, 1992 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily Summer Weekly, 1992-07-22

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2- The Michigan Daily Summer Weekly - Wednesday, July 22, 1992
tuition, we ask them to pay it." sity," he said. and students willreally feel the squeeze this year,
TUITION Nielsensaid, "Ifwehadnofinancialaidatall, "It'sbetterhavingstudentswhocan'taffordto the budget should leave the institution in good
Continued from page 1 it would reduce tuition by 20 percent." go here in addition to those who can," Brown financial stead for 1993-94.
gling to afford their education. Varner retorted, "If we hadno financial aid, it added. Regent Philip Power (D-Ann Arbor) praised
RegentNellieVarner(D-Detroit)saiditis the wouldbeaschoolofrichwhitekidsandIwouldn't "Ifiteverhappens thatpeople are unable togo this aspect of the budget.
responsibility ofstudents whocanafford toattend sit at this table and support a school like that." here because they can't afford to, those who can "It's not a one-year fix. Simply raising tuition
the University to help take care of those who Varner added that she thinks it is unfair to afford to come here less of an education because is a one-year fix," he said."This budget will pro-
cannot. make students feel that they are at the University of it." vide the University with a set of managerial tools
"No one is happy about the tuition increase, because someone else is paying their tuition. Duderstadt pointed out that for Michigan resi- to do what it needs to do in line with the available
but people are concerned about being able to Regent Paul Brown (D-Petoskey) agreed that dents, tuition comprises about 30 percent of their resources."
attend theUniversity,"shesaid. "Accesshas tobe access to the University is very important. expenses while at the University, with books and Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) agreed.
a priority. What we are doing is that if there is a "One thing that makes the University what it housing making up the majority of the cost. "We have to find some way that we don't come
family that is able to pay a bigger portion of the is is economic diversity as well as ethnic diver- Whitaker said although University employees up against the same problem next year," he said.
NI University salaries and vowed to strike unless the administration Enforcement Association(UML.EA),chargedthatnon-unionmem-
NION made concessions. bers are given preferential treatment and that the University is not
Continued from page 1 Members of the newly-formed University of Michigan All- serious about bargaining.
over vacation time and benefits packages. Campus Labor Council (ACLC) spoke out against alleged unfair "The progressive image of the University is revealed as empty
James Thiry, assistant vice president for personnel, said raises treatment by the University in dealing with unions on campus. rhetoric through their repressive, anti-union attitude and regressive
may stillmaterialize. "Negotiators are notnecessarily limited to the AFSCME Bargaining Chair Judith Levy expressed doubt that contract proposals," Matellic said.
zero percent wage increase set forth by Whitaker," he said. the University is unable to pay for salary increases. "Not one worker Last Friday, a memorandum was sent to all University deans
Sources within the administration suggest that the change in believes you don't have the money for a base wage increase - the and directors setting guidelines for the 1992-93 salary program for
position may have been influencedby union members' appearance wealth of this institution is all around us," she said. non-union employees. There are no wage increases listed for all
during regental public comments. Whitaker responded that "the top spending priority for the next office,professionaladministrative,alliedhealth and technical staff.
At last week's meeting of the University Board of Regents, fiscal year is increasing staff salaries." Temporary staff are not eligible for generalormerit wage increases.
union members expressed outrage over the proposed freeze on Chelle Matellic, president of the University of Michigan Law


Continued from page 1
mary infection stage and explains a
high proportion of the infection in ho-
mosexual males. After the antibody
develops, transmission probabilities are
very low and do not account for many
Koopman also found that receptive
oral sex has less than one sixth the risk
of receptive anal sex.
Koopman's results indicate that
people with HIV are most likely to
transmit the virus to their sex partners
soon after contracting it themselves.
The study does not, however, ex-
plain why this transmission pattern is
found. "Mostof these are observations
that bg a mechanism," said Staley
Schwartz, professor of epidemiology
and microbiology. "The real issue is
what is generating these results."
Dr. Ostrow said although the study
doesnotexplain why transmissionrates
vary, the research remains important.
"This is very exciting research,"he
said. "Itmeansthattheriskoftransmis-
sion is highestitmmediately pst infec-
tion.Theriskisalmost 100-foldgrea r
than during the later period."
Raimn I

