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September 17, 2003 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 2003-09-17

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, September 17, 2003 - 3



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Five years ago ...
The Daily reported that the
Michigan "Go Blue" banner, under
which football players run before
all home games, was stolen from
Crisler Arena. DPS spokesperson
Elizabeth Hall said the banner is of
"sentimental value to the Universi-
ty" and requested students' help in
locating those responsible.
Ten years ago ...
Students and Ann Arbor mer-
chants both expressed a desire for
the University to expand Entr6e
Plus Service. Entree Plus was limit-
ed to restaurants in the Michigan
Union, sport venues, the Michigan
League and most services in the
residence halls.
But University Business Manager
for Housing Larry Durst said that
there was no realistic solution to
extending the program off-campus.
"Legally, we are not permitted to
go off campus," Durst said. "it is
unclear how you do this with a
Sept. 20, 1968
The University Hospital per-
formed the state's first heart trans-
plant operation to 49-year old
Kalamazoo resident Phillip Bar-
num. The operating team consisted
of 22 doctors, and the operation
lasted well into the early morning.
Barnum received the heart of a 38-
year old male who had recently suf-
fered a stroke.
Sept, 16, 1980
The body of University graduate
student Rebecca Huff was found bru-
tally stabbed to death. She was the
third Ann Arbor woman found killed in
three months.
Police Chief William Corbett said
many similarities existed between all
three murders: all three women were
stabbed in the chest, were not sexually
molested and were robbed.
Sept. 17, 1983
The University's Civil Liberties
Board voted to urge administrators
to subsidize students who lost their
federal financial aid because they
refused to disclose their draft regis-
tration status, as required by law.
Board members said replacing lost
federal funds would divert money
away from students who are com-
plying with law.
Sept. 19, 1962
While welcoming freshmen to the
University's honors program, Prof.
Otto Graf of the German Depart-
ment said that "in an institution of
this size, the standards which admit
a student and enable him to stay are
often inconsistent."
He went on to say that "for this
reason, there is a tremendous intel-
lectual gap between the upper 10
percent and the lower 50 percent of
the average literary college class."
Sept. 19, 1975
After battling crowds at the anti-
quated IM building on Hoover
Street, the University approved
plans to build two new structures,
one on North Campus and the other
on Central Campus. The two struc-
tures were the first IM construction
projects since 1928. Once they were
built, the University had more
recreational indoor space than any

other campus in the United States.
Sept. 18, 1990
Responding to a fight involving a
large number of non-students dur-
ing a dance party, Vice President for
Student Services Mary Anne Swain
announced all students wishing to
go to University social events must
show their student identification.
Sept. 21, 1978
With the support of schools,
churches, administrators and auto-
mobile organizations, the Coalition
for 21 plead its case to voters for
raising the legal drinking age from
18 to 21. University students
between the ages of 18 and 21 were
upset because there was no "grand-
father clause" allowing them to
continue drinking if the law passed.
Sept. 17, 1985
Housing officials and building direc-
tors discussed how they can better
enforce the residents halls' alcohol poli-
cy, and whether beer kegs can be
involved in dorms.

Tickets for bus
to airport to be
on sale at Union

Blessed are the geese

By Kristin Ostby
Daily Staff Reporter
AirBus, the program that transports
students to and from the airport for
Thanksgiving, spring and winter
breaks, will now be selling tickets to
the airport at the Michigan Union
Ticket Office.
The ticket-sale change was among
several issues discussed at last
night's Michigan Student Assembly
In the past, tickets have been sold
at a variety of locations including
Angell Hall and Mary Markley Res-
idence Hall. "This year we're trying
to make it more consistent," MSA
President Angela Galardi said last
"This is a tangible way for students
to see how MSA works for them,"
Galardi said.
MSA will also try to get tickets
sold on North Campus. Tickets to
the airport cost $7. Buses will leave
from the Michigan Union, and
Markley and Bursley residence halls.
Also, to help assess campus senti-
ment, the Campus Improvement Com-

'This is a tangible way
for students to see how
MSA works for them:'
- Angela Galardi
Michigan Student Assembly
mission is conducting an online sur-
vey on the MSA website. "We want to
make sure we're representing the stu-
dents well," said Jesse Levine, co-
chair of the CIC. He encouraged
students to visit the site,
www.umich.edu/-msa, and take the
Levine also noted that MSA is
working to get Entr6e Plus back in
motion after the University cancelled
its use in Michigan Stadium. "We will
get to the bottom of this," he said.
Applications for student group
funding are due at noon Friday. For
further information, students should
contact Greg Graves, MSA Budget
Priorities Committee chair, at
ggraves @umich.edu.

