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________________- rge Fifteen
Gloria Ann Stephenson, Summit, Sally Sweeney, Toledo, and Arthur wood, Ohio, and Donald L. Bar- and Richard Bodycombe, Grosse
N. J., and Glen C. Neff, Elkhart, C. Markendorf, Grand Rapids; nett, Alton, Ill; Florence Schay- Pointe; Marilyn E. Shube, Yonk-
Ind.; Harriet Stain, New York Rose Anne Swenger, Detroit4 and owitz, Detroit, and Warren Witus, ers, N. Y. and Samuel Havis, De-
City, and Herb Rosenberg, Pitts- Tom Cummings, Detroit. Detroit; Mildred Scherdt, Ann troit; Gloria Slagel, Anchorage,
(Continued from Page 14) burgh, Pa.; Margory Stern, De- Nancy Sanders, Bloomfield Hills, Arbor, and Herbert E. Smith, Ma- Alaska, and C. W. MacNabb, Bert-
troit, and Frank Bartlett, Detroit. and Orin C. Heller, Youngstown, lone, N. Y.; Geri Schmaltz, Mt. rand; Sally Lou Smith, Mid-
Mrs. George C. Streeh, Mt. Clem- Beverly Steryl, Boston, Mass., 0.; Ann Savage, Ann Arbor, and Pleasant, and William M. Saxton, land, Mich., and Wesley Sommers,
ens; Louise Steele, Paw Paw, and and Joseph Simpson, Rochester, Parker Pennington, Ann Arbor; Ann Arbor. Darrison, N. Y.; Lois M. Speck-
William J. Perry, New Brunswick, N. Y.; Virginia Stipe, Saginaw, Beverly Sawyer, Royal Oak, and Carolyn Scholten, Holland, and nard, Holland Patent, N. Y., and
N.J.; Irene Stefanek, Hamtramck, and David Pietz, Saginaw; Mary William D. Gallentine, Ferndale; Kenneth Kammeraad, Holland; James L. Field, Kalamazoo; Mary
and Edward W. Kudreiko, Ham- Stoll, Ann Arbor, and Paul Mc- Muriel Saxton, Grand Rapids, and Ann Schoonmaker, Kalamazoo, Lou Stegner, Titusville, Pa., and
tramck; Elsie Louise Stefan, In- Cracken, Ann Arbor. Dale M. Strain, Grand Rapids; and Richard C. Boyd, Detroit; John D. Barfuss, Monroe; Mary
dianapolis, Ind., and Ken Mar- Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Starg- Marian Sayward, Ann Arbor, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Schriever, Jane Stephans, Birmingham,
shall, Indianapolis, Ind. eon, Hillsbor, Ill.; Marjorie Sutfin, Frank A. West, Romeo. Detroit; Barbara Long, Rochester, Mich., and Lee Graves, Buffalo,
Virginia Stegner, Titusville, and Cincinnati, and Al Behrendt, De- Patricia Scanlon, Dearborn, N.Y., and Frank E. Fruehauf, De- N. Y.; Jo Ann Stentzel, Union
Harry Long, Muskegon; Mr. and troit; Mona Sweeney, Battle Creek,, Ind., and Joseph Cyr., Dearborn, troit. City, Ind., and Douglas A. James.
Mrs. Alva A. Stein, Cleveland; and Bob Brandou, Battle Creek; Ind.; Margaret A. Schack, Lake- Sue Schomburg, Toledo, Ohio, See NAMES, Page 16
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