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March 10, 1917 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-03-10

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Tested Jtachines
at Rest at Last


Appliances in



Dr. Hugh Black will lecture at noon
Ld at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow evening
the Presbyterian church. He comes
Ann Arbor under the auspices of
.e Tappan Presbyterian association.
When Dr. Black occupied a pulpit
Edinburgh, he was one of the most
mous preachers in Scotland. He was
iled to this country about 12 years
;o, since which time he has held a
lair in the Union Philological sem-
ary. Dr. Black teaches during the
11 and winter months and in the
iring devotes his time to lecturing
the colleges and universities of the
ast and West.
Dr. Black is the author of several
>oks, among them being "Friend-
ip." He will deliver the bac-
laureate address next June at this
He will arrive in Ann Arbor this
ternoon and will be the guest of Dr.
W. Kelsey of the Latin department.
Chemical engineers will tour during
.e coming Easter vacatioif for the
irpose of inspecting big commercial
stitutions. Juniors, seniors, and
aduates are eligible to take the trip.
hich starts on Friday morning, April
The Kellogg company will be vis-
ed ir Battle Creek and both the King
aper and Standard Paper companies
. Kalamazoo on Friday. The party
ill go through the plants of the In-
ana Steel company and the Universal
ortland Cement company, both of
ary, Ind., on Saturday.
Sunday will be spent in Chicago.
The Standard Oil company refinery,
.e Grasselli Chemical company, and
.e United States Metal Refining com-
n y will be gone through on Monday.
lie Union stock yards will be the
ace of interest on Tuesday.
A visit to the Corn Products Re-
ling company at Argo, Ill., on Wed-
esday will complete the trip.

Courtyard Were Formerly Ideal
Models of Their Type
Have you ever wondered at the' ar-
ray of unpainted, broken, and rusty
machinery whish is at rest in the
courtyard of the engineering build-
In its day this pile of junk was rep-
resentative of the best mechanical
ideas then known. Much of it bears
the name plates of some of the oldest
engineering concerns. All of these
machines have undergone exhaustive
tests just as the modern applications
are being tested today in the mechan-
ical laboratory of the engineering col-
lege. Some of them failed during the
tests while others produced fairly good
The machines today made by the
same companies are striking examples
of the progressive steps taken in ma-
chine design. When the present eng
ineering classes return to their Alma
Mater several years hence they will
no doubt see lying rusty and useless
in this grave yard the very machines
which they tested.
Wire Companies
Prepare for War

New York, March 9.-Conscription
of incomes as well as men, and the
limitation of all incomes to a maxi-
mum of $10,000 is the plan advocated
by Prof. Benjamin B. Kendrick of Co-
lumbia as a means of successfully
meeting the enormous economic bur-
den that war imposes.
The substance of his argument is
that present, not future generations
should pay the cost of war, and he ad-
vocates as a means of producing the
desired result, the adoption of a sys-
tem of taxation whereby those not in
the ranks of the actual fighters shall
stand the chief burden of the financial
support necessary.
All incomes are to be taxed by a
graded scale ranging all the way up to
a 50 per cent tax of incomes large
enough to stand it, and absolute con-
fiscation of all in excess of $10,000 of
any individual's income.
As a means of preparedness during
times of peace, Professor Kendrick ad-
vises two years' compulsory social
training by every man in the country.
Between the ages of 18 and 20 every
youth would be required to do such
.work as is connected with the con-
struction and repair of public high-
ways, railroads, canals, and the like,'
with one day a week devoted to mili-
tary training, and six weeks or two
months in the summer spent in a
training camp.
As a further means of giving the
government entire control of all the
resources of our country in time of
need, government ownership of all
means of transportation and communi-
cation, and government planning of
such new improvements as national
highways, are also advocated by Pro-
fessor Kendrick. The national gov-
ernment, to the exclusion of the state
governments, would control everything
of any importance in the country, and
have the disposition of the lives and
property of its citizens where it can
control them at a minute's notice.

