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November 28, 1916 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-11-28

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_ ,_.,,

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Line Coach Develops Fighters From
Last Year's Unpromising




Perhaps no single individual deserv-
es any more credit for the showing of
the 1916 Michigan Varsity than Line
Coach Miller H. Pontius.
This is not intended to reflect in any
way upon the work of Douglass. Doug-
lass, however, was greeted by an ar-
ray of backfield talent that could have
wrung the tears of joy from the mar-
ble and lifeless eyes of a statute. Yost
stands by himself. But, poor Miller!
Michigan's line the previous season
had been notorious instead of famous,
and Pontius was confronted by the
task that would have made the slay-
ing of the Nemean Lion and the
cleansing of the Augean stables ridic-
ulously easy by comparison.
The former Varsity star took hold
with a vengeance, however, and built
up a forward wall that was a wonder-
ful improvement upon that of the
previous season. Fritz. Rehor and Bull
Dunne, two men who had been follow-
ing the Varsity with indifferent suc-
cess the, previous two seasons, were
developed into real stars and had
Michigan defeated Pennsylvania and
Cornell both of them would figure as
prominent contenders for All-Ameri-
can honors.
Peach and Wieman. two new com-
ers, were taken in hand and if one
of these two men doesn't land among

Eddie Carroll Finishes Within Record
Time of One of Country's Hard-
est Courses
Michigan's work in the intercol-
legiate cross country race at New
Haven last Saturday appears the bet-
ter the more light is thrown on the
meet. The team placed a good ninth
this yar as against a bad tenth last
season. The men ran better than last
year considering the coldness of the
weather and the conditions of the Yale
Michigan's Varsity runners finished
in the following order: Carroll, sec-
ond; Captain Kuivenen, 30th; Fox,
39th; Fuess, 58th, and Bouma, 64th.
The team totaled 193 points. There
were about 80 men running in the
meet, picked men of the east. Two
schools were entered in the race but
failed to send any men over the
course, Colby and Massachusetts In-
stitute of Technology.
The course, according to the con-
sensus of opinion of the men who
ran over it, was exceedingly hard. It
was plentifully bespattered with hills
and one in particular was extremely
steep and high, and provd a serious
obstacle for the contestants. Nearly
all the men were terribly worn with
the strain when they finished, the nu-
merous and sharp grades telling
heavily on the endurance of them all.
So general is the feeling that the
course was too hard and exhaustive
that it is probable that it will never
be used again should Yale get the an-
nual classic.
The work of Eddie Carroll was
even better than supposed. He fin-
ished only about 50 yards behind Over-
ton, the Yale crack, instead of 100
yards as reported in some papers.
Overton broke the Yale course record
and Carroll also came within it. The
race for individual honors was so close
that had the condition been reversed
and the Michigan runner been ac-
customed to the course as Overton
was, he might have beaten the cham-
pion. The hills about Ann Arbor are
not high and do not compare with
those about New Haven. The grade
that told so heavily on many of the
contestants did not appear to bother
Eddie as much as might have been
supposed, and both he and Wenz of
Cornell passed Dempsey of Maine in
the last half mile.
Whether the !act that Windnagle,
the Cornellchampiondintercollegiate
miller, finished so far down the list is
any indication of the ability of the
men who defeated him in the cross
country race t& beat him in the mile
is rather risky comparison, There is
too much difference between six miles
and one mile to afford ground for
drawing such conclusion. The Ithaca
star placed as well in this meet as
he did in the one last season and he
can unquestionably beat some of the
milers who defeated him in the longer
distance. Carroll and Wenz of Cornell
have improved and the way they fin-
ished in this meet is a splendid index
to the endurance of both, with the
edge going to the Wolverine harrier.
The Varsity hill and dalers have the
task of preparing for the race in De-
troit on Thanksgiving day. The show-
ing against the state teams at Lansing
two weeks ago, where the Wolverines
took first honors, and the fight the
men put up at New Haven last Satur-
day would argue a win Thursday.
Explosion Breaks John W.s Rest
Tarrytown, N. Y., Nov. 27.-John D.
Rockefeller was aroused from his
sleep early today by the explosion of
a boiler in one of the large green-
houses on his estate here. Servants
were sentto find out what had caused
the loud report, and when Mr. Rocke-
feller learned what had happened he

went back to bed. Many rare plants
and flowers were destroyed by the ex-
plosion. A watchman in the building
at the time barely escaped injury.
Flannel Shirts made to order. G. H.
Wild Company. Leading merchant
tailors. State street. tf

