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January 21, 1917 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-01-21

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ncrease With Price---Hazards of Touring


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0115 TYF'ES OF;
Ixes, Eights, and Twelves All
ng Manufactured in Auto
y Vehicles Have Not Advanced
Price in Ratio to Other

ust as the show time has come
und again, the question as to the
tuber of cylinders best adapted for
automobile engine bobs up, stimu-
ed to fresh interest by the an-
incements and improvements in
tor design. This question involves
>ther one-as to how the competi-
n between the four, the six, the
,ht, and the twelve fared in 1916.
irty-six new companies entered the
omobile manufacturing field dur-
the past year, and their choice as
the number of cylinders for engines
,y be taken as indicative of tendency
motor car design.
)ur figures show that there are 150
npanies making motor cars in this
mntry. Of this number 58 make
rs exclusively; 43, sixes exclusive-
12, eights exclusively; and five,
elves exclusively. There are in ad-
ion 16 companies using both fours
d sixes; six companies, fours and
;hts;" five companies, sixes and
;hts; two companies, sixessand
elves, and three companies fours,
:es and eights.
[t is very hard to draw any hard
d fast conclusions from this table.
can only be considered as an ex-
ession of tendency. Most of the
;her priced cars are of the multiple
inder types but this is not true
-oughout the industry, as is evi-
aced by the White with its four
linder motor with sixteen valves.
ere is a general striving on the part
the makers of fours and sixes to
ke their machines as flexible as
>se with a higher number of cyl-
The tendency toward high speed en-
es continues stronger than it has
er been before. The small motors
th their low gasoline consumption
ye a large following in this day of
e high cost of gasoline. Three speed
ar boxes have almost entirely re-
aced the four speed type on account
the greater flexibity of the high
eed engine. The motors with re-
>vable cylinder heads are fast com-
g to the front and the makers of
ny of the higher priced cars are
lowing the Ford in this respect. Bat-
y ignition has gained 100 per cent
Ice 1915 on account of the universal
e of the storage battery and the
ady spark which it delivers at a
j engine speed. More than 71 per
ct of the cars will be equipped with
cuum gasoline feed in 1917. Over-
ad valves and the thermo syphon
oling system also gained popularity
1916. There seems to be a tendency
the part of all of the makers to
ovide some means of getting the
oling water warm as quickly as
ssible and keeping it about a con-
mt temperature automatically.
The touring sedan has been very
pular during the past year and it
is fair to continue in favor. It
ovides the ideal car for an all season
cily car and is equally useful for
e professional man. Since automo-
es have come to be used the year
und, this new combination has found
very useful place to fill and many
ople think it is as comfortable a car
it is possible to build.
The automobile has not shown quite
much of a desire to advance in price
th the high cost of living as some
the other commodities. While most
the manufacturers'have announced
ight raises these are very small ir
oportion to the way the other things
ye advanced. The car of largest
'oduction has even reduced its price
o on the touringnodel and thus has
ade it possible for almost anyone to
an automobile owner.
ame Pedestrians for Car Accidents

"Eighty-six per cent of all fatal and-
rious street car accidents that oc-
rred in Germany in 1915 were due
the fault of the injured, as shown
- a report of the Association of Ad-
inistrations of German Street and
terurban Lines," says the National
itomobile Chamber of Commerce.
'his agrees almost exactly with the
port of the New York city police
partment for the same year, which
ows that 87 per cent of all vehicular
cidents in the streets of the city, in
iich persons were injured or killed

Everyone Should
Now Have Mvotor
Wisconsin Bankers Express Them-
selves Heartily in Favor of Auto
for Average Man
Not over a year ago the bankers of
Wisconsin watched with dismay as the
number of cars in the state increased
at a stupendous rate and many even
thought that the man of average meanst
who invested in an automobile must
be crazy. This sentiment has changed
decidedly as shown by the most re-
cent bulletin of the Wisconsin Banker's
Association, part of which reads as
"Have a car if you can afford it,
and not because your neighbor has
one; get all the pleasure out of itt
possible, but remember Thrift. There
will come a time, if it is not already
here, when every man who earns $1,-
200 a year in small places and $1,800E
a year in the city, can afford andt
should have a car. It brings moret
lasting and beneficial pleasures thanI
any other medium yet devised as a
pastime. But a little study of cars'
and their care and operation, thoughtt
for the little savings that are possible,
will make what would seem a burden-
some task a real and lasting benefit."
George H. Phelps, advertising di-
rector of Dodge Brothers, has just re-
turned from a trip to the coast. He
declares that one of the most striking
things to engage his attention is the
fraternal feeling that exists between
the owners of Dodge Brothers cars.
"There always has been a bond of
good fellowship between the owners
of similar makes of cars," says Mr.
Phelps, "but this seems to be far
stronger than usual in the case of the
the owners of Dodge Brothers motor
"Out on the Pacific coast, to drive
a Dodge Brothers car is just like be-
longing to a big society. At various
points I learned that it is customary
for excursions and picnics to be ar-
ranged to be participated in only by
drivers of Dodge Brothers cars.
"This situation is very gratifying and
we are glad to see the idea spread, as
it means that the owners of Dodge
Brothers cars are proud of their pur-
The automobile industry has grown
to such proportions that a special vo-
cabulary, derived partly from the
names used on the first motor styles,
and partly from a list supplied by the
Nomenclature Committee of the So-
ciety of Automobile Engineers, has
been constructed enabling motorists
to distinguish the difference between
the 16 types of cars on the market.
In general the standard auto bodies
fall into four groups which may be
classed as follows: first, roadsters and
coupes; second, sedans; third, touring
cars; and fourth, limousines. By con-
sidering the subject from these di-
visions the 16 specimens can be more
easily apprehended.

