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Official newspaper at the University of
Michigan. Published every morning except
Mnay (uring the University year.
Entered at the postof~ce at Ann Arbor as
scon-class matter.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub-
scriptions: by carrier, $2.0; by mail, $.0.
Wat ad. stations: Qarrys; Students Sup-
ply Store; Thc Delta cor. State and Packard.
Phones: Business, 96;: Editorial, 2414.
John C. B. Parker..........Managing Editor
Clarence T. Fishlcigh.......Busines Manager
- Conrad N. Churchi...............News Editor
Lee E. Joslyn................. City Editor
Harold A. Fitzgerald.............Sports Editor
I Harold C. L. Jackson......Telegraph Editor
Verne F.. Brnett ............. Associate 1,ditor
J. F. Camipbell. . .. Assistant Business Manager
C. P'hilip Emery... Assistant Bulsiness Mlanager
Albert E. hoe... Assistant Business Manager
Roseoc lR. Ran. ... Assistant Business Manager
Fred 1. Sutter. ... Assistant Business Manager
Editor ..................PE. L. Zeigler
Mhanagers--.. E. Iforne, , E. Camp-
A'ssistnts-C. W. Reade Carl J. Rash,
H. It. Louis, and J. E. Robinson.
Michigan welcomed M. A. C. today
as a worthy mid-season opponent. In
the past the fact that M. A. C. played
her football men four years, while
Michigan maintained the three-year
rule prevented relations with East
Lansing from being as brotherly as
they might otherwise have been. To-
day, however, Coach Sommer brought
down a team which could stand up and
battle the Yost eleven on even terms.
The result of today's game is after
all of little permanent importance. The
spirit with which the game was played,
and the spirit with which the result
was accepted, is far greater in its im-
port. M. A. C. has done her part in
taking on herself the three-year rule
and Michigan has already begun to
respond in the spirit she showed to-
day. It is to be hoped that Michigan's
games with M. A. C. may continue, and
that the two institutions may outgrow
any pettiness of feeling which may
have existed in the past.
Michigan and M. A. C. elevens will
always fight, and no backer of either
team will have it otherwise. And Mich-
igan and M. A. C. rooting sections will
alwaysf ight, in a strictly vocal way.
Bit the undercurent 1ffeeling when
t 3.11 is o'cr should ;, ono,~ intense
,14airy mu 7ge I l t: 71ih
til aiwas gt at u ad i- th iher
whole soul back of her great elevens,
but she will be broad enough to har-
bor no ill will, and will always wel-
come M. A. C. as an opponent worthy
of a Yost coached team.
Nelv Aggie Coach
Former Penn Star
Michigan met an old opponent on
Ferry Field this afternoon in the per-
son of Coach Frank Sommer. M. A. C.'s
new football coach is an old Pennsyl-
vania gridiron star, his last appearance
against the Maize and Blue eleven
being in the fall of 1909, when he was
one of the best line plungers to face
the Yost team, in addition to being a
fine defensive player.
Sommer has made a great reputation
as a coach, despite the fact that he
was still playing long after many of
his coaching rivals graduated to the
sidelines. Before coming west to take
charge of the Aggies, Sommer spent a
year at Mercersburg Academy, two
years at Colgate and a year at Villa
Nova. In all of these schools he
turned out successful elevens, one of
his Colgate suads being remembered
by followers of eastern football as the
best team that college ever turned out.
While at Mercersburg Sommer turn-
ed out an eleven that beat the Car-
lyle Indians, in addition to trimming
the freshman elevens from Princeton,
Pennsylvania and Pennsylvania State.
At Villa Nova, a Sommer-coached team
took the measure of the Army. At
Coigate, his teams defcated Yale, Syra-
cuse and Cornell.
M. A. C. is the first western eleven
to be coached by the former Quaker
backfield star, and today's game was
his first real test of the present sea-
son. Sommer follows two great coaches
at East Lansing, Brewer and Macklin
having set a record which will be
mighty hard to equal. Sommer has
gotten away to a flying start in his
early season games, however, and bids
air to keep on with his good work in
0e second strongest institution in
Cornell Retains 54 Men on Squad
Dr. Sharpe, coach of Cornell, made
the final cut on his squad last Tues-
day, retaining 54 players. They are
distributed as follows: Nine ends,
-Photo by Lyndon
Varsity Quarterback Sparks
Authorities Prepared For One
Largest Crowds in History
3f. A. C. Games
of the
Interest in Michigan-M. A. C. games
'as been growing with leaps and
;ounds during the past few seasons.
Up to 1913 the largest crowd that
ever saw these two teams in action
was something over 9,000. The follow-
ing year the annual scrap was staged
in Lansing and all M. A. C. attendance
records went by the boards as over
10,000 persons packed themselves into
he East Lansing arena before the
h blew. Temporary stands had
Lain eret dto handle thetunot.n
ebi: available o was Pd
Lst y 1ar he athletic association ex-
pected a much bigger attendance than
usual and had prepared to care for
au lie Worries
N'. A. C. Gridders
Among other things that were
watched in today's game was M. A. C.'s
efforts to check Captain Maulbetsch.
In 1914 Maullie was pl aced on near-
ly every All-American eleven that was
picked, including that of Walter Camp.
But the "German Bullet' didn't earn
his laurels against the Aggies. The
present captain didn't begin those driv-
ing charges until later in the season.
Last year the East Lansing aggrega-
tion stopped the All-American half-
back and he didn't gain much ground
against them. But this wasn't entirely
Maulbetsch's fault.
Michigan didn't have the ball long
enough at any specific period to give
the Demon Dutchman much of a
chance. Whenever the present Wol-
verine leader was called upon, he
usually found anywhere from three to
half a dozen tacklers standing square-
ly in front of him and coming fast.
The Michigan line didn't give the
midget a chance to get started. Even
Johnny himself canl't do much when
two men grab each leg, another climbs
up on his shoulders and still another
is searching around for an available
bit of anatomy to seize.
14,000 people. Fully twenty minutes
before the game began this number of
persons had passed through the turn-
styles on Ferry Field and when the
whistle finally sounded, over 19,000'
persons were on hand. Both stands
were nearly filled and it proved to be
one of the biggest crowds that ever
saw a game on Ferry Field. The Cor-
nell game was the only contest last
season that drew more people for the
year, something like 21,000 witnessing
the triumphant march of the Big Red
eleven as they buried Michigan's team.
The fact that Cornell had the finest
football team in America last year was
probably a drawing card, as Michigan's
hopes of victory were slight.
The early ticket sale for today's
Supplies for Class Teamns
Complete Line Prtces h ight
'aSPO1T %I3 P"
711 N. Univ. Ave Next to Arcade Theatre
game indicate that all Ferry Field rec-
ords might be broken, for the call for
pasteboards was unusually large dur-
ing the first part of the week. Weather
conditions are one of the most potent
factors in determining the size of a
crowd as many people often drive in if
conditions are favorable, who other-
wise would remain at home.
Athletic association authorities stat-
ed during the middle of the week that
if the weather continued clear and no
unforseen obstacles occurred, the
chances were that the Michigan at-
tendance records night be broken.
Interest in Michigan is unusually
keen in the Michigan-M. A. C. game
and this has been particularly true
since the Farmers have started their
recent march towards victory. This
battle does not figure as nearly an im-
portant a content outside of the state
as the gamos with Pennsylvania and
Cornell later in the season, but within
the borders the annual affair is fol-
lowed closely.
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