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January 21, 1917 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-01-21

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s TO SEE u. So


Terrors of Travel Have Disappeared
and Week-Long Trips Are
The terrors of traveling that were
experienced by our grandparents have
disappeared and motorists of today
make their plans weeks, months and
years ahead for trips which in the days
of the nineteenth century werelooked
upon as impossible and hailed all over
the world as remarkable feats when
With the twentieth century came the
real advance in automobilesand tour-
ing is now confined to no particular
section of the country. Motorists from
every state in the Union are to be
seen during the season in every other
state, and recent reports from the
south and the Pacific coast states tell
of the large number of license num-
bers of colder sections of the country
that are to be found on every hand.
Travel to the southland is now heavy.
A car that made the trip a fe~ years
ago from the Great Lakes to New
Orleans down the Mississippi river
valley, gained considerable renown
because of the experiences of the
journey and the extreme difficulties
which were encountered. Today a lady
and a child may make the same trip
and carry no extra equipment.
First Auto Trips
Years ago the world at large hailed
the feat of Ralph Owen when he made
the trip in winter from New York to
Ormonde, and a few years later, F.
Ed. Spooner made the first automobile
trip through Florida. Yet today tour-
ing parties traveling with no extra
equipment such as camping outfit,
block and tackle, water bags and so
oq, start out of New York and reach
Miami in 12 days or better and think
little of it.
Traveling Today
Automobile travel of today is de-
lightful and becomes more so with
each additional year, with the result
that the "Seeing America First" move-
ment has become a reality. The coun-
try has provided for its motorists two
splendid highways, the Lincoln and
Midland trails, which make the "ter-
rors of traveling" seem like relics of
the dark ages.
Now Ford Wants
Ovner 's Garage
Auto King Has Huge Project to Benefit
Apartment Dwellers in
Greater New York
Ford, ever zealous of his reputation
for new and startling innovations, now
has. evolved his latest scheme for the
Ford owner or prospective buyer, for
the comfort and convenience of his
patron, and incidentally, to make it
possible for him to sell more cars.
The plan is none other than the use
of community garages throughout
Greater New York. Already there are
25,000 who own his make of car, but
Ford is ambitious to see even a higher
percentage of the cars in the biggest
city bear the stamp of his name on the
radiator. Heretofore, the apartment
dwellers, although able to purchase
and care for a car in the suburbs, has
been unable to gratify his desire be-
cause of the necessarily excessive
price of storing it in a garage, which
would probably be situated in an un-
convenient place for him to get the
fullest value out of the machine.
The community garage will be a
huge building, modern in all its plan-
ning and equipment and will come as
a blessing to the legions of apartment
and flat dwellers who would undoubt-
edly take advantage of the opportunity

to secure garage service at a nominal
Although still in its infancy the
scheme as outlined by Ford has its
virtues and with but few modifications
could be utilized in at least a partial
form. It is not philanthropy; it is
strictly business, although it perhaps
does sound too good to be true.
New Electric Lamp Devised for Drlvers
A small electric lamp, which is car-
ried on the back of the hand, has been
designed for use at night by automo-
bile drivers. The habit of holding out
the hand when about to stop or turn
a corner is almost instinctive with
every motorist, but in the dark such
a signal may be wholly invisible. This
lamp is worn like a wrist watch, ex-;
cept that it is fastened by an elastic{
to the back of the hand instead of to
the wrist. The words "Safety First"
are cut into 'the face of the lamp+
around the bull's-eye.;
Use the advertising columns of the
Michigan Daily in order to reach the
best of Ann Arbor's buyers.,

