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May 22, 1918 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-05-22

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ted Press is exclusively entitled
rrepublication of all news dis-
d to it or not otherwise credit-
aper and also the local news
spaper atthe University of
ublished every morning except
g the university year.
the postoffice at Ann Arbor as
Arbor Press Building.
siness, 960; Editorial, 2414.
ions not to exceed 300 words,
signature not necessarily to ap.
but as an evidence of faith, and
,ents will be published in The
discretion of the Editor, if left
or in The Daily notice box in
idor of the general library where
e collected at 7:30 o'clock each
d communications will receive no
No manuscript will be returned
iter sends postage for that pur-
cDonald......Managing Editor
son........Business Manager
r..............News Editor
erhorn, Jr.. Sports Editor
toeser.......Telegraph Editor
ighell.........Women's Editor
Cooley.......Literary Editor
tte.......Publication Manager
1..........Circulation Manager

Walter R. Atlas
Mark K. Ehlbert
Philip Slomovitz
Paul A. Shirikman

sius, Ji.

Marx Robert C. Angell
sBroene K. Frances fandibo
Irish Samuel Lampot
H. Riorden Cecelia Fohey
rown Marguerite Clark
N ,:DuBois Roberta .Berry
B. Landis l than A. Scholnick
Apel Rilla A. Nelson
LeitzingErTHarry D. Hause
. Cress Katherine Kilpatrick
3 H. Case Frances H. Macdonald
Witing2iI Agnes Abele
A. Cadwell, Jr. L. A. Storrer
t Hirsheimer Frank N. Gaethk
'EDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1918.
rht Editor-- Philip Slomnovtz
business staff of The Michigan
offers an excellent opportunity
Vefal sophomores and freshmen.
t to business manager at The
offices between 11 and 12 tomor-
ligan has fallen from sixth to
h place in the rank of enroll-
in American universities, owing
lecrease of more than 1,800 stu-
this year. The greatest losses
been felt in the Law school, and
literary and engineering col-
h a decrease in attendance nec-
tes immediate action on the part
chigan students to encourage
one possible to enter school
all. f
number of men to be called into
service will beome constantly
r and the number of men to be
ated from the University con-
y fewer. We can lessen the
caused by the loss of these men
tensifying our university train-.
y covering the ground necessary
aduation in as .short a time pos-
and by placing more women in
field than heretofore have been
lents should carry as much work
ssible next fall. They should at-
he summer session and thus
m their college course. They
d encourage prospective students
p fill the vacant places at Mich-
ing is the most wonderful sea-
f the year. Almost everyone is
ling more and more entranced
the great outdoors as the warm
er approaches. .,
the spring a young man's fancy"
to many things. He is happy
oyous and sometimes boisterous.,
>uld shout his gladness aloud.-1
would help others to be happy,
He sings and whistles and laughs
that they may catch his en-
sm and rejoice likewise.
is sometimes altruistic. It does
natter that these others may be
sses, pondering over a difficult
sm, or listening to an earnest
'e. He would have them all ben-
r hearing him.
N gratifying it is, in the midst
quiet class period, when every
is bent in concentration, to have
;tention arrested by the cheerful
ling of some popular melody by
ser-by. His altruistic intentions
ideed appreciated by instructor
tudents alike. He wanders on,
wing the great amount of good
s accomplished. If he could only
.e result of his handiwork!
istling is one of the outdoor
, but its place is not exactly
the windows of a classroom.

through without enough crust to go
over the top.'
The Russians fear that the czar is
trying to escape. He is probably
afraid someone will put bim back on
the throne.
Again the old story-the farmer.
raises the chickens, the dealer raises
the prices, and the buyer raises the
The Hohenzollern name is still con-
spicuous by its absence on the German
casulty lists.
Did you help fill the fnag yesterday?'
Editor, The Michigan Daily:
On State street yesterday afternoon
the sidewalk was chiefly occupied by
students during the Red Cross parade.
Of the men on the curbstone at least
one man in four kept his hat on while
the Colors went by.
Name any reason for it you want to,
it means un-American sm. Thought-
lessness, carelessness, ignorance, pro-
Germanism-any of these may explain
the difficulty in a particular case. It
always comes back to the same cause,
Many allowed the British flag to
pass without a salute. To do this is
is to insult an Ally nation who months
or years ago gave most of her Uni-.
versity men to their death.
You who failed to salute the Colors
yesterday-what do you think of your-
selves? Look into it and see if you
are not the ones who cause the cam-
pus committees on patriotic work so
much trouble and effort. This is like-
ly true, for you are just as likely to
be careless about supporting your
country in one way as another. It is
up to you, to change your ways. An
inert American is un-American. Re-
member that. An un-4mercian is the
last thing we want around Michigan.
Remember that. A man is interpreted
according to his actions. Failure to
render voluntarily respect to your
Flag is likely to be interpreted as
slackerism. Remember that. Educate

