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November 28, 1916 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-11-28

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ien a Boy, Urged to Become Vir-
tuoso by Anton Rubenstein,
the Composer
Ossip Gabrilowitsch, the great Rus-
in pianist, who will be heard in Hill
ditorium on the evening of Dec. 12,
s few equals in the musical world
lay. A musician by instinct, as well
education, he has distinguished him-
[f not only as a pianist of the high-
t type, but as a composer as well.
ye times thei distinguished Russian
s visited America, and each time he
s made a profound impression.
His playing is full of sympathy and
arm. His splendid technical equip-
ent is ever held in rigid subjection,
e true poet's nature being always
Ossip Gabrilowitsch was born in St.
Atersburg in 1878. His father was a
ominent jurst of the Russian cap-
1. His brothers were musical and
.e of them acted as his first teacher.
,ter he was taken to Anton Ruben-
ein, who was so deeply impressed
at he earnestly urged a career as a
rtuoso. Accordingly, the boy was
tered in the classes of Victor Tol-
off at the St. Petersburg Couserv-
ory, which at that time was under
e supervision of the great Ruben-
ein himself. From here Gabrilo-
tsch went to Vienna, where he
idied for two years with Leschetizky,
other great personality to whose in-
ence much of his subsequent suc-
ss is .credited. Tours of Europe and
nerica served to bring him into
ompt recognition.
The following program will be pre-
ated in his concert in this city:
,riations (The Harmonious Black-
smith) .................... Handel
ndo espressivo (Ph. Em.).....Bach
,otte, B minor (arranged by
Saint-Saens).......... Bach (3. S.)
nata, G minor, Op. 22.....Schumann
Allegro appassionato,
icturne, F major, Op. 15,
ude, Op. 10, No. 8,
,se, A flat major, Op. 34.....Choplin
es de la Mer... ..........Arensky
votte .... .........Glazunow
price-Burlesque, Op. 3.........
.. ... Gabrilowitsch

Traces of Early
Settlers Remain
Ann Arbor Formerly Thriving Front
for Town in Present "Lower
Town" Location
In many places in and around Ann
Arbor, there are still to be seen many
of the landmarks that, like ancient re-
cords, embody the fast fading rep-
resentations of the work and spirit of
the early settlers of Michigan.
Not only out along the old country
roads are these remains seen but also
in the little towns built at points
along the river, where streams empty
into the larger body of water. Per-
haps, in no other place is this so evi-
dent, as in what is generally known in
Ann Arbor as "lower town."
Down in the valley of the Huron,
where the old bridge arches the water
near the present Edison company, is
one of the places where may be seen
some of the best instances of the ac-
tivity of the early settlers. This part
of Ann Arbor, in years gone by, was
the throbbing center of a frontier
town, and all the buildings were clust-
ered around the main corner, which
was situated almost on the brim of the
river. Today these old places are still
to be seen, their tall fiat chimneys,
and high end walls, reminding one of
the fine old structures which one now
sees only in ancient cities of the
Many Southern Frontiersmen
While many of the frontiersmen
came from the, East in the early days
of the republic, a large number work-
ed their way up from the southern
states, principally Kentucky and Ten-
nessee. The fur trading posts, and
the military garrisons throughout
Michigan, at Detroit, Sault Sainte
Marie, and the old fort at Mackinac
Island, brought many soldiers up from
the sunnier climes, with the - result
that after their term had expired, they
adopted the land of the pine as their
new home. As instance of the fact
that the early Indian uprisings called
the men up in to this district, in the
Black Hawk war, Abraham Lincoln, as
captain of his regiment, came up
through Illinois, and into the south-
western corner of Michigan, although
it is not definitely known whether he
came as far north as Ann Arbor. This
was the only time that the great pres-
ident ever touched foot in the Woer-
ine state.
Old 'Residences Decay
Of the old residences on the other
side of the river, most are now falling
rapidly into decay. Some of them are
now used for Turkish coffee houses,
and Syrian restaurants. Unsightly
smokestacks, from factories, shops
and forges rear their sooty heads, and
belch black smoke into the fair faces
of what were once the. pride of the
early aristocrats. The pleasant view
of the gently flowing Huron is ob-
structed by high piles of old iron,
rags, paper, and junk, while the high
signboards strike a discordant note.
Yet in the dismantled ruin of the old
place, there still remains one of the
old representatives of the former re-
gime. Up on the top of one of the
highest hills, there stands an old home
with its white pillars shining through
the grove of dark green pine trees.
It seems to be the only member of a
once ancient and honorable communi-
ty. And though in .some places it is
slowly yielding to the hand of age, it
stands alone, proud, and true to the
spirit of the early days.