New York Exhibit Largest in History;
Eleven American Makes
Probably the most exclusive auto-
mobile show in America is the thir-
teenth annual salon which opened Jan.
2 at the Hotel Astor in New York city.
This year the exhibit is larger than
ever before and there is a larger rep-
resentation of American cars. Fifteen
different makes of cars are shown and
eleven of them are made in this
The show is essentially an exhibi-
tion of the latest in body designs. In
addition several cars new to the Amer-
ican market are revealed for the first
time. These are the Biddle, Daniels,
Murray, Phianna and Novara.
The Novara is the newest addition
and is a car designed primarily for
speed. It is supplied with a mahogany
roadster body at $2,750. The motor is
four cylinder, block cast, with drilled
Lynite pistons and drilled connecting
rods. The weight is 1,500 pounds, the
wheelbase 110 inches and the tires 31
by 4. The car will be built only to
The White and the Locomobile are
prominent among the exhibits, each
showing nearly every type of body
imaginable. Some of the Locomobiles
are even equipped with dictaphones so
that the business man may answer his
correspondence while en route to the
office. The pointed-front closed car is
a popular style. as is also the boat type
cloverleaf roadster.
Heaer Increases
joys of Jotorists
New Device Uses Waste Heat to Warm
Car During Cold
One of the greatest problems that
has confronted automobile manufac-
turers is that of heating a car in the
winter time. This question has been
solved by the perfection of a heating
device which actually furnishes heat
to the occupants of a car by utilizing
the exhaust or waste heat from the
The heater is much in evidence at
the Automobile Show in the Grand
Central Palace, Sixty of the well-
known cars on exhibition there are
equipped with this novel device. "The
installation of Perfection heaters on
hundreds of automobiles during the
last few months has been largely re-
sponsible for the popularity of winter
driving this season," said Christian
Girl, president of the Perfection-Spring
Service company at Cleveland.
"Once installed, it requires no at-
tention other than the regulation of
the degree of heat by a single move-
ment of the foot or hand. There is no
maintenance cost, as it utilizes waste
heat from the exhaust, adequate pro-
vision being made for the elimination
of all noise, odor, or fire danger, and
it also decreases back pressure from
the motor."
In addition to the regular standard
styles for pleasure cars, the company
is equipped to turn out special heaters
for installation on all kinds of gaso-
line commercial vehicles.

Keen Competition Drives , Weaker
Companies from
That the production of motor veh
icles will increase at a greater rate
during the next year than previously
seems warranted by the fact that busi-
ness men of all classes are discover-
ing the real value of the motor car as
a commercial factor. Salesmen, con-
tractors, farmers, who have been the
biggest buyers of motor cars during
the last few years, and others are see-
ing the tremendous advantage of util-
izing the motor vehicle.
The automobile has become a public
utility, to be classed with the street
car, electric lighting, and the tele-
phone, and it is rendering a service
equal to those important requirements
of civilization. It can transport the
individual or transport freight more
rapidly and at a lower cost than any
other vehicle, and this fact has been
primarily instrumental in augmenting
motor vehicle sales.
Freight Shipped on Trucks
There are increasing uses for pas-
senger cars in every part of the coun-
try, while trucks are just beginning to
appear, with the practical certainty
that a few years from now great quan-
tities of freight will be moved on the
highways by motor trucks, which will
act as feeders to railroads, making un-
necessary the construction of expen-
sive "feeder lines." Motor vehicles
must supplant a large number of the
24,000,000 horses now in use in this
Production is certain to continue at
a stronger rate, and while standard-
ized to a marked degree in many parts,
there will always be a great variety of
design in motor chasses and bodies.
Competition will establish a standard
whereby only those products of well-
managed companies can be expected
to survive.
Competition is Keen
Competition for trade has resulted
in keen rivalry among the larger man-
ufacturers in producing the best pos-
sible cars. The history of the last
five years lends weight to the state-
ment that only the strongest of men,
methods, material, money, and machin-
ery have been able to survive, since
400 financial wrecks have occurred in
that time.
The average price for passenger
vehicles in 1916 amounted to $605 and
for trucks $1,809. These vehicles were
made by more than 400 companies and
were sold by 30,000 dealers through-
out the United States and foreign coun-
tries. lit is estimated that motor
car exports in 1917 will reach a value
of nearly $96,000,000 at wholesale, ex-
clusive of parts and accessories.
New Vehicle for Army Men Being
Experimented On
If experiments now under way prove
successful, we may soon have even
the cavalry in the army mounted on a
motor vehicle. The machine has two
wheels with the motor mounted di-
rectly on the rear wheel. It is about
the size of a motorcycle, but it is
claimed that it can negotiate roads
which would be impossible for a mo-
torcycle or automobile.
A private, equipped in heavy march-
ing order, tried out a machine of this
type recently. He attained a speed
of 25 miles an hour carrying a load of

300 pounds. Another big feature of the
"kar" is that it will travel 50 miles
at an operating cost of about 10 cents.
The complete outfit weighs less than
50 pounds.
Special Surface for Autos Perfected
"While New York is building many
miles of water-bound macadam roads,
it is not generally understood that
these receive a surface treatment of
bituminous material and thus become
a different class of roads from the
macadam used before the advent of
automobiles," says an official of the
American Highway Association. "New
macadam roads are full of moisture,
and where the climatic conditons are
like those of New York it takes three
months for this moisture to disappear
and leave the road in such a condition
that the bituminous surfacing material
will adhere to it firmly. Consequent-
ly, roads finished so late in the fall
that they cannot be seasoned for three
months before winter prevents furth-
er work on them are given a surface
treatment of calcium chloride. This
material has long been used in Eng-
land as well as the United States as
a dust preventive. It holds enough
moisture on the surface of the road
to prevent the dust formed by travel
from being carried away, and this dust
and water act to bind the road during
its transition from a green to a sea-
soned state."