Thomas Mott Osborne of Auburn,
N. Y., who has achieved a nation-
wide reputation as an authority on
prison reform, will speak Sunday,
March 18, in the Methodist church on
the subject "Common Sense in Prison
Management." Mr. Osborne's spe-
cialty is that of acting as a voluntary
convict in American prisons and then
writing about his experiences. He has
just completed two "terms" of 10 days
each, one in a naval prison. and one
on a navy prison ship.
This will be the ninth lecture on
the Wesleyan Guild lecture course.
Two more will be given this semester,
one by Ernest F. Title, pastor of the
Broad Street Methodist church in Co-
lumbus, 0., and the last by J. M.
Killits, United States district judge of
the northern district of Ohio.
Yale: Rear-Admiral Bradley E.
Fiske terms the new Yale naval unit
"the finest thing that any college has
done since the present crisis faced
us." He recommends that the power
of the unit be augmented by an aero-
plane force.
Pennsylvania: The class in munici-
pal government will make an excurs-
ion to New York next Saturday for the
purpose of visiting Mayor Mitchell
and other high officials, and the pub-
lic service commission.
California: Spring practice for the
1917 football team began the first of
the week under the direction of Coach
Andy Smith.
Cornell: The Cornell track team
won first honors at the annual indoor
meeting of the I. C. A. A. A. A. held
last Saturday evening in the exposi-
tion building in Philadelphia. This is
the third time in as many years that
the pripcipal honors have come to
Cornell. Two indoor records were
broken by the Cornell men.
Cornell: Major-General George W.
Goethals, builder of the Panama canal,
spoke at convocation hour in Bailey
hall last Monday.
Princeton: A representative of the
Boston headquarters of the American
ambulance field service in France was
here this week for the purpose of or-
ganizing a Princeton unit in the serv-

Porto Rico Furnishes Half
of Latin American Students

Fifty per cent of Michigan's Latin-
American students come from Porto
Rico. All the Latin-American coun-
tries combined have 50 students in Ann
Arbor, 25 of whom are Porto Ricans.
Chile ranks second in the number of
these students, having 10. Brazil has
four, Mexico and Peru, three each, Ar-
gentina, Equador, and Cuba, two,
while Columbia, Bolivia, Panama,
Costa Rico, and Honduras each have
Michigan has probably as large a
number of Porto Rican students as
any college in th1e country, according
to Mr. J. M. Hernandez of the Spanish
department. The cause of this, ac-
cording to the instructor, is the un-

usually large number of Michigan
graduates in business in Porto Rico.
Back in the seventies, Michigan gradu-
ates were perhaps the only American
college men in the country. This ad-
vertised Michigan as a leading Amer-
ican college, with the result that a
great part of the Porto Ricans who
come to America to study, come to
Ann Arbor.
The medical and engineering col-
leges almost monopolize the Latin-
American students, each having about
an equal number.
Electrical engineering is especially
popular among these students because
of the large demand for members of
this profession in South America.



The Detroit Edison company has I There were 2,652 office calls and 99

Telegraph and Telephone Officials
help Says Construction


t rtl,'a _
,; ,,,

"The telegraph- and telephone com-
panies are co-operating with the gov-
ernment and organizing and preparing
in order to be ready in case war breaks
out between the United States and
any other country," said Mr. W. J.
Howe, construction engineer of the
Western Union Telegraph company,
yesterday afternoon. He is in this city
consulting with senior engineers in re-
gard to future employment.
"At present," he continued, "there
is one high official of each of four of
the largest communication companies
enrolled in the army as a major of the
signal corps. The companies are get-
ting their systems ready to handle
government work and in some places
where special equipment is needed
plans are being made to install and
operate such equipment as may be
Social Research
Chances Offered
Woman's Educational and Industrial
U nion of Boston Establishes
Boston, March 9.-Three paid fel-
lowships iii social economic research,
carrying a stipend of $500, are offered
by the Woman's Educational and In-,
dustrial union of Boston, to women
who wish thorough preparation for
such work. Clerical assistance, equip-
ment, and travelling expenses neces-
sary for the investigation are furnish-
ed by the department of research.
The qualifications for candidates are
that they hold a degree from a college
of good standing, that they shall have
made an acceptable record in a mini-
mum number of courses in economics
sociology, and history, and that they
shall present satisfactory references in
regard to health, character, and special
gard to health, character, and special
fitness for social economic research.
Candidates are expected to devote 10
months to the training given by the
department of research.

given $200 to the chemical engineer-
ing department of the engineering col-
lege for the purpose of enabling ad-
ditional work to be done on their fel-
lowship. This brings the amount they
have already expended up 'to $800.
Robert S. Archer, grad., is holder of
the fellowship during the year 1916-
The problem Archer has for this
year is "The Time-Temperature Rela-
tionship Affecting the Malleabilization
of Cast Iron." He has secured results
which will be made public in the near
More than 200 pages of copy for the
1917 Michiganensian have already gone
to press, according to the statement
of E. F. Walsh, '17, managing editor.
All copy will go to press before spring
vacation, which means that the book
should be on, sale by May 1.
R. F. France, art editor, and his
staff have turned in some - excellent
work, which will add much to the at-
tractiveness of the book. Another fea-
ture is the labeling of all snap shots.
Nicknames will acompany many of the
pictures, giving the book a more in-
timate campus touch.


