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November 19, 1975 (vol. 86, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

… Meditation and call. C Black Business Students Assoc.: Bill EMG Biofeedback on Relaxation and D. Release $12,000 of Mair, "Computer Assisted Fraud," St ittering," Nov. 25, 328 Thompson, S.L.A.P. funds for Hale…

… convenience. ATTENTION! Hercules, Inc. Delaware: Summer job openings for undergrada as en- gineers, process, project, chemist, tech, & mech; details and appls. an piavailable. Attention: Booklets on summer jobs…

November 19, 1977 (vol. 88, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…, posters and punched computer car- ds reading "Go Blue, all the while gleefully listening to a tape of Bob Ufer's pl~y-by-play of last year's game. And then there were the four en- terprising fellows…

… coming to? In an age of fallen idols, he was the apple-cheeked boy next door who made good. But now, the San Fran- cisco district attorney is casting as- persions on wholesome Olympic de- cathalon champion…

November 19, 1980 (vol. 91, iss. 66) • Page Image 6

…. University Avenue. 2cFtc Kristen Stork of Bursley, stop looking,at the birds on 3North Campus and come and pick up your free tickets to the State 1,2,3, 4 theatres. dK l9 Appl. for exec. post-4-yr.-renwe. term…

… Student seeks quiet flat in house near campus Jan. 1. Tom, 971-7182. 34L1119 FOR SALE: mini computer, 8K Commodore Pet. washer/uryer.oo1-n. i912 Call Bill 994-0455, noon-5:30. 04B1121 Two bedrooms in 4…

November 19, 1982 (vol. 93, iss. 62) • Page Image 10

… transcriptions. IBM Selectric, low rates. Cindy 662-9948. cJtc Computer terminals-Printing $80 Mo., CRTs $70 Mo. 1-280-0180. 52J1207 TYPING-Accurate and Reliable: Term Papers, etc. Call Pat at 996-3599. 47J1121…

… Theatre; that is, if you pick them up, here at the Daily. dF1119 YOU-Did you hear about the farmer who received a gold apple in the mail delivered by an English doe who moonlighted as a designer and was…

November 19, 1985 (vol. 96, iss. 54) • Page Image 5

…? All you get are thorns in your fingers and dirty hands. Instead, ask for a Holiday Bundle from Apple@ -- a MacintoshTM computer and ImagewriterTM II Printer. MacintoshTM is helping people everywhere…

…Page 5 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 19, 1985 COMPUTERS Greek police shoot boy, violent rioting results Computer conference lets students enter their views ATHENS, Greece (AP…

… government, students around campus have banded together to express their views. But, instead of rallies and public forums, these students are using computers to communicate. Though computer conferencing has…

… been around for a few years, Univer- sity students have usually shied away from participating in the conferences simply because their computer time was allotted for course work. SINCE SEPTEMBER, however…

…, the University has offered every student $50 worth of computing time per term on the University computer system, MTS. Dubbed request ac- counts, they have allowed the establishment of an MTS computer

… about a con- ference by, of, and for students," said James Heaton one of the conference organizers. WHEN THE University obtained another computer for MTS and decided to let students have the "free…

…" computer time, the concept of a student conference took shape. MEET: STUDENTS currently has Once you get in (MEET:STUDENTS), it's really worth it. You can't stop - you get addicted. -James Heaton…

… spectrum of com- munication...about 10 percent (of the users) are not computer science and engineering people," Anderson said. A lot of the problem, Bernstein said, is due to the fact that many people are…

… afraid of computers. "The stigma that computers are just for math and computer science students is crap," Bernstein said. "(Computers) can be used to build bonds between people." ANOTHER PROBLEM with…

… getting non-science majors involved, is that to obtain a request account, a student has to trek up to the North Campus Computing Center. "It's hard to get students up to Nor- th Campus," said Jimi Lee…

November 19, 1987 (vol. 98, iss. 51) • Page Image 8

… * Infact, it epires on January 15,1988. So don t procrastinate. © 1987Apple Computer Inc. Apple and theApple logo are regisaered trademarks f and Macintosh. ImageWiter and The pouer to he your best are…

… trademarks ofApple Comput 6 Buyap rinterwithyourMacintosh a AMacintoshn personal computerand an j ti x°L4 a ImageWriter'IIprinter b will save you hours of time. Not to mention gallons of correction fluid…

…'s first collection, r an experimental strain of app that failed to grow but did p one apple. In her poems, Ti uses this apple to symbolize growth: "As people go t their lives, they have to leav of…

November 19, 1990 (vol. 101, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

… condition. 475-3238. LEASE FOR SALE! Female-double in Bursley available winter term. Call 763- 2711.A.S.A.P. MUST SELL used XT and AT computers, printers, and modems. Call 747-9400. PEUGEOT 10 Spd bike ;in…

… pets. Chestnut Properties 994-4683. ATTRACTIVE ROOM FOR RENT on Forest St. $275 monthly includes utilitie;. Flexible lease. Call John 769-6059. DAILY ACROSS 1 Crafts' mate 5 Apple 9 Q followers 2 Author…

November 19, 1991 (vol. 102, iss. 37) • Page Image 6

… rent or sublese. 12233S. State. Dependable '83 Buick Skyhawk comes w/one rm. 741-7210. 2'BIRM APT. newly remodled, clean, new'appl., sky lite, ceiling fan, near kerrytown, pkg. & W/D. Must see! Avail…

