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October 27, 1916 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-27

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Leading Merchant Tailors
State St.


Your Room
the River

At School
On the Field

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Vherever you need electrical supplies, engineering tools, padlocks,
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Goodyear Wingfoot Rubber Heels
Save your nervous energy by preventing the jars and
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Price attached 50c. We recommend Neolin Soles--wear
better that leather, water proof, flexible, noiseless.
Famous Shoe Repairing Co.
301 S. State St. We Call For and Deliver PHONE 807


Official newspaper at the University of
Michigan. Published every morning except,
Monday during the university year.
Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as
second-class matter.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub-
scriptions: by carrier $2.50; by mail, $3.00.
Want ad. stations : 6uarry's ; Students' Sup-
ply Store; The Delta, cor. State and Packard.
Phones: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414.
Communications not to exceed 300 words
in length, or notices of events will be pub-
lished in The Daily if left at the office in the
Ann Arbor Press Bldg., or in the notice box
in the west corridor of the general library,
where the notices are collected at 7:30 o'clock
each evening.
John C. B. Parker..........Managing Editor
Clarence T. Fishleigh......Business Manager
Conrad N. Church..............News Editor
Lee E. Joslyn .. .............. .City Editor
Harold A. Fitzgerald...... .Sports Editor
Harold C. L. Jackson......Telegraph Editor
Verne E. Burnett..........Associate Editor
Golda Ginsburg............. Women's Editor
Carleton W. Reade........Statistical Editor
J. E. Cam pbell.. .Assistant Business Manager
C. Philip mery. .Assistant Business Manager
Albert . iorne. Assistant Business Manager
Roscoe R. Rau. ..Assistant Business Manager
Fred M. Sutter...Assistant Business Manager
Night Editors
L. S. Thompson E . A. Baumgarth
L. W. Nieter J. L. Stadeker
B. A. Swaney C. W. Neumann
W. R. Atlas C. C. Andrews
E. L. Zeigler H. C. Garrison
Allen Schoenfield C. M. Jickling
Marian Wilson D. S. Rood
Business Staff
Bernard Wohl J. E. Robinson
Paul E. Cholette Harry R. Louis
E. Reed Hunt Harold J. Lance
Earl F. Ganschow Walter R. Payne
Harold Makinson
Night Editor-Harry M. Carey I
There are places for five or six le
sophomores on the business staff of
The Michigan Daily. All those inter-
ested call at The Daily office this aft-
ernoon between 1 and 3 o'clock.
Along. North University avenue
there is a long dark vista of trees
that arch over the street car tracks.
Last Sunday night a woman was kill-
ed there by a street car. About a year
ago Superintendent Draper, of the Un-
iaersity hospital, lost his life in the
same way.
In the last tragedy the motorman
has been absolved from all blame.
Perhaps the victim was to blame, and
perhaps the system. But that is not
the real question. What safety de-
vices will be established to prevent
further accidents? Scores of univer-
sity and high school students pass
through this dangerous territory every
day. It is suggested that bright lights
could be maintained at slight expense
along the danger zone. Perhaps bet-
ter brakes and headlights might be in-
stalled in the cars. Whatever remedy
is best should be installed as soon as

Editor, The Michigan Daily:
It is with astonishment that the
reader notes the letter of protest in
Thursday's Daily in regard to the ed-
itorial on the subject of profanity at
mass meetings
Having somewhat of an inside
knowledge of the workings of the Ath-
lethic association, and knowing the
purposes for which mass meetings
are held, the writer takes it upon him-
self to write these few lines. The
purpose of mass meetings is to in-
still "pep" into Michigan students for
the support-and the violent support
of its athletic teams. To do this we
assemble a crowd for the express in-
tent of yelling, cheering and otherwise
arousing enthusiasm. According to
several, at the last mass meeting, pro-
fanity was resorted to by the crowd,
said profanity consisting of the
ing of "Hail, Hail, the Gang's All
H-ere, What the H- do we care, etc."
The discussion seems to hinge on
the word"H-." This venerable and
useful word does not seem to the writ-
er to come under the head of profan-
ity in this case. The dictionary says
that profanity is "blasphemy or irrev-
erence of or to things holy and vener-
able." The question then becomes:
is "Hell" a thing or place of reverence?
Years ago the writer heard Billy Sun-
day-the Reverend William Sunday-
speak and he distinctly remembers
that "H-" was spoken of in any-
thing but terms of reverence. So much
for the profanity of "H-" as an ex-
pression. The writer does not believe
that the strictest theologian can class
"H-- as profanity-rather say that
it is slang of a lower sort.
Aside from this attitude, in which
the writer believes Mr. Goddard un-
justifiable, there is another way in
which to look at it. Michigan needed
for last Saturday's game all the en-
thusiasm which her student body could
produce, all the cheering which it could
put forth, and if Michigan students
have to resort to the use of such terri-
ble songs as "Hail, Hail, etc." the writ-
er says go to it! Ever since I have
been in school, the crowds wherever
gathered have sung this song and to
me the "standards of manhood" at
Michigan have not noticeably deter-
iorated. Neither do I believe that in
the singing of this song, Michigan
men have departed from the "realms
of decency and courtesy." As far as
the university women are concerned, I
do not believe that they will be in-
sulted if I say that I do not doubt but
that they sang it themselves, and even,
inwardly at least, cursed the Farmers
with the rest of us.
True gentlemen have rich red blood,
'tis true and upon occasions the writ-