Majestic-"The Night Clerk."
Arcade-Lilian Walker in "In
discretion." Also cartoon.
Orpheum-Clara Williams in
"Three of Many." Also Tri-
angle comedy.

1857--Dry goods, Furniture and Women 's Fashions-1917
fM O d -a a-d I1Vj

new patients at the University health
service during the month of February,
according to the report issued yester-
day afternoon.
Out of this number there were 361
throat infections, 8 German measles, 7
quincy, 6 diphtheria, 4 scarlet fever,
and 1 jaundice cases treated by the
University hospitals and the health
Dr. C. H. Daragoo to Talk Tuesday
"Naval Coast Defense Reserve
Corps," is the subject of a lecture
to be given by Dr. C. H. Daragoo be-
fore the medical, homoeopathic, and
dental students at 8 o'clock next Tuesj
day night in the west amphitheater of
the medical building. Dr. Daragoo is
the past assistant surgeon of the Un-
ited States navy, and is now in charge
of the navy recruiting station in De-
Debate Use of German at Meetings
A spirited discussion took place at
the regular meeting of the men's sec-
tion of the Deutscher Verein last
Thurday evening as to the advisability
of continuing to conduct the meetings
in German. General sentiment, how-
ever, seemed to be in favor of retain-
ing the present system of using the
German language exclusively.

AQ. V. PRicE 0 Ca.

* 'Rae-Clara Kimball Young in
* "Marriage a La Caste." Also
* Daniels comedy.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *


-the ri"ht kind
of tailoring is
very economical
If you'll have us send
your measure and fab-
ric and fashion to
you'l under,-t
are headquar-
ters for tailor-
ing for "men
who care.
es v p
Let As prove t! 92

Badger Banker-Farmers to Talk Trip
Madison Wis., March 9.-The sec-
ond Wisconsin banker-farmer excurs-
ion to the college of agriculture of the
University of Wisconsin will be held
March 13 and 14. Lectures, demon-
strations, and sight-seeing trips around
the experiment station farm and cap-
ital city will occupy the time of the
visiting delegates. More than 2,000
delegates are expected to be in attend-
ance. The Wisconsin Horse Breeders'
association will hold its annual show
on the evening of March 14.
Redwood Disc Gift of Henderson, '14
H. L. Henderson, '14, who is located
in the redwood district of northern
California, recently sent to the for-
estry department a redwood disc
which is one foot thick and 12 feet in
diameter. Due to the massive size of
the disc, it had to be shipped in parts.
It is at present .stacked up in the
basement of the science building.
After the disc is dry, it will be put
together and shown at the science ex-
hibit in the spring.
Use the advertising columns of The
Michigan Daily in order to reach the
best of AnnArbor's buyers.

When "The Blue Paradise" comes
to the Whitney theater, Wednesday,
Maich 14, it will bring with it a com-
pany of 100 persons, a special sym-
phony orchestra, and two baggage
cars full of elaborate"scenery.
This Viennese operetta has com-
pleted a successful season of a whole
calendar year at the Casino theater,
New York. It is under the manage-
ment of the Shuberts and the produc-
tion is marked with their usual lav-
"Auf Wiedersehen," one of the songs
of the score of "The Blue Pardise" has
had the largest sale in phonograph
records since "The Merry Widow"
Hospital Notes
George R. Anderson, '20M, is 'con-
fined to his room with the German
George C. Palm, '19, was quarantin-
ed Thursday afternoon to his room
with the German measles.
Lester A. Abel, '20E, was quaran-
tined yesterday afternoon at his res-
idence with the German measles.
William D. Stinson, '20M, was sent
to the University hospital yesterday
afternoon, where he will be treated
for appendicitis.
Frank B. Cotner, grad., was quaran-
tined to his room yesterday afternoon:
with the German measles.

