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February 09, 1948 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-09

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_Monday, February 9, 1948,


Pnne EIevent

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(Continued from Page 10)
James D. Hodge, Monroe; Bar-
bara E. Elliott, Royal Oak, and
Richard W. Wixon, Jackson;
Dorothy V. Ellis, Ann Arbor, and $
Robert Dilts, Ames, Iowa; Betty
Estes, Webster Grove, Mo., and ' 4
Mitchael C. Gnaegy, Webster
Grove, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Burton
Ecbank, Nashville, Tenn.
June Evans, Amityville, N.Y.,
and Gerard A. Sears, Amityville,
N.Y.; Harriett Ewing, Detroit,
and Francis L. Wharley, Flint;
Betty Eaton, Detroit, and Bob
Hume, Pittsburgh; Jean M. Em-r
ery, Toledo, and George E. Gre-
gory, Ann Arbor; Adrienne Ew-
ert, Pelham Manor, N.Y., and
Robt. Laidlow, Tecumseh, Mich.
Edith Falkenstrom, Detroit,
and M. Richard Leitz, Brighton,
Sue Falvay, Detroit, and Richard
R. Nelson, Detroit; Mary Mar-
garet Farmer, Grosse Pte., and
William C. Kuivilken, Grosse Pte.;
Joanne Fate, Indianapolis, Ind.,
and Omar S. Bruner, Jr., Indian-
apolis, Ind.; Mr. and Mrs. Sam-
uel Federman, Cleveland Heights,
Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Federer,
Jackson, Michigan.
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Felts,
Saginaw; Shirley Ferm, Muske-
gon, and Jim Bellingsbey, Muske-
gon; Arlene Ferrett, Port Huron, NO THANKS -Movie actress
and George H. Schroeder, Rich- Rita Hayworth reportedly turn-
mond; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Finel- ed down an invitation to the
stein, Detroit; Ann Flitcraft, Gen- J-Hop this year because it is
eva, Illinois, and Donald Lathrup, "too formal."
Trenton, N.J.; Barbara R. Force,
Saginaw, and Robert M. Ginn, Pleasant; Mary Barbrecht, Grand
Detroit. Rapids, and Roger E. Goshing,
Patricia J. Forester, Fairfield, Grand Rapids; Margaret Gard-
Conn., and Charles Phillips, N.Y.; ner, Detroit, and Ralph E. Hinz,
Janet Fowler, St. Joseph, and Ken Detroit; Beverly Garrett, Detroit,
Conrod, Detroit; Dorothy E. and Bob Schoenfeldt, Detroit;
Franke, Grand Rapids, and Grace Gendzwill, Iron River, and
Charles B. Gardella, Grand Rap- Harold Lentz, Detroit.
ids; Ruthie Frank, Detroit, and Joyce Gendzweill, Iron River,
Leo Freedman, Detroit; Joanne and Bruce R. Brandell, Dearborn;
Franson, Detroit, and Richard S. Helen Pappawunou, Springfield,
Brown, Detroit. Mass., and Chris. W. Georgapoul-
Betty French, Esconaba, and os, Boston, Mass.; Karen Gerber,
Rtichard E. Cole, Waukegan, Ill.; Washington, D.C., and Abe Ters-
Kiki Frick, Detroit, and Don Mc- off, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs.
Alonan, Detroit; Elaine C. Fried- Hugh P. Gibbons, Detroit; Betty
man, Far Rockaway, N.Y., and Gibbs, Port Huron, and Arthur R.
Solomon L. Gluck, Rockaway, Bachtel, Youngstown, Ohio.
N.Y.; Elinor Fritze, St. Joseph,
and Robert Ferguson, Detroit; Bobbie Gillich, Detroit, and
Margaret Frostic, Wyandotte, and Douglas Adams, Grosse Pte.;
Richard P. Stoner, Wyandotte; Elizabeth A. Godbout, Paterson,
Barbara Louise Faust, Grass N.J., and Joseph H. Miller, N.Y.;
Lake, and William Longstaff, Lorraine "Goldberg, Chicago, and
Pittsburgh; Barbara Fenker, Arthur. Dubin, Highland Park,
Cleveland, and Hen Smithies, Ill.; . and Mrs. Barry Gold-
Detroit; Grace L. Foster, Craft- berg, Jr.,Detroit Lorraine Gog-
on, Pa., and George F. Gerb- wlski, Grand Rapids, and Douglas
stadt, Wayne, Mich.; Cindy Fran.- Gleason, Grand Rapids.
son, Chicago, and Henry Albert Mr. and Mrs. Seymour B. Gold-
Fredrickson, Detroit. man, Detroit; Marilyn Gordon,
Marilou Galloway, Mt. Pleasant, Detroit, and Arnold B. Wallace,
and Bruce C. Theunissen, Mt. Detroit; Mary Ruth Gordon, De-