Dean Bates Reports Meeting Michigan
Alumni Throughout West
on Trip
According to recent interviews, and
reports from the alumnus office, the
number of Michigan's alumni in the
western part of the United States has
reached an exceedingly large figure,
and is rapidly growing. California's
share alone totals over 1,200.
"One of the most pleasant features
of our trip," remarked Dean Henry M.
Bates, of the law school, in describing
his tour of the west last summer, "was
the meeting with alumni of the Uni-
versity on the trains and at practi-
cally every stop we made. We were
surprised at the depot in Los Angeles
by a number of alumni who insisted
on our joining them in a banquet. At
San Francisco, over 80 members of
the association gave us, together with
Professor Gomberg of the chemistry
department, another banquet. At Lake
Tahoe up in the Sierras one of the
first persons we met was a member
of the law school last year. Michigan
graduates seem to be very numerous
all through the west."
Dean Bates accompanied by Mrs.
Bates, stayed in Berkeley, Cal., six
weeks, where he conducted a course
in constitutional law in the school of
jurisprudence of the University of
California. During their stay there
they spent a week-end on Mount Ham-
ilton, where the Lick Observatory is
located. They were invited here by
Director W. W. Campbell, a former
Michigan man, who now holds an hon-
orary LL.D. degree from his alma
= They spent two days at the Grand
Canyon on their way to California, and
after leaving there, took an extended
trip through Oregon, Washington and
British Columbia. They spent some
time at Glacier, a resort in the
Canadian Rockies, and were in Lake
Louise, another resort, when -the
threatened railroad strike cut their
vacation short and they returned to
Chicago, Dean Bates' native city.
German Draft Bill Pushed in Reichstag
London. Nov. 27.-A Reuter dispatch
from Amsterdam says that at the open-
ing of the German reichstag yesterday
the president paid a tribute to Emperor
Francis Joseph and then proposed that
the first reading of the bill for compul-
sory civilian service should bp taken
up next Wednesday. After determined
opposition on the part of both Social-
ist groups the proposal was adopted.
The finest Floral Shop in the city
will open soon in the Nickels Arcade.
State Street. 3-tf

"Tough Guy"Cop
Is Not Popular
New York Inspector Bids Chicago Po-
lice Be Civil, Polite and
on Alert
Chicago, Nov. 27.-The good police-
man is not the "tough guy" with a
"14 carat look," but the man who Is
suave and polite and always on the
alert to perform his duty.
This was the lesson conveyed to 200
Chicago police sergeants yesterday by
Inspector Cornelius F. Cahalane of the
New York police force. His lecture:
was one of a series arranged by Presi-
dent Coffin of the civil service commis-
sion for the benefit of sergeants who
are about to take the examination for
"Safety First."
"I never saw one of these martinets,
these 'tough guys,' who wasn't a co-W-
ard," said Inspector Cahalane. "If I
had to go out after a burglar with one
t them, I know he would practice
safety first and stay at the bottom of
the stairs.
"The day when the big, burly officer
yelled out, What do you want? to a
citizen who happened to come into the
station ought to have been long since
passed. Our business is to serve the
public, not to bully it.I
"We should have a proper estimation
of our work; we should consider it a
profession, and not a job, but at the
same time we should not think we are
the king of England every time we're
promoted and try to make everybody
else kiss our toes."
Patrol Work First.
Inspector Cahalane asserted that pa-
trol duty, the work on the street, is
the first essential in coping with
"If you get the patrolmen to do their
duty you will reduce the work of the
detective bureau 75 per cent," he said.
"The detectives are doing work that
the policemen should have done.
"Some day somebody is going to
wake up and lay about half of us off.
If he has 10,000 men he'll fire all but
5,000 live wire men who have their
eyes and ears open to prevent crime.
"That will be a sad day for the pa-
trolman who walks down the street
thinking his uniform is a scarecrow,
and only using his eyes looking for the
sergeant so he can duck when he sees
"A few years ago a policeman's
motto was, 'See nothing, hear nothing,
say nothing and do nothing,' but that
won't go any more'
Mirliens for What?
"Chicago spends $7,000,000 a year for
police, New York, $18,000,000, and the
whole United States enough money to
build a navy to fight England. For
this enormous sum the public is insist-
ing more than ever on results."

Lecturer Shows Purpose of the Re-
ligion; Tells What Mrs. Eddy
Has Done
Virgil 0. Strickler, C. S., of New
York, In his lecture on Christian
Science, given in University auditor-
ium last Sunday under the auspices
of the Christian Science society of
the University, explained in detail
what has often been termed the "mys-
tery" of that teaching.
In his lecture Mr. Strickler pre-
sented the following points:
"As it becomes more generally un-
derstood that through the ministry of
Christian Science people are being
healed of sickness, sin, unhappiness,
worry, fear, and other discordant con-
ditions there is an ever increasing de-
sire on the part of the general public
to learn how these results are accom-
plished. It is the purpose of this lec-
ture to explain how Christian Science
does these things. There is no mys-
tery about Christian Science healing,
nor is it difficult to understand. It
can be stated without any reservation
whatever that every person who is
willing to do so may learn how to
heal sickness and to destroy the de-
sire to sin for himself and for others
through Christian Science."
Shows Purpose.
In speaking of the purpose of Chris-
tian Science, the lecturer said: "Chris-
tian Science aims to destroy erroneous
religious beliefs by substituting a
knowledge of truth in place thereof,
and to destroy out of the human mind
all evil qualities by planting good
qualities in their stead. It wages re-
lentless warfare against all wrong
mental qualities. It seems to substi-
tute love in the place of hate, unself-
ishness in the place of selfishness,
honesty in the place of dishonesty, and
truth in the place of error. It lays
tremendous emphasis upon the neces-
sity for 'bringing into captivity every
thought to the obedience of Christ,' as
the Bible commands. It teaches with-
out any reservation whatever that the
truth taught and practiced by Jesus,
when understood and applied, is suf-
ficient without drugs or any material
means to heal the sick and regenerate
the sinner, and Christian Scientists