Princeton: In a recent mass meet-
ing held'in Alexander hall for the pur-
pose of explaning the call of the Brit-
ish army Y. M. C. A. for student vol-
nteers from American to aid in the
prison camps of Europe, John R. Mott
stated that his solicitude is not on be-
half pf the students of the warring
countries, but for the students of the
students of the universities and col-
leges of this country.
Oklahoma: Work on two fireproof
dormitories, one for boys and one for
girls, will be started early in May..
The estimated cost of the two struc-
tures is $100,000. Funds are being
raised in a state-wide campaign by
the Woman's Missionary societies of
the Methodist church in Oklahoma.
Utah: Plans for the establishment
of a comic monthly publication have
been sanctioned by President Widtsoe
and the student body. A prize will
be offered shortly for the most ap-
propriate name.
Utah : The students enrolled in the
physics department, especially those
interested in wireless telegraphy, are
planning to organize a university
wireless club.
California: A course in library
methods will be offered during the
simmer session. University credit will
be given for the work.
Chicago: The entire student body
is stirred over the discovery of frauds
in the recent election of the honor
commission. About 20 unofficial bal-
lots were cast, it is said.
Yale: A census of all graduate and
undergraduate students is being taken
by the Yale branch of the intercol-
legiate intelligence bureau with a view
to obtaining detailed information of
the specialized training, both military,
technical, and business, of the mem-
bers of the university. ,
Columbia: Arrangements have been
made for the formation of one or
more companies of Columbia alumni
and students as an officers' training
Towa: Dr. E. W. Rockwood, head of
the chemistry department, proposes to
alleviate the burdens of the food pro-
vider by substituting flour for pota-
toes. Flour, he points out, is more
nutritious and much more inexpen-
sive than potatoes.



of Muslin. Undergarments
Starts Today
Its great. gleamnin displays are of two-fold interest: First, they
accurately present all the accepted undergarment modes of the com-
ing season; and, secondly, the substantial reductions afford oppor-
tunity for every woman and miss to provide herself with a complete
new wardrobe at a minimum outlay.
$1.00 values at 79c-Slip-aver and high neck styles, trimmed with
lace, embroidery and pin tucks.
$1.25 to $1.50 values at 95c-Round, square or "V" neck styles; lace
and embroidery trimmed.
$1.69 to $1.75 values at $1.29-Lace or French embroidery trimmed.
$1.98 to $2.50 values at $1.79-Fine nainsook, elaborately trimmed.
$2.69 to $3.000 values at $1.98-Including Philippine hand-embroid-
ered gowns. f.
$3.9s values at $2.98-Elaborately trimmed slip-over and high neck
$1.00 values at 79e--Embroidery flounced.
$1.25 to $1.50 values at 95e-Deeply flounced and trimmed with scal-
loped edge underlays.
$1.69 to $2.50 values at $1.29 and $1.79-Made of excellent muslin,
trimmed with lace or embroidery.
$2.69 to $5.09 values at $1.98 and $2.98--Made of extra fine muslin
and elaborately trimmed.
$1.00 values at 79e-Lace trimmed.
$1.25 to $1.50 values at 95c-Envelope styles trimmed with German
val lace and organdy embroidery.
$1.69 to $1.79 Values at $1.29-Choice of several dainty envelope
styles with pretty trimming..
$1.98 to $3.00 values at $1.79 and $1.98-Envelope styles, elaborately
$1.98 values at $2.98-Envelope styles, including many exquisite
Philippine garments.
$1.00 values at 79e-Regulation styles trimmed with dainty lace and
$1.25 to $1.75 values at 95c and $1.29-Made of extra fine muslin,
beautifully trimmed.
69c and 79c values at 49c-Sleeve or sleeveless styles; lace or em-
broidery trimmed.
89c to $2.25 values at 79c and $1.29-Exquisite materials, some trim-
med with organdy and val laces.
Hook front models, trimmed with lace or embroidery. All leading
brands-Gassard, H. & W., Be Bevoise and Bier Jolie. $1.50 to
$3.00 values at $1.00


The March Sale


F. W. Gross

Leah M. Sheuren, '17, is in the Un-
iversity hospital suffering from apI1
Seats for GoethaPs lecture on sale
at 10 A. M. today at Wahr's.

So. Main

814 So. StateI

Try The Daily for service.

Try a Michigan Daily Want-Ad.

/l II

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