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October 21, 1916 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-21

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Ramsay, Baker, Jacks and Coryell are
Strangers to Michigan
In the Aggie lineup that started this
afternoon's game, but four faces
strange to Michigan fans appeared.
They were those of Ramsay, Baker,
Jacks, and Coryell. All the other
Farmer starters were in the lineup
when the whistle blew for the kickoff
in last year's game. Two of the
strangers today were to be found in
the backfield and two in the line. One
of them, Coryell, was a substitute in
the 1915 aggregation. The other three
are entirely new men.
The right side of the Aggie line has
been preserved intact, Frimodig, Van-
dervoort, Blacklock, and Henning all
occupy the same positions they graced
last fall. On the left side, Straight,
who played next to Frimodig, has been
shifted to tackle in an attempt to fill
the shoes of Gideon Smith. Coryell
sey, a newcomer, is stationed at left
end, Butler, last year's sinister flanker,
having been moved back of the line.
In the backfield, Bob Huebel is the
only veteran to retain his place. But-
ler is rattling about in Jerry De-
Prato's shoes at fullback, with Baker
and Jacks stationed at the halfs in an
attempt to make the Aggie rooters for-
get the Miller brothers.
The Olive and White lineup, there-
fore, consists In a veteran, heavy for-
ward wall and a light set of backs, for
the most part green. The loss of
Smith in the line has been a heavy
blow to the Aggie hopes, Straight hav-
ing proven far from the tackle that the
big negro was. Hughie Blacklock, the
Grand Rapids thunderbolt playing his
fourth year at tackle, is the star of
the 1916 Farmer line. He is heavy and
fast, and a player who knows the in-
side of the game. Captain Henning
at end is a flanker of experience and
"Freddie" Jacks is the bright and
shining light of the leather-lugging
quartet, the former Muskegonite, bat-
tering his way through opposing bul-
warks in much the same manner as
Johnny Maulbetsch. Jacks was at the
Aggie school for a few weeks in the
fall of 1913 but did not stay long
enough to get into any of the games
that year. Last year he was a member
of the powerful Kalamazoo Normal
team, which swept everything in the
state before It. Baker, the M. A. C.
fullback, is a product of Flint high
school and comes with a big reputa-
tion in interscholastic circles. He
played last year with George Gauth-
ier's All-Fresh team at East Lansing.
Final Cut Leaves 54 on Cornell Squad
Dr. Sharpe has made the final cut in
Cornell's football squad and now re-
tains 54 men.

-Photo by Daines
Coach Fielding H. Yost
"We are ready. Michigan is going
on the field today to win from start to
finish and every man will be there to
do his share." These were the final
words of Coach Fielding H. Yost be-
fore the big Varsity line-up trotted
out to take its position on the gridiron.
Here 's Reason
Do you men on the campus know
why the chances for a better Maul-
betsch team are brighter than those
of Cochran's men were last year?
Right here is one essential.
Last year during the whole of the
football season the Varsity broke the
ice of all opponents for but 131 tal-
lies. Now we're not so strong on this
comparative stuff ourselves as some
might think. But it behooves us to
state that we feel the campus is with
us when we say that when any team
which has run up 137 points in their
first four games, or a half dozen more
than was counted by the 1915 squad,
has an edge some where.
Men Restricted in Plays at Harvard
Harvard, as well as Yale, now pro-
hibits men from taking the part of
female characters in the plays given
by her students.
Exchange of Professors Due Feb. 1
An exchange of professors between
the University of Washington and the
Institute Commercial of Valparaiso,
Chile, has been planned to go into ef-
fect Feb. 1.