troit, and Francis F. Widrig, De- ray, Elmira, N.Y.; Jane A. Gray, ert, Northville, and Robert F.
troit; Joan Goldstein, Detroit, Monroe, Mich., and James J. Kuhn, Summit, Pa.; Betty Han-
and Marvin Rollin, Detroit; Bea Drumm, Dayton, Ohio; Jean sen, Iron Mountain, and Charles
Goldstein, Detroit, and E. Newton Greenwald, N.Y., and Jimmy Rub- K. Birdsall, Rocky River, Ohio;
Rottenberg, Detroit. iner, Detroit. Lois Hansen, Plymouth, and H.
Jean Gowie, Port Huron, and Kay Hafermehl, Saginaw, and G. Daskalakis, Detroit; Roberta
Charles E. Wittliff, Port Huron; Nick Katsarelas, Saginaw; Mr. Hammerschmidt, Saginaw, and
Ethel Gray, Detroit, and George and Mrs. Donald R. Hagerman, John Campbell, Swarthmore, Pa.
R. Lodge, Lisbon, Ohio; Carolyn Ann Arbor; Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hamaker,
Green, Mt. Clemens, and James D. Hale, Kalamazoo; Marilyn Hal- Jr., Ain Arbor; Arlette Harbour,
Coleman, Hastings; Mr. and Mrs. ey, Toledo. and Bud Kraemer, Detroit, and Herb Allee, Detroit;
Thomas S. Grier, Ann Arbor; Ann Toledo; Mildred Helko, Chicago, Margaret E. Harrison, Ann Ar-
Griffin, Detroit, and Charles Bid- and Clarence J. Streit, Kansas bor, and Donald R. Fletcher, Ann
dinger. Detroit. City, Mo. Arbor; Dottie Hart, Battle Creek,
Sarah Griffith, Grosse Pointe, Wannetah Hall, Detroit, and and James W. Hlronos, Owosso;
and Mac Barnum, Grosse Pointe; Donald F. Pitz, Detroit; Patricia Mr. and Mrs. William M. Haydon,
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Grooms, Helen Hall, Detroit, and Robert Erie, Pa.
Bay City; Helen Grossfeldt, De- Taylor, Detroit; Elizabeth Hall, Patricia Hayden, Miami and
troit, and Albert Klug, San Diego, Montclair, N.J., and Alfred R. Collins W. Swords, Jr., Miami;
Calif.; Jane Grothaus, Grand Becker, Jr., Montclair, N.J.; Joyce Beth Heider, Kearney, Nebr., and
Rapids, and Jack E. Bender, Day- Haller, Flint, and T. G. Lawten, Douglas D. MacLeod, Ann Arbor;
ton, O; Beverly Gough, Detroit, Detroit; Barbara Hamilton, Ann Marion Heilman, McDonald, O.,
and Robert J. Murray, Detroit. Arbor, and William Barnes, De- and Norris, Domangue, Jr., Mem-
Mr. and Mrs. M. Mandel H. troit. phis, Tenn.; Norma Heinz, Koko-
Guerra, Chilton, Wisc.; Valeria A. Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Ham- mo, and David Nichols, Cleveland,
Gamble, West Lafayette, Ind., and ilton, Maplewood, N.J.; Ruth Ohio; Pearl Handelsman, Chica-
Marwood F. Rubb. Saginaw; Bev- Hammerling, Sparta, and Jack A. go, and Herbert Buckner, Pontiac;
erly Gough, Detroit, and Bob Mur- Carlson, Sparta; Pat Hanert, See NAMES, Page 12

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Wear a suit that shows you know
the best in style and fabrics when
you buy your clothes. Our pure wool
worsteds, gabardines, and sharkskins
will satisfy even you who are hardest
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$55Oto $6000


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The rustle of taffeta
under new, full skirts
announces the coming
of Spring.
Come and see our
supply of new, full-at-
the-hips.black rayon
nd white taffeta petti-
coats with ruffled bor-
ders. They come in
two lengths-forbal-
lerina formals and date
dresses. Sizes 24-26,
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Y0-U were. seen
at the I"HOP
Pictures wll be on display at our
store on the FRIDAY following the
DANCE. You may see them any
day, 9A.M. to 1 P.M. Come in and
fi nd yourself anid you r f riends.
900 South State at Packard Phone 4344

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