Coach Po
O MA CLEA SWEEP Receives Praise
Cambridge, Oct. 30.-Harvard's foot-
Zeder and Sharpe to Start Saturday;, ball adherents are unstinted today in
Sparks Out for a Good their praise of Percy Haughton, Har-
Rest vard's coach, and the result of his sys-
tem. They declare he alone is re-
According to Line Coach Miller Pon- spon'sible for the great/showing of the
tius, if Michigan gets the breaks dur- Crimson .eleven against Cornell Satur-
ing the rest of the season, the Wol- day and he is being given full credit.
verines ought to sail through the rest The performance of Eddie Casey is
di tly laid to Haughton's success in
of the schedule without a defeat. applying his ideas to his players and
This statement obviously pres.p- I they point to the record of Mahan and
poses many things, but it is a coM- !Brickley as examples of Haughton's
forting bit of news for the campus tutoring in the past.
anyway. Pontius believes that the
Michigan eleven ought to defeat both velous record. He kicked 19 straight
Pennsylvania and Cornell if Vae team before he missed one, and following
improves during the remainder of the this error he came back still stronger
season as it should, and if the dreaded and booted 26 over in succession, giv-
hospital list can only be kept from in- a ng ioagd otarofn4su tof,45.
creasing. g him a grand total of 44 out of 45.
The last minute stand of the Wol- Maulie's kicking saved Michigan Sat-
verines against Syracuse ought to in- urday as a single miss would have
still considerable confidence into the left the score tied, and failure on both
f n nn d ll lof- occasions would have meant defeat.t
Ann Arbor Scene
of Aero Flights
Saginaw Aviator Appears During
Syracuse Game; Returns
This Week
Ann Arbor and vicinity has been
the scene of aeroplane activities the
past few days and bids fair to con-
tinue in this role for the rest of the
present week at least.
Yearlings' Coaching SBaff Leads
Drill; Hammils (does Back
to Squad
Palo Alto, Cal., Oct. 31.-"An
football is the greatest menace
tercollegiate athletics. There ha
a rapid growth in the resentm
by many university men and
members toward intercollegial
letics. Largely it seems to :
cause of the extraneous coach a
by-products that go with him,
thing for victory, secret prac
While ihe regular All-Fresh team
was taking a light workout yesterday,
Spectators at the Michigan-Syracuse
game sighted a machine in the north
Saturday afternoon and the aviator
swooped down on Ferry field within
a few minutes from the time he was
first seen. The owner and operator of
the machine is Don McGee of Sagi-
naw, who has been engaged in the fly-
ing business for the past two years.
McGee's home is in Saginaw and his
military tractor biplane is a well
known sight in the upper part of the
Saginaw valley.
McGee spent Sunday in carrying
the freshman second team was bump- football, failing to keep from in
ing the bumps of *an 18-0 defeat at ing with university work' of pl
the hands of the Varsity reserves. etc.," Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur,
McGinnis and Bob Watson ied the dent of Leland %Stanford, Jr., ]
.alsity made this declaration in a
first team through a scrappy signal
practice. The word led is used liter-
ally. Most of the time the duo of
coaches were right in the lineup. The
head coach was filling one of the
halves, while Bob was loosening up
kinks at his old place at tackle.
Those freshmen showed lots of
friskiness in that signal practice.
When a team is beaten by the breaks
of luck such as the verdants ran
'ment today announcing that Stanf
would never abandon rugby in fa
of football. For years Stanford r
the University of California played
English game and a year ago Stanf
refused to change to American foott
when California did so.
(Aditlonal Sport on Page Four.)
Piano, voice, pipe organ. 912 Sox
Division street. 'Phone 213-J. Lei
orders for fine piano tuning.
Lem an I Unave an exce en4 moral e-
fect. Coming from behind as they
did, ample demonstration was in evi-
dence that the Maize and Blue has
the "punch" that is needed and no
football team ever defeated an aggre-
gation over 75 per cent as goof as
itself without this indispensable asset.
