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March 01, 1918 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-01

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- - ."

he Associated Press =is exclusively entitled'
:he use for republication of all news dis-
:es credited to it or not otherwise Credit-
in this paper and also the local news
ished herein.
Dicial newspaper at the University of
higan . Published every morning except
day during the university~ year.
ntered at thetpostof'ice at Ann Arbor as.
nd-class matter.
fices: Ann Arbor Press Building.
hones: Business, 960; Editorial, 2414.
ommunications not to exceed 300 words
ength, or noticeso f events will be pub-
d in The Daily, at the discretion of the
or, if left at the office in the Ann Arbor
s Bldg., or in the notice box in the west
idor of the general library, where the
ces are collected at "ibrrylo'cok each
ert T. McDonald.......Managing Editor
hilip Emery.. .. ,.....Business Manager
llsworth Robirrson..Actings Business Mgr.
s Editor ............C. S. Clark, Jr.
Editor....Herbert G. Wilson
ts Editor.... .. James Scherznrhorn, Jr .
graph Editor........Bruce A. Swaney
nen's Editor... ..Mildred C . Mighel
rary Editor .... .....Margaret H. Cooley
oid Makinson........Advertising Manager
1 E. Cholette......Publication Manager
ard W ohl..... .. .Circulation Manager
old R. Smith..........Credit Manager
el C. Barnes 'C. M. Campbell
Osius. Jr. W. R. Atlas
ence L. Roeser Mark K. Ehlbert
McAlpine Paul A. Shinkman
,. Hedin Horace >;. Hunter
m W. 1Fox Rilla A. Nelson
thy 1~. Patterson Philip Slomovi'tz
se Irish Frances Broene
F. Riorden Ida E. Mines
nce M. Price Samuel Lamport
tBrown Edgar IL, Rice
ude Sergeant David B3. Landis
K.rIFrances Handibo
A. Leitzinger Harry D. Haase
H. Cress L. A. Storrer
rt Settle Katherine Iilpatrick
;n Christen "Agneci Abele
. Schmiedeskamp .Frances II. Macdonald
ge A. Cadwell, Jr. Francis II. Case
FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1918.
fght Editor - Russell Barnes
talk is anything Chicago is going
ose tonight. If campus utterances
correct the gym floor is to sag
the roof almost buckle because of
desire of the Michigan student
y to stretch its lungs, and win for
ud" Knowlson, appointed Varsity
:etball cheerleader by the Student
icil, is looking for action. The.
.rs, greatly increased in humbers
e early in the week, have as yet
d to go stale over waiting.
he slogan on the campus today
be spoken with a grim, fighting,
e, "We're going to win tonight,"
is to be the spirit. If friend room-
e talks of that good movie tell
you have a previous engagement.
have, too.:.

life has anything to do with the ap-
praching spring?
Following the declaration of the
wnmen about love, the office grouch
says he is going to get his annual
The calendar experts surely did
make a good job of it when they gave
February only 28 days.
Hindenburg has a month to live, ac-
cording to his own statements of a
few weeks back.
A woman suggested to us yesterday
that the opera be postponed until aft-
er May 1.
The seats in the Library are becom-
ing dusty again.

Editor, The Michigan Daily:
Will you kindly correct a misappre-
hension which appeared in your news
columns Wednesday and again in your
editorial columni Thursday. The plan
to issue an illustrated bulletin to
prospective students is by no means
confined to a single college of the
University, but it is the interests of
all the schools and colleges alike.
Patriotic statesmen and administra-
tors everywhere agree in the deep con-
viction that it is extremely import-
ant for boys and girls to complete
their high school course and go on
to college in order to secure the body
of broadly and highly trained citizens
vital to the maintenance of the nation.
It is the purpose of this booklet to
voice this sentiment andsincidentally
to set forth the advantages offered by
the University of Michigan towards
providing this education.
By James H. Collins
(Volunteer, U. S. Food Administration)
Food administration is not one thing,
but three-conservation, control, and
production. From month to month,

- Loss
Q. If I lose some detached Thrift
stamps can I get my' money back?
A. No. These stamps are of no
value to the bearer just as postage
stamps are.
Q. If I lose my Thrift card what
can I do?
A. Be sure and put your name and
address on the Thrift card, so that if
the finder drops it in any post office
box without postage it may be re-
turned to you.
Q. Is an unattached War Savings
stamp of any value to anyoue who
finds it?
A Yes. For this reason you should
attach it to your War Savings certific-
ate at the time of purchase. You
should r ite across the face of the
stamps your name and the number
of your certificate.
Q. If a registered War Savings cer-
tificate is lost or destroyed what
should I do?
A. If it is not returned to you
within a reasonable time you should
report it to your postmaster where
you had the certificate registered.
*Q. How do I get my money back
if my registered War Savings cer-
tificate is lost?
A. By applying at the postoffice
where you registered it.
Payment at Maturity
Q. Where does the United States
government pay the $5 on Jan. 1, 1923,

