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October 31, 1916 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-31

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Will Appear In Detroit,
and Rapids and in
in Ann Arbor




Glee club, with a
its constitutional

completed arrangements, subject
he approval of the senate council,
its first public performance Tues-.
night, Nov. 28, at the "College
Jy," given at the Arcadia in De-
t, under the auspices of the Col-
club. Organizations from many
.eges and universities will take
t in the affair, the proceeds of
ich are to go to the Collegiate Bu-
u. of Occupations. The Detroit
cnnae have extended an exceedingly
ial invitation to the Girls' Glee
b to represent Michigan at the
y, and a snappy number is already
ig prepared for the occasion:
he club is also planning another
-of-town trip this year. A concert
been booked in Grand Rapids,
irday evening, Feb. 17, under the
pices of the Michigan alumnae of
V city, for the benefit of a fund
kstablish a third residence hall for
nen at the University of Michigan.
: order to defray the necessary ex-
ses, a trip concert will be given
J-hall Thursday night, Dec. 7, the
gram including the stunts and
ces Which will be featured on the
Vterman Gym to
'e Ready Nov. 15
>r ed Track, Steel Lockers, and
New Style Shower Baths Are
Main Innovations
Vaterman gymnasium will be ready
active work in physical training
r. 15. Work is rapidly progressing
e interior finishing and the floor
he new wing will be laid in a few
s. The gymnasium now measures
by 90 feet, with a track that meas-
s exactly 528 feet in circumference,
king it a ten-lap track. The carpet
the track formerly- was only four
t wide, but this has been increased
that the running space is now six
b. The greatest improvement in
track has been the rounding and
fecting of the corners, which were
nerly too abrupt to admit of fast
e being made.
'our handball courts, instead of the
that offered only limited accom-
lations for the game, have been
vided. The floor in the courts has
a lowered two feet, giving a bet-
playing space, and a higher cell-
'he locker room now has a capacity
,000 lockers. Last year there were
0 lockers and of this number only
were steel. This fall 200 of the
wooden lockers were taken to
hour gymnasium to meet the in-
sed demand of the women and 500
' steel ones of the latest type were
Bred for Waterman gymnasium.
Se lockers are well ventilated and
angements have been made so that
r a huge fan can be installed in
locker room.
'he greatest improvement that has
n made in the gymnasium is the
allation of improved showers.
on the gymnasium is opened there
be 60 of the new type showers
Ly for use, each equipped with a
ant anti-scalding needle valve that
es the hot and cold water before
aves the pipe. The shower rooms
finished in white tile.
wing to a lack of funds the swim-
g pool will be delayed in construc-
. Necessary improvements on the
inasium were estimated to require
appropriation of $115,000 and with
$60,000 available the natatorium
of necessity notincluded in the

improvements. Adequate space
its later construction has been
vided, however, and the plans for
have already been drawn. The
prints call for a pool 75 by 40
with a capacity of 120,000 gal-
The depth of the tank at one
will be four feet and then gradu-
sloping down to ten feet at the
r end.
r. May has, since the first of the
r, been conducting the physical
ninations of the first year men in
temporary quarters in Waterman
mnasium and work will commence
r shortly after the gymnasium is
ur alarm clocks are good elocks.
pman, Jeweler, 113 South Main
at tues-eod

