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March 01, 1918 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1918-03-01

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) Put

Coach Farrell and Manager Dudley
will leave with Captain Sedgwick,
Johnson, Cross, Haigh, Baker, Zoellin,
Donnelly, Stoll, and Forbes for Ur-
bana this morning on the 9:50 Mich-j
igan Central train. There is a possi-

bility that Baker may not go as he
has some scholastic bars to remove
0 PLAY before the time of leaving.
The two mile relay team will be
> Today composed of Sedgwick, Donnelly, Stoll,
and Forbes. Coach Farrell says that
while this team is not as good as
some which have represented the
xI1 team Maize and Blue, it will have an even
t, meet- chance to compete with the wartime
aterman squads of the other institutions enter-
of his Johnson will run in the high and
, Coach low hurdles and from the form dis-:
omplete played so far this season he ought to
s to see place among the leaders in these ev-
the dust ents. Steve may enter- him in the
ie Wol- broad jump as Johnson has been
are out making long leaps during the, work-
lumn. outs this week.
.e effect There are number of good men in
onfident the two mile relay quartet who could
lichigan be entered in some of the individual'
to win events, but it is likely that Coach
tar for- Farrell will use them for that struggle
vo days, only. Captain Sedgwick can run both
ed to be the mile and two mile 'while Donnelly
is a topnotcher in the same events.)
Hewlett Forbes ran the 440 yard dash in last}
well on Saturday's interclass meet in fairly
na and fast time and if pushed could probably
be one lower that mark.
he Wol- In the pole vault, Cross has been do-
a new- ing better than eleven feet during the
burning past week and should place among the
Emery point winners. Baker and Haigh have
r game. been working hard for the meet and
men off unless a number of dark horses show
rlett, in up should add to the Wolverine total.
25 fouls In the dashes Zoellin will be up
of 25. against stiff competition there as all
e 21 out the teams seem to have at least one
an keep good sprinter.
to go The team will arrive in Urbana
et than about 10 o'clock tonight in time for
a good night's rest. The new men
go team will be equipped with new "AMA"
lie first suits. They will return to Ann Arbor
on will Sunday evening.
s and a __ _
ren the "

Members of the Varsity track squad
who are not going to accompany the
team to Illinois will act as officials
in the preliminary company track meet
to be held Saturday afternoon. Cook,
Langley, Messner, and Schoffer will
look after matters on the track; Lind-
strom and Fortune will take charge
of the shot put, while Robertson will
officiate at the high jump. Kruger is
to. act as timer and the judges of the
finish will be Carver and Reider.
These men are going to have their
hands full, for if present indications
are fulfilled there will be at least'
800 entries in the various events. The
interest shown in the meet has been'
very gratifying to Doctor May and he
expects that some good material will
be uncovered in this event. The in-
terest is keen among the various com-
panies and the rivalry is intense, for'
this is the first opportunity that the'
companies have had to show their
spirit as a body. To judge from the
large entry list it is safe to say that
company athletics are now playing a
larger part in the life of the Universi-'
ty than any other kind of athletic ac-
It must be understood that the meet
on Saturday is merely the preliminary
and that the heat winners will be elig-'
ible for the final meet to be held in
the near future. The great number
of entries makes it impossible to de-
termine the alternate winners in each
event in one afternoon.a
The fine turnout for this track meet
presages keen interest in the other1
branches of sport among the com-'
panies. Outdoor track, baseball, and
perhaps other athletics can safely be
undertaken now with perfect assur-
ance that strong competition and keen
rivalry will result.
Much credit is due to Doctor May
for th.e untiring efforts which he has
expended to make this meet a suc-
cess. He has labored hard and faith-
fully in arranging for the event and
the fine manner in which it is working
out is largely due to him. He has seen
the opportunity presented by company
athletics and has not been slow in tak-
ing advantage of it.,
Choice Jits From
C oll~ege exchanges
University architect, Professor
Joseph N. Bradford of the University
of Ohio is completing plans for the
Women's Union which is to be erected
between Oxley Hall and Mirror Lake."
An appropriation of $150,000 has been
made for the building, and it is hoped
that work on it may be started the
first of May.
As a matter of economy, refresh-
ments have been discontinued at
dances given at the University of
Student officers at the university at
Berkeley are to decide whether or not
cadets wil wear their uniforms every
day. Announcement will be made in
the form of an order from the military
If plans mature, about 4,000 drafted
men wil be stationed at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin during the spring
.and summer where they will have the

