Page Twelve
Mondovy February9, 198
Pane Twelve THE MICviGAN DAILY Mnndn ,f h ir 9 1 9,
ice B. Allen, Jr., Lansing; Sue
a nes Hughes, Grosse Pointe, and Day..
P. Hammond, Lake Bluff, Ill.; g
Shirley Humrich, Detroit, and
(Continued from Page 5) Ferdinand W. Gennrich, Alpena;
Eleanor M. Hunn, Batavia, N.Y.
and Lee Edwards, Seattle, Wash.;
Nancy Helmick, Park Ridge, Ill., Mr and Mrs. Lewis Butchings,
and Dan Paul, Binghamton, N.Y. Jack.ond
Guerth Hermairn, Detroit, asd JdShirley Hyman, Detroit, andy
Howard G. Ross, Ann Arbor; Jack Gold, Detroit; Betty Mae
Winifred O. Hellior, Detroit, and Halstead, Casper, Wyo., and How-
William R. Graff, Pontiac; Mr. ard J. Halstead, Dearborn; Polly
and Mrs. Fred Hendershot, Jr., Hanson, Birmingham and May H.
Ypsilanti; Marvis Henderson, Ann Cornell, Birmingham; Mary Har-
Arbor, and Adoulphus P. Thomp- vis, Peru, Ind., and Johnny Coffin,
son, Ann Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. Detroit; Shirley Hart, Detroit, and
Verne W. Henshaw, Jackson. Don Rohrer, Tipp City, Ohio;
Mr. and Mrs. David D. W. Hen- Mary Belle Hawver, Fort Wayne,
thorn, Ann Arbor; Gertrude Him- Ind., and William M. Cutler, Ad-
elhoch, Flint, and Ben Briskin, rian, Mich.; Patricia Heard, Chi-
Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Hill, cago, and H. R. Rathbun, Ann Ar-
Flint; Nanette Hill, Pontiac, and bor; Holly QHerz, Oklahoma City,
Douglas M. Campbell, Saskatoon, Okla., David R. Addison, Grand MAN WITHOUT A BAND-
Canada; Marjory Hlsinger, Mid- Rapids; Marian A. Hill, Pittsburgh Failing to get the nod from the
land and Wallace Ring, Miami, and Harry Grayson Hill, Kalama- J-Hop Committee this year, Ar-
Fla. zoo; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. tur Rodzinski well-known con-
Sue Hoeffel, Toledo, O. and Hinkin, Saginaw, Mich.; Virginia ductor, was promptly ejected
Paul A. Reger, Sylvania, Ohio; Holles, Strawberry Point, Iowa from the Chicago Symphony
Carolyn Hoelzer, Ann Arbor, and and John J. Hayes, Ann Arbor; Orchestra.
Ernest Cole, Lapeer; Mr. and Marilyn Holmquist, Saginaw, and -
Mrs. Jim Holland, Ann Arbor; Bill Cochron, Milwaukee; Elinor John R. C. James, Ann Arbor; Mr.
Barbara Holland, Saginaw, and Horwitz, Pontiac, and Richard and Mrs. Benjamin M. Jocques,
John F. Graves, Detroit; Mary Gethner, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs.
Holtman, Detroit, and James Wal- J. C. Hunt, Sault Ste. Marie, Del Rio, Texas.
lace Kirkamo, Missoula, Montana. Mich.; Peggy Hynes, Lansing, and Dorothy E. Jarvis, Detroit, and
Marilyn A. Holton, Battle Creek, Russell Foster, Pontiac. Leo H. Laakso, Ann Arbor; Lois
and Richard T. Garrett, Cleve- Janet Ingling, Kalamazoo, and Johnson, Detroit, and John R.
land; Susie Hoplesnooper, Ann William J. Jackson, Kalamazoo; Ball, Coldwater; Mr. and Mrs. J.
Arbor, and Bob Wardrop, An Coe Isgrig, Detroit, and William F. Richard Johnson, Ann Arbor; Mr.
Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas T. Culman, Detroit; Josephine E. Ir- and Mrs. Klemme M. Jones, Iowa
Horst, Three Rivers; Mr. and Mrs. win, Toledo, and Herbie E. Hat- Falls, Ia.; Marilyn Ann Jones,
Thomas S. Horton, Flint; Mr. and field, Grand Rapids. Jones, Jamestown, N.Y., and Rob-
Mrs. Stevan Horvath, Ann Arbor. Mike Jackson, Royal Oak, and ert M. Kash, Ashland, Ky.; Mary
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Horwitz, i Alan C. McManus, Huntington Elizabeth Jones, Warren, Mass.
Detroit; Lee Hubert, Pleasant Woods; Mr. and Mrs. Lyston G. and John M. Jones, Danville, Ill.;
Ridge, and Douglas Parker, La- Jaco, Jr., Athens, Tenn.; Louis,C. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Jord, Ann Ar-
Porte, Indiana; Jack, Plymouth, and Robert B. bor; Alice Jorgensen, Detroit, and
Nancy Huff, Detroit, and Maur- Dickey, Ann Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. John Perry, Detroit.