'.. -


For All Departments






We have a complete stock of
Flashlight Batteries

To rise to the lure of the Unknown,
To await her outside of Darling and
To watch her buying hat pins for an
To miss dinner,
To trail her through the State Street
To count the mud splotches on her
white spats,
To whistle just over the breath, "It's
a Cute Little Way All Your Own,"
To note that something familiar,
To debate inwardly the advisability
of the hackneyed "Haven't I Met
you somewhere?"
To hesitate,
To see her turn beneath a well-known
porch light,
To recognize her as the co-ed you
were with last night,
Ah, THESE are the real tragedies of
You're Lucky to Show That Much
0, February, your last day
Reminds me I have board to pay,
Reminds me that by bank account
Is dwindling to a small amount.
Why should I spend. my precious gold
To eat, and eat, or else grow cold?
What can I show for all my hoard
Except a few receipts for board?
M. P. B.
We would pay 'a tribute to the keen
insight of the German prof who wishes
to call the citizen of the United States
"Usaner." As a corollary, we suggest
that he remind his conpatriots that,
they are U-insaner.
Now appears the ingenious Robbed
Out The Craddle who wears his foun-
tain pen in the top of his left puttee.
May we hope for the return of the
ankle watch?
If you still believe that variety is
the condiment of existence, you were
no doubt pleased with yesterday's op-
portunity to drop swimming and skat-
ing for the more unique occupation of
kicking the maple mousse off the side-
Visions of Hell-being press agent
for the opera.
The colon germ is on the way to
becoming as familiar and beloved a
household character as the kaiser.

Switzer's Hardware

New and Secondhand

Bought and Sold


according to the fortunes of war, and for each War Savings stamp attach- JAQ U £ Ij L
the needs of our allies, our soldiers ed to a War Savings certificate? Iph one 430
and ourselves, we save food at our ta- A. At either the treasury depart- _ _ _
bles or handle it at reasonable profits ment at Washington or at any money- -
as business men, or plant it as farm- order postoffice after 10 days notice.
ers and gardeners. Q. Where is payment made if the
Now .is the time to be busy with certificate is registered? I 1I
your second year war garden. Last A. At the postoffice where the cer-
year's war gardens were a magnifi- tificate is registered.
cent success-more than 3,000,000 i - -Women's league board of directors
acres of back-yard and suburb lots WOOLSACK, JUNIOR LAW will meet at 9 o'clock tomorrow morn-
were planted, yielding $350,000,000 SOCIETY, ELECTS MEMBERS ing at Barbour gymnasium.
worth .of fresh products, and a billion ______
'quarts of home-canned and home- Woolsack, junior law honor society, Tickets for the athletic banquet
dried stuff. have elected the following 10 men to may be purchased from Mrs. Black-
This year's war gardens must be membership: Arvid B. Tanner, Jacob burn at Barbour gymnasium until
bigger and better, in acreage and or- N. Braude, John P. Hampton, Louis noon today. Tickets for the gotillion
ganization. Order your seeds now, Kawin, Edward F. Hughes, Morse D. may still be obtained at the office
and help the seed men with the com- Campbell, Carl W. Neumann, Alan W. of the dean of women.
ing spring rush. Order your fertilizer Boyd, Jean P. Thomas and Lyman G.
now, and your lime, and help the Rupp. Tryouts for Masques'' play, "Ama-
railroads. Buy your garden tools im- Elections to Woolsack are based on zons," will be held from 3:30 to-5
mediately, and help the hardware man. scholarship, the first 10 in the fresh- o'clock Monday and Tuesday after-
Arrange for spring plowing, not only man class receiving the honor of ' noons in Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
for; yourself, but in cooperation with 1membership. The new members will I_ ____
your neighbors. Plan your garden so be initiated at a banquet to be held ; URE COURSE IN USE OF
that everything will be planted in at the Catalpa Inn next Thursday. LE ATUR CLIREARY IS OFFERED
rows, easily cultivated with a wheel- ---- . - I ,
hoe. Also plan for double cropping TRYOUTS FOR FRENCH PLAY TO
wherever possible-follow your peas BE HELD SATURDAY MORNIN1G Use of the law library will be taught
and beans with turnips and cabbage. .+ in a new course to be offered to stu-
Plant a good variety and can or dry: First try-outs for the French plays dents in the Law school. Beginning
the surplus. . will be held in University hall at 10 Saturday, March 2 and continuing two
War gardens in Germany have been o'clock Saturday morning. It is not consecutive Saturdays, three demon-
better every year-that shows what necessary to be a member of the so- stration lectures will 'be given each
experience and organization will do. ciety in order to be in the cast. The regarding 'a separate problem. All
We must n'ot let the Germans beat us first play, written by an anonymous $ students wishing to enroll in this'
here, any more than on the western writer, is called "I'avocat Patelin," course are asked to leave their names
front. War gardens should. continue and the second, "Le Retour Imprevu" with the clerk of the Law school. No
long after peace returns, because they! by Regnard. credit wili be given for the work.
represent economic betterment of the
nation. Plant this year's garden as ( Dancing Friday and Saturday nights' Class dancing at the Packard Acad-
though for a ten year war, thus ben- at the Armory.-"Adv. emy Monday and Thursday evenings,
efiting by the personal efficiency that 7:30 to 9:30. Private lessons by ap-
war brings. Always-Daily Service--Always. pointment. Phone 1850-F1.-Adv.

look shop
336 S. State St.

