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February 09, 1948 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-02-09

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Pno Siyfton-


Monday, February 9, '1948

Tage HAnxueea 9
N and John E. Rodger, Detroit; Hal- . Dearborn; Mr. and Mrs. Gwilym
ha S " Ilis Thompson, Detroit, and Euthy- M. Williams, Detroit; Evelyn Wil-
e l[v7mius S. Cocoves, Detroit; Peggy , son, Niagara Falls, N. Y. and Rob-
Jean Thompson, and P. Fred Les- - ert E. Rugar, Painville, O.
ley. Jr., Detroit. Pat Wheeler, East Lansing, and
(Continued from Page 15) Mr. and Mrs. John Thurlow, De- .Richard O. Cook, East Lansing;
Huntington Wood, Mich.; Dois trit; Beverly Telford Flint, and ". Jeanne White, Detroit, and James
Stenberg, Oxford, Mich., and Stanley T. Cooke, Flint; Kathrn fBarber, Royal Oak; Kathy Wohl,
M.Rber Silerd, le dia, Vs.M Tns Lansin , and Robert F yn Miami, Fla., and James K. Levy,
Robert Silver, Alexandria. Va.:\ its1 mg"ac Rse Chicago, Ill.; Esther Wood, Ar-
Carnoe Stevens, Jackson, and John Bright, Sainsas; Mr and Mrs.'Chcgal:Ete WodAr
Carnes, Lima, Ohio; Jean Swan- Robert J. Tracy 'Toledo; Molly ''meda and Allan Marzen, Port
Ceman, Elkhart, Iod., and James 'Traspassel. Detroit, and Richard , ' Huron; Goodie Q. Wong, Durango,
Cooe, osEAgels, i. DenoidColo., and Jeffrey Lai Ip, Kow-
Cook, Los Angeles, Calif.loon, Hong Kong.
Susan Tabibian, Detroit, and J. Mary Treat, Detroit, and Nerle Brenda Wright, Boston, Mass.,
Keramedjian, Detroit; Sue Tar- F. Kuhlman, Quincy, Ill.; Mr. and and Herbert , osngeas,
bell, Detroit, and George W. Eck- Mrs. William L. Terfer, Port Hur- ad.;errtWlman, Los Angeles,
erle, Detroit; Esther Tauber, De- on; Mr. and Mrs. Mehmet Muzaf- CandMBetLWrighayton
troit, and Seymour Schoen, Los fer Turhan, Ann Arbor; M. J. J-HOP PATRONS-Heading the patrons list for the 1948 J-Hop 0., and Ben Loveridge, Harstown,
Tutte, Brminhamand larkPa.; Marilyn Wuf, Detroit, and
Angeles, Calif.; Jean Taylor, Coral, Tuttle Birmingham, and Clark are Gerhart Eisler, German Communist, and his wife. They were Giles G. Bole, Battle Creek.
and Charles E. Day, Jr., Grand Baker, Schenectady. N.Y.; Mr. unable to attend because of previous engagement at Ellis Island. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Yates, Ann
Rapids; Lawrette Taylor, Gary, and Mrs. Gordon W. Thomas A'--"_________-- - - rbor; Jane Yale, Johnson City,
Dd., and Fred C. Seeyert, Nash- Waukegan, Ill.; Joyce R. Thomas. N. Y., and Jack Passfield, Mt.
otah, Wisc. Detroit and Richard Brown. Kan- Grand Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Har- Kenney, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Clemens; Jean Yale, Johnson City,
Natalie Taylor, Detroit, and An- sas City, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert vey C. Varnum, Highland Park; Otis R. Witworth, Ann Arbor; Mr. N T., and Thomas Boyd, Pleasant
drew H. Thomas, Port Huron; C. Traxler, Ypsilanti, Mich.; Nan- Mr. and Mrs. Reed W. Warner, and Mrs. James W. Wheeler, Ann R d Th.
BarrinntagndL.Do-I Ridge, Mich.
Norrine Taylor, Ann Arbor, and cy Lee Tubbs, Pontiac. and L. Don- Ann Arbor; Janet Vester, Port- Arbor. Audrey Zeeryp, Grand Rapids,
Art Geib, Ann Arbor; Mr. and ad Weston, Upper Darby, Pa land, Oregon, and John Ren, De- Nancy Walker, Elizabeth, N. J., and Russell A. Kettner, Grand
Mrs. B. J. Theodoroff, Pontiac; Garnet Van Benschoten, Flint, troit; Carolyn Vicirus, Sao Paulo, and James D. ZeBranek, Detroit; Rapids; Mary Zillner, Detroit, and