Bring Tidings That Best Athletes in
Sweden Will be Here Next
New York, Nov. 27.-Bringing back
a cargo of trophies-169 in all-and
the good tidings that a team of Swed-
en's best track and field performers
will tour this country next year, the
American team of five athletes, who
left these shores some weeks ago to
show the Scandinavians how to run,
jump, hurdle, and most everything else
in an athletic line, landed safe and
sound from the steamer Stockholm,
which docked in Hoboken.
Strong in praise of the treatment
accorded them in Norway and Sweden,
James E. Meredith, Jo G. Loomis,
Andy Ward, Bob Simpson, and Fred
Murray, walked down the gangplank
happy to be safely over the Atlantic,
yet sorry they were unable to remain
on the other side for a while longer.
It was Meredith who brought the
tidings that Ernie Hjerberg, the Am-
erican who is governmental coach of
Sweden's athletes, had completed the
plans which failed this year, of bring-
ing his best athletes to the United
States to show their wares in com-
Hjertberg, according to Meredith,
has enlisted the financial support of
many of Sweden's most prominent
citizens, and will probably bring a
team of ten or more men here next
summer. Those who are certain to
come over are Gill, a great pole vault-
er, who gets 13 feet; Bolin, the mid-
dle-distance runner, who led Meredith
almost every time they met at about
a half mile; Kullerstrand, a high
jumper, who can clear six feet and
probably slightly more; and Hultin, a
hurdler, who while no Simpson, not
yet a Murray, can top the timber in
fine fashion,
Swedish People Entertain Well
Everywhere they went in Sweden
and Norway-and they competed in
Stockholm, Christiania, Upsala, Mal-
mo, and Gotenburg, the Americans
were received with open arms. Big
crowds witnessed all their meets, and
the last one at Cotenberg, no report
of which had reached this side, at-
tracted 35,000 persons on the last day
of the two days of sport. The Swed-
ish athletic committee was so con-
siderate of the American youths that
they refused to arrange passagefor
them on a Norwegian steamer be-
cause of the submarine peril to which
they would have been exposed. The
committee also sent a handsome cup
for the Amateur Athletic Union. It
was brought by Meredith to Frederick
W. Rubien, secretary-treasurer of the
A. A. U., who with Thomas Cassidy, A.
A. U. commissioner for Hudson county.
(Continued on Page Six.)
///// tl

HE road to Laundry Satis-
faction leads to our ad-
dress. The easiest way
to insure the proper conditioning
of your clothes is to send us your
soiled linen and we will return it
to you refreshed and renewed.
Moe Laundry

Many Tie Games Delay Awarding
Numerals; Play is Tight and
Scares are Small
With the campus championship safe-
ly in the hands of the medics and the
junior lits in possession of second
honors, there remains two sets of un-
claimed numerals with three teams
left in the argument. The fresh lits
and soph engineers 1who played to a
tie last week will have to battle again
to decide the winner of the second div-
ision. The fresh laws and the senior
engineers who also fought to a draw
last week will decide between them-
selves who is to get third honors with
the loser playing the winner of the
second division for the fourth and last
set of numerals.
Evenly matched contestant teams
have made this year's season success-
ful. There has been a marked absence
of large scores, one of the largest of
the season being the 26-point count of
the medics in the final game. On
the other hand the season has been
featured by the presence of an unus-
ually large number of ties, particular-
ly scoreless ties. The medics alone
seemed able to reach the more advanc-
ed stage of the series with no draws
while in another case three ties were
played before a definite decision was
The final victory of the strong medic
team came more or less as the'expect-
ed result after the form shown by the
doctors in the earlier games of the
season. Made a little uneasy by the
showing made by the junior lits in