everywhere are engaged daily in dem-
onstrating and proving this to be
Mrs. Eddy Discovers Law.
The contribution of Mrs. Eddy, the
discoverer and founder of Christian
Science, to the world's religious teach-
ing was her discovery of the absolute
law or divine principle of spiritual
truth which results in' healing
wherever it is correctly applied. She
"studied the miracles of the Old and
New Testaments, and came to the in-
evitable conclusion that all of those
transactions were correlated by means
of an'underlying spiritual law that had
been known and understood by the
men who wrought them, and she said
that if she could discover the law it
would be found to operate in the same
manner now as in Bible times; that
it would be a healing law and would
now heal people of sickness and sin
and every evil human condition the
same as then."
man. Mother Earth Publishing Co.,
N. Y.
"The Modern Drama" contains a
critical analysis of the modern drama
in its relation to the social and revolu-
tionary tendencies of the age. Com-
prising 50 plays of 24 of the foremost
dramatists of six different countries,
it deals with them not from a tech-
nical point of view, but from the stand-
point of their universal and dynamic
appeal to the human race. It is a
book for all times and all nations; and
is not regional in its aspect, but above
all is inclusive, inspiring, and didactic.
Life, in an editoral comment upon
this work, says: "Emma Goldman's
book ought to be read by all so-called
respectable women and adopted as a
text book by women's clubs through-
out the country. For courage, persist-
ency, self-effacement, self-sacrifice in
the pursuit of her object, she has hith-
erto been unsurpassed among the,
world's women."
Miss Goldman is the author of nu-
merous essays relative to the funda-
mentals of anarchism, of which the
most widely known is "Anarchism and
Other Essays,' and she is the publisher
of the Mother Earth Magazine.
The Michigan Daily for service.


* * , i41 " ! m #


Majestic-VaudvIle. *
Orpeum-Norma Talmadge, in *
"The Social Secretary." Also *
Triangle Comedy. *
Arcade-Lillian Walker, in "The*
Kid." Mutt and Jeff Cartoons. *
* * * * * * * * * * * *
Novelty was the prominent feature
i the bill that opened at the Majestic
eater last night. A game of basket-
I on bicycles, and a clever panto-
ine act are among the features.
"Onetta," the Dervish dancer, who
as a sensation at the Panama exhibi-;
on last year, opened the bill. Her
incing is clever, especially when she
glances a chair in her mouth while
virling in a highly fantastic manner
round the stage.
Knapp and Cornalla, who followed,
resented some clever acrobatic stunts
nd kept the audience in good humor
ith some jokes, some of which could
e really called original. They also
ut across a couple of songs in first
ass manner.
Pantomine as it has never been seen
fore was the feature of the little
laylet, "The Broken Mirror," which
as presented by the Schwarz com-
any. Tlie audience is kept in sus-
ense till the climax.
"Making-up" on the stage is the fea-
ure of the act presented by Emily
arrell and Ford Hanaford. Miss Dar-
ell is a very clever actress, while
[anaford possesses a creditable voice.
he act probably drew the most ap-
lause of any one the bill.
The Imperial Troupe, who introduce
novelty in their entertainment in
he shape of an aerial basketball game
n bicycles, were playing in Germany
rhen the war broke out. Ypsilanti
nd Ann Arbor are the two opposing
eams, the game finally ending in a
ie, after the ball had been knocked
ff the stage into the audience many
0. G. Andres for shoe repairing. 222
. State. 'Phone 1718-J. tues-eod
Alarm clocks, $1.00 up. Chapman,
eweler, 113 South Main St. tues-eod




9 1 M l

Xmas Holiday

James Couzens, present police com-
missioner of Detroit, recently appoint-
ed, and former vice-president of the
Ford Motor Car company, will be the
principal speaker at the weekly lunch-
eon of the University of Michigan club
of Detroit at Hotel Cadillac at 12:15
o'clock tomorrow. Mr. Couzens is
known as the only millionaire who
holds a police commissioner's office.
Mr. Couzens hiad also turned over his
salary of $5,000 to a bonus fund, to be
distributed among his force according
to their merits. It resembles the prof-
it-sharing plan of the Ford Motor Car
Unitarian Union Elects President
Otto T. Kreuser, '17, was elected
president of the Unitarian Young Peo-
ple's Religious Union at their weekly
meeting Sunday night. Prof. E. R.
Sunderland of the Law School gave a
talk on "Law and Ethics."
Taxicab Driver Fined for Speeding
Leonard Bucholz, a driver for a lo-
cal taxicab company, was caught
speeding .at a rate of 28 miles per
hour on South State street Saturday
night. He paid a fine of $10 and $3.45
costs to Justice William G. Doty yes-
terday morning.
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