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November 28, 1916 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-11-28

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It is by no means presumpt-
uous on our part to say that
Sart Ciahes
are the best clothes made:
because we are sincere in our
belief that human minds and
hands cannot design and'
tailor better clothes to meety e-
your needs.
Undenschmidt, Ael & Co,
209 S. Main St
Th e rrn-BlacZh CO 19C6
The Eberbach& Son Co.





Calkins Drug Co. "Twor
324 So. State and 1123 So.University Ave.


with good binding and plenty of room for
clippings and photos. Ask to see it.
I. H. Smith Describes Conditions
in Great Canadian Northwest


yourself v iI
a smile and a
air of prosper
ity. Wear
your best bus
mess suit and
a cheerful
necktie. If
you have no
best suit--bu
one. We hay
to appear pro
sperous, if W
are to be pro-

Do Thi

J. H. Smith, '18, of Moosejaw, Sas-
katchewan, in the first article of a
series of eight about Canada, tells of
"The Canadian North West."

Good Drugs-Toilet Articles
Chemicals and Laboratory Supplies.
You know the Quality is Right.

The Eberbach & Son Co.

200-204 E.

Liberty St.

Senior sing-C. S. Rose, F. G. Straus.
Canes-C. W. Atwood, H. Lee, W. L.
Ringe. Coat and hat-R. L. Satter-
white, L. W. Fry. G. S. Underwood
was appointed the class historian.

It is not the writer's intention to
attempt to describe the great Cana-
dian "West" in all its detail, because
such an undertaking would be impos-
sible in a short article. What I have
in mind is to try to present to the
reader some idea of the opportunities
and possibilities of this portion of the
Dominion of Canada.
Canada is divided into nine provinces
which in a manner correspond to the
different states of the Union, and is
governed and controlled much in the
same manner. That portion of Canada,
commonly called the "West," is divided
into the Province of British Columbia,
Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba,
with British Columbia on the extreme
western coast, and Manitoba the gate-
way to the grand prairie.
The city of Winnipeg Is the Chicago
of Canada. All the products of the
western provinces pass through this
city. Like Chicago its chief asset lies
in the fact that it is the distributing
point for all the products of the west-
ern territory. Winnipeg is really the
dividing line between the east and
west, because, leaving Winnipeg we
encounter an entirely different country
than that in the east. Here we at last
find ourselves on the vast prairie land
unobstructed in view and unlimited in
Prairies Yield Big Grain Crop
If it is your good fortune to be pass-
ing through the prairie country in
either the spring or autumn a scene
of unusual beauty will be presented
to the eye. These vast expanses of
level prairie are entirely devoted to
agriculture and ranching. The amount
of grain produced is enormous. The
1915 fall yielded a crop of 300,000,000
bushels of grain.
Manitoba being the older of the
provinces is more settled, but the
province of Saskatchewan is really yet
in its infancy. The total population
of the whole province does not equal
the city of Detroit, while its area is
three times that of the state of Mich-
igan. Saskatchewan is now very
largely settled by Americans from the
Dakotas, Illinois, Iowa and Indiana.
They, as a rule, have come in early
and are colonized along the Soo-Spo-
kane division of the Canadian Pacific
railroad. This section is the most prq-
ductive wheat growing belt in the
world, the fall of 1915 giving an aver-
age yield per acre of 40 bushels.
Inducements Given Settlers
Special inducements are held out to

Let your interest and ours
be focused upon the coming
holiday season.

settlers in the form of free land which
can be taken up under the provisions
of the homesteaders' act and which
entitles a man over 18 years of age to
take up 320 acres of land. This land is
given to him free, provided, that he
lives on it six months consecutively
for three years. He must also break
50 acres of this land and have build-
irgs worth $350. This is rather an
attractive offer when you take into
consideration that at the end of your
three years you have land worth at
least $10,000. While holding down
your claim you are at liberty to do
outside work, the only stipulation be-
ing that you spend week ends on your
land. Ranch leases are expiring every
day, which means that this land is
being thrown open for the homesteader
while large tracts of land can be ob-
tained not more than 25 miles from a

