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March 08, 1918 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-08

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6 C




s 'LL c11 L

,} k

Best New

s of

By William Mather Lewis

versity of
ng except The police department repQrts that
r. automobile parking stands have been
Arbor as
taken from State street for souvenirs
and are stowed away in rooms in the
o words vicinity. The probability is that Ann
i be pub- Arbor street cars will be missing
ion of then
Ann Arbor ext.
n the west
where the
lock each Sweden complains that the Allies'
restrictions on foodstuffs is unfair.
ng Editor Possibly so, but when the Allies be-'
iness Mgr.
-LS Mgr.'gin to supply Germany with food they
n.ar can find a shorter way through
rhorn, Jr. France.
A. Swaney
C. Mighell
1-1. Cooley Bakers have been forced to advance
g Managerthe price of doughnuts. If the holes
1Manager had been made larger it would have
er been necessary to eliminate the dough-
nut entirely.
Campbell --
1.R. Atlas
K. Ehibert Kaiser Bill has made, another great
mistake. He should have headed that
Shinkman safe and- glorious victory in Russia
L. Hunter
A. Nelson with the crown prince.
es Broene
'ine The Times-News runs this headlinel
r - Rice -"Ponies in 'Let's Go!' can Dance."
B. TLandis By next year we hope to hear the
same of horses.
D. Hause
A. Storner
Kilpatrick Colonel Roosevelt may have lost his
nes Abele sense of equilibrium but our bet is
s 1. Case that no one is yet able to stand him on
either ear.

8, 1918. -

For He Had Been to College
"Say, what's this Bolsheviki's

(From the news service of the Nation-
al Committee of Patriotic So-
cieties, Washington, D. C.)
A plan to observe April 6, the first
anniversary of American's entry into
the war as "National Win the War
Day" has been worked out by the Na-
tional Committee of Patriotic societ-
A statement sent out to the presi-
dents of fifty national patriotic organ-
izations, to cabinet members and
other government officials, and to col-
lege presidents, says:
"At the beginning of our sec-
and year in the great war it is fitting
thathwe have a national consecration
to Abe task remaining before uts. Be-
cause of numerous workless days dur-
ing the past winter it is not advisable
that the occasion should be made a
holiday, but in every factory, store,
mine, school and on every farm there
should be a brief period during the
day where everyone who is loyal to
the flag shouldstand up and be count-
ed. Flags should everywhere be un-
furled. At 12 o'clock noon factory
whistles and church bells should send
forth a volume of sound that will
reach Berlin. Every band in the
country will then play the Star
Spangled Banner,' while people stand
at attention. In the evening in the
churches, halls and theaters the peo-
ple can gather for meetings of inspir-
ation. Regiments of the national arm
may parade in cities near the canton-
"The 'winter of our discontent' with
its coalless days and congested rail-
road and other minor annoyances is
past. ''he spring with its promise of
abundant crops and increased indus-
trial production is here. Now is the
time for America's home army to mob-
ilize and thus bring courage to our
boys in the trencpes and cantonments,
and depression to our enemies. Let
Germany feel that this is a popular
war in America. The effect of having
the nation a unit in patriotic thought
on this day cannot.be over estimated.
It will bring renewed courage and
hope to our brave Allies.
"In every college there should be
special patriotic * exercises at which
messages from students and alumni
in the nation's service may be read,
instruction as to how every college
student can do his part to win the
war can be given, and a pledge of al-
legiance to the flag and to the cause
of the war repeated by all. The col-
leges of America have responded -no-
bly to the call to arms. On April 6
faculties and students should let their
brothers in the field know that they
are with them in spirit and in effort.
Basketball to Feature League Party
Ike Fisher will furnish the music
at the Women's league party to be
held this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock
in Barbour gymnasium. The basket-
ball game between the juniors and
seniors will be the chief event of the
afternoon, and will be followed by
U. of M. Jewelry. j.. ,. Chapman's
Is the place. 113 8S. Maln.-Adv.