RISK "In eitherinstance, the risky sexual
Continued from page 1 behavior becomes a form of self-treat-
counseling resources can be better tar- ment for isolation, low self-esteem and
geted. depression."
The study is based on data from the However, certain psychosocial
Coping and ChangeStudy (CCS).CCS characteristics can predict which men
is a long-term study of HIV infection are at greatest risk for relapse.
and AIDS in gay and bisexual men.'The "They were more depressed and
study began in 1984. they were more prone to use denial and
Ostrow and his colleagues studied fatalism to cope with stress," Ostrow
177 of the CCS participants. While said.
most of the men had been practicing Forty percent of these men said that
safer sex prior to receiving the antibody they had experienced periods of suicidal
test, 21 percent resumed high risk be- thinking.
havior after discovering their HIV sta- Men outside of this group are
tus. probably at a higher risk. Men who
High risk behavior was defined as have lower incomes and less education
unprotected receptive anal intercourse than the sample group may be more
with multiple partners. vulnerable, Ostrow added.
Ostrow said thatresumptionofhigh He said, "The men in (the sample
risk sex practices was notdependent on group) are more educated and have a
whether the participant tested negative better support network than many of
or positive - the rates were the same those who may be tested."
for both groups. Ostrow is unsure if any other re-
"Menwiththisprofilewhodiscover searchershaveplanstoextendthestudy
they are HIV-positive tend to fall apart. to women or straight men.
They reason they are going to die any- "It is very difficult to find people
way, so why change their behavior?" who are undergoing testing who are
Ostrow said. willing to let us ask them questions
"If they discover they areIIIV- before and after the test," he said.
negativetheirfatalismanddenialcomes "Right now, ifa person goes to get
into play. They think, 'If I was fated to tested they are tested and thenprivately
contract AIDS, I wouldhaveitalready.' told the results."


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The Shape of
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and classroom facility in the historic Marais
Applications for the Autumn session (Fall term
1992 in New York and Spring term 1993 in Paris)
will be accepted through August 10th, 1992.
Application forms and additional information may
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Graduate School of Architecture,
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400 Avery Hall
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Columbia University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity institution.


801 S Forest (at Hill)
SUNDAY: Worship-10 a.m.,
1360 Pauline Blvd.
SUNDAY: :Worship-9 a.m.
Robert Hoepner, Pastor, call 662-0663
(A Roman Catholic Parish at U-M)
331 Thompson Street (at William)
Mass Schedule
SUNDAY:-8:30 a.m., 10 a.m.,
12 noon, and 5 p.m.
FRIDAY:-12:10 p.m.
1511 Washtenaw (near Hill)
SUNDAY: Summer Worship-9:30 a.m.
Pastor, Ed Krauss, 663-5560




The Michigan Daily Summner Weekly (ISSN 0745-967) is published Wednesdays during the spring and summer
terms by students at the Universityof Michigan. On-campus subscriptions for spring/summer term are available
for $9. No off-campus subscriptions are available for spring/summer. Subscriptions for fall/winter terms,
starting in September via U.S. mail are $155. Fall term only is $85. On-campus subscriptions for fall/winter are
$35. All subscriptions must be prepaid.
ADDRESS: The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1327
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NEWS Purvi Shah, Managing Editor
NEWS EDITOR: Gwen Shaffer
STAFF: Hope Calati, Beth Echlin, Emily Fries, Travis McReynolds, Melissa Peerless, Laura Potts.
OPINION Gil Renberg, David Shepardson, Editors
STAFF: Reginald Humphrey, Daniel Stewart.
SPORTS Josh Dubow, Managing Editor
STAFF: Meg Belson, Jeni Durst, Mike Hill, Adam Miller,Tim Rardin, Greg Richardson.
ARTS Alan J. Hogg, Editor
ASSOCIATE ARTS EDITORS: Annette Petruso, Chris Slovey
STAFF: Mark Binelli, Andrew Cahn, Nima HodAei, Scott Sterling, Michael Jhn Wilson.
PHOTO Molly Stevens, Editor
STAFF: Kaisha Halclt
NEW STUDENT EDITION Melissa Peerless, Editor
SALES Laurel Wilidason, Sales Manager
ACCOUNT EECUTIVES: Christa Chambers-Price, Katy Kibbey, Lisa McAleer, MarkhTuinstra,
ASSISTANTS: Kate Alaimo, Jennifer Bayson, Jennifer Chapekis, Molina Das, Natash Morts
SYSTEMS ANALYSTS Matt McLean, Sean Sweda


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