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September 17, 2003 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-09-17

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 17, 2003



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Clark to
plans for
Retired Gen. Wesley Clark, who
boasts a four-star military record
but concedes he has gaps to fill on
domestic policy, told political
advisers yesterday he will join the
presidential race as the 10th Demo-
cratic candidate.
The Arkansan immediately dis-
played his potential to shake up the
nomination fight, gathering party
operatives from across the nation
for a strategy session that overshad-
owed Sen. John Edwards' long-
standing plans to formally launch
his months-old candidacy.
Senior officials close to Clark said
he plans to announce his intentions
today in Little Rock, Ark., at a boys
and girls club. He enters the race
late, against long odds.
Just four months before the first
votes are cast, Clark has no formal
organization in key states, little
money and a patchwork staff culled
from the political organizations of
former President Clinton and former
Vice President Al Gore.
Clark, 58, also has no political
experience - not even a student
council election to his credit - and
he has never been pressed to produce
a domestic agenda.
None of this deters Clark or his
supporters, who point to his foreign
policy credentials and television-
tested charisma.
"It's not too late to get in the
race," Clark told The Associated
Press, adding with a wink and smile,
"if I decide to run."
Asked if he was ready to start
telling Americans about his position
on domestic issues, Clark said, "I'll
do my best, but there will be a lot of
things that I don't know right away."
"I want to learn," he said. "I've
got a whole period of time. I've got
to go around America. I want to talk
to people about the issues."
The Web site of Draft Clark for
President 2004, one of several
groups working for him for months,
documents Clark's positions on a
range of issues. It says he:
Favors abortion rights and affir-
mative action.
Opposes Bush's tax cuts, and
would consider suspending some of
- Opposes drilling for oil in the
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
* Worries that civil rights were
suspended after the Sept. 11, 2001
terrorist attacks.
"Not only does he bring military
experience that President Bush wishes
he had, but he also brings an impres-
sive knowledge of domestic issues,"
Rep. Mike Ross (D-Ark.) said.


Eight questioned for guerrilla attacks
Six people claiming to be Americans and two who say they are British are in U.S.
custody on suspicion of involvement in attacks on coalition forces, an American gen-
eral said yesterday. They would be the first Westerners reported held in the insurrec-
tion against the U.S.-led occupation.
Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski, who is in charge of coalition detention centers in Iraq,
said the alleged Americans and Britons were considered security detainees, meaning
they were suspected of involvement in guerrilla attacks. She did not identify the pur-
ported Westerners but said they were being interrogated by military intelligence in
Baghdad, where they were being held. "We actually do have six who are claiming to
be Americans, two who are claiming to be from the U.K. We're continuing the inter-
viewing process. The details become sketchy and their story changes," Karpinski
said. She declined to give any other information.
"We're not trying to withhold information from you. Some information remains
classified for security reasons," Karpinski said during a tour of Abu Ghraib prison,
where Saddam Hussein locked up his political opponents. Asked about the detainees
at a Pentagon news conference, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said: "The truth
is that the folks that we've scooped up have, on a number of occasions, multiple
identifications from different countries. They're quite skilled at confusing people as
to what their real nationality is or where they came from or what they're doing."
Senate votes to limit media ownership
The Senate approved a resolution yesterday to roll back new media own-
ership rules that have brought heavy criticism from a broad range of advo-
cacy groups, shifting the fight to the House where Republican leaders
pledged to kill the measure.
A White House veto threat also looms over the resolution, which the Sen-
ate approved with a 55-40 vote.
The resolution seeks to undo changes to Federal Communications Commission
regulations governing ownership of newspapers and television and radio stations.
Critics say those changes could lead to a wave of media mergers and ulti-
mately stifle diversity and local viewpoints in news and entertainment. A
federal appeals court already has temporarily placed the rules on hold.
"The public interest prevailed over the big corporate interests today here
in the Senate," said Sen. Byron Dorgan (D-N.D.) who with Sen. Trent Lott
(R-Miss.) led the effort to pass the resolution.
House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, (R-Texas), summed up the House
prospects after the Senate vote: "It's going nowhere - dead on arrival."

.. .)

Israel rejects cease-
fire, calls for action
Israeli officials yesterday rebuffed
Palestinian proposals for a comprehen-
sive cease-fire, saying the military would
not halt strikes in the West Bank and
Gaza Strip until Palestinian security
forces begin dismantling militant groups.
The Palestinian offer came in an inter-
view on Israel Radio by Yasser Arafat's
national security adviser, Jibril Rajoub,
who said that if Israel reined in its mili-
tary, the Palestinian Authority would
bring an end to terror attacks and work
toward talks on a final peace settlement.
"There must be a mutual cease-fire
based on an end to violence on both
sides," Rajoub said. He said the propos-
al would be formally submitted to Israel
once prime minister-designate Ahmed
Qureia puts together his Cabinet.
Rajoub wouldn't commit to dismantling
the militant groups - a requirement of
the U.S.-backed "road map" peace plan
- and Israeli officials made clear that
without this the idea was stillborn.
White House: Syria
supporting terrorism
Syria is allowing militants to
cross its border into Iraq to kill U.S.
soldiers and is aggressively seeking
to acquire and develop chemical,