Syracuse First Meet on Schedule;
Other Dates Not Yet
This year Michigan's cross country
squad enters into a season embracing
bigger competition than that encount-
ered in any previous year. The sched-
ule has not yet been published, but
when it comes out it is rumored that
some hard tusses will be found slated
for the wearers of the C. C. C.
First on the list comes a meet with
the doughty Orangemen from Syra-
cuse. If this meet is a criterion of
what is to follow, 1916 will see the
hardest battles in this branch of sport
that a Wolverine distance squad has
encountered. The New Yorkers come
touted as a strong aggregation, with
plenty of old men back in harness and
lots of fight. Last year at the eastern
Intercollegiate cross country races
this team finished better than the
Maize and Blue outfit, so that nomin-
ally the dope favors the visitors.
Coach Farrell's proteges are prepared
to give them the battle of their lives,
notwithstanding this comparative
The team will certainly go to the
1916 eastern Intercollegiates again
this year. Track fans are confident
that the Wolverine runners will give
a better account of themselves this
time than last.
Coach Farrell has been devoting all
his time to the development of the
team, and his efforts are bearing much
good fruit. He has been handicapped
by a dearth of material, to some ex-
tent, but as soon as some of the newer
men can be developed, prospects
should look up.
Captain Kuivenen heads the C. C. C.
team this season, while Captain Eddie
Carroll of the Varsity track team has
been out lending his assistance both
in actual work and direction under
the captain of the C. C. C. squad.
It is gossip in track circles that
there will be an All-Fresh cross coun-
try team, and that such a team will
make a trip to Lansing to meet the
Aggies. Up to the present there have
not been a sufficiently large number
of yearlings out to lend a great deal of
color to the rumor, but it is stated on
good authority that if they do come
out, such a team will be organized.
304 South Main Street
For the latest in fancywork, crochet
cottons, and flosses. Also the choicest
in china and bric-a-brac for gifts and
prizes. 2ins.

Loomis, Simpson, Murray, Ward and
Meredith in Scandinavian
The American team, representing
t is country at the Scandinavian games
covered itself with honor, both in-
dividually and as a unit. The Ameri-
can athletes again proved that they
are the peers, if not the .betters, of
the pick of any foreign nation.
Joe Loomis, the C. A. A. star,
snatched individual honors, winning
the 100 meter run, while Andy Ward,
the Chicago crack, and Bob Simpson
of Missouri, came in second and third
respectively. Loomis also took second
in the high jump, and ran on the 800
meter relay team.
The American relay team which took
the 800 meter run, was composed of
four well-known stars, Loomis, Ward,
Simpson and Fred Murray. Michigan
students will remember the latter
named athlete well.
Murray captained the Leland Stan-
ford University track team which put
up such a splendid fight on Ferry Field
last spring, a little later tieing with
California for third place in the east-
ern Intercollegiates. Murray was the
individual star of the dual meet here,
running in the dashes, hurdles, put-
ting the shot, high jumping and finally
running as anchor man on the relay
race which ended the battle. Murray
also placed in the high jump during
the Scandinavian games.
Ted Meredith, the Pennsy star, was
defeated in the 400 meter run by Bolin,
the Swedish record holder.

01AL~~ut l III1'L'~ U "_1~*
State Camp, Black Point Reserva-
tion, Jacksonville, Fla., Oct. 21.-The
flower of American marksmen tomor-
row will take the firing line for the
national individual rifle championship,
which marks the opening of the an-
nual national rifle matches here.
This event will be followed by the
national pistol matches, which, in
turn will be followed by the event of
supreme interest to rifle enthusiasts-
the national team matches.
This year, for the first time in his-
tory of the matches, Congressional
appropriation was made for the par-
ticipation of civilian teams-each
state to send a representative team,
with expenses paid by the War De-
The national team match carries
with it three trophies, much sought
after by marksmen. The first in de-
sirability-since it goes to the team
with the highest score-is the Nation-
al Trophy, a bronze plaque depicting
Mars holding in leash the dogs of
war. This was won in the 1915 com-
petitions by the United States Infantry
team, and-ison exblbition at the War
Department. It measures 27 by 48
The second winning team is award-
ed the Hilton trophy, one of the old-
est trophies in competition today. It
is the most expensive of the three, be-
ing valued at $3,000. It was first com-
peted for in 1878, at the old Creed-
more, New York range. ' It was pre-
sented to the United States Govern-
ment in 1903 at the inauguration of
the National matches, by the National
Rifle association.

I Vlnnt Tnmnrn211

The third trophy is the
"Soldier of Marathon" broze
first placed in competition in
the old Sea Girt days.
304 So. Main Street

Neckwear, hosiery, underwear, and
handkerchiefs. Also the newest crea-
tions in blouses and waists. Special
attention given to corset fitting. 2ins.

Need a Typewriter?
The Two Leaders are
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Over a million in use.
The personal writing machine. Weighs
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everything required of any correspond-
ence typewriter. Price $50.00 with
traveling case. Over 8 .,oo in use.
We sell and rent U 'derwoods and
Coronas and also carry a full line of re-
built typewriters which we offer at ex-
ceptionial prices.
We make a speciality of cleaning
and repairing all makes of typewriters;
an experienced factory man does the
322 South State St.
(Over Baltimore L r.nch)
"U,' erything for the Typewriter.!'

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Good Clothes and Confidence
Win half the battles of life
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Best of all - - good clothes
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We have already developed
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719 N. University


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