Electric Auto Heater--Keeps Your Engine Warm
I Costs very little to *perate

Come In

Zone System for Second Class
Urged Instead of Flat

200-202 MAIN S


516 It. Williams St.

Many Ranches in West
Passing farther west we come to
that part of the territory that is de-
voted to ranching purposes. Most of
the ranchers here have obtained their
land through a twenty-one-year lease
from the government. Such leases are
harder to obtain now, as the govern-
ment is trying to discourageranching
in preference to agriculture.
The climate of the prairie, although
xore extreme, is on the whole more en-
joyable and temperate than we have
in Michigan. The climate is very dry
and healthy. The seasons compare
with those in the central and northern
states. Much ranching is done in the
province of Alberta.
Much Fruit Grown in British Columbia
We are now in the province of Brit-
ish Columbia. This is the largest
province of the Dominion. We enter
British Columbia at Banff, which is at
the base of the great Rocky moun-
tains and is the National Park of Can-
ada, corresponding to that of the Yel-
lowstoye. Here the scenery is very
beautiful, and is a favorite spot for
tourists. Further west we enter the
great fruit growing valley of British
Columbia protected on all sides by the
lofty peaks of the Rockies.
The mining and lumbering business
have been developed to an enormous
extent here. The climate in this re-
gion is comparable to that of Cali-
Having crossed the mountains we
now find ourselves on the Pacific slope
which is abundant in beautiful sceneryc
and has a perfect climate. Vancouver
is the main city. This has been great-
ly increased since the opening of the
Panama canal and the resulting rapid;
growth of the Pacific trade and com-

I Washtenaw Electric Shop
The Shop of Quality
If its not Right we make it Right
Phone 273 200 East Washington St.
:1111!!!1!!!1!111!1#I 1111 liii 1111 !11111111111111111 11 ii1111l1101111tl R il1I11111111111111111
Don't forget the- fact that we are sell-
ing the best Suits and Overcoats in
the city at Live and Let Live Prices.
116 E. Liberty
= 1 The Young Mens Shop
1111!1l1111111~li~I11111111l111l1111111111111111111l1111111111111111111111 llll1111111

A large percentage of the junior
class has already ordered corduroys,
some of the men even ordering entire
suits of this material. Those juniors
who have not as yet done so, will have
their last chance to order corduroys
this afternoon in the Engineering so-
ciety's room, or at the store of N. F.
Allen & Co.
After today any tickets remaining
for the Engineering society's dance
will be placed on sale at the Union.
The affair will be held on Friday, Dec.
1, at the Union. At present tickets
cost 60 cents, but when purchased at
the Union they will cost 75 cents.
The following senior architect class
committee have been appointed by the
president of the class.
Finance-C. W. Atwood, L. W. Fry.
Auditing-R. C. Eastman, H. M. Young,
R. L. Satterwhite. Social-G. S. Un-
derwood, E. M. Read, C. W. Publow,
C. S. Rose. Cap and gown-H. D.
Davenport, J. H. Lindhorst. Memorial.
--C. R. Loomis, G. L. Lind. Invitation
-M. H. Ingall, H. M. Young, H. Gray.
Our alarm clocks are good clocks.
Chapman, Jeweler, 113 South Main
street. tues-eod

Washington, Nov. 27.-The readjust-
ment of postal rates will probably be
taken up in the next session of con-
gress. This problem was to have been
taken up in the last session, but had to
be deferred on account of the con-
sideration required by railway mail
A zone system of rates for second
class matter is being prominently
urged to take the place of the pres-
ent flat rate which was adopted
nearly 40 years ago. The present rate
has for some time been regarded as
a discrimination against the newspa-
pers in favor of the great national
magazines. Like the parcel post the
proposed zone rates would be based
on the length of the haul.
A survey of the situation indicates
that sufficient changes will be made
in the various rates to permit the
granting of a one cent rate on local
delivery letters in the next session
of congress.
Congressman Frank D. Scott of
Michigan, says: "The postoffice depart-
ment was created to offer the very
best possible service to the public at
a minimum cost and is not supposed
to produce any more revenue than is
actually needed to pay the running ex-
penses. Legislation needed to create
a one cent rate on drop letters should
be passed without further delay; it
will cost the government no money and
it will act as a much needed stimu-
lant to business. With every reduc-
tion in the letter rate there has im-
mediately followed a tremendous in-
crease in the volume of mail, thepeby
taking care of any possible loss in the

New Process of Manufacturing Twine
Makes Use of New Material



Classes Will Start Work
Monday, De. 4

Lockers in the newly remodeled
Waterman gymnasium will be assigned
daily at the gym, commencing this
morning. The hours for assignment
are as follows: Morning, 10 to 12
o'clock; afternoon, 1 to 5 o'clock. As
in previous years the best lockers will
be assigned first.
Up to the present time the fresh-
man gymnasium classes have not been
organized but this will be done soon.
The gymnasium will also be opened
to the campus at that time so that the
track men may have a chance to work
To Dance at Union Thanksgiving Day
A Thanksgiving matinee dance will
be given by the Michigan Union Thurs-
day afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clock.
Tickets will go on sale today at the
Union at 5 o'clock for fifty cents
apiece. All alumni and faculty mem-
bers are welcome. The music will be
furnished by Ike Fisher's orchestra.