Coach Yost announced last night
that Sparks would not be out in a suit
all week. Zeiger will start the. game
next Saturday at quarterback, al-
though it is expected that -Sparks will
be- in shape by the time the eleven
journeys to Ithaca to face the Big
Red team..-
Zeiger's showing last Saturday was
perhaps the most encouraging feature
of the game. The victory of the Maize
and Blue is almost directly attribut-
able to the work of the substitute
pilot, although others played a prom-
inent part and it is unfair to over-
look them. Zeiger's open field work
was good and he scored both touch-
The squad spent the afternoon in
chasing punts, passes and in doing
other things of this nature. Captain
Maulbetsch was busy kicking goals
and the Dutchman established a mar-
Pat Smith and Peach were throw-
ing some passes and both of these,
boys can peg a football with about the
same precision and accuracy that the
average individual displays in hurling
a baseball. Smith's two excellent
throws were a big factor in Saturday's
victory and it would not be surpris-
ing to see the Wolverines resort to
passengers up on flights into the upper against in Lansing, the following Mon-
regions and was busy all day. In fact day is generally a blue one-sun, rain,
he did a regular "landslide business"' hail, or what not. But they were just
(figuratively speaking, of course). the contrary. Led by Bill Hitchcock
Yesterday McGee flew to Detroit at quarter, and with two coaches in
where he had several appointments, their number, the frosh had an abund-
but he will return to Ann Arbor to- ance of the old pep. If its lasting
night as he has several engagements qualities are of the week's duration it
'Photo by Daines.
this play frequently during the season.
Passing has played a big part in
Michigan's victories thus far as the
Maize and Blue has excellent men on
both ends of the deal. The ends have
been hanging onto Pat's throws as
though failure meant instant an-
nihilation. 11
Gracey's nome is not broken despite
rumors to thin effect and he can play
Satufrday if ne'eded. Sharpe will also
be in shape~by the end of the week
and he will probably start against
Washington. Zeiger will be at quar-
ter and Smith and the captain will
complete the backfield.
Considerable credit' is due Trainer
Tuthill for his excellent work in keep-
ing the men in condition. This is one
of the most important things that con-
cerns the coach, and the Detroit Tiger
John Codd, '17, Winner of Campus
Championship Tennis Match.
conditioner has been working wonders
with the Michigan team. Stamina
counts and it was the last minute
punch that put Syracuse off the map'
last Saturday.
Speedy Rush Starts Housecleaning!
Princeton, Oct. 30.-Speedy Rush has
with logal enthusiasts during the rest'
of the week. Numbered among hisc
passengers Sunday was a well knownI
young lady of this city who stated*
that she enjoyed her trip immensely.'
"She had more nerve than many of
the men," laughed the young aviator
after he had descended.r
McGee will continue to carry pas-
sengers on "sightseeing" trips until he
returns to his home in Saginaw. c
already begun the going over process
by which he expects to gradually elim-
inate the faults of his football team
and whip it into shape for the Har-
vard game which is just in the offing.
Daily Corrects Error of Omission
Owing to an error in Sunday's Mich-
igan Daily, the name of Daines was
omitted from the splendid action
photograph of the Michigan-Syracuse
football game. The Daily'wishes to
correct this error and give Daines the
credit due him.
0. G. Andres for shoe repairing. 222
S. State. 'Phone 1718-J. tues-eod
lcoks rather dark for a certain squad
of huskies in Evanston, Ill.
West is the only gridder who was
b,,,(ly banged up by the verdant farm-
ers. One of his ankles bore the brunt
of too many A ggie smashes but the
fullback will be in shape for the
academy game at Evanston. Knox is
still carrying a hand which closely
resembles a ham, and a couple of
other boys have something else where
their faces should be. None of them
will be unfit for the week-end enter-
Vinton Hammils, the husky Arizon-
ian end, who has been laid up for the
past three weeks with a sprained
ankle, is expected to resume action in
the Saturday contest. His presence.
is expected to bolster the team ma-
terially. McGinnis has.made no de-
eision as to which flanker Hammils
will replace.
Most admirably adapted for study Jack
et and class sweater.
Made of special quality worsted, in
Navy Blue, Gray. Black or Maroon.
Has two pockets, and pearl buttons.
No. 10CP Jersey - Five Dollars
Catalogue showing our complete line
of Jerseys and Sweaters mailed on re-
.121 Woodward Ave. Detroit, Mich.
See Schaeberle & Son,
Main street, for Ukeleles,
110 South
Martin Gui-
Beginning Today Passengers will be Sarried all week.
Ten Students went up Sunday
and 18 applications have already been received for the next two days.
$15 gives you a 20 minute birds eye view of Ann Arbor, a mile a minute speed, and all
the thrills and exhilirations of the upper air.
Make appointments with
Don McCee, Hotel Allenell
between 7:00 and 9:00
Julian Burrows,
Phone 18
in the evening.
II , 'y
' Y'T,