4 GANs D
Large Crowd Not Afraid of Inclement
Weather; Michigan Team Ap.
pears in New Suits
(By Hal Fitzgerald)
Although the weather was unfavor-
able at one o'clock the crowds began
arriving shortly before that hour. The
M. A. C. team was the first to appear
on the field plodding through the
southern gate at 2:15. Three squads
lined up and ran through signal prac-
At 2:20 Michigan's famous band
marched on to the field and stuck up
"The Victors" as they passed under
the goal' posts. Five minutes later
the Michigan Varsity raced onto the
field and was given a rousing recep-
tion by the crowd as Captain Maul-
betsch shot through the gate. The
team was attired in their new jersies
with yellow sleeves and big yellow
numbers on the back. Phil Raymond
and Morrie Dunne tried punting with
Maulbetsch and Sparks handling the
M. A. C. won the toss and elected to
kick, Michigan defending the western
goal. Hugh Blacklock, the M. A. C.
star tackle kicked off at promptly 2:30
to Captain Maulbetsch who was
thrown on 25-yard line. On the third
M. A. C. was penalized 6 yards, putt-
ing the ball on their 25-yard line.
Butler punted to Sparks who returned
13 yards. The ball was called back
and Michigan was penalized 15 yards.
M. A. C.'s first down on the 35-yard
line. Smith downed Jacks after the
latter had gained a yard. The Mich-
igan line smeared Jacks, who tried to
circle left end. Morry Dunne nailed
Jacks who gained 7 yards. Butler ad-
ded 2 yards. M. A. C. was penalized
15 yards putting the ball on their own
37-yard line.
On a fake punt Jacks added 3 yards.
Butler punted to Sparks who returned
40 yards to the Michigan 48-yard line.
Maully added 8 yards around left end.
Pat Smith dove over the line for a
yard. Maully added 2 yards. Captain
Maulbetsch plows through right tackle
for first down through 40-yard line.
Sparks added 8 yards.
Pat Smith made first down on the
M. A. C. 28-yard line. On a fake play
Maully was nailed for no gain. Fick
stopped Sparks for no gain. Maul-
betsch dropped back to try for field
goal on the 35-yard line. It was a
fake play and Sparks drop-kicked goal
from the 35-yard line. It was a beau-
tiful kick, the ball sailing squarely
between the bars with several yards
to spare.
Score: Michigan, 3; If. A. C., 0.
Twelve minutes had been consumed.
Phil Raymond kicked off to Butler
who was thrown on the 28-yard line.
Jacks gained 2 yards through the
right side of the line. Blacklock was
caled back behind the line for a play
which netted 4 yards. Jacks added 1
yard through Boyd. Fourth down and
-Photo by Daines
Captain 1laulbetsch, who led the Wol-
verines in Today's Battle
one yard to go, and Butler punted to
The ball was called back and M. A.
C. was penalized 5 yards. Ramsey was
off side. Butler punted to Sparks who
return= d with o-A of hirch-racteristie
dashes along the left side of the field.
Smith was held for no gain. Ball on
M. A. C.'s 42-yard line.
Phil Raymond was thrown for a
yard loss. Pat Smith dropped back
10 yards and threw a long forward
pass but Heube! broke it up. Sparks
dropped back to punt and the ball was
downed on the X. A. C. 10-yards line.
Thelkick fell untouched and a Michi-
gan man fell on the ball.
Butler dropped back to punt, but it
was a fake kick and Jacks raced
around right end for 9 yards. Jacks
made a first down on M. A. C.'s 43-
yard line. Hugh Blacklock dropped
back for an end run, but Dunne and
Smith dropped him for no gain. Jacks
netted 2 yards through Weimann. But-
ler punted to Sparks who was forced
outside on the Michigan 31-yard line.
Sparks dropped back and punted to
Heubel who was nailed almost in his
tracks by Peach and Big Fritz Rehor.
Peach nailed Jacks after the latter
had added 3 yards around left end.
The ball ,was on M. A. C.'s 40-yard
line. Hugh Blacklock was nailed for
no gain.