N. S. Hardikar Explains Purpose
of World Articles to Appear in Daily
N. S. Hardikar, Grad., of India, has every branch of modern sciences and
contributed in this issue the first of a the person trained therein is super-
series of articles by foreign students for to the average product of European
.n tuniversities. But it is sad to see that
in the University relating to their these scholars are quite unfamiliar
native countries. In the following ex- with other countries, and that they are
tract Mr. Hardikar explains in detail not taking advantage of the natives of
the unlimited value of association those countries who are being train-
with*foreign students and the benefits ed in the University.
that can be derived from such organi- "The Cosmopolitan club is an organ-
zations as the Cosmopolitan club. ization where all the nationalities
The article is as follows:" Michigan gather together and discuss various
men and women are probably aware problems. It seems to me that the
that their Alma Mater is represented students of our University have an er-
by not less than 25 different nation- roneous idea about this organization.
alities, an honor which is held by few It. does not belong to the foreigners
educational institutions in this coun- alone but to everybody. It is meant
try. The students who have come for those who care for humanity.
from foreign countries take along with There is no partisan spirit in it. The
them the name of the University, and very thing that the president of the
become the means of spreading its Cosmopolitan club this year is an Am-
fame. In this way the great institu- erican illustrates this fact. The stu-
tion is known to almost all the foreign dents ought to take advantage of such
lands. Certainly a matter of pride of a club and reap the benefits from it.
her people. But do the Michigan men "Recognizing the necessity of dis-
and women know something at least seminating knowledge about foreign
of those foreign countries from which countries, here and elsewhere, the club
the students are pouring into their has undertaken various movements.
own institution? The All-Nation-Revue of last year was
"The little experience that I have one of them. This year an entirely
had tells me that the average student foreign entertainment will be given.
on the campus does not know the pro- The immediate step that the club is
per location of India, a country as taking to spread knowledge of coun-
large as Europe, omitting Russia, and -tries other- than the United States is
with a population three times that of to publish a series of articles on
the United States. It is perfectly nat- each country, written by the natives,
ural for a people who are always busy In The Michigan Daily. These articles
in securing the sympathy of the dollar will be short and snappy and the
god to ignore the existence of other writers will try to make them not
countries, but it ' is un'doubtedly un- only informative but interesting also.
scientific and hence uncivilized. This Those who desire more information
great institution is training students in should see the writer personally."


Can only tell what


trial will prove,-
That clothes made

by our workmen


perfectly tailored
of finest woolens.



Orpheum--Wilfred Lucas and
Bessie Love in "Hell-to-Pay
Austin." Also Triangle com-
edy, "The Winning Punch."
Arcade--Theda Bara in "Her
Double Life." Also Mutt and
Jeff cartoon.


Featured by a comedy playlet en-
titled "Every Day in the Year," with
Les Morgan and Beryl Gray playing
the roles, the Majestic this week pre-
sents a greatly varied but excellent
bill for vaudeville lovers.
The playlet typifies the difficulties of
getting to an 8 o'clock as well as the
hardships of being a commuter, but
it is to be doubted if any student so
lost track of the days of the week that
he took the trouble to roll out of bed
on Sunday morning to make a class.
Burt Carl and Beth Le Claire dis-
play good voices and good danc-
ing ability, with a brand of fast-mov-
ing patter not often found on the
boards. Frawley and West offer some-
thing new and original in their gym-
nastic work, which is greatly enhanc-
ed by some clever lighting effects.
Medlin, Watts and Townes in their
comedy skit "Before and After" help
in the presentation of a well balanced
Norrine Carmen's Minstrels "the
acme of minstrelry," give the final
number on the bill, presenting some
distinctive,- rapid, black-face work. '
About 20 freshmen and five sopho-
mores were limbering up yesterday for
the Fresh-Soph relay race to be held
Saturday betWeen halves of the Michi-
gan-Washington game.
H. E. O'Brien, '17, is in charge of
the underclassmen and will be on
Ferry field daily from 3 to 5 o'clock.
There is still time for the second
year men to come out and make a
success of the relay. The freshmen
have some very promising material
out and unless the sophomores show
more spirit it will be the story of the
rush over again. The trials will be
held on Wednesday and Thursday,
from 3 to 5 o'clock.
Coach Yost to Address Boys Tonight
Coach Yost will speak to a junior
open house of Ann Arbor boys at the
local city Y. M. C. A. tonight. Louis
Reimann, '16, will also talk at the
meeting. Mr. Yost will discuss foot-
ball with the boys, while Mr. Reimann
will speak on "The New Athlete." Mr.
Reimann was Varsity left tackle for
the last three years.
, Victor Victrojas and complete stook
of Records at Schaeberle & Son's, 110
South Main street. oct3tf