…, chairs from $5, computer fumiture from $29, desks from $19, bookcases from $19, IBM reconditioned Selectrics II from $159, & much, much more. Free delivery. Call 313/ 475-1130. RESUMES, APPLICATIONS, AND…

… Iurner of tunes 21' Loyal follower 22-Donny or Marie 24 --one's time 26 Phi - Kappa 27 Love apple, in Jylntmarte 30 Crony 34 Ohio college town 35xApportion 37: Sdmmer TV rshow 38%ackbird 40 1eIigious .4…

November 19, 1997 (vol. 108, iss. 38) • Page Image 7

… lobby- want to fund it," Howrylak said. dependent on Macintosh computers. efforts in Lansing and Jessica Curtin, who heads the "We should phase out the Apple hington and continue efforts to eight…

…-candidate Defend Affirmative and bring PCs in," Shuen said. "ITD. port campus community service Action Party, said her party will is too close to the Apple corporation atives. ensure affirmitive action is made an…

November 19, 1998 (vol. 109, iss. 38) • Page Image 6

….. 2 bath, electric, pluming, heat, appl.. flooring, w/ prkg. All rooms pre-wired for cable & phone, furn. Located directly across from Central Campus sign on Washtenaw. 662-3458. a…

… Packard. 973-7368. AVAIL. IMMED.: Large, private, locking room within a luxury 6 bdrm. penthouse. Your own cable, phone & computer modem lines. Beautiful marble baths, state-of-the-art security system. High…

… valuable computer- communication skills. Paid training, 9 atmosphere. Up to $8/hr. Bonuses galore! For application & info stop by 611 Church #304 or call 998-7420. ATTENTION TWISTED MINDS. seeking more than…

November 19, 2001 (vol. 112, iss. 36) • Page Image 3

… Culture in the Ministry of Education in India. After serving 27 years as a computer develop- ment engineer and manager at IBM, Gouneau retired from his position in 1992. Since then he has made widespread…

…-gigabyte hard drive doubles as a Fire~ire disk for your files and applications. Apple's legendary ease-of-use. $369. THE CALENDAR What's happening in Ann Arbor today EVENTS "Facing Environmental…

November 19, 2004 (vol. 115, iss. 37) • Page Image 6

…-level apts.,, 1.5 baths., fur- nished & contemporary in every way. Add FREE Internet, FREE satellite TV, exercise facility, rec. room, study lounge w/ comput- ers, great location near CCRB, and free resi- dent…

… shuttle to North Campus and you have Geddes Hill. Avail. May & Fall. 741-9300. ABSOLUTELY LARGE 4 bdrm. house in front of UM stadium, new kitch. with all new appl., refinished…

… - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent 070 - Sublet 080 - Services 090 - Help Wanted 093 - Summer Employment 095 - Child Care 1 nn- Ti -a52 Ta ,- Iday 2 lines 7.90 2 days…

November 19, 2007 (vol. 118, iss. 53) • Page Image 6

… ($2000/hse. or $500/rm.) Major appl., cent. A.C., prkg. Call 734-649-0190. Aritments Avilabe! 4 BDRM. HOUSE. Prkg., ldry., ctrl. air. Central Campus near IM. 395.6823. THANK YOU READERS! for voting us…

… - Automotive 040 - Computers 045 - Technology 050 - Furniture 060 - For Rent 070 - Sublet I I day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 8.50 12.70 16.90 21.10 25.30 2 lines 3 lines 12.75 19.05 4lines 17 25.40 Policies…

November 19, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

… in technology, hackerspace in Vienna, and Lisa computing and science can col- Nakamura, co-facilitator of Fem- laborate and socialize. TechNet and the University's She said hackerspaces are coordinator…

… CSG ear- lier this year, which required some CSG meetings to be held at other University Unions in an effort to increase its presence around campus. The Golden Apple Award, the Wolverine Support Network…

… and relations with interim Ath- letic Director Jim Hackett were discussed during the meeting. A resolution to sponsor the 2015 Golden Apple Award and lecture was proposed by CSG President Bobby Dishell…

…, a Pub- lic Policy senior, along with finance committee chair Jacob Ruby, an LSA junior, and finance committee vice-chair Chris McCurry, a Business sopho- more. The Golden Apple Award is the only…

November 19, 2014 (vol. 124, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

… asked for $300 from the CSG sponsored activi- ties account to be used to fund the Golden Apple Award and the lecture, which will be held March 31. "It seems to be something that is pretty fitting with…

… something new, which lead him to joining Prodi- gy Finance, a company that gives loans to international postgradu- ate business school students in Cape Town. There, Fuchs learn- ing computer coding, a skill…

… around the world in a matter of seconds," he said. LSA freshman Rebecca Lee- man said she attended the event because she is interested in going to South Africa and noted friends who study computer science…

November 19, 2015 (vol. 125, iss. 33) • Page Image 8

… chat I strolled through the market, finding myself unexpectedly taken by rows of violet cabbage rosettes and the last of growers peak- season apples. I was instantly convinced that the Ann…

… James, “Golden Boy”) and the rest of their team skirt a desolate, computer-animated countryside that resembles Mars. It contrasts strikingly with the antiseptic green of the ship where they are…

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