The M. A. C. backfield fumbled, and
Peach dropped on the ball. Michigan
rooters went wild. Maully gained
three yards but the Michigan team was
penalized 15 yards. Sparks raced
around left end for 5 yards. Pat
Smith was stopped by Ramsey for no
gain. Sparks punted to Heubel who
was thrown in his tracks by Bull
Dunne on the 10-yard line. The first
quarter ended just as the Michigan
end tackled the Aggie quarter-back.
Michigan end has been covering
punts in sensational style, while
Sparks has been getting away from the
M. A. C. flankers repeatedly for long
Quarter ended. Score: Michigan, 3;
M. A. 0., 0.
Second Quarter
M, A. C. fumbled on the first play
but the backfield recovered. Butler
punted to Sparks and the ball rolled
- 1st
M A.C 0
on Michigan's 15-yard line. Sparks
returned it nearly 30 yards and was
downed on the 42-yard line. Frimo-
dig stopped Raymond for no gain.
Raymond added 6 yards through the
middle of the line. Captain Maul-
betsch squirmed through center for
first down.
Sparks was thrown by Blacklock
for no gain. Captain Maulbetsch ad-
ded 2 yards. Sparks punted to Jacks
and half a dozen Michigan players car-
ried him backwards. The ball was on
the 15-yard line. Butler skirted right
end for 5 yards. Jacks made it first
down on the 25-yard line. Jacs hit
left tackle for 4 yards.
Jacks carried the ball again, and
added 4 yards. Butler was thrown
by Rehor after he had made a yard,
but it was first down for M. A. C. The
ball was on M. A. C.'s 36-yard line.
Jacks carried the ball again, and plow-
ed through for 8 yards. Blacklock
gained 2 yards but M. A. C. was penal-
ized 15 yards. Butler tried to circle
right end, but Phil Raymond threw
him for no gain. Butler tried Mich-1
igan's left end but Bull Dunne and
Raymond stopped him for no gain.
Butler punted to Sparks who was
thrown on the 30-yard line.
Sparks was thrown for no gain1
when he tried to go through center
Vanderv6ort broke through the Mich-N
igan line and Pat Smith was thrown
for a 2-yard loss. The Michigan teamI
dropped back for a conference. Sparks3
circled M. A. C.'s right end for 17
yards and was forced outside on the
45-yard line. Sparks tried left tackle
but was thrown after gaining a yard.
Phil Raymond was nailed by Ramsey.1
Michigan was penalized 15 yards. The<
ball was on the Michigan 33-yard line.t
Sparks skirted M. A. C.'s left endi
for 28 yards, and was finally forced1
outside on M. A. C.'s 43-yard line.
Sparks played sensational football allf
afternoon. Pat Smith gained three1
yards and was nailed by Frimodig.
A fake play failed as Captain Maul-3
betsch was dropped in his tracks.:
Sparks punted to Jacks who was1
thrown by Weimann in his tracks on
the 15-yard line. Butler punted toR
Sparks who returned 15 yards, after3
shaking off two M. A. C. tacklers.
Pat Smith plowed through centerx
for 4 yards. Gracey replaced Boyd.
Sparks dropped back and threw a longk
forward pass to Bull Dunne whoE
caught it and was not caught until he
reached M. A. C.'s 10-yard line. M.I
A. C. spilled 2 plays for no gain. At
this point it started to sprinkle.9
Sparks passed over the M. A. C. goalE
and Michigan lost possession of the1
ball when it hit the ground.
On the first play the Aggies fumbled
but the half closed at this point. The
ball was on their 8-yard line.
Score: Michigan, 3; M. A. C., 0. t
Between halves the Michigan bandT
marched onto the field and drew upT
in front of the Michigan rooters, play-t
ing "The Victors." The M. A. C. band3
marched onto the field after "The Vic-T
tors" had been completed, as the Ag-t
gie rooters yelled.3
Third Quarter1
Michigan kicked off and started thei
second half. Phil Raymond kicked offI
to Butler who was thrown by WeskeI
on the 30-yard line.
Heubel tried cen-
ter but Niemann threw him after a
1-yard gain. M. A. C. was penalized ~
15 yards. The ball was on the 20-yard ;
line. Butler punted to Sparks who re-
turned 10 yards to the 45-yard line.