Yearlings Fight Hard But Opponents
Are Too Strong; Score,
Totaled 14-0
The junior engineers won the first
game of their schedule yesterday aft-
ernoon, defeating the freshmen of the
same department 14 to 0. The fresh-
men put up a good fight but were not
as steady as their upperclass oppon-
ents. They were particularly weak in
the handling of punts which Dudley,
the junior quarter, got off in regular
Varsity style.
Rye played a fast game and was a
consistent ground gainer for the
juniors. Good kicked two perfect
goals following the touchdowns.
Warner in the backfield and Hayes and
G. Anderson on the line played the
best game for the freshmen.
The lineup: ,
Juniors. Freshmen.
Hughes ...........R.E.......... Phelps
Mittlesdorf. R.T....... Wordman
Morency......... R.G.... G. Anderson
Tattersahl........ C......... Harmon
Barnard........L.T.......... Hayes
Routier..........L.E..... Trowbridge
Dudley..... ......Q..........Bottum
Rye ............. L.H ......... Hardert
Russel...........R.H....H. Anderson
Good......... .F.B......... Warner
Touchdowns-Russel, Dudley. Goals
from touchdown-Good, 2.






been offered the managership, but do V. W. C. A. GETS VISIT FROM University of Indiana Has New Gym
not want it, and wouldn't take it if I NATIONAL SECRETARIES Bloomington, Ind., Oct. 25.-The
had it offered me. Such rumors cre-- University of Indiana has almost com-
ate dissension." The. University Y. W. C. A. is now ple sits ne gynasium, whic
Jimmie Dunn, owner of the Indians, . a pleted its new gymnasium, which
gave notice today that he would be njoying a visit from two of the sec- is one of the most completely
in his office Wednesday morning and retaries from the headquarters of the equipped buildings of its kind in
would announce his selection of a national board of the Y. W; C. A. at th r p .,il
t is count Th t iWLJZiI6Wl

manager to lead the Indians at that New York City, Miss Blanche Geary,
time. Those in a position to know efficiency expert, who is making a
Dunn's course of action claim that Lee study of economic and financial condi-
Fohl will be retained as manager. tions in various types of associations,
" and Miss Leslie Blanchard, national


.4 51yVs0n 11 1WUIes Smoky Hoses"
Lyman Bryson, instructor in journal-
ism in the rhetoric department, has
collected some of his best poetry into
a volume entitled "Smoky Roses." The
book contains the narrative poem "The
Wrecker" and 50 other verses of var-
ied mood.

student secretary.
Yesterday an informal luncheon was
given in their honor at Newberry
residence and the honorary members
are invited to meet them today. Miss
Blanchard will speak at vespers
Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock and
will stay until Friday to .complete her

1lbUUt,-y. i e new buitding will
seat 2,500 people comfortably on the
main floor. In addition, it contains a
swimming pool, indoor track, basket-
ball courts, lockers, showers, trophy
room, offices, bowling alleys, hand ball
courts, and heating and ventilating
The new building will be ready for
occupancy by the first of January,
when the old gymnasium will be torn
Dress Suit Dealers Form Rental Trust
New York, Oct. 30.-Prospects of- a
"brilliant social season," especially on
the east side, have caused dress suit
dealers to form a rental "trust" with
prices higher than before.

that I may

Oct. 30.-"The report
manage Cleveland's In-

investigations of the work in Ann Ar-
Woman's Tourney on Second Round bor. She is a guest at the Martha Cook
All matches in the second round of building and girls interested in Y. W.
the tennis tournament must be played C. A. work may obtain personal con-
off by tonight. For further informa- ferences with her. Miss Geary, who
tion call Margaret Atkinson, '19, phone leaves today, has been entertained at
number 651. Newberry residence.

dians next season is absolutely false,"
said Tris Speaker here today enroute
to his home in Texas. "I have not


.a:.r S ,..u + . ..;: .; . .. .. '." 'y _F' °'a S c '. V.








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A program of snappy acts and features


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