Barbara J. Thomas, Syracuse, N. and Roy Levin, Sault Ste. Marie; Brazil, and Edward Miller, St. Ann Weaver, Mainsfield, Ohio, Daniel H. Dunbar, Oxford; Jackie
Y., and Albert M. Warner, Indian- Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Van Husen, Catherine, Ont., Can. and Boyce N. Bradley, Detroit; Zipp, Petoskey, and Robert Kirby,
apolis, Ind.; Nancy Elizabeth Grand Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jennie Volk, Detroit, and Don- Mr. and Mrs. John Whitehead, Grosse Pointe.
Thomas, Hackensack, N. J., and J. Van Omen, Holland; Carol ald E. Mather, Detroit; Mr. and--
Bob Bowden, Wyandotte; Mr. and Vanderkloot, Homewood, Ill., and Mrs. Francis B. Upham, Mama-
Mrs. Blair H. Thompson, Ypsilan- Louis L. Orlin, Newark, N.J.; Lor- roneck, N. Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Bur- -
ti. raine VandenBout, Grand Rapids, ton Vincent, Willow Run. (( l
Betty Thompson, Detroit, and and Edward Holerdt, Grand Rap- Patsy Wager, Harbor Springs,
Dick Larges, DIetroit; Mr. and ids. and Arthur Adams, Jackson; Lili-
Mrs. Lyle G. Thompson, Hastings, Gladys Vander Veen, Grand' as Wagner, Ann Arbor, and El-
Mich.; Frances Thompson, Detroit, Rapids, and Oliver Q. Wagemaker bert S. Kennedy, Kansas City,
-~Mo.;~Mary E. Wagner, Ann Arbor,
-- and Richard M. Stroebe, Ferrys-
burg; Mr. Ind Mrs. Roger E.
Waleatt, Grand Rapids; Mr. and
Mrs. Richard H. Walker, Ann Ar-
bor. Students, save yourself
Phyllis Walker, Chicago, and
Bert H. Walker, Michigan Center; time and money!
. , Charlene E. Walsh, Hammond,
Ind., and William C. Levering, De-
troit; Mr. and Mrs. Austin Walter, The Ann Arbor Business School
Milford; Marie E. Ward, Detroit,
and Gerald W. Iler, Grosse Pointe offers you classes in
Dorothy Warner, Brooklyn, N. Typin &iShorthand
Y., and Lawrence S. Clement,
Portland, Maine; Catherine War-
ren, Wadsworth, Ohio, and John to be taken in your free hours during the day or
Drollinger, Wadsworth; Sony in night classes. Veterans ay receive this in-
Warsbowsky, Shaker Heights, O.,
and Max H. Werr, N. Y.; Claudine struction under the G.I. Bill, along with your
Waterman, Plymouth, and Bob
Tessmer, Dearborn; Mr. and Mrs.
Peter F. Way, Seattle, Wash.
Marilyn A. Weaver, Grove City, Se us fr Pariclars.
Pa., and Harold A. Bissell, James-
-Y..town, N. Y.; Margaret Weekley,
Lansing, and David A. Shiner,
Manistique; Mr. and Mrs. Jerome A NN A RBOR
C. Weller, Bay City; Marilyn Wei-
he, Detroit, and Bill Brown, De-
Fr 100 Years .trait; Miriam Weenzweng, Detroit, BUSINESS SCHOOL
and Sheldon Sandweiss, Detroit.
APPAREL FOR MICHIGAN MEN Joyce Welch, East Lansing, and 330 Nickels Arcade
James J. MacIsaac, Detroit; Mr.Poe2-30
finest quality - correctly styled and Mrs. Kneeland M. Welch, De- Phone 2-0330
troit; Sally A. Weinhart, Ann Ar-
bor, and Edwin Kempf, Imlay
City; Mr. and Mrs. J. Gerald Wet-
zel, Ann Arbor; Nancy Wiggin,
Detroit, and Donald DuBois, De-
JCjn Wiles, Detroit, and Stu
Rankin, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. J. The Fain
S T A T E STREET AT LIBERTY G. Wiley, Bay City; Mr. and Mrs. OUS
John A. Wilson, Ann Arbor
ma Wilson, Detroit, and Hugh D.
Complete Stock of Books and Supplies
Here is the perfect all around radio. Excel-
lent broadcast reception and performance

on the short wave bands that is far superior
Other Hallicraf ter odels in stock.
MARCColme in and see them.
1216 South University Avenue Phone 4436 Phone 8696 605 Church

11 'x

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