When in the Course of human ev-
ents, it appears desirable to a stu-
dent to put on matrimonial bonds, and
assume among the benedicts of Ann
Arbor, the equally humble and inferior
station to which the laws of Society
subject him, a decent respect for the
opinions of singly blessed mankind re-
quires that he declare the fact in The
Michigan Daily. And then the steam-
boat whistle tones of the night editor
start to float through the nicotine
haze something like this:
"Hey, Scoop! Another prune has
taken the fatal leap. You can have it
for Military News.".
"That kind of bunk belongs to
Cary," returns the Newsance imper-
turbably. "The R. O. T. C. has enough
troubles without getting mixed up with
anything like that."
"It's poor art to mingle comedy and
tragedy," object we. "There's noth-
ing funny about getting-married. Run
it under Additional Sports."
"Or Sunday Services in Ann Arbor
"Or Women."
"Try Hospital Notes; that's what
he'll get into finally, anyway."
"It's a Choice Bit, I'd Say"
"What's the matter with What's Go-
ing On? Today he marries in-haste;
Tomorrow he-."
And the linotype man comes forth,
abducts the copy, and it appears next
morning under Yesterday's Games.
Especially on That Check-Froin-Honie
"Have you heard the latest slogan
adopted by the Ann Arbor land
"No, what is it, little one."
"Never believe a rumor."
Disgusting deaths--Being smothered
in kisses, a la our own Fanny Hurst.


Junior and senior girls will have
a practice baseball game at 3 o'clock
this afternoon on the field across from
Barbour gymnasium. Sophomores and
freshmen will play at 4 o'clock this
The posture examination for fresh-
men will close today. Sophomores
must make appointments for posture
examinations immediately .
Sophomore girls wishing to do jun-
ior advisor work must sign before
June 1, with Miss Potter in Barbour
gymnasium. Sign name, summer ad-
dress, next year's address and tele-
phone number.
Girls interested in going to the con-
ference camp at Lake Geneva this
summer should inquire at Newberry
hall, or call Edith Duemling, '19,
phone 1325.
Women wishing to do farm work
this summer should apply at once at
the director's office in Barbour gym-
nasium as the units are being filled
very rapidly.
Senior girls will get together from
4 to 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at
Barbour gymnasium.
Saturday is the annual field meet of
the Women's athletic association.
Tryouts for the senior play will be
held this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock
in Sarah Caswell Angell hall. Three
one-act plays are to be given with a
different cast for each. All senior
girls are urged to come out.
Y. W. C. A. cabinet will give a pic-
nic supper up the river to the old
cabinet at 5:30 o'clock Friday after-
All tennis matches must be finished
by the end of the week as the finals are
to be played on field day.
Pennsylvania Students Give Party
Students from Pennsylvania will hold
a party at the Michigan Union on Fri-
day night. Tickets for the party can.
be- had from the committeemen. The
amusements will consist of music,
cards, and dancing. Refreshments
will be served.
Offers men and women high-
est marketable prices for their
old clothes. Anything in the
way of suits, overcoats, or shoes he
will take dff your hands. Sell your old
clothes. They are no good to you.


We Sell


Come in and see the 75 watt Blue Lamp

Gives a white light.

Just the thing to study by

Seniors Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
/ Calling Cards,


Place your order for
The Slater.Book Shop



I can use them. You will get your
money's worth. No quibbling to buy
cheap. Their absolute value will be
paid. Men's and women's apparel
both. Call Mr. Claude Brown at 210
Hoover Ave. Phone 2601. He will
gladly call at your residence.-Adv.


wifl find
Fresh from the Kitchen

Michigan has been allotted 24 girls
to send as delegates to the Y. W. .C.
A. conference from August 20 to Au-
gust 30 at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin.
The universities and colleges of eight
states will be represented there.
The theme of the conference this year
will be "Women and the War." and it
will aim to give training for leader-
ship in reconstruction work. The ex-
pense will be $20 outside of railroad
fare. There is an opportunity for
a limited number of girls to earn
their board and room, which amounts
to $15, by waiting on table if appli-'
cation is made at once.
The girls all live in tents and take
their meals in a large congregate
dining-room which has a seating ca-
pacity of from eight to nine hundred.
During the mornings, classes in Bi-
ble study, world problems, and tech-
nical classes for association leaders
are held. Evenings are spent in sing-
ing college songs, different states be-
ing represented different nights.
On one night, called national rally
night, the Y. W. C. A. work through-
out the world is presented. One after-
noon is devoted to all sorts of water
sports and contests. Last year Aichi-
gan gained first place in swimming.
Clarissa Vyn, '18, will be recrea-
tion leader at the conference this
summer, and Edith Duemling, '19, is
in charge of arrangements for Mich-
igan's delegation. Any girl who is in-
terested and desires further particu-
lars should call at Newberry Hall, or
inquire of Edith Duemling, phone
Officials of the University of Mich-
igan have appointed a committee
from the faculty to investigate labor
conditions in Detroit, and to learn
what lines the women could be in-
structed in to be of the greatest use.
More men will then be enabled to
report for military duty. After the
committee has had a better under-
standing of what women are doing in
Detroit in the shops and factories,
and along what lines to train them,
plans will be made for the courses
Our Merchant advertisers represent
the progressive business men of Ann