biological and nuclear weapons, a
senior Bush administration official
said yesterday.
In addition, he said Syria contin-
ues to support organizations the
United States lists as terrorist
John Bolton, undersecretary of
state for arms control, told a House
hearing the United States was trying
to change Syria's behavior through
diplomatic means and urged law-
makers to let the effort run its
course before passing trade restric-
Bug responsible for
many sinus ailments
The metapneumovirus, discovered two
years ago, is turning out to be an exceed-
ingly common cause of human misery,
responsible for garden-variety colds in
grown-ups and more severe coughing
and congestion in children. Researchers
are beginning to piece together the scope
of this ubiquitous but overlooked bug,
which now appears to afflict just about
everybody, probably over and over.
Though the virus seems to rarely
be serious, its vast presence intrigues
microbiologists, and it is one of the
most talked-about topics at this
week's meeting in Chicago of the
American Society for Microbiology.
Experts say the metapneumovirus is
almost certainly not a new bug but some-
thing that has been around for eons.



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Well, almost.

Please join
Dr. Ellen Zimmerman
Associate Professor of
Gastroenterology, U of M
for an informal discussion
of topics including:
Next Meeting is planned
for September 18th, 2003
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NEWS Shabina S. Khatri, Managing Editor
763.2459, news~mlchlgandally.com
EDITORS: C. Price Jones, Kylene Klang, Jennifer Misthal, Jordan Schrader
STAFF: Jeremy Berkowitz, Adhiraj Dutt, Sara Eber, Victoria Edwards, Margaret Engoren, Alison Go, Michael Gurovitsch, Carmen Johnson, Michael Kan,
Andrew Kaplan, Emily Kraack, Tomislav Ladika, Kristin Ostby, Michael Pifer, Mona Rafeeq, Adam Rosen, Karen Schwartz, Maria Sprow, Dan Trudeau,
Trista Van Tine, Ryan Vicko
OPINION Aubrey Henretty, Zac Peskowitz, Editors
763.0379, opinion@michIgandally.com
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Daniel Adams, Sravya Chlrumamilla, Jason Peslck, Jess Piskor
STAFF: Aryeh Friedman, Benjamin Bass, Darryl Boyd, Bonnie Kellman, Rachel Kennett, Sowmya Krishnamurthy, Garett Lee, Srikanth Maddipati,
Suhael Momin, Ad Paul, Laura Platt, Keith Roshanger, Ben Royal, Courtney Taymour, Joseph Toigian, Joe Zanger-Nadis
CARTOONISTS: Sam Butler, Scott Serilla
COLUMNISTS: Steve Cotner, Johanna Hanink, Joel Hoard, An Paul, Hussain Rahim, Lauren Strayer
SPORTS J. Brady McCollough, Managing Editor
764.8585, sportsemichlgandallycom
SENIOR EDITORS: Chris Burke, Courtney Lewis, Kyle O'Neill, Naweed Sikora
NIGHT EDITORS: Daniel Bremmer, Gennaro Filice, Bob Hunt, Dan Rosen, Brian Schick, Jim Weber
STAFF: Gina Adduci, Jeremy Antar, Eric Ambinder, Waldemar Centeno, Eric Chan, Mustafizur Choudhury, Josh Holman, Steve Jackson, Brad
Johnson, Melanie Kebler, Megan Kolodgy, Matt Kramer, Kevin Maratea, Sharad Mattu, Ellen McGarrity, Michael Nisson, Jake Rosenwasser, Steven
ARTS Todd Weiser, Managing Editor
763.0379, artspagemichigandalycom
EDITORS: Jason Roberts, Scott Serlila
WEEKEND MAGAZINE EDITORS: Charles Paradis, Rebecca Ramsey
SUB-EDITORS: Katie Marie Gates, Johanna Hanink, Joel M. Hoard, Ryan Lewis, Sarah Peterson
STAFF: Marie Bernard, Sean Dailey, Laurence Freedman, Andrew M. Gaerig, Meredith Graupner, Lynn Hasselbarth, Laura Haber,
Laura LoGerfo, Zach Mabee, Maureen McKinney, Jared Newman, James Pfent, Archana Ravi, Adam Rottenberg, Melissa Runstrom,
Niamh Slevin, Jaya Soni, Brian Stephens, Douglas Wernert, Alex Wolsky






PHOTO Tony Ding, Brett Mountain, Managing Editor
764.0563, photoemichigandaIly.com
ASSOCIATE EDITORS: Elise Bergman, Seth Lower
NIGHT EDITORS: Jason Cooper, Ryan Weiner
STAFF: Nicholas Azzaro, Ashley Harper, Curtis Hiller, Kelly Lin, Danny Moloshok, Brendan O'Donnell, Shubra Ohri, Jonathon Triest, David Tuman
ONLINE Geoffrey Fink, Managing Edito
763.2459, online@michigandallycom
EDITOR: Ashley Jardina



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