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September 17, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 12) • Page Image 2

…., Engineering. 4 0no p. C'omputer Lecture'Br ice Carnahan. Professor of Chemical Engineering and Biostatistics. "An Intduction to Di- gital Computers': Nat ural Science Auditorium. 7'30 p in G&enei'al Notices…

…. 1989. L~ate applicatons cannot be accepted. Two other opportuniities for appl ication will be provided nduring the year; one in January, another in March. Exact deadlines will be annoumnced. Trhe…

September 17, 1983 (vol. 94, iss. 9) • Page Image 6

COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by M B L SYSTEMS featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 new & used Hardware & Software best prices in town 1217 Prospect Ave.-AA Just south of main campus call 99B-0942 19B0915 * Rooms…

… 8023A Dot Matrix Printer with apple cable and board. $390. Call 763-5034 after 2:30. 96B0922 GIANT RUMMAGE SALE AND BAKE SALE AT BURNS PARK SENIOR CENTER. 1320 BALDWIN, ANARBOR. SAT SEPT 17 9am-4pm. 76B…

…-2130 after 5 PM weeknights. 68B0920 1974 CAPRICE R.S., No Rust, AM-FM stereo w'/cassette, 4 cylinder, radial tires, sun roof, air. $3200. 572-9331. 95B0916 COMPUTER DISCOUNT - Ann Arbor's lowest ptices -118 N…

… where an old fashioned treat awaits you. There are two free tickets to the State Theater awating you. dJ0917 COMPUTER TERMINALS including modem and maintenance - printing $80/month. - CRT's $70/month DCEB…

…, all typing jobs, word processing. Reasonable! 662-0072. cJtc COMPu'TERS& SUPPLIES by M B L SYSTEMS featuring Radio Shack TRS-80 New and Used Hardware & Software best prices in town 1217 Prospect Ave…

…. -- AA just South of Main Campus call 996-0942 CJtc RESUMES/COVER LETTERS Prepared and typed 10% discount with ad Career Dimensions 761-2458 ct COMPUTERS & SUPPLIES by M B L Systems featuring Radio Shack…

September 17, 1987 (vol. 97, iss. 6) • Page Image 12

…~i i t -- - Y I w .""""~ ,.1 i L r~rr~a m im o 3.i 'I Macintosh personal computers have been getting quite an education over the past few years. From faculty members and administrators at…

…. The SE is a direct descendant of the Macintosh Plus-the computer that's performing brilliantly in school even as we speak. Like all Macintoshes both larger and point-and-click commands and pull- down…

… everything d from tie into the campus computer net- I work to work with data created on MS-DOS computers. Now, between the Macintosh Plus and the Macintosh SE, most of the fac- ulty and administration will…

… find all the power and flexibility they may ever need-a condition technically known acl a4linni ntcc" mance personal computer, we present he Macintosh II. The Open Macintosh. It's the fastest Macintosh…

… internal 20, 40 or 80-megabyte hard disk. Choose from two keyboards-one with and one without function keys.'ivo Apple monitors- 12" B&Wor 13"color.Or other third party high resolution, large screen monitors…

…. And it's still supported by all those great programs that made Macintosh a hit on campus. For example, Kinko's Academic Courseware Exchange, Apple's faculty journal, WhisvfortheMing'and academic…

… conferences. So if your department is actively re- cruiting computers, we su et that ou review the qualifications ofanyorall the Macintoshes. Because our family is ready to make a huge contribution to the…

September 17, 1992 (vol. 102, iss. 126) • Page Image 7

…. WAITSTAFF: LAMPLIGHTER Res- taurant accepting appl. for waitstaff. Apply at 421 E. Liberty. 665-7003. WANTED: TEACHERS FOR PROGRES- SIVE secular Jewish Sunday School. Teach- king or camp counselor experience…

…-7162 & 994-5752 or 741-9300. ROOMMATE(S) NEEDED: 1-2 to share 2 Bdrm. bi-lev. apt. w/2 guys. Mike 930-1646. MAC LC 4/40 Desk Writer, modem, software, monitor. Price negot. Andy 663- 8386. APPLE IIGS…

…-Color monitor, printer, 2 drives. Lots of Software! Make me an offer!!! Call 662-1697. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS. Apple powerbook 140, 4/40, $1900 w/ Hypercard/' System 7. Compaq Lte 386sx/20. Factory sealed 2…

…/60 VGA $1600, 2/84 VGA $1700. New/used computer systems available. Corn- pu Cycle; Inc. 1-800-854-2677. Look for it in the assifies* (they really work!) BASEBALL TRYOUTS SEPT 18 at Fisher Stadium…

September 17, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 124) • Page Image 12

… ri tOW / C .d Appe Macimtosh S Color Classic* 4/80, Built-in 10" Color Monitor & Apple Keyboard U1 $1076 Apple PouerBook:M 145B 4/80, Built-in Keyboard and 10" Backlit Supcr Twist Monochrome Display…