What the World's Experts know,.
The Home University Library, 50c
The People's Books, 25c
Flag Rush and N. A. C. Game
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Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
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Kaamazoo Limited Cars -8 48 a.m. and
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,6:o5 P. M . , 11:45 P. in., 1i:1o a. in., 1:20
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ocal Cars Westbound-6:05 a. m., 7:50 a.
10:20 p. i.. 12:2o a. m.
e Farmers & Mechanics Bank
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er can remember even perfect gentle-
ONE BETTER men resorting to language consider-
ably stronger than "h-"
Warriner and Randall went their And further, if those on Michigan's
predecessors -one better this year, and campus crt evise neasb and
published a Students' Directory 23 practical scheme for preventing a
days after collegeropened, breaking mass meeting from singing "Hail,
any previous record by three days. Hail" the writer would like personally
Probably there is no activity on the to see it, and "hail" its inventor as a
campus that requires more concen- genius of the first order.. The manager
trated effort or self-sacrificing endeav- of the Majestic has his troubles along
or than does the publication of the a similar line and I would suggest that
Directory. To publish it in the length those wishing to try consult with him,
of time that it was gotten out this! Agt ty oStIhhi.
year, means working nights, Sundays, A SENIOR.
and during football games. Further,
than in point of time, we know the T OIO
publishers of the 1916-1917 Directory UgMhUyt h p
had a worthy ambition, that of print-*
ing an accurate list. The painstaking MASS MEETING MINUS "HAIL,
.efforts that have been taken to insure HAIL," NOT "PINK TEA"; USE OF
against errors, we are confident, will YPSI ALSO OBJECTIONABLE
be rewarded in the publication of an
accurate Directory. Editor The Michigan Daily:\

106 E. Huron Street

Opposite Court House


12 -2 Special Tea and Rice Served

Jay Special 12 - 5' -

m 25c

All notices for The Daily must be
signed. No anonymous notices or
communications will be accepted. Com-


hicken meal with soup, celery, olives, munications may appear in the paper
ome bread and hot roast pie, Oolong unrayosired peunym but
a, coffee and miik. under any desired pseudnym, but
must ,bear the authentic signature of
4ichigan Inn 611 E. Liberty the writer.
Telephone 2082 Dean Myra B. Jordan will entertain
the women of the senior class at 4
aptist Guild Holds Social Tonight o'clock this afternoon in Barbour
The Baptist Guild, the organization gymnasium.
Baptist young people in the Univer- All Glee club members report at 10
ty, will hold their annual Hallowe'en o'clock, Saturday morning at Rent-
>cial in the church parlors at 7:30 scheler's, for Michiganensian pictures.
clock tonight. This is, with the ex- A ten mile hike starts from the gym-
ption of the annual banquet in the nasium at 8:30 o'clock every Saturday
>ring, the biggest social event of the morning. One athletic honor point is
aurch. given for' every ten miles.
Junior advisors pay 50 cents at once
Dancing from 9 to I at Armory to- either at Dean Myra B. Jordan's of-
tght. 27 lice, or to Mildred Harrington, '18.