St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 27.-Mrs. Helen
Andrews of Chicago was arrested at
a fashionable hotel here last night,
when detectives found a quantity of
narcotic tablets in her room.
She is held pending investigation by
federal authorities.
Mrs. Andrews insisted that the three
detectives who made the raid call a
taxicab to go to the station. They con-
sented and she paid the bill. An hour
after her arrival she declared she had
given the chauffeur diamonds worth
$8,000 with which to obtain a bonds-
man. Investigation showed that the
chauffeur had deserted his machine. A
diamond estimated to be worth $200
was found in the driver's seat.
Mrs. Andrews had jewels she valued
at approximately $2,000, even after the
alleged loss of her diamonds to the
chauffeur. Her pocketbook contained
$156 in cash. She said she and her
husband, whom the police have not
been able to find, have been cabaret
entertainers in several of the larger

Leave PoPY Leave Copy
at at
Quarry's sand Students'
TDea Supply Store

Washington, Nov. 27.-That wrap-!
ping twine, which gives thorough sat-
isfaction, can be made from paper has
been demonstrated by experiments
made by the forest products labora-
tory at Madison, Wis. Several hundred
packages, each containing a medium-
sized book, were wrapped and fastened
with the lightest-weight paper twine
and were mailed to various points
throughout the United States. Reports
show that practically every package
was received in good order and that
in no case was there any damage'
which could be charged as a fault of
the twine.
In making twine the paper is cut in-
to narrow strips which are then twist-
ad tightly to form a cord. The strength
of the twine depends upon the char-
acter of the paper used and the process
of treatment. It is well adapted to a
number of purposes, but the foresters
say that as yet no satisfactory means
has been found for protecting paper
twine from the action of water and it
should not be used where it will be
exposed to moisture.
Canadians to Contribute Articles
The first of a series of eight articles
about Canada will appear today. All
of the articles will be written by mem-
bers of the Canadian club, and will
deal with Canadian politics, sports, re-
sources, military training in Canada.
and the customs of the people.
Private lessons. Work will start im-
mediately. See instructor at Dr. May's
office, Waterman gymnasium, for
terms, etc. 0. S. Westerman. tf.
Try a Michigan Daily Want Ad:'

Chicago, Nov. 27.-Four parchment
packets containing a portion of the
ashes of Joe Hill, I. W. W. leader, who
was executed a year ago in Utah for
murder, were opened by "Big Bill"
Haywood, chief organizer for the I.
W. W., at Chicago avenue and the lake
Saturday afternoon. One packet, that
of the Marine Transport Workers' lo-
cal, was thrown into the lake by a
delegate from that body.
A week ago Hill's ashes were di-
vided into 600 portions. These were
distributed among the delegates to
convention of the Industrial Workers
of the World, who will bring them
home to their locals. The I. W.- W.
claims that Hill was a martyr.
The ceremony at the lake front
marked the close of the tenth con-
vention of the I. W. W.
Canfield to Deliver Cerele Lecture
Arthur Canfield will deliver the first
lecture of the year to the CErcle
Francais members at 5 o'clock this
afternoon in Tappan hall. Mr. Can-
field will talk on Victor Hugo's "Par-
odies and Caricatures." Other lec-
tures and entertainments will be aiv-
en by the club during the year.
Adelphi House to Meet Tonight
Members of the Adelphi house of
representatives will meet at 7:30
o'clock tonight in the Adelphi rooms
in University hall. At this session of
the house, Representative Kelsey Guil-
foil, '19, will introduce a bill providing
for compulsory arbitration in indus-
trial disputes.
Alumni Take Part in Election Parade
About 25 Michigan alumni marched
in the college division of the Hughes
parade the Saturday before election,
under Karl Miner as captain.

a TYPEWRITERS of all makes
bought, sold, rented or ex-
changed. Expert repairing,
factory service. Sole agent Under-
wood & Corona. TYPEWRITING,
0. %. MORRILL, 382 S. State St.
(Over Baltimore Lunch). 582-J.\
"AT R1 A vnns l"" ^ --t n" ------ h

LOST-Brown cameo tiger's eye ring,
heavy gold setting. Reward. .Re-
turn to Blanche G. Kneeland, 418 S.
University Ave. 28-29-1-2
FOR SALE-Have you something that
you want to sell? If so, let the Mich-
igan Daily sell it for you through its
Classified Department.
FOR SALE-Microscope and surgical
instruments. 608 Pearl St. Ypsi-
lanti. Phone 89-M. 26-28-29-30-1-2


The best place to try out
Is in your own home
Our Approval Service
permits you to do this
Call us up and ask us about it.

Grinnell Bros.

116 S. Maina st.



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