The ball was called back and Mich-
igan was penalized. M. A. C.'s ball,
first down, on the 20-yard line. Rehor
stopped Jacks after the latter had
gained 3 yards through center. Jacks
fumbled and recovered after gaining
2 yards. Butler punted to Sparks.
Sparks came back 15 yards on Mich-
igan's 45-yard line. Pat Smith added
8 yards to the left side of the line and
fumbled, M. A. C. recovering.
Butler tried the center of the line
for no gain, Wallie Niemann throwings
him. The Aggies tried a spread for-
mation. Butler then threw a long
forward pass and Maulbetsch inter-
sected the throw, with Michigan's ball
on the 22-yard line. From punt for-
mation Sparks added 4 yards. Ray-
mand hit left tackle for 2 yards. Captain Henning, who directed the
Sparks tried another end run, but was . A. C. attack from right end
thrown for a yard loss. Time taken
out for Vandervoort of M. A. C. added 2 yards. German Bullet makes
Sparks dropped back and punted it first down on the 30-yard line. Pat
outside on the M. A. C. 36-yard line. Smith was thrown for 1-yard loss by
On the first play Morrie Dunne broke Ramsey. Sparks punted and Heuiel
through and spilled Heubel for a 7- was forced out ide ) M. A 0.' -
vard a. Weske dr-pped Jacks in yard li.1e.
bis t'rks. Butler punted to Sparks Rehor stopped Jacks for no gain.
who returned 17 yards to the Michi- McClellan hit right tackle for 4 yards.
gan 45-yard line. Raymond added a Baker replaced Butler. Baker drop-
yard. Sparks hit the left side of M. ped back and threw a pass to Hen-
A. C.'s right end for 15 yards. Time ning, but the play was broken up.
was taken out for Sparks. The ball Heubel punted outside to the Mich-
was on M. A. C.'s 36-yard line. igan 40-yard line. Michigan tried a
Maulbetsch was thrown back by fake play but there was no gain.
Henning for no gain. Heubel inter- Sparks punted to Heubel on the M. A.
cepted a forward pass and returned C. 20-yard line and Peacu nailed him
to M. 4. C.'s 45-yard line. Tad Wei- in his tracks. Jacks added a yard. On
mann nailed Jacks for a 2-yard loss. a fake play Niemann stopped Baker
McClellan caught a short pass and for no gain. Rehor spilled Jacks for
gained 2 yards. M. A. C. tried a spread a 3-yard loss on a double pass.
formation, and Butler passed to Heu- Heubel punted to . Maulbetsch who
bel but Peach intercepted the pass. returned 3 yards to M. A. C.'s 40-yard
On the first play Sparks added 1 line. Michigan punted and M. A. C.
yard. On a tackle-around play, Wei- fumbled, Pat Smith recovering on the
mann was thrown for no gain. Black- M. A. C. 20-yard line. Sparks thrown
lock threw Sparks for a 3-yard loss. for no gain. Sparks circled right
Sparks punted to Jacks who returned end and was finally forced outside on
3 yards. M. A. C. on their own 28- the M. A. C. 12-yard line. Fourth
yard line, down with a foot to gain. On a fake
M. A. C. tried a fake play and Ray- play Pat Smith circled left end and
mond threw Jacks after he had gained finally fell on the M. A. C. 2-yard line.
7 yards. Jacks added 2 yards. Nel- Michigan scored. Captain Maulbetsch
son replaced Captain Henning of the plowed through center for a touch-
Aggies. Butler punted over the Mich- down. Michigan crowd went wild.
igan goal line. Ball was put into Eggert replaced Maulbetsch. Sparks
play on the 20-yard line. Sparks punted out from behind the goal line.
gained 3 yards through left guard. Morrie Dunne missed goal.
Time out for Maully. Pat Smith gain- Score: Michigan, 9; M. A. C., 0.
ed 3 yards. Maully plowed through
left tackle just as the quarter closed. Fick replaced Baker. Michigan
kicked off to Jacks to the 30-yard line.