Hair Brushes

$1.00 value 75c


Cor. State and N. University
Phone 30S

'he statement of Philander P. Clax-
United States commissioner of
cation, at Atlantic City Wednesday,
t the government was not in favor
the enlistment of college men is
idely interesting:
[r. Claxton, who is attending the
ie convention as are Dean M. E.
ley, and Professors G. E. Myers.
t A. S. Whitney, bases his conten-
s on attendance and inventions.
oo many students have already ac-
ted minor enlistments. This is
true so much at Michigan as in
er universities and colleges. The
ernment has informed the educa-
onal institutions several times to
I their men as long as possible.
a the professional colleges of the
versity, except law, a fairly rep-
entative student body is present
year. But many in the literary
ege have gone, or were signed up
;o with various units, betore it was
essary for them to do o. It seems
Bible, even probable to assert, that
rly .every college graduate should
a commissioned officer shortly aft-
entering the service. If not, it is
cult to see how the average college
i is more able mentally than the
rage non-college graduate. Rush-
into the service without thoughts
how to best use one's education
inds us of graduating from the
v school and then taking up dent-
T'advocate strongly that the Ger-
is settle their next "slush" fund
e. No better place can be imagin-
>oth by the University and towns-
ple than right out on the side-
e dislike to suggest it point blank,
do you suppose for a minute. that
Michigan women's answer that
is the most important thing in

Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jacksan
(Effective May 22, 1917)
Detroit Limited and xpress Cars-7:35 a
n., 8:ro a. n., and hourly to 7:10 p. m., 9:a
v. n.-
Kalamazoo Limited Cars--8:4£1' ain es'i
every two hours to>56:48 .4.; to asing,
8:48 p. m.
Jackson Express Cars .local stor. west of
1n Airbar)-g9:48 a. tn. and every ttio hosurs
Local Cars East Bound -5:35 a. m., 6:40
a. mn., 7:05 a. in. and every two hours to 7 o
p. an., 8:o5 p. m., 6:05 p. mn., m:So P. m
' o Ypsilanti only, 9:ao a. :., g*( arin.,
2:05 ;.xn, 6:o s p 4m, 9:4S p. m, mz 4t p. i.,
12:20 a. In., rm:to a. nm., r:2o a. m,. Po :saline,
change at Ypsilanti.
Local Cars West Bound- 6 :o , a m , 7:48
a. in.. io :20an. in.. 12:20 a. in,
We have both the inclination and
the equipment to furnish the
best in banking service
Thy AinArbor Savings Bank
Capital and Surplus $ 500,000.00
'esources ' $4,000,000.60
Northwest corner Main and
Huron Streets
707 North University Avenue

| ||||| ||||| ||


Word has been received here of the,
death of Alfred W. Brake, ex-'18, of
Bradley, at the naval hospital, Cam-
bridge, Mass. Brake did not return
to school last fall but enlisted in the
naval reserves and was stationed at
Great Lakes, Ill. He was later trans-
ferred to Cambridge where he was
taken sick with pneumonia and died
Feb. 17.
While in the University, Brake made
a good record in scholarship and was
interested in Y. M. C. A. work, his
original plan being to enter the Law
school after graduation from the Lit-
erary college in June.
Maisrgaret Dunfield, 'l1 Marries
Announcement has been made of
the marriage of Margaret Dunfield,.
'15, of Saginaw, to Mr. Wilford Cross-
man, of Saginaw, on February 12.
Miss Dunfield was a member of the
Chi Omega sorority when in college.
Free Exhibition of Raemaeker's
Great War Cartoons, daily at James
Foster's House of Art.-Adv.
Uniform Rank Dance at Maccabee
Hall Friday, March lst.-Adv.




Presented by the Mimes of the Michigan Union
and University Women
Whitney Theatre Mar.13,14,15,16,& Mat.16
PRICES-$2.20-$1.65-$1.10-$.85 including war tax

"Just a Little BETTER"
for all occasions
218 S Main Street

Mail orders for big opening performance, Wednesday
March 13 must be sent to the Michigan Union on or be-
fore March 2nd. Applications will be filled in order of
receipt before box-office sale.

Radio MilitaryFountain Pens
Wrst Watches Waterman
$4.25 to $21 and ConKlin
UT. of 24. Jewelry
Schlauderer & Sey fried
ward & Washington. 8=9 A. A. Sav-
ings Bank Bldg. Phone 866.-Adv.
You will always find bargains in
Daily 'advertisements: Read them.

Participating Life Members must have their slips numbered at
Union Desk, Saturday Morning, March 2nd. Participating Life
Members Sale Tuesday March 5, 2 to 5 P.M. and Wednesday March
6, 1 to 5 P. M. Hill Auditorium.

. . .

||| |||||||||| .


Best Floor

Dancing 9 to 12




Every Saturday Night

Tickets at Door

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