Rose Fourteen
Monday. February 9, 1948
Posse Fourteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY Monday, February 9. 1943
N l Charles Stinson, Detroit; Ann
am es Rhodes, Flint, and William D.
Betts, Flint; Annabel Richards,
Detroit, and Kenneth Jensen, De-
(Continued from Page 13) troit; Jean Richards, Pleasant
------------ - -- Ridge, and William W. Oren,
Burbott, Winnetka, Ill; Mr. and Evart.
Mrs. William P. Pielou, Ann Ar- Silvia Richmond, Evansville,
bor; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Ind., and Richard Goldsmith,
Pigott, Kalamazoo; Mr. and Mrs. Flushing, N. Y.; Marea Flynn Pie-
William R. Phebbs, Ann Arbor; del, Harbor Beach, and Robert B.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Plumb, Fugle, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
Yates Center, Kansas, Mo. liam J. Rice, Flint; Nina Rickels,
Margaret Poole, Deckerville. and Detroit, and James R. Gohl, Roch-
Bob Whittaker, Midland; MX. and ester, N. Y.; Elaine Rittmeyer, De-
Mrs. Arthur F. Plnt, Jr., Birm- troit, and Carl A. Brownell, Jr..
ingham; Marilyn Purdy, Caro, and Flint.
Gilbert L. Smith, Lansing; Claren Grace Ann Robbie, Aurora, Ill.,
L. Putman. Utica, and Richard R. and Thomas R. Conklin, Ann Ar-
Bannow, Mt. Clemens; Mr. and bor; Mr. and Mrs.. William E.
Mrs. Lergy Putney, Ann Arbor. Roberts, Franklin, Hills; Mr. and
Mrs.Le Puney, Ann Arbor. a Mrs. Robert B. Rodgers, Nashville,
Louise Prangley, Ann Arbor, and Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. William B.
William R. Thomas, Flint; Mary RoeNahilldMichWi; amE
Pratt, Traverse City, and John W. Roberts, Binghamton, N. Y., and
Rokos, daerse City; Evelyn D. Eric Zalenski, Ypsilanti; Judy
Price, LaGrange, Ill., and Alfred Robbins, Owosso, and Harold
Kristofferson, Manistique; Marg Jackson, Grosse Ile.
Price, Detroit, and Jerry Dickson, Mary Margaret Robinson, Wil-
Detroit; Dorothy Priestfby, De- mette, Ill., and Earl J. Janda,
troit, and Roderick, E. Warren, Lyons, Ill.; Sally Rogers, Grand
Detroit. Rapids, and Charles D. Wilson,
Claire Pringle, Brooklyn, N. Y., Grand Rapids; Irene Rogers, Ann
and Harry E. Smith, Brooklyn, N. Arbor, and Arthur Sercombe, Ann
Y.; Priscilla Pitkin, Anthon, Iowa, ( Arbor; Marilyn U. Rogers, Pontiac,
and Richard L. Gilbert, St. Louis, and Stiles R. Davis, Pontiac; Joyce
Mo.; Nancy L. Potter, St. Charles, Rogers, Pontiac, and Adolph J.
Ill., and Wm. E. Huff, Plymouth, Neeme, Grosse Pointe.
Mich.; Paulene Pratt, Ann Arbor, Marcell Rosenfeld, Monroe, and
and Leo H. Barbour, Sacremento, Glen Metzker, Monroe; Norma
Calif. Roshirt, Highland Park, and Wm.
Janes K. Quail, Pleasant Ridge, R. Jarratt, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs.
and Smith B. Atwood, Jr., Jeffer- Alex R. Rose, Willow Run; Mr.
son City, Mo.; Mary Quinn, Birm- and Mrs. Donald M. Patrick,
ingham, and George R. U. Burg, Grand Rapids; Mr. and Mrs.
Winnetka, Ill. Franklin Royster, Ann Arbor.
Jean Rae, Snyder, N.Y., and Joanne Russell, St. Clair Shores,
John T. Corbett, North Tona- and William Jack Febel, Cleve-
wanda, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Elmo land, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
B. Ransom, Grand Rapids; Jackie J. Ryckman, Midland.
Reid, Essex Falls, N. J., and Ken- Mildred M. Ransdorf, Cleveland,
neth Gould, Detroit; Barbara and Charles K. Donoghue, Detroit;
Reynolds, Detroit, and Charles V. Jackie Rosenblatt, Baltimore, Md.,
High III, Midland; Jos Ann Reu- and Dean McClusky, Ann Arbor;
land, Rockford, Ill., and Edward Janet Rosenblatt, Cleveland, Ohio,
B. Holt, River Forest, Ill.; Mr. and Norman J. Stricof, Detroit.
and Mrs. Clyde Recht, Detroit. Erna Schwarz, Detroit, and R.
Isabelle E. Ruele, Ann Arbor, S. Robinson, Ann Arbor; Nora
and John B. Fyfe, Ann Arbor; Scott, Flint, and H. Clinton
Barbara Reynolds, Detroit, and Boothe, Flint; Mr. and Mrs.
Levy, Detroit; Pat Siverson, Grand Marge Solomon, Detroit, and
Rapids, and Lenhard A. Fors- Oscar Gold, Detroit; Cynthia Sor-
berg, Grand Rapids; Gerrie Slote, kin, Jamaica, L.I., N.Y., and Lewis
Three Rivers, and Herbert Rowe, Shenken, Miami,' Fla.; Ann
Pontiac; Shirley Simons, Detroit,
and Alan S. Kalsn, Miami, Fla. Spence, Ann Arbor, and M. E.
Jeanne Smallwood, Detroit, and Dosier, Charleston, W. Va.; Gwen
Jim Damm, Detroit; Sue Smiley, Sperlich, Saginaw, and Ross W.
Dearborn, and Don P. LaSage, Crawley, Flint; Sally R. Spiro, N.
Detroit; Doris Smith, Detroit, and Y. C., and Harry R. Stern, Amster-
George L. Brewbaker, Royal Oak; dam, N. Y.
Joyce Smith, Grand Rapids, and Ann Hope Starr, E. Orange, N.
George J. Slmhouse, Grand Rap- J., and George Thomas Stadler,
ids; Marion Elise Smith, and E. Gross Pte.; Mr. and Mrs. John T.
Allen Freiwald, Detroit. Staff, Grand Rapids; Mr. and
Peggy Smith, Chicago, Ill., and Warren H. Steinmetz, New Roch-
Frank Scribano, Chicago, Ill.; elle, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Smith, Stanton, Stanford, Conn.; Sally
Flint; Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. E. Stanton,'Pleasant Ridge, and
Smith, Flint; Sallie Smith, Evans- Winn L. Taplin, Jr., Bennington,
ton, Ill., and Bob Knecht, Evans- Vt.
ton, Ill.; Riva SoBel, Windsor, Hen Starr, Muskegon, and John
Can., and Calvin Tobin, Bronx, N. E. Wunch Dearborn; Mr. and
8 95
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