Score: Michigan, 3; M. A. C., 0. Blacklock smashed through center for
Fourth Quarter 8 yards. M. A. C. tried an open for-
mation play. Michigan linesmen broke
Henning replaced Nelson. Michigan through and Heubel was forced to
team was held for downs and it was run, and gained a yard. Jacks went
M. A. C.'s ball on the 30-yard line. over for first down. McClellan tried
M. A. C. gained 2 yards. Butler broke to pass but the play was incompleted
through and was downed on the 20- Jacks tried forward pass but Eggert
yard line. Time out for Blacklock. intercepted. Pat Smith threw a long
M. A. C.'s ball on the 20-yard line, pass to Sparks on M. A. C's 23-yard
third down and Butler thrown for a line.
yard loss. Fourth down and one to Game ended.
go. Ode replaced Vandervoort. But-' Score: Michigan, 9; I. A. C., 0.
ler tried to drop-kick on the 30-yard
line, but the ball went wild. Mich- Inaugurate Fall Practice at Purdue
igan's ball on her 20-yard line. Sparks For the first time in her history
plowed through center for 5 yards. Purdue has this year inaugurated fall
Phil Raymond tried left tackle and baseball practice.
Contestsin Different Sections of Con-
try that Claim Interest
While M. A. C. and Michigan battled
on Ferry field this afternoon, and the
interest of the state centered in their
actions, other universities and colleges
of-the east, west and south were claim-
ing the attention of their own parts of
the country. Games scheduled were:
Chicago vs. Northwestern at Chicago.
Illinois vs. Ohio State at Urbana.
Iowa vs. Purdue at Iowa City.
Wisconsin vs. Haskell Indians at
Minnesota vs. South Dakota at. Min-
Oregon Aggies vs. Nebraska at Port-
Kansas Aggies vs. Kansas Norual
at Manhattan.
Oberlin vs. Ohio U. at Oberlin.
Mount Union vs. Case at Alliance.
Washington vs. Drake at St. Louis.
Missouri vs. Ames at Columbia.
Carroll vs. Marquette at Waukesha.
Albion vs. Adrian at Albion.
Carlton vs. Ripon at Northfield.
Beloit vs. Grinnel at Beloit.
DePauw vs. Rose Poly at Terre
Coe vs. Leander Clark at Toledo.
,Earlham vs. Franklin at Richmond.
Illinois Wesleyan vs. Lombard at
St. Marys vs. Friends at St. Marys.
Knox Vs. Carthage a Galesburg.
Lake Forst vs. La ence at Lake
Miami vs. Kenyon at Oxford.
Wopster vs. Wittenberg at Wooster.
Wabash vs. Butler at Crawfords-
St. Victor's vs. Eastern Illinois Nor-
mal at Bourbonnais.
Pennsylvania vs. Penn State at Phil-
Cornell vs. Bucknell at Ithaca.
Syracuse vs. Pittsburg at Syracuse.
Tufts vs. Boston College at Med-
Harvard vs. Massachusetts Aggies
at Cambridge.
Princeton vs. Lafayette at Prince-
Army vs. Trinity at West Point.
Navy vs. West Virginia at Annapolis.
Dartmouth vs. Georgetown at Han-
Bates vs. Maine at Lewiston.
Bowdoin vs. Colby at Brunswick.
Colgate vs. Rhode Island at Hamil-
Williams vs. Brown at Williams-
Amherst vs. Y. M. C. A. Training
School at Amherst.
Vanderbilt vs. Mississippi at Nash-
Mississippi Aggies vs. Transylvania
at Agricultural College.
Rice Institute vs. Southwestern at
Tulane vs. Jefferson at New Orleans.
Florida vs. Alabama at Gainesville.
Kentucky vs. U. of South at Lexing-
Louisville vs. Chattanooga at Louis-
Recent Graduate Weds Union City Girl
Gerald V. Baker, '16, married Miss
Hazel Ensminger, of Union City, Sept.
6. Baker this fall entered the State
Agricultural College at Ames, Iowa.
Wisconsin Has Increase in Enrollment
The total enrollment at Wisconsin
was at the end of last week 5,020, an
increase of 276 over last year.