the semi-finals, the team which now
holds the championship was drilled
long and hard by Bob Watson who de-
serves great credit for the team work
displayed last Saturday. The junior
lits entered the dispute quite unex-
pectedly. After considerable trouble
in defeating their departmental rivals
this team stepped up and defeated the
fresh laws who had a well organized
eleven of experienced players and who
were rather expected to meet the med-
ics in the final round. 'The senior en-

gineers meeting the doctors in the
semi-finals were forced out of the
main bout after a stubborn fight. Both
this team and the fresh laws have
shown strength and the second di-
vision winner will be forced to display
football of extra quality to gain the
coveted fourth set of numerals.
(Additional Sport on Page Six.)
Use The Michigan Daily Want Ads
for results.


On Sale


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Big, warm and com-
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A good looking garment
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-Photo by Daines.

the 1917 football immortals, many a
Michigan football follower wil be
forced to resort to the alibi method to
retrive his misguided predictions.
Wallie Niemann advanced in' amazing
fashion, and under the tutilage of
Coach Pontius. Weske developed into
one of the steadiest tackles that Mich-
igan has seen for several seasons. The
same goes for Gracey and Boyd.
A very considerable share of the
credit for these improvements goes to
Line Coach Pontius. Miller command-
ed the respect and admiration of his
pupils from the day the squad report-
edtand thdy were with him until the
Pontius was a star of the first mag-
nitude himself during his college ca-
reer and he seems to have the gift for
imparting to others the knowledge
that he learned while actively engaged
in mussing up the scenery on a num-
ber of football pastures with opposing
linesmen who were so unfortunate as
to draw the assigment opposite him.
When Pontius left Ann Arbor it was
not known definitely whether he
would return. A rumor on the cam-
pus said that he would be back next
fall, but he refused to comment upon
this himself. If Pontius does come
back to assist in directing the fortunes
of the Wolverines, several of those
1916 linesmen who are booked to re-
turn are going to show a brand of
football that will attract the atten-
tion of all the critics and the team and
students are strong for his re-engage-
ment next season.
Watch for the grand opening of Ann
Arbor's Finest Floral Shop. Nickels
Arcade. 3-tf

~' rms ; hina to New X ork, and arouna
tPIC W'V rd the other way, to London,
el:" e I0 boy v hegis known and'
Yvcd above all others--and that boy
loin Sawyer.
I) "im each man knows the image of
!is own boyhood, of its dreams and its
mnschief. In Tom Sawyer each man
sees the renewal of hs

i he Chinese mandarin chuckles when
Tom makes the other boys pay him fdr
doing his work. The little Russian trem-
bles as he overhears Indian Joe plotting
to rob the widow. The German in his
trench tunnel, with death all about him,
catches his breath as he reads of Tom and
little Becky alone in the tunnel. Wher-
ever men read, they shiver with Tom

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own vouth --ach wo- that fearful midnight when he saw the
mrY 11m1 sees the son she doctor murdered by a new made grave.
o\es-- --i-ori on Saw- And each man who reads knows his own
yer is really the story mother in Aunt Polly, and wishes he had
of Mark T wai's own a chance to do it all over again and make
boyhood it up to a long-suffering mother.
Hark Twain made us laugh, so that we had no time Now the trenchant pen is still. We know that a
to ee that his style was sublime, that he was almost man who could write two such books as "Huckleberry
blhlical in simplicity, that he was to America an- Finn" and "Joan of Arc" was splendid in power.
totl rmLincolnit spirit. All that is lovable and free -that is spectacular in
uto every one in the United States, he was American life, he has expressed. But above all, that
f r zat z 'l'wain--well-beloved, one of ourselves, intangible something that makes America what it
' ot t' l auh with, one to go to for cheer. Mark is, the world finds in Mark Twain. He is our Mark
Iwa'nn's smile will live forever. His laughter is Twain. He is the great American. Europe so rec-
enognizes him. Asia so knows him.
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28-29 'In "IS

Michigan men have

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