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February 09, 1948 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-09

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(Continued from Page 12)
Shirley Logan, Detroit, and
Thomas F. Mooney, Jr., Detroit;
Geraldine London, Gary, Indiana,
and Stanford L. Weiss, Kingston,
Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Long,
Newberry, S. C.; Jo Look, Detroit,
and Charles West, Detroit; Pat
Loring, Highland Park, and Dolig
Lent, Detroit; Barbara Long, Ro-
chester, N.Y. and Frank Fruehauf,
Detroit; Shirley J. Loth, Detroit,
and William Hiscock, Detroit.
Mary L. Lown, Saginaw, and
James B. Webster, Ft. Worth,
Texas; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jew-
ett Lincoln, Ann Arbor; Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert G. Ludwig, Royal
Oak; Pat Lund, Lansing, and
Dean '. Jennings, East Lasing;
Helen Ann Lutz, Detroit, and Dale
Loroy Brubaker, Murray, Iowa.
Louise La Marr, Cincinnatti,
Ohio, and Jack Kehoe Gladwin
Mich; Louise Leavitt, Great Neck,
N.Y. and Jim Zuckerman, Detroit;
Mary Ruth Levy, Canandaigua,
N.Y. and Paul Harsha, Port Hur-
on; Jeanne Lindsey, Dearborn and
Thomas Butler, Niagara Falls, N.
Y. Nadine Literaty, Cleveland and
Chas.. F. Perry,. Detroit; Marjorie
J. Littlefield, Delmar, N. Y. and
Calvin D. Arnett, Detroit;
Dolores Maura, Chicago, Ill.,
and Henry Sicinski, Chicago, Ill.;
Mr. and r. Arthur M. Mann,
Jr., Port Huron; Irma Morton
Wyman, Detroit, and Alexander'
Milton Petach, Perth Amboy, N.
J.; Marilyn Marsh, Ypsilanti, and
Donald Skilliter, Genoa, O.; Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth T. Marshall,

Virginia Maloney, Fort Wayne,
and Joseph S. Cossio, Grand Rap-
ids; Ruth Meakes, Binghamton,
N. Y. and Edwin Benjamins,
Grand Rapids; Shirley Meyer, De-
troit, and Preston Tucker, Chi-
cago; Mary Catherine Moreau,
Pontiac, and William DeGrace,
Pontiac; Joyce Muilenburg, Maur-
ice, Iowa, and Alfred W. Bender,
Grosse Pointe; Norma Mars,
Brantford, Ontario, and James
Reiss, Detroit.
Priscilla Nebel, Gladstone, and
John A. Fisher, Iron River, Wisc.;
Pat Neff, Shaker Heights, Ohio,
and Raymond G. Richardson,
Dayton, O., Mary Ziegler Nelson,
Highland Park, and Holly E. Nel-
son, Ann Arbor; Carolyn New-
berg, Ludington, and Robert J.
Songer, Pontiac; Mary Ann Nies,
Macatawa Park, and Donald
Scholten, Holland.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. Nilsson,
Sault Ste. Marie; Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick W. Nimke, Ann Arbor;
Jean G. Norris, Detroit, and Doug-
las G. Lockhart, Detroit; Sigrid
Nelson, Royal Oak, and Allan
Duncan, Chicago; Betty Nieder-
miller., Detroit, and Phil B. Sawyer
Detroit; Millicent Nord, Superior,
Wisc., and R. W. Frick, Detroit.
Mary Lou Obold, Washington,
D. C., and Robert J. Doxtader,
Mass;. Mr. and Mrs. John B.
O'Brien, Grand Rapids; Dorothy
O'Brien, Aurora, Ill., and William
F. MacDonald, Jr., Aurora, Ill.;
Delores O'Bryon, Barberton, Ohio;
and Marshall Browne, Marion, O.;
:Mr. and Mrs. William Ohlhige,
:Ann Arbr; Jo Ann Oldershaw,
Mt. Pleasant, and Warren E.
Johnson, Jr., Bay City.
Betty Olmstead, Ludington, and
George R. Whaley, Traverse City;