…. $1484 0 0 That pennyjar on your dresser Apple Macintosh Apple Macintosh Centris- 61tM LCI114116), Apple Basic Color 4/80, Apple Basic Color Monitor & Monitor & Apple Keyboard i $1466 Apple Exended…

… Keyboard 11. Now, you can get substantial savings on these Macintosh' per- just how afford sonal computers. You can also get special student financing with the Reseller today. A AnnO' Comnrnnuter 1nn…

…*-to make owning a Macy even easier To see choose. The no able a Macintosh can be, visit your Apple Campus end discover the power more college students - wer of Macintosh. The oower to be your bests .® a …

September 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 128) • Page Image 5

… the simple fact that we have conquered death through science" What a difference 8 makes. Mac OS 8, Apple's newest Macintosh operating system, is available to U-M students, faculty, and staff. Only $16…

… cash, check, Visa/MasterCard: U-M Computer Showcase Computer KickOff'97 Headquarters Michigan Union, Ground Level, Monday thru Friday 10 to 5, (Wednesdays in September till 6), 64-SALES The Internet…

… new high-speed service is called MediaOne Express. With it, your computer will be linked to the Internet through a modem connected to (a $49 value ) For a limited time, installation is 50% off. So call…

September 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 128) • Page Image 9

… get an Apple Power Macintosh or PowerBook. Because in addition to getting the computer that lets you do more than you can imagine, you can save big time. For a limited time, students are eligible for…

… special cash rebates. is"mited time rebate coupon offer. See your Apple campus …

September 17, 1999 (vol. 109, iss. 144) • Page Image 6

… removal. Can be flexible with hours. Cal! 761-8000. LOST CAT male, siamese. Red collar, front declawed. Call 827-0933. COMPUTER-NEC notebook, 266 Mhz, 13" screen, Windows 98. $1250, obo. 763…

…-3297. MACEXCHANGE-The Mac Specialists, Computer sales and service. Powermac Blowout!! Complete 180 Mhz systems from $599. While supplies last. 1775 Washtenaw, Ypsilanti. 734 482-0739. POWERMAC G3 350 w/ 17" monitor…

… following programs: Aerobics, Basketball, Swim, Tennis, Art and Drama. Immediate openings. Flexible hours. 994-2300 ext. 233 or 228. E.O.E. ACCEPTING APPL. for P/T pos. in downtown bakery. Flex. sched. for…

…-aged children to teach in our afterschool care program. M-F 3-6pm, $9.50/hr. to start. Call Leslie 994-2636. AMBITIOUS ENTREPRENEURS, Internet computer shopping & global telecommunications business. Work a few…

… support for CATI/CAPI efforts on UNIX and DOS. Must have survey research experience and knowledge of computer assisted data collection, preferable CASES. Familiarity with C, Perl. Shell Scripts, or MS…

…-1153, Attn: Harmet. NEEDED-A person that can type, is familiar with computers, is organized, and team oriented. We are a commercial real estate company in an interesting, exciting, fast paced business. P…

September 17, 2002 (vol. 113, iss. 11) • Page Image 6

…1r HOME has been reno- vated & updated. All appl. are new & incld. hrdwood firs, valuted ceilings, coian tops, close to expressway, downtown & hospital. $1600/mo utilities incld. Call 734-604-2762. 2…

… fundraising, $8/hr + bonus, computer and telephone skills. Call 678-0224 or email resume to SCOREKEEPERS IS NOW HIRING Cooks, Floor men and wait staff for immediate open- ings…

…. Please call 971-7243 or 622- 7320 to schedule interview and more info. VETERINARY RECEPTIONIST/ASST. Flexible hours, will train. 668-1466. al 6 DR. COMPUTER repair, setup, upgrade, tutor, graphics…

September 17, 2003 (vol. 113, iss. 12) • Page Image 2

… 763.2459, online@michigandallycom EDITOR: Ashley Jardina s Or Buy an Apple laptop, an iPod, and a printer. And dean up. U-M Computer Showcase 64-alesn Buy a qualifying iBook or PowerBook, an i…

…Pod and a qualifying printer from the Apple Store for Education Individuals or a participating z 11 DISPLAY SALES Leah TrzeinakL Manaier rl …

September 17, 2012 (vol. 122, iss. 10) • Page Image 7

… Learn more at Apple Authorized Campus Store Computer Showcase Michigan Union (734)847-2537 Pierpont Commons (734)847-9878 M-F gam - 6pm 'luy a…

… qualiyngad and receive a S,0Back toSchoolGtCad, ar buy a qualfyngMacand ,eceivea ,0tBacktoSchool Gift Card. The Macor Pad must be purchasedfrom Apple or a participating Apple Authorized Campus Store from…

…June 11, 2012, through September 21, 2012. Purchaser must be eligible for Apple Education Individual Pricing; education pricing is not available for Pad. The Back to School Gift Card may be used on the Mac…

…. for full details. The Mac App Store and the App Store are available only to persons age 13 or older in the U.S. Terms apply. See www, for…

… more information, TM and 0 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. L516416A-US …

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