Women's opinions in regard to the
REGISTRATION BEGINS NOV. 8 singing of "Hail, Hail" at the mass
meetings were solicited, here is one,
Appointment Committee Desires to See take it for what it is worth.
All Teachers Next Week In my day I have attended many a
mass meeting at which I do not re-
The annual registration of all can- call the singing of the song in ques-
tion, and they were not "pink teas."
didates who expect to teach the com- They were some of the most spirited
ing year will be held in the auditor- meetings I have ever seen at Michi-
ium of University hall at four o'clock, gan. It is a new idea to me that the
Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 8. All per-
lack of a song of this nature turns a
sons wishing the services of the Ap- function into a "pink tea." We know
pointment committee at any time dur- the men are full of spirit-so are we-
ing the year are expected to be present but aren't "Varsity" and "The Vic-
at this meeting. Registration at this tors" just as expressive-in fact more
time is free. For late registration a so? Why not strike them up instead
charge of one dollar is made. of the objectionable song?
The committee wishes to state that! And another thing-I believe I am
it is much more convenient for all
parties if candidates enroll this falnot expressing only my own opinion
parteifanidate snrol this fals in saying that Michigan women are
and then later withdraw their names not particularly pleased at having the
if they see fit to do so rather than to Ys"ofrduinterbhl.W
defer enrollment at the present time "psi" offered up in their behalf. We
defe enollentat he resnt imeare 'anxious to add our enthusiasm to
'and then seek registration later in ae mn's to cheer wtthhem fo
the season. the men's and to cheer with them for
The services of the Appointment Michigan.
committee are extended not only to A WOMAN STUDENT.
the members of the graduating class
of this year but to graduate students, 'Phone 600 for signs and show cards.
undergraduates, and any others who oct3 to 29
have had, or now have, any connec-
tion with the University. I Hallowe'en Dance at Armory tonight.


CHOP off a few
minutes and eat some of
341 S. State St. Phone 1244-M
Frieda McLellan, '18, Takes Title Role;
Large Crowd Present
Bloodthirsty murders and thrilling
escapes featured the opening party of
the Women's League Wednesday aft-
ernoon, when Wyvern produced "The
Perils of Perline," a movie in four
reels. The difficult role of the villain
was played by Marian Williams, '18,
who made an excellent foil for the
heroic acting of Helen Brown, '18, to
whom the hero's part was intrusted.
The title role was handled by Frieda
McLellan, '18.
A large crowd was present for this
meeting which not only opened the;
season for the league, but also began a
membership campaign which will last,
for the next two weeks. Dancing in
the gymnasium finished the program.
The committee in charge consisted
of Anna Lloyd, '18; Frieda McLellan,
'18; Marian Williams, '18, and Valora
Quinlan, '18.
Syracuse Starts Co-Operative Plan
Seventy merchants and more thanj
1,000 students at the University ofi
Syracuse are availing themselves ofz
one of the few successful student-
merchant co-operative associations inj
this country. Each student who be-f
longs, pays one dollar for a ticket
which entitles him to a ten percept dis-
count on all merchandise purchasedr
of merchants who are members of thez
association. The plan has become pop-
ular among both students and mer-
chants, although some bitterness has
been aroused.
Velox prints at Sugden's. oct3-29
"Ike" Fischer's ragtime sextet atc
Armory tonight. 27 t

1107 So. Univ.
KU Takes Pictures
Develops Films
F makes Prints
and Enlarge-
713 E. Vniwvaslay
Registrar Discusses Principles of True
Judgment In Life.
"The Proper Proportions of Things,"
was the subject of Dr. A. G. Hall's talk
to university women yesterday after-
noon at Newberry hall. The principles
underlying true judgments were dis-
cussed in their application to such
phases of college life as hazing and
cheating. Various types of honor
systems were mentioned by Doctor
Hall, who declared that the difficulty
can easily be solved when students
learn to see things in their true pro-
"Even the commonest acts of every-
day life require a constant weighing
and comparing of values," said Doctor
Hall. "The person who cannot learn
to judge quickly and accurately of the
relative importance of things is al-
ways at a disadvantage. It is easy
to decide rightly in regard to the large
things because we bring more weight
and energy to bear on them than on
the smaller things, but the strength
of one's character depends on the hab-
its he has formed of disposing of these
small things."
Lawrence, Kan., Oct. 25.-Kansas
University will celebrate its semi-cen-
tennial year early in December by be-
ing "at home" to all parents of stu-
dents at the University.
Chancellor Strong and the adminis-
trative board are considering a "Fath-
er's and Mother's Week", in which the
whole University would entertain the
fathers and mothers of the students
and show them the work of the Uni-
Dancing from 9 to 1 at Armory to-
night. 27
Private lessons. Work will start iii-
mediately. See instructor at Dr. May's
office, Waterman gymnasium, for
terms, etc. a. S. Westerman. It,

oes your musical instrument need
airs? Take it to Schaeberle & Son,
South Mal street, for first-class
k. oct3tf

All girls wishing to register for ad-
vanced gymnasium work or for aesthe-
tic dancing must do so at once.
Board of representatives of the Wo-
men's League will meet at 8:30 o'clock
Saturday morning, in Barbour gym-

Dance at Armory tonight.

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