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October 22, 1992 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1992-10-22

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Check out the latest styles and profiles in this
year's annual Fall Fashion issue. This year's
theme? Nothing is black or white.

Both the men's and women's soccer teams won
yesterday. The women dominated Bowling
Green, 5-1, while the men's club beat Macomb,

With our special fashion section taking the place
of Weekend etc. this week, the List moves to the
back of this section. Weekend etc. returns next
week with all new material.

Paurly cloudy;
High 58, Low 39
Rain possible; High 53, Low 42


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Et it

One hundred two years of editorial freedom

Vo II No.18 AnnAbr Mcian-husa, Octoer 2,199 ©192 Th Micia Dily

Football opener
to conflict with
*student move-in
by Josh Dubow
Daily Football Writer
Following four straight season-opening losses to
Notre Dame, Michigan football coach Gary Moeller
leapt at the opportunity to schedule a game before the
Irish in 1991. The Wolverines responded with a 24-14
victory against ND.
This season, Michigan again was forced to play its
season opener against Notre Dame, while the Irish al-
ready had one game under their belt. The Wolverines
settled for a 17-17 tie. When the chance arose for
Moeller to schedule a game prior to Notre Dame next
season, he jumped at it.
Michigan Athletic Director Jack Weidenbach an-
nounced yesterday that the Wolverines' Sept. 18 contest
with Washington State has been rescheduled for Sept. 4,
and Michigan will have a bye week in between the
Notre Dame and Houston contests.
Notre Dame will also open its season Sept. 4 at
home against Northwestern.
"Last season, we opened up at Boston College and
that made the game more attractive to the television
networks and it also gave us one more game before we
played Notre Dame," Moeller said. "The same thing
will happen in 1993, both television networks, (ABC
and ESPN) have already expressed interest in the game
and once again, we'll have one game under our belt
before we play Notre Dame."
The two networks will decide which will broadcast
0the game sometime. next year.
While Moeller is excited about the earlier start to the
season, there are some logistical problems that will arise
because of this move. The first scheduled day for dor-
mitory move-in is currently set for Sept. 4 as well.
"This has a potentially very large impact on the
move-in for 10,000 or so students on Sept. 4," U-M
Director of Public Affairs for the Housing Division
Alan Levy said.
The major problems Levy will have to deal with will
be parking and traffic patterns. Since 1989, the Housing
Division has had an arrangement with the city of Ann
Arbor to restrict traffic on Thompson Street and
Observatory Street to facilitate move-in.
"We have an arrangement with parking services, to
offer free parking for parents, but that normally isn't
done on football Saturdays," Levy said. "The reconfigu-
ration of Thompson and Observatory will be affected by
See SCHEDULE, Page 8

Candidates try
to win votes in
last leg of race

Associated Press
Bill Clinton panned for electoral
gold in the West yesterday, offering
Republican voters a "new
Democratic party" rather than the
tax-and-spend habits of the past.
His presidency in peril, Bush was
asked point blank if anyone had told
him his re-election race was already
lost. "Not anybody I trust," he
replied to his CNN interviewer.
"Not anyone I trust," he added
with emphasis.
With less than two weeks
remaining until Election Day, it
wasn't so much what the candidates
said that counted; it was where they
said it.
Clinton's chartered jet was
touching down in Colorado,
Wyoming and Montana as he bid for
victory in a region of the country
that has voted Republican each year

since 1964.
By contrast, Bush had his ticket
punched aboard a chartered train
across North Carolina, a state
Republicans usually have locked up
U-M Republicans
rally for candiates
by Andrew Taylor
Daily Staff Reporter
The U-M College Republicans
held a presidential pep-rally yester-
day in the Union Ballroom to orga-
nize election efforts for the candi-
dates they endorse in the upcoming
"The news media is really down
on us ... Don't believe the polls and

Look out below!
Scott Brickman does his best David Letterman impression by throwing things out a two-story
window of a local bike store.

Brater: Retailer may fill Jacobson's space

by Jonathan Berndt
Daily City Reporter
Another retailer is interested in the
downtown space currently occupied by
Jacobson's, Mayor Liz Brater told City
Council at last night's meeting.
The meeting was a continuation of
Monday night's council meeting.
Brater received a call from Jacobson's
yesterday morning saying company offi-
cials were negotiating with another
"major retailer" to take over the space at
612 East Liberty.
Brater told the council the negotia-
tions were "pretty far along" but hinged
on the city extending the same privileges

of support in terms of sales events, park-
ing, and city department assistance of-
fered to Jacobson's.
.Jacobson's did not release the name
of the other firm.
Council then passed a resolution sup-
porting any arrangements City
Administrator Alfred Gatta makes with a
firm interested in assuming the
Jacobson's space.
The council also approved a resolu-
tion, sponsored by Peter Nicolas (D-4th
Ward), opposing Proposal C. The pro-
posal, also known as Gov. John Engler's
"Cut and Cap" proposal, would cut
property taxes by 30 percent during the

next five years and limit annual assess-
ment increases to 3 percent.
"I as much as anyone would like to
see property taxes decrease," Nicolas
said. "Proposal C is not a complete
Nicolas refuted the notion that prop-
erty taxes tend to scare business away.
He cited a survey in which businesses
ranked property taxes 15th out of 16 im-
portant issues to consider when choosing
a location. Crime, parking and mainte-
nance ranked above taxes.
Kirk Dodge (R-2nd Ward) disagreed.
"This (proposal) goes a long way to pro-
tecting funding for schools."

