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March 10, 1917 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-03-10

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w Laois Aparys ren daur
Otherwise Appears formidable



Tracksters Expect
Victory from Detroit
Y. M. C. A.


(Special to The Michigan Daily)
Ithaca, N. Y., March 9.-The out-
come of the present baseball season
at Cornell seems at present to rest,'
in the main, upon one thing-the de-

.ch Farrell Has Four 1920 Men Who
Have Shown Exceptional Abil-
ity Over 440 Route

Michigan will have another oppor-
tunity to watch its freshman track
team in action when it meets the De-
troit Y. M. C. A. aggregation tonight
in Waterman gymnasium.
All indications at the present writ-
ing seem to point to a yearling vic-
tory, although the association boys
may spring a surprise. The young-
sters are well-fortified in every event,
boasting excellent sprinters and hurd-
lers, strong men in the field numbers,
and exceptionally fast men in the mid-
dIe distance runs. The only firsts
which the Detroiters seem to have a
chance of landing are the mile and
the pole vault, with a bare possibility
of a win in the high jump.
Several Freshman Stars
Cagney and Johnson, the yearling
dashmen, have been doing the 60-yard
sprint in 5 3-5 seconds, which is about
as fast as they make 'em indoors. The
lanky freshman leader looks due for
a walk-away in both the low and high
hurdles, with Froemke pressing him
rather closely in the former. In the
high jump, Johnson should place well
up, if he is not too tired by that time.
Later, the men who took the jump
'against Toledo, and Watkins, the city
of the straits leaper, will make strong
bids for the laurels in this event.
The quarter-mile, which proved
such a hair-raiser in the tussle with
the Toledoans, should prove even more
to the Dick Merriwells tonight, for be-
sides Butler, Forbes, and Hunt, the
three men who finIshed so close to-
gether in the late unpleasantness,
there will be two more lads entered
who are said- to be some steppers at
the 440-yard distance themselves.
These boys are Lombard of Buffalo and
Cuthbert, former Ann Arbor high
school star.
Schuster and Stoll may be depended
upon to furnish a good battle in the
half mile, for these two men are ex-
tremely closely matched. They ran al-
mosti a dead heat at the last meet.
Batty and Read, in the mile, should
give McDonald a strong stern chase
but it is doubtful whether they can
take the measure of the hustling De-

velopment of a dependable battery.
With Sutterby and Russell, both first
string hturlers last year, lost by gradu-
ation, and with Clary, varsity back-
stop in 19;16, unable to play because
or a faculty ruling, Dr. Sharpe has for
his main problem the uncovering of a
pitcher and catcher who can hold the
epposing team.
Indoor practice began in Bacon
practice hall (the baseball cage) on
Feb. 19, with the opening of the sec-
ond, term. For three days, pitchers
only were calle4, but the entire squad,
at first of about 80 men, now of about
50, has been at work ever since. Out-
door practice on Percy field will be
commenced as soon as the weather
Six Regulars Back
Exclusive of the pitcher and catcher
question, the squad is in good shape.
Six ^f last year's varsity regulars are
back, including Budd, right field;
O'Connell, center field; Valentine, left
field; Mellen, third base; Eckley,
short stop, and Sauters, second base.
By this it may be seen that the entire
outfield remains intact, and only one
hole, first base, is left to fill in the
It is improbable, however, that last
year's veterans will in all cases be re-
tained in their original positions. Val-
entine, who played left field, has shown
ability as a twirler, and will in all
probability be shifted to the box. At
present, in the daily practices in the
baseball cage, Dr. Sharpe has put,
Eckley at first, and used Howard, cap-1
tain and shortstop of the 1919 team,
in his place. Who will replace Val-l
entine in left should he be used on the
mound is still indefinite.I
Burpee Likely Catchers
Burpee, a varsity outfielder in 1915,f
and a sub last spring, has thus far,
shown up the best for the catcher'si

job. He originally tried for this posi-
tion in his sophomore year, but was
beaten out by Clary, and later shifted
to the outfield, that use might be made
of his hitting ability. He was lead-
off man for the nine in 1915 and in
the earlier games in 1916. Clary's
loss will be especially felt in the bat-
ting lineup.
For boxmen, Dr. Sharpe has, in ad-
dition to Valentine, Perkins, who
worked in a few of the early season
games last year; Olsen, also a varsity
sub in 1916, and Larson and Davies,
from last year's freshman nine.
O'Brien, who was ineligible last year
because of the one-year residence rule,
is working hard on the squad, and may
develop into a first string moundsman.
The Cornell schedule this year calls
for 27 games, seven on the annual
southern trip, taken this year from
April 5 to 12. Exclusive of this, seven
contests will be held abroad, and thir-
teen at home. The season begins April
5 and ends June 16.
Baseball has received considerable
impetus at Cornell within the past
year as a result of the agitation for a
new baseball field and grounds. Base-