Sophomore and freshman girls are
invited to attend the food lecture at 4
[o'clock this afternoon in room 203
Tappan hall.
Women's league party and senior-
junior basketball game at 4 o'clock
this afternoon, in Barbour gymnas-
Women with purchase slips can get
seats for "Let's Go!" from 2 to 5
o'clock this afternoon at the box office
in Hill auditorium.
The swimming tank in Barbour
gymnasium is ready for use again and
from now on classes will be held reg
Board of representatives of the Wo-
men's league will meet at 9 o'clock
tomorrow morning at Barbour gym-:
Sophomore girls will hold a get-to-
gether party from 3 to 5:30 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon in Barbour gym-
nasium. There will be dancing and
Campus election day for women's
organizations will be April 2.
Classes in registration will be held
at 4 o'clock every afternoon next week
except Friday and Saturday atBar-
hour gymnaisum. A hundred women
will be requested to learn to become
registrars; others who are interested
are asked to leave their names at
the office of the dean of women.
Plans are rapidly maturing for the
Women's state conference on food pro-
duction and registration called for
March 12 and 13 In the House of Rep-
resentatives in Lansing.
Miss Helen Frazer, one of the best
known war workers of England, will
be the principal speaker at this con-
ference. She will lecture upon "Wo-
men's Part in the War," with particu-
lar reference to the "Woman on the
Land" movement which has gained.
such momentum in England and on
the continent. The chief object of her
lecture so far as increased food sup-
ply is concerned is to recruit women
in large numbers to engage in the
actual labor of planting, cultivating,
and harvesting Michigan crops.
Women to Unite in General Elections
A precedent will be established this
year wheng the women's campus organ-
izations hold a genral election, in-
stead of several separate ones. The
Y. W. C. A., Athletic association, and
the Women's league will have a com-
mon election day and place for choos-
ing their respective officers. The pres-
ident of the Y. W. C. A. has appointed
her nominating committee, and the
names of the nominees will be an-
nounced next week. The election will
be April 2.
Buy your alarm clocks at J;. b
Chapman's, Jeweler. 11 S. Main.

We Sell

Come in and see the 75 watt Blue Lamp
Gives a white light. Just the thing to study by
iStatlo ry ale
I Pound WrItirgUPaper and
2 Packages Enveloj
The. Slater Book Sho

First Call-Arthur Guy Empey.........................
A Yankee in the Trenches-Holmes.....................
How to Live at the Front-MacQuarrie...................
In Our First Year of War-Woodrow Wilson.............
On the Field of Honor-Hughes Le Roux................
The Bolsheviki and World Peace-Trotzky...............
Liberty Writings of Dr. Hermann Kiefer, edited by W. W. Flor
My War Diary-Waddington..........................
Food in War Time-Graham Lusk........ .........



.o the World's
at election of
ening of the
npaign. 'The
rth as a "Na-
in an article
what the dut-
is day should
ems virtually
these, inas-
i starts April
fan's student
n Ann Arbor,
does not end!
to -the Uni-

rite let-
o those
ten to,.

a point to
sons are in
-erman fire.
ther things
are imbued
ige patriot-
low others,
ehind. We
our Uniyer-
e ourselves,

Vision of Hell-Having the profes-
sor say, "I don't feel like quizzing you
today; I'm going to let you write out
the answers to ten questions instead."
Another Blighter is she who, when'
you inform her that you're going home
before embarking for Cleveland with
the N. A. R., instead of to the Arm-
ory with her, says, "O, isn't that nice!"
One time we went to a French lec-
ture. It wasn't because we were
afraid of being accused of pro-Ger-
manism and it certainly wasn't be-1
cause we knew anything about
French. But there is something about
the limpid flow of the Romance tong-
ue that soothes the spirit and so pret-
ty soon we were tying our counten-
.ance in all kinds of true-lovers' knots
and trying to look appreciative and in-
telligent like a French poodle, by-and-
by the professor came to a rhetorical
pause, whatever that is, and the long-
haired villian across the aisle from
whom we had been taking our cue
raised his hand. Probably he was go-
ing to scratch his ear or something
but that possibility occurred to us too
late. We had cultivated the imitative
impulse to good purpose and we let
out a clap that sounded like Jove
dropping his hammer or Casey at
the bat. During the sultry, oppressive
silence which followed we had time
to wonder which disaster to French
arms we had applauded. In fact,
we've wondered off and on ever since.:
Mr. Roosevelt's latest bit of misfor-
tune is not calculated to win him
votes in 1920. Or is it?
Spring might be defined as that
phenomenon looked forward to in
January, hoped for in February, eag-
erly sought for in March, cussed about
in April, partly prevalent in May, and'
found during that part of June not
eclipsed by summer.