But Larry Hunter (D-1st Ward) said
he felt the resolution didn't go far
"I advocate eliminating property taxes
and raising the sales tax..The system of
supporting schools with property taxes is
medieval. The whole system is
Dodge and Peter Fink (R-2nd Ward)
were the only members to vote against
the resolution.
In other business, council approved
resolutions to:
change the council rules allowing
community members to sign up to speak
See COUNCIL, Page 2

* Photos
may show
ficials studied photographs of
Americans from Vietnam, skeptical
relatives of missing servicepeople
wondered yesterday if Hanoi was
just trying to better relations with the
United States and end an 18-year
U.S. trade embargo.
Officials who returned Tuesday
evening from a weekend trip t6
Vietnam brought with them some of
the 4,000 to 5,000 photos in
archives being made available by
the Vietnamese.
"In a lot of cases, it's clear who's
in the picture," said Deborah
DeYoung, a spokesperson for the
Senate Select Committee on POW-
MIA Affairs. When the servicepeo-
ple can be identified, the information
will be turned over to their families,
she added.
"I think this is the big break
we've been working towards," said
Louise Van Hoozer of Savannah,
Mo., whose brother, Air Force Maj.
James Booth, was shot down over
North Vietnam in 1968. "I'm trying
to be very optimistic and I'm trying
not to get too elated over it because
I've been disappointed before."
But Maureen Dunn of Randolph,
Mass., said the new information will
heavnvzing for socme MIA family

Student to stand
trial for date rape
14th sexual assault this semester

by Erin Einhorn
Daily City Reporter

Gerald Smith and Monique Marshall, both first-year LSA students, study in the Angela Davis Lounge in Mary
Markley Hall.
Lounges spark conCern, debate

A 15th District Court judge de-
termined yesterday that enough evi-
dence exists to bring LSA sopho-
more Christopher Morris to trial on
charges of third degree criminal sex-
ual conduct (CSC).
Judge Timothy Connors made his
ruling based on testimony from the
survivor, an LSA senior, who alleges
Morris molested her in her apart-
ment in the Vera Baits Houses
Oct. 1.
The survivor said during yester-
day's preliminary examination she
met Morris Oct. 1, and later invited
him to her apartment. In her room,
she said, Morris tried to kiss her.
When she tried to stop him with a
bottle of mace, he grabbed it and
threatened to turn the chemical
against her, she added.
The survivor said she asked
Morris to stop kissing and touching
her, but he refused and demanded
that she touch him.
"The way I felt was like I was in
a prison, like I was arguing with
Satan," the survivor said. "No matter
what I said, and no matter how hard
I begged, he was not going to grant
my request."
Morris made no comment, al-

"I do not enjoy asking those
questions at all," Roumel said. "I
was praying before I did this, but we
felt we had no choice. They are not
offering a single thing by way of
Roumel said the defense tried to
negotiate a deal that would require
Morris to seek counseling and allow
the survivor to avoid testifying, but
the prosecution refused.
'The way I felt was like
I was in a prison, like I
was arguing with
- The survivor
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
Bob Cooper said the prosecution is
concerned about the treatment of
survivors and witnesses in all rape
"We make an assessment from
preliminary interviews about just
how strong a witness she will
make," he said. "We make sure she
understands there will be questions
asking for intimate detail."
U-M Sexual Assault Prevention
and Awareness Center (SAPAC)

by Mona Qureshi
Minority Issues Reporter

Although U-M's nine minority
lounges are intended to be open to
all students, the lounges often
separate instead of unite different
"A lot of people get intimi-
dated by seeing so many Black
faces and walk out," said first-year
LSA student Juana Sebree about
the minority lounges in university
residence halls.
LSA senior Latinisha Boston

The lounge - named the
"Afro-American Lounge" was
stated to have two purposes in a
U-M report written after the 1975
Black Action Movement (BAM):
to serve as a gathering place for
minorities and to enhance their
self-image, and to give non-mi-
norities the opportunity to observe,
participate and develop an
understanding and appreciation for
minority cultures.
But now, 17 years after the first
BAM, some university students

African American students," he
said. "The major purpose of the
hall is to bring African American
students together in a predomi-
nantly white residence hall."
However, Robbie Dye, coordi-
nator for Project Awareness in
Housing, noted, "The lounges
have never been designated as
Black lounges. They have always
been minority cultural lounges."
Boston said the lounges give
students of color a place to go and
meet people who share common
hnndv _"F~verv lotinve in this dorm

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