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April 19, 1932 (vol. 42, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

… Normal C Wednesday Afternoon. b Wet grounds caused the post- Donement of the scheduled match with the Detroit Country Club for p Coach Thomas Trueblood's Varsity h golf team. The Wolverines remain- ed at…

… Lenfesty's outfit with an aggre- gate of 413 compared to 416 for their opponents. The opening intercollegiate com- petition for the Wolverines is card- I ed for Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 F when Michigan…

April 19, 1933 (vol. 43, iss. 141) • Page Image 2

…TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY Chicago's New Mayor Plunges Into His Work lWolverines Meet Detroit Club In Tcinis Opeiei Satirday The Michigan tennis team will run into its first competition of the year this…

… Saturday when it meets the De- troit Tennis Club at Detroit. Although the Wolverine squad suf- fered a great loss by the graduation of most of last year's Varsity men. Captain Richard Snell being the only…

… every year of his college ca- reer. As a sophomore he stepped into the spotlight as a member of Mich- igan's Big Ten indoor championship team. In 1932 he was again instru- mental in the Wolverine victory…

April 19, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

… race in 1937 while the Badgers finished in a tie for third with Ohio State. The visitors, how- ever, are weakened by the loss of all but three lettermen from last year's squad, while the Wolverines are…

… crossing and a march on Tortosa. Wolverine's 'Speedy Second In Turtle Race Fighting it out with the elite of Intercollegiate turtles, Speed, a mid- get snapper from the Michigan stables romped to second…

April 19, 1938 (vol. 48, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

… 'THE MICHIGAN DAILY *ASIDE * LINES e 0 ....'3By IRVIN LISAGOR - l Dixie Diary .. . WINTRY SCENES in southern climes . . Rain cancelling Ohio Wesleyan game, granting Wolverine baseball entourage…

… the game's greatest shortstops .. . Walter Johnson, in the stands at Maryland watching his son, Eddie, who is a second baseman, pitch the last two frames against the Wolverines . . . Bill Terry, Jr…

… vigilante guarding the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, walk- Wolverines Fishman Hurls Wol In Opening Bid To Regain Title R Final tall; Same Lineup That Played 3, sleet, hail On Southern Trip Will 2. That's ti…

… indicative if not ul in the won and lost col- sing the averages, the fol- clusions may be logically Defense Strong t base; Leo Beebe, catcher and Fish- (1) The Wolverines will be a strong; man, pitcher…

…, center field; Beilita, year. Last year's composite average catcher; Capt. Jack Gerlach, short- of .197 leaves plenty to be desired, al- stop; Howard Radder, left field; Al tough9teWolverines hit a cool…

… rivals afield. In A.A.U. Bid Game highlights in brief follow: Proceedings started inauspiciously Sagainst Virginia, the Wolverines los- K~asley IS Lone Wolverine ing 5 to 4. Dobson started, was driv…

April 19, 1939 (vol. 49, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

… 28 days in England ... Matt Mann hails from Leeds, England, and while still in his teens was British Empire free style champion ... At the D.A.C. meet Saturday, Olympian Taylor Drysdale, an ex-Wolverine

…. In the In- considerable loss of blood and a trip dependent League the Wolverines to the Health Service for Titus. are the defending champions, while The javelin pierced Titus' should- the English…

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