Pone Four
Mondov Februnrv 1 1 19S2
We_ y __Isu Victory
T'S IN A WAY hard to settle friendship thatis seldom found TODAY, comrades, snow drifts
down from the rush and hub- at the University of Michigan. abjectly against the great
bub of getting the sJ-Ho Extra It is to this that we contribute, glass doors of the Administration
together and write this. The Etra for the fund is to us a memorial, Buiding. Rats gnaw the cork
has become traditional-at The as in a little way this issue of the
Daily if not on the campus. It's a J-Hop Extra is also. wills. Everything is still, wan, run
thing the staff looks forward to. --The Editor to a dull halt.
It's a chance to relax at the type- 5
writer, maybe be a little creative, In darkened offices, admin-
even halfway funny, istrative assistants slump over
And with all the relaxing and polished desks, hopelessly toying
with old rubber bands and paper
creating, it usually happens clips. Secretaries pace slowly
that putting the issue out turns back and forth between the
out to be almost as hectic as dorascrynYsevso
cryn shaeofbeating the clock six times a
eek Thn its s and yellowing application forms and
ub, and it's hard to stop and mimeographed sheets, their
think what the purpose of the minds atrophied into endless
Extra really is. patterns of telephone calls and
high heels. No telephones break
It really has many purposes, the silence now. High heels,
ide from the relaxing and creat- ~and nylons, are quite forgotten.
i r W ritins fnr .--n s c m _:' :"i
I U -- if
mng. wriung for Ji-Hop is some-
thing like writing for a humor
magazine (neither Gargoyle nor
Daily staffers would agree to
this). In this issue is little to be
found that is serious, except per-
haps the advertisements and this
article. Much of the material is
aimed at poking some good-
natured fun at personalities and
institutions, a thing that Daily
people have to bottle up 'in writ-
ing for the regular issue. Then of
course some stories are meant to
be just humorous-without much
point at all. I'll admit that at
times the humor may seem forced
and fall flat. But the staff has a
good time writing it, and for the
most part the staff probably gets
the most enjoyment out of the
finished product.
In the past the Extra has had
another purpose. It was a March
of Dimes issue. It had no set price:
a dime, a dollar. The money was
the students' contribution to fight-
ing polio. In all the fun and rush,
the staff probably didn't htink
inuch about this aspect of the
paper. The readers no doubt
thought less. This year, however,
the proceeds will go to the Wendy
Owen Blood Research Fund.
The Daily's contribution to
the fight against aplastic ane-
mia which killed Wendy Owen
last sumier, is not only a con-
tribution to that particular
fight, but a tribute to Wendy.
Even in the hub-bub we cannot
forget her wiseness, her basic
sensitivity, her understanding
all embodied in a friendship
with a commonness that could
bring you back to earth whether
you were high or low. A kind of
aiix uvva
A QUICK glance at the new ex-
hibit of paintings in the men's
room at Alumni Mammalian Hall
revealed nothing particularly out-
standing in any of the works of
local artists Goodyear Tired and
Hal Maclntask.
After turning on the light, how-
ever, one can immediately see that
an impressive canvas extending
over four of the walls rather steals
the show. The work entitled Yel-
low Tile is done entirely in yellow
tile-a new medium consisting of
yellow geometric squares made of
tile with narrow white lines be-
tween each square. This radical
approach to the artist's goal of an
arresting mural is especially ef-
fective where the squares have
been allowed to crack and in sev-
eral places chip. These chips ar-
ranged in a decorative pattern on
the floor are rather Baroque and
lend a unique contrast to the ab-
stract tile arrangement.
Other works, less outstanding
are Towel Dispenser, also rather
geometric and Mirror, an experi-
ment in the ridiculous, tending
toward the ugly.
--Brunhilde Fell
Today the University formally
seceded from the Administration.
The great battle is at last ended,
and no breach remains in the wall
running down the center of State
Street. The final sally of the Un-
ion forces has been repulsed by the
valiant professors, and a new and
less violent chapter in the history
of the Uuniversity has begun.
Today, parking lots are unpa-
trolled, and no policemen roam
the eastern marches of the city.
The great buildings of the Uni-
versity rise unencumbered against
a bright new sky, filled only with
professors and happy, laughing
students. Everything is light and
beauty-except to the west of the
Great Wall, where the huge bulk
of the defeated Administration
Building glares balefully across
State Streeet toward its once loyal
Even that structure, the sym-
bol of years of pain and misery,
will be demolished. Already,
workmen have removed several
thousand salmon-colored bricks
from the northeast facade, ex-
posing the secretaries and a
hundred massive filing cabinets.
Defeated and hopeless, from the
Controller down to the Dean of
Students, the dwellers of the
northeast corner look listlessly
across the happy campus, wait-
ing for the final beam to crack
and send them sprawling among
the filing cabinets.
Today, the battle is ended, the
secession complete.
Today, comrades, we are free.
--Ergo Lilienthal
1 OSCOW-Shrewd Comrade Josef McCarpivitch submitted a list
of 19,394 capitalists now enployed in the Kremlin in a closed
session of the Supreme Soviet, it was learned by this reporter.
Lashing out at what he termed a "gross perversion of the
traditional ideals of 10,0 per cent Russianism," the Comrade
warned that these traitors "had an affinity for capitalist causes."
McCarpivitch had been hinting for some time he knew of some
counter-revolutionary activity, was prepared to name names and "let
the chips fall where they may."
"WE MUST NOT allow our government to be infiltrated by inter-
national burgeois Trotskyites," the Comrades screamed before
the shocked delegates.
McCarpivitch, a devout Communist, admitted later under
questioning that he had no concrete evidence on the 19,394 ac-
cused. But he repeatedly insisted that secret information in his
possession, which he was not free to divulge, proved the guilt of
the Wall Street spies.
When one member disputed too loud the inescapable truths of
the heroic McCarpivitch, the Comrade strode over, admirfistered a
swift kick to the groin, caught the falling infidel with a right upper-
cut, then listened triumphantly as the writhing delegate admitted he
could now understand just how right McCarpivitch was.
Two others, obviously Yankee agents, burst out with the
capitalist hit, "Herring Boats Am A Coming," in protest to the
Comrade's charges, but they were quickly thrown in People's
Chains and carried off the floor.
McCarpivitch promised that this original list was only the be-
ginning, that bigger and better lists were to come.
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