The. Literary Critic Says
Cavalry of the Clouds
(By Captain Alan Bott, Royal Flying
Although our bookshelves are
crowded with war stories by various
famous fighters, we have heard almost
nothing from the aviators. And if we
are to judge from Capt. Bott'' book,
this cannot be because that branch of
the service is any less interesting, for
his enthusiastic style would lead us to
believe that nothing in the world could
be as amusing as flitting about above
Boche territory or crawling on the
rigging of one's plane to beat out a
fire which had started there. He re-
fers to the endurance of the German
machines as "an annoying habit of
theirs," and draws ludicrous pictures
of himself "wobbling and side-slip-
ping," to use his own phraseology,
out of the srange of the anti-aircraft
Capt. Bott is happily optimistic con-
cerning the superiority of the British
Plying Corps, for, although he pays
high tribute to the enemy's air ser-
vice, he points out that the greater
part of the fighting has been behind
the German lines.

Army C'



Cor. State and

DETROrt Ulri .D
Between Detroit, Ann Arbur
t %flective May 22, 1
Detroit Limited and Express
i., 8:xo a. m.. and hourly-to 7
U. n1.
kalamazoo Limited Cars---8
evevy two hours to 6:48 L?. a
8:48 P.rni.
Jackson Express Cars ;local
Ai- Arbor)-9:48 a. m. and e
to ':48 p. m.
Local Cars East Bound-5:
a. M., 7:os a. Im. and every tv.
p. mn., 8:o; p. mn., ,:05 p. rr
To Ypsilanti only. o.2 a. it
2:o5 ;. m1, 6:o.5 p. IP, 9:45 P.
12 a. m., i:to a. m., :20 a.
change at Y psilanti.
Local Cars West Bound-6:
a. ml., 10:20 p. m.. 12:2o a. n.

and see


Class dancing at the Packard Acad-
emy Monday and Thursday evenings,
7:30 to 9:30. Private lessons by ap-
pointment. Phone 1850-F1.---Adv.

n the campus haveI
to report to pro-
,ses of contagious
ases. Mumps and
unusually serious.
a case of scarlet
several days, and
properly cared for,
e person sick now
other instance a
d to mingle with
ral days before the
to the proper au-
such carelessness
us menace to the
e campus. Health
other penalties
ce persons. The
the proper ,one-
kind at once.
ar lectures given
auditorium of the
s been overcrowd-
of attending have
because it would.
Y to stand.
ge hope to fulfill1

_^* - °pJo n'Oo OaooooQU0oo ooGoO
It's not a bit, too early
to be thinking of that
New Spring 'Coat °~
8 o
Wonderful Values at
Tet n 2. 0 a ,00
Early spring models displaying a number aI
of new and exclusive features in pockets, 0
belts and cuffs. Made from~Soft Velour,
Checks and Plaids, Tricotine, EnglishID
Tweeds, Burella Cloth, Light-weight Sil-'
vertones and Coverts. Travel, Street and
Sport Models. Women's and isses' sizes.
Co"S wooowa a Ar an SOLICITED
RO apcsu wT1OII W)TI MatG h5i .+t
~ -Of

er, whet
or small
The Ani
Capital i

ous and
RENT to f
her the ac(

and Surplus,
es .........$

)r ~all occ

:,I' S. Main Street

University women claiming Cleve-
land as home and those planning to
live there after college days are over,
will be interested in the announce-
ment of a new bureau of occupations
for trained women recently op.ened in
that city.
Information in regard to openings
in advertising, library work, secretar-
ial positions, social service and home
economics is given, and unusual bus-
iness opportunities are placed within
the reach of all women registered

Radio Military sNwnDp ,o Sre~
WristWatches ¢
$4.25 to $21
U.o! M. Jewelry
Schlandelrcr & 5e,
Dancing Friday and Satu
at the Armory.--Adv.
We specialize in full sol
G. Andres Shoe Shop, 222

ational with the bureau.
y to go For additional information write
larger, 1 to State-City labor exchange, 108 City
0objec- hall, Cleveland.





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