Athletic Celebrities from All
America Are Entered in
Missouri Affair

Michigan Captain Finds Himself Up
Against Joie Ray of
Illinois A. C.
St. Louis, March 9.-(Special)-Four
national champions, two national in-
door champs, and scores of sectional,
and A. A. U. title holders are entered
in the Missouri A. C. meet to be held
here tomorrow night.
The class of the entries, collegiate,
high school, and national, promises
the fastest field which has been gath-
ered together in St. Louis in the past
Simpson to Compete
Bob Simpson, holder of the world's
record in the hurdles, and Fred Mur-
ray, now of the New York A. C., will'
furnish plenty of speed in either ob-
stacle race. Simpson is also down for
the 50-yard dash. Captain Roscoe.
Packer of Ames will be seen in the
hurdle races as well.
Jo Loomis and one or two of his fel-
low-teammates of the Chicago A. A.
are about the only national attractions
which Al be missing from the pro-'
As is generally expected the 50-yard
dash presents the most material. Mahl
of the Columbia A. C. of the Moundl
City, Hardy of Chicago, Collier of In-
diana, Simpson and Renick of Mis-
souri, and a galaxy of other western
stars will compete for prizes.
Material known country-wide will
be seen in practically every otherĀ£
event on a program which will include1
high school, college, and A. A. U.


Tolur Ta orites
in Coming Trays
Comparative scores have served only
to confuse observers of the different
high school teams which will play in
the interscholastic basketball tourna-
ment to be held March 22, 23, and 24
in Waterman gymnasium. Some ideas
can be gained, however, from the fol-
lowing facts about the state teams:
Grand Rapids Central has won all
the games played up to this week,
and Jackson has won all of its recent
games, including one with Detroit
Central, which is the champion in that
city. The Centralites have lost no
game except this one to Jackson by the
score of 28 to 21.
Northwestern was considered the
next best team in the city until their
recent defeat at the hands of Cass
Tech by a score of 9 to 11, while Bay
City Western, according to the scores
has the advantage in the Saginaw val-

Hawley is Recommended to Dartmn
St. Paul, March 9.-Jesse Haw
former football coach at Iowa,
been re commnededI for the position
gridiron coach at Dartmouth, his a
mater, by the middle west alumni
sociation of Hanover College.
place at Dartmouth is vacant throe
the resignation of Cavanaugh.


ball is, at present, the only sport
which has not its grounds on the Uni-
versity campus. An alumni commit-
tee has been placed in charge of the
project, and $150,000 set as the goal.'
Twenty-nine thousand dollars has al-j
ready been collected in $1,000 gifts.
Work will be commenced in June, and
the structure will be in readiness for
the semicentennial celebration in 1918.
Allow Summer Ball
A change has been made in the fac-
ulty eligibility rules regarding base-
ball players, which went into effect
Jan. 1, 1917. Players may now appear.
before a faculty committee and receive
permission to play on summer nines,
provided they first prove that they
will receive no remuneration therefor.
Players may also appear if they have
already played on such a team, and
state their cases to the committee,
which will decide as to the action as
to eligibility.

Philadelphia, March 9.- When the
indoor athletep gather here tomor-
row night at the Commercial museum
for the Meadowbrook meet, they will
probably witness some sensational
pole-vaulting by Sherman Landers,
student at Pennsylvania University
and holder of the world's interschol-
astic record in that event. While
Landers was still in prep school he
established a record of 12 feet 8 inches,
and it is expected that he will even top
that mark here tomorrow night, which
will be his debut in college athletics.
His record is the same as that made
last year by Foss of Cornell, who took
the intercollegiate championship. It
is also expected that Penn's wizard,
Ted Meredith, will meet his match
when he races against Early Eby. In
a trial on Franklin field, Eby beat
Meredith, but in actual competion Ted
is considered unbeatable. Tomorrow
night's grill will prove it one way or
the other. Track athletes of all kinds
have been entered from independent
clubs from all parts of the United
The Renellen Hospice
Sunday Dinner-12:30 to 2:30
One Dollar
Scotch Broth
Sweet Gerkins Dill Pickles
Fillets of White Fish
Shoestring Potatoes
Baked Tenderloin of Beef, Stuffed
Roast Pork Ham, Dressing
Franconia Potatoes
Green Peas
Hot Biscuits
Fruit Salad
Apple Pie, New York Cheese
Pineapple Sherbet
Strawberry Ice Cream, Cake
Tea Coffee Milk
March 11, 1917

; 8

Copyright IasrtScia uor&Marx
"eHe Certatinly
Looks Prosperous"
Just what makes men say that
about others?
Not because they're over dress-
ed - not because they're shabby
It's because they're "neatly"
dressed and their clothes fit nicely.


The junior and senior contenders for
the championship in women's basket-
ball will settle their differences at 3
o'clock this ,afternoon on Borbour
gymnasium floor. This is the second
of the interclass games and will de-
termine which of the upperclass teams
will oppose the victorious freshmen in
the cup game of March 16. Freshmen

This is the result of but one day's mail.
With two days still ahead to send
in the coupons, it is expected that
every seat in the gym will be taken
before the reserved seat reservations
are closed.
Whether any Cornell supporters are
contemplating the trip to Ann Arbor
is unknown.

