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October 21, 1916 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-21

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Cafeteria 605 E. Williams Serveselt Lunch 1121 S. University Annex 546 Church St.


Up to Present Battle Michigan Had
'9) Points-M. A. C. 49


Infantile Paralysis Hits Harvard
Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 20.-The var-
sity and second Harvard football
teams yesterday went under quaran-
tine orders through the illness of E.
Ginn, a junior, who is fullback on the
second football team. Ginn was tak-
en to Stillman infirmary, where, after
a thorough examination, the case was
pronounced a mild attack of infantile
paralysis, although no real paralysis
had developed. The serum was im-
mediately administered.

In preparation for the Pittsburgh
game which is being played at Syra-
cuse this afternoon, Syracuse has been
holding signal practice every morning
at 7:00 o'clock. Syracuse's men are
in very good condition while Pitts-
burgh is handicapped by the injury of
McLaren, Miller and Stoppet, who
were hurt in the game with the Navy
last Saturday. Captain Peck, All-

Yost,o PougIass, Pontiis, and
RIeonsible for Showing
1916 Eleven



>.' * , * * ,, * * * * * * *I

-Photo by Daines
Backfield Coach Douglass
It 's a Ghost
of Terra Firma
Up in a store window on South Uni-
versity avenue they have been keep-
ing a curious article for the last few
days. It is not preserved in alcohol
or any chemical and yet it is a perish-
able commodity.
Here's what it is: a pumpkin! This
pumpkin is shaped like a squash and
is built along the general lines of a
football, only it's green instead of yel-
low. It is a product of the sod .
But what's the significance? All in,
the label. Over said product of the
soil is a sign, and this is the way it
reads: "This is the kind of 'Ghost'
ball they use at M. A. C." Appropriate,
Gigantic Skeleton Glued at Kansas
The skeleton of a gigantic land tor-
toise which lived about 50,000 years
ago, has just been glued together at
the University of Kansas museum.

Hitherto, in past games with the
Mir higan Aggies, the two opposing
teams have been the product of coach-
ing staffs which had been associated
with the gridiron machines in both in-
stitutions for several years. For years,
until this present season, Coach Mack-
lin trained the M. A. C. fighters. This
year the Aggies have been mentored
by a new coach.
The same is true of the Maize and
Blue aggregations to a somewhat less
extent. Hitherto Coach Yost has had
the assistance of Germany Schultz in
developing his teams. Fortunately for
Michigan, Yost is still the head of the
football training staff, but this year
two new coaches have lent their as-
sistance and endeavors to building up
the eleven that fought M. A. C. this
Coaches Douglass and Pontius are
the new men who Lve done so much
with such material success in aiding
Head Coach Yost in putting out the
1916 team.
Coach Douglass, until this year was
the mentor of the All-Fresh squads.
and this season was secured to assist
in building up the Varsity. He has
handled the backfield men and the
ends, in other words, the offensive part
of the Yost squadron. To a great ex-
tent, whatever of power on offense the
team may have is due to his efforts.
Michigan boasts this year of some ofj
the best ends ever seen on Ferry field,
and the same may be said of the backs.;
During the time when he coached the
All-Fresh squads he worked with some!
of the men on he Varsity line today,
so that his influence extends even to
the line.
Miller H. l'ontius has the distinc-
tion of being the star tackle of a
strong Wolverine eleven, so that he
knows what the word Michigan means,
and further is able to demonstrate
some real Michigan spirit gained by
actual experience during undergrad-
uate days, in the capacity of a Varsity
football coach. He has taken care of
the line all season as his especial
charges and also was the man left in
charge of the spring training squad
last term. That husky, fighting line is
a monument to his efforts. If the
backfield gains, it is on the founda-
tion of the line.
Buzz Catlett has also given his time
and efforts toward boosting Michigan's
chances against all comers. He comes
in for his share of the credit.
Name 'em over, Yost, Douglass,
Pontius, Catlett. It is a coaching staff
of which any university might well be
University of Iowa:-
The fraternities will have to start
serving regular meals from now on.
They can't count longer on the sorori-
fThe reason is thn nnen hoie aff ira


1902 119
1907 46
1908 0
1910 6
1911 15
1912 55
1918 7
1914 3
1915 0
Total-MichIgan 290,

)Ticle .