The Profanum Vulgum Got Circenses
(With apologies to everybody, and his
name is legion, who has done this
stuff before.)
Are you going to see em asked Roy
see who asked I I mean the girls you
know the girls in the parade hell they'
re always parading I said well you
always want to see em said Roy come
on along I am very strongminded and
just to prove it -I never let my prejud
ices interfere with what anybody else
asks me to do so I went along and the
parade started and I said where's the
parade here it is said Roy just because
you're not seeing double is no reason
you shonldn'a see single single I says
who's single nowadays nobody unless
he has just murdered his wife and
that's a misdemeanor or something I
don't see the parade well look you
boob look at the soldiers the students
I mean with their bayonets and two
days' growth of .beard that's the par-
,de parade nothing you can see the
same thing around any barber col-
lege where are those frails you were
revamping about girls says Roy oh
they're coming but they didn't come
for along while and when they did
come their noses weren't powdered
so I ruled em out of consideration on
a foul a girl ain't a girl unless her
nose is powdered though of course if
Madge Kennedy had paraded down
Main street and tried to keep time
with a lot of long-legged students hers
wouldn't of been either but don't tell
any of em I said so because you have
to keep em down in these days.
Speaking letterally-can the R. O.
T. C. where the D. A. R.?

We will sell any
part of

Hoover Steel Ball

Cor. State and N. University
Phone 308


King Trailer

Forshee & Kuehnie
Phone 808 412 1st Nat'l Bk Bldg




This Summer?

Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(May 14, 1918)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-7:25 a.
""., 8:io a. in., and hourly to 7:1o p. m, 9:o
p. in.
Jackson Express Cars (local stops west of
Ann Arbor)-8.:48 a. in., and every two hours
to 9:48 p. in.
Local Cars East Bound-5:35 a. m., 6:40
a. in., 7:05 a. m. and every two hours to 7:05
p. in., 9:05 p. iM., 10:50 p. in. To Ypsilanti
only, 8:o p. mf., 11:50 p. in., 12:2o a. m.,
I:Io a. m., and to Saline, change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-6:oo a. in., 7:48
a. In., 10:20 p. M., 12:20 a. m.
Courteous and satisfactory
TREATMENT to every custom-
er, whether the account be large
or small.
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Incorporated 1869
Capital and Surplus, $550,000.00
Northwest Cor. Main & Huron.
707 North University Ave.
SWAIN has the Finest
Photographic collection of Ani
Arbor Views. See it.
713 East University

Work on the Steere farm water pro-
ject will be started at once, as a re-
sult of a decision reached at a meet-
ing of the common council Monday
night in the council rooms.
Hollands; Ackerman, and Hollands,
local engineers, were placed in charge
of the construction work. All the
Steere water farm bonds were report-
ed to have been sold. The work has
been held up for some time owing to
the delay of a favorable reply from
government officials, which was re-
ceived yesterday.
H. W. Weinernian Leaves for Camp
Harry W. Weinerman, '18E, former-
ly a member of The Daily sports staff,
left for Camp Upton, Yaphank, L. I.,
last night to join the national army
stationed there. Before leaving Ann
Arbor, Weinerman was banqueted by
his friends at one of the local restau-
Daughter Born to Mr. and Mrs. Yntema
Mr. and Mrs. Hessel E. Yntema an-
nounce the birth of a baby daughter,
at St. Joseph's hospital Friday, May 17.
Our Advertisers don't need guaran-

You're going to make summer money
-sure! But while you're making it,
wouldn't you like to do more than make
money? Wouldn't you like to help America
wake up to a realization of what this war means? Wouldn't
you like to bring home to every man the fact that he must put
his shoulder to the wheel-do his part, instead of letting
George do it?
Ho You C-an-Hnd
Make Motley 'at the SameTim

The National Map Co., the largest
distributors of subscription maps in
the world are putting out aWar Sur-
vey.1 This shows the battle line, the
location of the various countries at
war. It makes this great wv ar real-
ity, a tangible, graspible fact.
With it before him, a man can read
his newspaper intelligently, follow
the battle line from day to day..--see
where his own boy isif:-kting, per-
haps--in bief, it will bring the war
as an actual fact right into his own
home. And when this happens,
every one 5 ing to work harrer for
victory. Every cne is going to arouse

himself. And that is exactly what
America must do.
Now, to college men who are live
wires, hustlers-ready to go over
Athe top with a real proposition, the
survey offers a real opportunity to
make $. 0 a day and r-ore,.and at
the same time-do your bit in arousing
the country. -
Isn't that =btter than merely making
money? Isn't that beuter than work-
ing along the old lines? Isn't it
going to be be er to feel you are
hclpincg while you're making your
1;oney;? Sure, it is!

For Sale and Rent
Fraternity and Social Stationery
322 South State Street



The time is mighty short. If you want to help
drop us a post card or a letter- but do it at once.
We'll tell you how mightily you CAN help-and
how, byincansof our $5-a-day Guaranteed Mini-
mum Income Plan,-you can earn real money all
'summer-long-and at the same time HELP.
National Map Company
Indianapolis, Ind.


roll-top desk
lemon pies.
- yellow all

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