Pole Vault Doubtful
The pole vault looks like a toss-up
between Jacobs of Detroit and Cross
and Robertson, the best of the year-
ling crop. On ,past performances, the
visiting star should take the blue rib-
bon, but the youngsters are coming
strong and may put something over on
their more experienced opponent.
Cross, the Muskegon boy, is a lad who
has all the earmarks of a comer, if he
can overcome certain crudities in his
vaulting form. He has the arm-push
of a champion, but his greenness so
far has overbalanced this advantage.
With Baker in the meet, the shot put
appears to be a fairly safe bet for the
Wolverine cubs. Bartuska, a new man
with the build of a battleship, has
been making wonderful progress in the
last few days and will make his rivals
hustle for first place. This man is
monumentally green at the pill-heav-
ing stunt, but those who have watched
him in action -predict hard days for
the back wall of the gym when he
learns how the deed is really done.
The meet will begin at 7:30 o'clock
sharp and admission will be by ath-
letic coupon number 15. The officials
are as follows:
Referee and starter, Dr. George A.
May; clerk of course, Sid Millard; as-
sistant clerks, Theime, Dudley, Pear-
son, Beardsley; track judges, Carver,
Murphy, Sedgwick, Zoellin; field
judges, Cross, Smith, Kesler, Haigh;
announcer, Dunne; scorers, Church,
McDonald, Pardee, Thompson, Water-
bury, Garrison; timers, Holbrook,
Lundgren, Rowe, and Rand.
Soph Lits Lower Former Relay Record
The soph lits relay team running
against time yesterday at Waterman
gymnasium, made the distance in 2:10
1-5, lowering their former mark by
one second.
Of the eight teams scheduled to run,
the second year men were the only
ones to put in an appearance. The
others have postponed their trials un-
tjl a future date which has not been


and sophomore substitutes are sched-
uled to play at 2 o'clock. The second set of bouts in the wrestl-
The probable lineup of, the regulars ing tournament will be held at 4
is as follows: o'clock this afternoon in the wrestling
Seniors: Forwards- Mildred Cris- room of the Waterman gymnasium.
sey and Janet MacFarlane; centers-' Six bouts are on the program and
Margaret Bassett and Jeanette Arm- Manager Reider promises some scrap-
strong; guards - Gertrude Steketee py contests.
and Olga Shinkman. The lightweights to appear are Ross
Juniors: Forwards- Loiuse Irish vs. Howard and Baker vs. Whitlow;
and Clarissa Vyn; centers-AliceBurt- 'the welterweights, Grey vs. Crandell,
less and Beulah Smith; guards-June Davies vs. Knowlen; and the heavy-
Brooks and Marie Macaulay. weights, Lewis, who was booked to
--- wrestle last Wednesday but who was
APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FOR unable to because of the lack of an,
800 SEATS AT CORNELL MEET opponent, vs. Crane, and Holland vs.
The officials for this afteroo ae
Steve Farrell's track team isn't go- Ts afernoon are:
ing to face a lot of vacant seats in Westerman, referee; Watson, Johnson,
addition to a thorough evening's work McGmms, judges; Reider, time-keeper.
when Cornell performs here next Sat-
urday. Seats for Goethal's lecture on sale
Athletic Director Bartelme stated at 10 A. M. today at Wahr's.
yesterday that more than 800 requests
for the 2,500 seats for the big meet For results advertise in The Michi-
have been filed with the association. gan Daily.

Carroll in Mile
The big feature of the meet will be
the mile race for the Ball trophy-
a bronze emblem 24 inches in height.
The present holder is Mike Mason,
former captain of the Universityof
Illinois. Each winner holds the cov-
eted honor, the gift of Phil D. C. Ball,
president of the St. Louis Browns,
only as long as he is able to defend
it successfully. Carroll of Michigan,
Ray of the I. A. C. and Tenney of Chi-
cago are the favorites.
The interscholastic feature will be
the Hess 880-yard run. Entries have
been sent in from everylocal high
school, and many of the surrounding
schools. The winner of this event last
year, George Schuster, will be in-
eligible to compete tomorrow, as he
graduated last June. Schuster is at
present in the University of Michigan,
where he is trying for a place on
Coach Farrell's freshman track team.
Two games played Thursday evening
wound up the first round of the inter-
class basketball league. The fresh laws
beat the junior laws 9 to 3 in a scrap-
py game. The fresh lits took a fall
out of the junior lits with a 17 to 15
victory. Attempts by the juniors at
brilliant individual work failed to
-down the freshmen. Cohen, on the
fresh team brought in 8 of the 17
points, while Miller and Palmer of the
juniors each contributed four counters,
There is opportunity in The Michi-
gan Daily Ads. Read them.

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