No Fancies Here-
just Plain Facts
That the campus is alarmingly ig-
norant concerning the real FACTS in
the lives of its heroes was revealed by'
the slews of comment called forth by'
the dissertation on dead football men.
Now that the track team with its,
coach and caretaker is out of town,
we propose to set forth a detail or
two upon these live Knights of Ab-
breviated Trou.
To begin with the manager is a per-
fect tamer. Every time that Mr.
Stephen Farrell suggests that Dud
phone the sport's staff to beg for a lit-
tle publicity, Dud comes down to the
office in person to uproot feminine
hearts and Heig and Heig bottles.
Beer-est Zoellin, the blonde flower
of the squad, lives on the specialized
diet of cigaret smoke and peppermints.
At the Union he is surrounded by a
scad of breathless admirers who
watch his every palp.
Cross and Donnelly, of the Titian
type, belong in the pony chorus; the,
latter, as might be guessed, hails from
the Creme de Mint colored Isle, and
can tell many a tale of snakes in the
trees on St. Patrick's and other morn-
Yump, Yohnie, Yump, wild man
from the west, stands a good six feet,
eight, and never had a stocking on.
He pulled an "A" out of Fine Arts
use of the laboratories, shops and*
class rooms for the study of technical
work, for which their military service
calls. A similar plan may be carried
out by several other universities.
The board of the annual, the Jay-
hawker, of the University of Kansas
is offering three copies of the publi-
cation to the three persons who turn
in the snappiest snap shots to be usedf
in the book.:
Courses in military French, topo-
graphy of the war zone, history of war
causes and radio telegraphy, which
"have recently been introduced at the'
University of Illinois, are proving
Vassar college is to open a training
school for nurses this summer, offer-
ing a three months course, after ,
which the students will be admitted i
in groups of 10 to 40 to the leading
hospitals in the country. The Red
Cross has turned over $75,000 for the
operating expenses of the Camp.
No semester examinations were held'
at Ohio state university this year,
since all available room was needed
'for recitation by the aviators.
"Let 'Er Go!" is the title of the
musical comedy to be presented by
Massachusetts Tech.
Domestic science girls at the Uni-
versity of Oregon are making butter-
less, eggless, milkless, sugarless
doughnuts which are cooked in vege-
table fats.
Always-Daily Service-Always.-

and is writing a treatise on "The Com- Bandoline to make the c
paritive Beauty of Celeste Aida" and He wasn't speaking of th
"Sinbad Was in Bad." We await its f Discobolus Baker, mf
appearance while planning the cele- high putter of the B.B.';
brating editorial. ; of those fascinating peop
Sherry Sedgwick has run many a their middle names in i
rapid for that quencher from which he digits in cameo rings
derives his name. It is whispered gloves and their whole 1
among the more discreet that this is I sence. A special interv
the man who is responsible for that hunted.
little ditty, "Ain't You the Girl I Met Reams have been left
at Sherry's." it is hoped that these fe
Haigh, of Hamiltonian build, said help Help Keep the Fire
over the phone last night that he used ing 'Till the Boys Come I


.' 1

Swiss Cl


These mak.le up the i
Dutcht lunch - but
will you serve to dr
For years the host and hostess hav
asking themselves that same questi
pecially whenever the occasion happ
be one of those cozy little after-the
"in-between-timrec" parties. Now, t
a ready answer-


This distinctively new c
drinks is sparkling-snappy
is healthful.wit'_1 the whole
choicestcere:is -appetizin
.quet and agreea.ble bitter t:
choice hops cani impart. I
the spot"-sure to encount<
Bevo-the ail-year-'rov

~." A .MsiSaw.o.h..
';Yu refreshing

Guard Against Subst
lave the bottle opered in your presence
thec seal has not been broken, and thai
Iears the Fox. Bevo is sold in botti
bottled exclusively by

f the Second regiment BATTERY MIEN FAST . GETTING
e the teams to play INTO B E T T E R
ship of the R. O. T. C. SHAPE
ry to the Ohio State
rom tonight. These
games last night in Coach Lundgren sent his baseball-
asium and have gone Y ers through the usual practice session
on so far undefeated. 'yesterday afternoon, starting the men
n from company I of with tossing the pill around, stopping
tent by the score of grounders, and winding up with a stiff
ely outclassing their,'
ley and Barringer, at work out on the track.
d for the winners. Several of the old men, Adams,
center and Kennedy Glenn, Ruzicka, Langanham, Gene-
stituted the defense, bach and Mraz were absent from prac-
up as follows: For- tice and the battery candidates warm-
.nd Messner; center, ed up the new candidates who were.
Is-Keen and Schaff- all given a try out at their favorite
positions. The practice this afternoon
the Second regiment did not bring out any new candidates
y L of the First regi- and the coach still hopes that a re-
in a game that was sponse to the call for more battery
n the score indicates. men will bring to ligh.t some players
.n the All-fresh flve of Varsity calibre.
ompany L team and The battery seemed to be getting
s score down. Line- well under way and the hurlers are
C-forwards, Karpus beginning to loosen up the kinks and-
ter, Boviard; guards,' shoot over some of the fast ones as a
ading. Company - little variTy to the slow limberingtup-
and W'. Wilson; cent- ' kind. The coach has tabooed the.
ards, Crane and Wil- curve ball though the boys are anx-
ious to try their assortment of curves.


Are you taking advantage of the low
ket prices of all industrials?
Now is the time to buy. We specialize in HO(
We can also quote you prices on any other stocks, listed or unl
PHONE 808 412 1st National Ban



Fitform 'for Spring



6' 1 IiA



S Very Smart Eton Styles in
Misses'Spring Suits
Sise. 14 to Years
Cut shows suit of navy blue men's wear
Serge. Eton jacket with seven rows of
Hercules -silk braid around bottom; fancy
tabs at side, braid and button trimmed.
Cuffs trimmed with braid, buttons and
tabs. Vestee of natural Shantung silk, Q 4
fastened with self loops and -fancy but-
tons. Long, narrow, braided collar, ex-
tending to bottom of jacket. Tailored
skirts with long tunic. Price, $25.00.
,aaumY 1 6th MJW~I WYOThEW 3m "

You will find the snappiest, classiest line of
Clothes for Young Men in the city at'our store.
The Fitform Clothes are made in strictly
up-to-the-minute style exclusively for the
young man.
Fitform is a popular priced line, and will
appeal to the most particular college man.
Handled exclusively by us
We have the snappiest line of new light-weight Hats
and Caf s for spring wear, Call and; be convinced.


Uniforms altered by our experttailor

The Young
Man's Store.

Tom Corbett."

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° 1

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