I.A-. *C
0 *
0 *
0 *
3 *
3 *
7 *
12 *
0 *
M. A. C. 49 *


* * * * * * * * * * *


Michigan and the Michigan Agricul-
tural College met today for the elev-
enth time. Ten times these two elev-
ens have clashed in the past and theM im11
Ann Arbor representatives have
emerged victorious on seven occasions.
Twice the Wolverines have been de- I--Photo by Daines
feated and once the result was a tie. Line Coach Miller H. Pontius
The first victory for the Aggies over
a Michigan football team occurred in New York College may play football
1913. The best that they had been this season, after a lapse of thirty
able to do up to this time had been a years.
0 to 0 draw-the game of 1908.___
In 1913 the Aggies dropped into 1
Ann Arbor and to the intense amaze-
ment and astonishment of everyone
present they inflicted a 12 to 7 defeat
upon the stunned and almost unbe-
lieving Wolverines. Precedent had
been upset and the Farmers were no
longer accounted a mere stepping
stone to better things.
The following year up in East Lan-
sing before the largest crowd that Vuic
ever saw a football game in that ciy,
Michigan took the measures of the A cc
home hopes in a stubborn game which
was decided when Larry Splawn drop
kicked a goal from the 20-yard line.
The ball sailed straight between the
posts and it was the only scoring of
the game. l
Last season on Ferry field the Maize
£,d BiA w lc dL rl int thL L ir1



Michigan Inn Cafe
61 1E. Liberty St.
Telephone 20r2
Ann Arbor, Mich.

American center, will bear the brunt
TILE EXQUiSiTE CORSET SHOP of the Pittsburgh defense.
304 So. Main Street FOR SALE
Neckwear, hosiery, underwear, and Dress Suit with Tuxedo and Two Vests
handkerchiefs. Also the newest crea- Absolutely New-Never Worn
tions in blouses and waists. Special Addfesi
attention given to corset fitting. 2ins. 1439 David Whitney Bldg, Detroit

STlire & Rubber Co.


Free ir.


T elephone 40 8-T

® r i

ana rue was Lramlea n~o ie mire
in scandalous fashion and the Wolver-
ines were humiliated and overwhelm-
ed-24 points to 0.
This year's game will mark the elev-
enth meeting between the teams. M.
A. C. has won two of the last three
games and stories from East Lansing
dent of victory over the Michigan

is the most economical method of re-!
producing written or typewritten matter.
We are agents for the Edison-Dick
Mimeograph, the inventors of the mim-
eograph and carry a complete line of
machines and materials for doing mim-
eograph work.
We use only the best materials ob-
tainable which in no small degree con-
tributes to our high grade work. The

I ;

i 1 e resonis te oen nose aas

next time you have any circulars to of Sunday afternoons are about a thing
send out or wish any outlines or pre- of teeat "u nbt is fair nlhu"
of the pas,

In matter of total points scored ob-
viously Michigan has an immense mar-
gin as the rather convincing figures
of 290 to 49 will testify. However in
the last three years M. A. C. has scor-
ed 36 points as against Michigan's 10.
The supremacy of the past three
seasons lies with the Farmers.
The biggest defeat that the Aggies
ever sustained at the hands of the
Michigan team was in 1902 when the
point-a-minute Yost machine of that
year ran up 119 points, scoring touch-
downs repeatedly after two or three
plays. Outside of last season, Mich-
igan has scored on the Aggies every
year except in 1908 when a tie game
Increase in Enrollment at Vanderbilt
Figures just given out by Vanderbilt
University show a present enroll-
ment of 943 students. Each school has
gained over last year except the
pharmacy school.
304 South Main Street
For the latest in fancywork, crochet
cottons, and flosses. Also the choicest
in china and bric-a-brac for gifts and
prizes. 2ins.

Yellow and Blue Win for Michigan
Varsity Fight Men of Michigan
. Victors That Michigan Band
Michigan's Favorite Victors and Varsity
College Songs on a-
Price $2 Victor Record
Price 75c
Cor. Maynard and William Sts.
vl~~ ~lttt lltlltt llll ll IIt1t ltlt{ llll llllll 1{ 1Il ltll tll {IllllillitlllI{I Illll {l tE{!tE1!{1{1 1{111I II tI {lt l tltt{{tll Iltll yi l

limninary books forcollege use nanufact-
ured give us a call; the high quality of
o ir work and prices will surprise }on.
Our customers say Ae do the best in
Ann Arbor This is due to long experi-
ence in handliiig college work and the
fact that we hire competent stenogra-
ph ersto do the work.L
322 South State St.
(Over Baltimore Lunch)
"Everything for the Typewriter"

V Llt ao. 1U1 UU 1! alpa,
say the girls.
University of Wisconsin:-
All university classes will be sus-
pended on election day, November 7.
All students residing in the state may
vote by mail according to a recent in-
terpretation by the -law students.
University of Iowa:-
The co-eds of he University of Iowa
have issued a call for a woman cheer
leader to direct their energies.

You certainly would feel more at ease if you knew that your valuable Papers were safely
locked up in one of the modern Safety Deposit Boxes of



Either Office: 101-103-105 South Main Street 330 South State Street (Arcade)

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