Note Here the Vast Distinction
A Six now reigns in Motordom-it holds all the worth-while records-it is
the largest-selling front-rank car.
It stopped the trend to Eights and Twelves, by doing what they cannot do,
in a hundred famous tests.
But it's not any other Six, remember. The winner is the Super-Six, invented
and patented by Hudson.
It won because this feature added 80 per cent to six-cylinder efficiency-to power and
especially endurance. It made added cylinders unnecessary by attaining what was sought
for in the multi-cylinder type.
But that doesn't mean that the Six in general is the maximum motor type. It isn't.
They still have the old limitations.
Without the Hudson Super-Six principal there is too much friction in the motor-too
much wear.
It is present in motors of any number of cylinders.
Were it not for the Super-Six, Eights and Twelves would have displaced Sixes, as
once seemed probable.
It was the Super-Six that saved the six.
But let no one convince you that a Six could have done it without that great Hudson

Engineers all recognize certain limita-
tions in motors of any number of cylinders.
The Hudson invention overcomes those
We applied this invention to a Six. We
could just as well apply it to a multi-
cylinder if that would make Hudsons bet-
ter. It would add efficiency to any type,
just as it does to the Six.
But the ight, simple Six is the ideal type
in the minds of engineers. It gives con-
tinuous power with minimum weight and
minimum complications.
Its limitations lay in vibration. The V-
type motors-Eights and Tweves-were
designed to lessen that. But that invention
went far beyond them in ending that short-
coming. So in a Six every motoring situa-

tion was met. But it is only in a Hudson
and in no other car.
The test of a motor is its endurance. It
was super-endurance that won all the
Super-Six records, and gave to the Hud-
son top place.
The latest model phaeton same as
shown at the New York Show is now on
exhibit here. It has the new Hudson
luxury and beauty, the plaited upholstery,
the new artistic touches.
It has the new Hudson gasoline saver,
which helps you to pay for the car.
Come now and see it. Thousands of
buyers last spring were kept waiting for
months for a Hudson. A few weeks may
bring a like overdemand.
Decide now and avoid that delay.


:r SUPEP -
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\ aTEn,


Phone 1101

206 W. Huron St.

1' _

Figures Show Autos Used More
Transportation than hail and
Electric Lines


Alfred Reeves, general manager of
the National Automobile Chamber of
Commerce, recently made a statement
before the Automobile Club of Amer-
iqa to the effect that motor cars are
giving a greater passenger transporta-
tion service than the entire steam
railway system or than all the urban
and interurban electric roads of the
United States. He based his statement
on figures from the Bureau of Rail-
road Economics.
In 1914 the reports of the Bureau
showed that the steam railroads car-
ried 1,053,000,000 passengers an aver-
age total distance of 33.61 miles, or
a total of more than 35,000,000,000 pas-
senger miles and earned $700,400,00
for this service. The mileage has in-
creased little since then according to
the Bureau of Railway Economics, but
the 3,250,000 passenger motor cars
now registered in the United States
average 5,000 miles a year, and at the
conservative estimate of three passen-
gers to. a ear, give a service of 48,000,-
000 passenger miles. This would be
worth $975,000,000 on the railroad
basis of two cents a mile, or $200,000,-
000 more than the railroad passenger
Ann Arbor's progressive merchants
use The Michigan Daily as their ad-
vertising medium.'


For cold weather driving the Detroit
Electric excells

Detroit Electric is the modem
family car

FrIrT L-.! _ __ __ _




If you want a car that has power,
speed and wide travel range-a
car that is so easy and safe to
handle that your wife and daugh-
ter can use it on shopping errands
or for driving through the parks
while you are at your office
-a car that is readily adjustable
to sudden weather changes the
year 'round.

-a car that will travel seven to
ten thousand miles on a single set
of tires.
-a car that gives untroubled
service day and night 30 days
each month at a cost of $5 to.$7
for power.
Come in and request a demonstra-
tion ride in a Detroit Electric. The
1917 models are on exhibition at
our show rooms.

Remember-the Detroit Electric is
a quality car at a moderate price
Ann Arbor Garage
206 W. HURON ST.
t+ L+fia .F (19T8)

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