Pelopes Olsen, Miami, Fla., and Grosse Pointe, and John H. Mor-
John Vaughn Nalbandian, De- rison, Trenton, N. J.
troit; Lenore Olson, Escanaba, Ardith Pearson, Grand Rapids.
and Charles Jerome Sullivan, and Harold Jobse, Grand Rapids;
Lucy Peaslee, Clarksboro, N. J.,
Wynnewood, Pa.; Mr. and Mrs. and W. S. Dougall, Buffalo, N. Y.;
Earl D. Osborne, Buffalo, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Peck, Port
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Osgood, Huron; Suzanne Pell, Bay Ridge,
Cleveland, O. Brooklyn, N. Y., and Robert Spie-
Shirley Oster, Rochester, N. Y, gel, Cleveland, 0.; Sally Pember-
and J. D. Cafee, Fulton, N. Y.; ton, Ferndale, and William C.
Vivian Oviatt, Washington, D.C., Miller, Benton Harbor.
and Thomas L. Koppl, Washing- Dorothy Peskind, Bellenke, Ill.,
ton, D.C.; Irene O'Flaherty, Chi- and Stanley May, Toledo, 0.;
cago, and Bernie Diroff, Detroit. Mary C. Peters, Detroit, and Leo
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pappaioa- Mercer, El Monte, Calif.; Ellen
nom, Springfield, Mass.; Con- Peterson, Saginaw, and Robert
stance Marie Parker, Grosse Pte. Shirrell Niles; Sue Peterson, High-
Shores, and Edward George Baker, land Park, and Donald F. Tappan,
Detroit; Mary Pardee, Birming- Ann Arbor; Allison Petentyl,
ham, and Clark Emory Pardee, Traverse City' and Richard Schill-
Ann Arbor; Marge Patterson, ing, Lafayette, Ind.
Orchard Lake, and John A. Pflug, Pat Picard, Saginaw, and James
Pontiac; Elleanor Paulshock 'See NAMES, Page 14

Early Saturday morning traffic
jam on Hooverwas okayed by a
prominent local politician under
an ordinance passed recently by
the City Council.
Redford and Arthur H. Schultz,
Nancy Mellers, Oak Park, Ill.,
and John Yelanjian, South Mil-
waukee, Wisc.; Martha Mellinger,
Birmingham, and Ernest M. Nuler,
Detroit; Harriet Memel tein, Sha-
ron, Pa., andI erma- Salkin,
Greenville, Pa.; Phyllis Merritt,
Detroit, and Dan Foster, Detroit;
Norman Metler, Mount Clemens,
and William P. Young, Jr. De-

Janet Marshall, Gregory, and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman H. Mey-
Sam F. Massie, Three Rivers; er, Muskegon; Joan Miles, Sagi-
Joan Marshall, Silver Springs, and naw, and Robert J. McLeond, Sa-
Robert D. Glauz, Cleveland, O.; ginaw; Mr. and Mrs. Walter R.
Ruth Martini, Detroit, and Lee Miller, Schenectady, N.Y.; Cyn-
Vaccari, Iron River; Lucy Martu- thia J. Mills, Decatur, Ill., and
sie, Ann Arbor, and Bruce T. Ma- Anthony J. Cote, Detroit; Mr. and
thias, Ann Arbor; Velma May, De- Mrs. Donald E. Minard, Ann
troit and W. Madison Presnell, Arbor; Maureen Meyer, Detroit,
Detroit. and Theodore Degenhardt, Fern-
Pat Mason, Detroit and Krauss dale.
Roman, Columbus, O.; Dolores Judy Minogue, Sylvania, O., and
Massey, Grosse Pointe, and Wil- Paul Wilcox, Sylvania, O.; Mr.
liam C. Healy, Jr. Grosse Pointe; and Mrs. Marian Monteith, De-
Natalie Mattson, Bessemer, and troit; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C.
Creighton Lederer, N. Y.; Fern Moore, Detroit; Sumiko Morimoto,
MacAllaster, Jackson, and Glen East Lansing (Hilo, Hawaii), and
W. Wagner, Detroit; Phyllis Mc- Richard E. Ando, Honolulu, Ha-
Callum, Ann Arbor, and Frank waii; Mr. and Mrs. J. Frederick,
H. Goodrich, Pleansaht Ridge. Morrcw, Flint.
Paule McCarty, Detroit, and Ethel Ann Morrison, Kenosha,
Robert Geiger. Ann Arbor; Paul- Wisc., and Melvin Tick, Brooklyn,
ine McCarty, Detroit, and Andrew N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moy,
F. Olis, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Detroit; Nova Muir, Rockford, and
William M. McConley, Ann Arbor; David Green, Chicago, Ill.; Har-
Sally McGee, Warsaw, N. Y., and riet Hotsy Mullane, Greensburg,
Herbert Greene, Hyannis, Mass.; Pa., and George Shenk, Long
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. McGlinver, Island, N. Y.; Janet L. Myers,
Detroit. Muskegon, and Robert A. Lowry,
Joyce McFarlan, Ann Arbor, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Gloria W.
and Gordon C. MacDougall, Ann Murray, Traverse City.
Arbor; Marie McDonald, Birming- Raymonda McGarry, La Grange,
ham, and Wayne J. Wilson, De- and William H. Fulton, Dearborn;
troit; Sally McPhail, Detroit, and Jane R. McKee, New Hartford, N.
Bruce E. Toms, Dearborn; L. Lee Y. and Dwight R. Walsh, Royal
McLarin, Detroit and James R. Oak; Patricia McKenna Buffalo,
Martin, Detroit; Camilla Mead, N. Y., and Lewis D. Parry, Detroit;

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