A flock of Canadian geese meander past a statue of Jesus Christ at the Arborcrest Memorial Park
and Chapel Mausoleum yesterday. The geese are continuing their migration south for the winter.
Deal could solve 2 disputes

Pnison visit restrictions
reinstated after ruling
LANSING (AP) - Restrictions on upheld the state's authority to set the
prison visitation have been reinstated visitation rules.
by the state Department of Corrections, The Supreme Court said prisoners'
a spokesman for the department said civil rights do not outweigh security
yesterday. concerns in crowded prisons or war-
The rules returned because of the U.S. dens' worries that children could be hurt
Supreme Court's decision to uphold the or abused while visiting relatives.
state's right to set prison regulations, cor- All nine justices agreed with the out-
rections spokesman Leo Lalonde said. come of the case, a constitutional chal-
"The decision upholds the right of lenge to a 1995 Michigan policy meant
the state to manage its prisons, particu- to protect visitors and stop the smug-
larly to protect the safety of children gling of drugs and weapons into prisons.
who are brought into prisons to visit A motion to rehear the case was
inmates," he said. denied, allowing the Corrections Depart-
The state restrictions on inmate visi- ment to reinstate the rules.
tation rights were imposed in 1995. A The reinstated rules are not exactly
federal court of appeals struck them the same as those that were around since
down as unconstitutional in 2002 and the case began. Michigan changed some
then the U.S. Supreme Court in June of its rules over the years.
UAW will THE DAli
y Jy
a ) yF TF
some cuts.... 4 f xt
DETROIT (AP) - Plant closings or
sales and smaller wage increases and .. ......'..
pension payouts are part of tentative
agreements reached this week between °aaVIRx
the United Auto Workers union and .. ;*..*..... .
two of Detroit's Big Three automakers,"
according to sources familiar with the.
The UAW, Ford Motor Co. and
DaimlerChrysler have declined to
discuss specifics of the proposed
four-year contracts, but two sources
who spoke to The Associated Press
on condition of anonymity said they Open: Mon -Sat 5 m-nam
include a $3,000 signing bonus, a (after iopm only sushi)
lump-sum payment in the second Sunday 5pm-pm
year and wage increases between 2 K
percent and 3 percent in the third and *coer.ougthneears.
fourth years.1sng$
The union managed to avoid any
radical changes to its low-cost health
care insurance program. Heading into
negotiations, UAW President Ron Get-
telfinger was adamant that the union
would not move backward on its med-
ical benefits.
In exchange, automakers are expect-....".
ed to have more flexibility in plant
closings or divestitures, something 'elebratig th
DaimlerChrysler and Ford had sought.
The 1999 contracts, which expiredatmdgtS ayinue,
at midnight Sunday, included a ~
$1,350 signing bonus and 3 percent
wage increases in each year of the
contract. Negotiated during more
prosperous times in the industry,
those deals also included a ban on OF PUBLIC
plant closings and nearly cost-free
health care. Paul H. ONeill
General Motors Corp., the world's Secretary of the T
largest automaker, and auto parts sup-
plier Delphi Corp. remained at the bar-and
gaining table with the UAW on
Tuesday afternoon.

over stateo
LANSING (AP) - Michigan would
get more charter schools and the Detroit
Public Schools would have an elected
school board under a deal reached
between Republican legislative leaders
and Democratic Gov. Jennifer
Granholm, a spokesman for House
Speaker Rick Johnson said yesterday.
The deal between Johnson, Senate
Majority Leader Ken Sikkema and the
governor would allow universities to
open 150 charter schools in addition to
the 150 they're already allowed, John-
son spokesman Matt Resch said.
Universities would be prohibited
from opening more than two new char-
ter schools a year in one school dis-
trict, Resch said.
The agreement also would restore an
elected school board for the Detroit Pub-
lic Schools, which has had an appointed
reform board since 1999. When an
elected board is in place, the mayor will
have the authority to approve or disap-
prove the board's pick for a chief execu-

S public
tive officer, Resch said.
It was unclear when the board would
go back to being elected, Resch said.
Most GOP lawmakers have long
wanted to raise the cap on university-
approved charter schools. But oppo-
nents have said the bills proposed so
far didn't have enough accountability
for charter schools. Charter schools
receive public money, but most in
Michigan have been run by private
management groups.
Charter schools are public schools
that receive state aid but have more
flexibility to develop curricula and
teaching methods than traditional pub-
lic schools.
Sikkema, of Wyoming, is happy
with the compromise, spokesman Bill
Nowling said.
"Our main goal was to raise the cap
on charter schools, and we've done
that," Nowling said.
The agreement comes less than a
week before Granholm had to decide

whether to veto a bill that would have
allowed 15 new charter high schools in
Detroit, but not additional charter
schools authorized by universities.
The governor's office remained coy
when asked if there was an agreement,
saying yesterday that the governor still
has to talk to Democrats in the House
and Senate about the deal.
House Democrats had not seen
details of the agreement as of yester-
day, spokesman Mark Fisk said.
Of the new charter schools allowed
under the deal, 25 would have to be high
schools, with 10 located anywhere in the
state. Fifteen would be opened in Detroit
and paid for by $200 million from the
Thompson-McCully Foundation.
"I'm especially happy that oppo-
nents of reform did not succeed in
turning Michigan's back on an amaz-
ing and historic gift from Mr. Thomp-
son," Johnson, of LeRoy, said about
the donation from philanthropist Bob
Thompson's foundation.



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