Mr.)and Mrs. Jean Kaurpp, Ann
Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. Walter A.
Kasmer, Flint; Hely Phyliss
Katz, Detroit and Robert Jay
Greene, Detroit; Babs Kaumheim-
er, Detroit, and Thomas Chenot,
Detroit; Joan Kemper, Grosse Ile,
and John R. Gray, Wyandotte.
Mary Ann Kennedy, Detroit and
Bob Raum, Lansing; Barbara Ann
Kenney, Ft. Wayne, Ind., and
Richard C. Waggoner, Ft. Wayne,
Ind.; Helene Kielas, Detroit, and
Donald D. Fischer, Paterson, N.
J.; Barbara Keller, Findlay, 0.,
and Jack Becker, Chicago, Ill.;
Isabel King, Detroit and Seymour
Grant, Detroit.
Mr. and lylrs. Ray H. King,
Jackson; Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Hugh Kilgore, Houston, Tex.; Joy
Kinnane, Bay City, and Carl
Schimmelman, Bay City; Beverly
Kirk, Detroit and Richard Hazen,
Detroit; Jos Knight, Findley, O.,
and Robert C. Johnson, Findley,
O .
Betty Koebel, Detroit and Bob
Scanlan, Detroit; Helen Korman,
Detroit, and Edward Lebowitz, De-
troit; Stephanie Kown, Dearborn,
and R. Ray Sepell, Dearltoen
Jerry Krause, Detroit and Reva
Hertz, Detroit; Pat Krawiec, De-
troit and Bob Yung, Detroit.
Betty Kurtz, Detroit, and Lee
Shulman, Detroit; Janice Kistler,
Bellevue, Ohio, and David Whit-
combe, Dearborn; Mary Suzanne
Kuivinen, Grosse Pointe, and Don-
ald John Hutchinson, Chicago;
Janie Kuster, Bloomsburg, Pa.,
and William N. Hall, Flint; Della
Kutis, Glendale, W. Va., and Jos-
eph Walker, Revere, Mass.
Mary Lundahl, Adrian, and
Donald D. Phillips, Adrian; Jane
Lanimert, Weedsport, N. Y., and
Thomas Biddle, Ann Arbor; Betty
Landesman, Detroit, and Lerry
Cotman, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar,; Lane, Ann Arbor; Mary
Lou Larke, Sault Ste. Mafie, and
Bob Learmont, Detroit.
Mr. and Mrs. Launi W. Larson,
Jr., Chicago; Eloise J. Lawler,
Birmingham, and Dick Elkington,
Muskegon; Audrey Lawrence, De-
troit, and Fred Milburn, Detroit;
Nancy Lawton, Olean, N. Y., and
John L. Pyles, Olean, N. Y.; Doro-
thy Leaf, Birmingham, and Wil-
liam Raymond Wyckoff, Ann Ar-
Janet Louise Leckner, Detroit,
and Robert Edgar Coe, Grosse Pte.
Farms; Ann Lee, Saginaw, and
Bruce Schwartz, Saginaw; Ruth
L. Lee, Grand Rapids, and Karl
M. Kleckner, Grand Rapids; Jean
Leonard, Detroit, and Richard S.
Hait, Ann Arbor; Ann Leinweber,
Grosse Pointe, and Allan Neef,
Grosse Pointe.
Barbara Leslie, Saginaw and
Fred A. Otto, Grose Pointe; Joyce
Levy, Rochester, N. Y., and Wil-
liam Chaplin, Boston, Mass.; Kitty
Lewis, Bloomington, Ind., and
Robert G. Val, Indianapolis, Ind.;
Connie Rowe, Jackson, and Mark
Lewis, Jackson; Carol Lieberman,
Maplewood, N. J., and Philip
Wylie, Hillsdale.
Jean Lindbloom, Detroit, and
Samuel N. Spring, Detroit; Karen
Linch, Grosse Pointe, and Meele
C. Page, Saginaw; Barbara Litzin-
burger, Plymouth, and Blaine G.
Ingram, Plymouth; Shirley Loeb-
lich, Detroit and Harvey Frank,
Wyandotte; Muriel Logan, Niaga-
ra Falls, Ont., and Leonard H.
Steinbrueck, Birmingham.
See NAMES, Page 13
All-Wool Sharkski
or Glen Plaid
Two wonderful variations on a single
dramatic theme . . . the whirl-skirted,
snug-jacketed suit that ripples and flaes
its way into the hearts of all. One, a gen
in grey or brown Glen Plaid wool, the
tother, a designer's piece in brown or
black bird's-eye wool sharkskin;
sizes 9 to 15.
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