Two New Models Have Large Sale
Price Will Advance After
March 1


"Ann Arbor contains more people
within its limits, who have either pur-
chased cars or are about to do so,
than any other town of its size in the
state," said Henry A. Schroen, man-
ager of the Chalmers agency, yester-
For a number of years the Chalmers
motor car had been without adequate
representation in Ann Arbor, but since
the establishment of the salesroom at
209 Fourth avenue early in October,
the results have been most gratifying.
A beautiful seven passenger, six-
cylinder touring car was on display.
"Owing to the fact that the materials
entering into that car had been con-
tracted for, just prior to the time when
the increase in raw materials began to
make itself felt," explained the man-
ager, "the car can be sold for $1,350,
when it might easily bring from $200
to $250 more."
The five passenger, also a six-cylin-
der motor, will advance in price after
March 1 from $1,090 to $1,250, and
many orders have been placed for the
model at the former figure. The new-
est device on the car is a thermostat
which enables a "cold" engine to be
started with the least possible amount
of gasoline, and with the greatest
amount of speed. An easy, smooth-
running engine is said to make the


During the year just past the stand-
ards committee of the Society of Au-
tomobile Engineers has been busy in
their big task of standardizing the
various parts used in the structure of
a motor car and in making it possible
for any car owner to order a part by
specifying the size wanted, with the
assurance that it will fit when it ar-
rives. During the year the following
work has been done:
Solid tire widths havq been stand-
ardized in order that there may be
some uniformity between the different
makes as related to the nominal widths
under which the tires are sold. This
will be of great benefit to the tire user
enabling him to make intelligent and
direct comparison between the per-


vner Can Now Order from Factory
With Assurance That New
Piece Will Fit

formances of different tires in service.
The committee has revised the stand-
ard specifications for making engine
tests and has gotten out some sheets
on which the data is to be reported.
Thus there will be direct means for
comparing the performance of differ-
ent motors under the same conditions
and the curves plotted on. the regular
sheet will be intelligible to anyone.
The electrical equipment division is
still wrestling with the problem of
formulating a non-glare provision for
headlights which will be satisfactory
to both makers and users. The elec-
tric vehicle division is working on the
standardization of storage battery
The nomenclature division has com-
piled a list of the different bodfis used
on pleasure vehicles and has divided
them into 16 classes. It has also tried
to have standard names for every part
of the car but has found considerable
difficulty with this and the final list
is not quite complete.
The tire and rim division is at work

on very important tables for the capac-
ities of both solid and pneumatic tires.
At least 30 other items of more or
less importance have been acted upon
during the past year, all making for
increased coherence apd intelligent co-
operation among the manufacturers of
automobiles and their accessories.
Pennsylvania Working for Good Roads
A bond issue totalling $50,000,000 is
now proposed by Pennsylvanians prom-
inent in the good roads movement. An
amendment of the state constitution
will have to be passed at the coming
session of the state legislature in or-
der to accomplish this object.
Short Gasoline Rations in England
Motgring on an allowance of half a
gallon of gasoline a day would seem
like very short rations to the average
American car owner, yet British own-
ers are rejoicing because the govern-
ment has lately increased their allow-
ance to that amount.


car one of the best hill-climbers an(
road cars of its class.
Fuel Production for 1916 Over Twit
as Great as in Previous Year


According to a report made by the
geological survey at Washington, a
vast increase in the production of
gasoline from natural gas resulted
from expansion of the casing head
gasoline industry during the last cal-
endar year. During the year 65,364,-
665 gallons of raw gasoline were ex-
tracted, a gain of 22,712,033 gallons,
or 53 per cent, over 1914.
An average price of 7.9 cents for the
unblended product was received. The
entire market value of the year's pro-
duction was $5,150,823. It has been
estimated that 24,000,000,000 cubic feet
of natural gas was utilized in the
manufacture, with the average recov-
ery of 2.57 gallons per thousand cubic

Reo Plant Has Many Miles of Ais



According to R. C. Rueschaw, sales
manager of the Reo Motor Car com-
pany, those who work in the Reo plant
have no need for golf or other outdoor
sport. To traverse every aisle in every
department of the Reo factory would
mean a walk of 10 miles.
Twelve years ago the Reo factory
occupied one three-story building.
Now the plant covers nearly 40 acres,
39.23 acres to be exact.




Give us a call at the Show.

101-110 S. Ashley St.


Ann Arbor


After you look them all over

Model 490, complete $550
Baby Grand, complete $800



The sensation of the New York Show---the eight-cylinder, valve-
in-head, 120-inch wheel base. Special design.

come back to the


For live, progressive, up-to-date ad-
vertising use The Michigan Daily.






7 Passenger, 40 horse-power--Four
7 Passenger, 50 horse-power--Six

and buy the best value at the Show


Represented by

Ann Arbor Garage
206 W. Huron St.



311 Maynard Street

Phone 1927


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