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February 22, 1918 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-02-22

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him far better able to judge of the
situation than are we. But it is pos-
sible that his condemnation is a litttle.
iea sweeping. It is true that the develop-
dis- ments of the past few days have been
ews entirely contradictory to our own
opinion but the charge of radicalism
r of seems hardly 'warranted.
cept What The Daily did was to present
r as two alternatives; with this the best
informed can surely not take excep-
tion. Led by our own optimism, we
ords then drew the conclusion that the
the more favorable of the two was prob-
rbor ably true-and certainly indications
the at the time made this conclusion by
no means ridiculous.
:itor We are also in doubt as to just
ager why this frank expression of opinion
Jr. is likely to "enfeeble our purpose
ilson in the war. In our humble judgment.
aney optimism is entirely necessary to
ghell firmness.
oley Nevertheless, The Daily is quite
ager willing to apologize for the editorial
ager if necessary; it was not our purpose
ager to foist our own ideas upon the cam-
- pus but rather to give them out go
>bell that those who desired might accept
tlas them.
Nor are we in the least embittered
man by the attitude taken. Rather, it is
nter always a source of pleasure to us to
vit, see that our editorials are read and
oene complimented in part-if only in form
port -by men who are really able to
tndis judge.
While we maintain our sincerity
in offering the campus this opinion,
ause we wish to thank our correspondent
rick for taking sufficient interest in the
l paper to write us in order to correct
nald what he considers a dangerous view-
One of the campus wits expressed
his amazement at the fact that the
Anh Arbor water is still running
through the pipes. According to the
law of Physics solids won't flow.

~ I
The registrations of local alien en-
emies conducted by Chief of Police
Thomas O'Brien, -the local registrar,




shows a total of 170 male citizens of Editor, The Michigan Daily:
German birth registered. Registerar Will you allow me, as a friend of The
O'Brien communicated with General Daily, to heartily commend your pol-
Crowder in regard to registrating na- icy of discussing -editorially the ser-
tive Austrians but was instructed to ious political questions involved in
register none except Germans until the war? And, at the same time, may,
he was ordered to do otherwise. I protest against this morning's edi-
torial, "What of Russia?" In the first
From reports received last evening place, it would seem that an obvious
W. J. Newman, who was seriously in- contribution might well have appear-
jured Tuesday evening by a fall from ed over the contributor's signature.
an interurban car near Steinbaugh's And, in the second place, many of your
hill, seven miles from Ann Arbor, is I readers must have thought that this
rapidly recovering under the care of editorial, for which you naturally be-
the physicians of the University hos- come responsible, is as questionable in
pital. Both his legs and one arm were content as it is admirable in form. i

For All Departments




F '76
rthday of the
This year
the life of
iing more to
school, a va-

'ican is a source of
When our country
d to struggle to keep
new countries must,
h grateful thanks the
o make us a nation
fght for an ideal. It
the independence of
i the mother country
It was for a prin-
le that all men are
have a right to gov-
that he offered his
had been necessary,
again for that same
shington were alive
be an inspiring ex-
is. The cause that
to him is now the
test of all wars,
s that he advocated
re are now trying to
he countries of the
is greater than that
[e freed the United
uty to free the world.
is task we have set
we cjnot fail. The
to us, and the spirit
watching. We can
ur fathers of '76, and
vements as an ex-
leader as our guide,
to do much more.

"Don't ride, it's cheaper to walk,"
says an R. O. T. C. man. They have
arrived and take up considerable
room on the campus walks.
Detroit News headline - "Germany
says she will win the war by gas."
Same old kind?
/ /
Wanted: A piano mover for the
next Glee and Mandolin club concert.
Perhaps the flour situation is Ann
Arbor will improve ,in the spring.
The grocers' have come and gone,
but the flag will wave on forever

fractured and his face was badly cut by
the fall. Mr. Newman lives in Ypsi.
lanti and was injured while on duty
as conductor for the Detroit, Jack-
son and Chicago electric railroad.
Miss Alice H. Douglas, chairmantof
the knitted goods committee of the'
local Red Cross organization reports
that the largest amount of knitted
work made this year in Ann Arbor
was made during January and that
the following number of pieces have
been sent to France for the comfort
of soldiers: One hundred and thirty
sweaters; 40 mufflers; 130 wristlets;
135 pairs of socks; 30 helmets and 15
trench caps.
Income taxes must be paid before'
March 1. All persons who have per-
sonal property taxable under that
statute are urged by Deputy Interstate
Revenue Collector Haab to confer
with him regarding any doubtful de-'
tails. Collector Haab will be ready to..
assist local people in the treasurer's
office in the County court house today.
Single persons with an income of less
.than $1,000, and married persons
whose income is less than $2,000, are
exempt from paying the tax.
Books for soldiers are still wanted
by the General Library. Last semest-
er's text-books, it has been suggest-
ed, would be especially welcomed.
Very few volumes of any kind have
been brought to the Library lately,
although the demand is as great as
Old magazines are continually be-1
ing received at the office in the base-
ment of the Library building. Very
few of these periodicals are sent on.
to the cantonments, as the the camp
libraries report that they do not need
any except recent numbers.
Engineers may leave books at the
library in the Engineering building.
Technical works are especially called
for, but few engineers have contri-
buted any of them.
Graduate Club Holds Party Tonight
The Graduate club wil hold a party
from 8 to 11:30 o'clock tonight in
Barbour gymnasium. All students of
the Graduate school are invited to at-

A reading of the editorial in ques-
tion left the impression that the great
majority of political observers every-
where are hopelessly wrong with re-
ference to Lenine and other Bolshe-
vist spokesmen, whereas the editors of
The Daily, after some days of mental
anguish, have fortunately reached the
correct solution. And this solution,
which could not have been better
stated by Bolsheviki of Petrograd,
New York, ortChicago, is nothing less
astonishing than that Lenine is a
statesman of the hl'hest order of
genius, who is preparing to render
great assistance to the cause of the
Allies while appearing to all but the
initiated to be doing something very-
different. The voice is the voice of
Lincoln Steffens, but the hands are
the hands of Gilbert Chesterton.
Without questioning the patriotic
motives of anyone, I respectfully sub-
mit that The Daily is on dangerous.
ground in editorially commending any
,man or body of men whose program
is anarchic - is, in fact, the very
negation of stable government, law
and order--and in commending, by in-
ference, their fantastic point of view.
It is only with the utmost difficulty
!hat we are going to win this w
This is no time, then, to enfeeble our
purpose by the circulation of any
form of ultra-radical propaganda.
(Department of History.)
Library Remains Open During Holiday
"Business as usual" will be the rule1
of the day at the University library.
In spite of the fact that it is Wash-
ington's birthday and the rest of the
Universiy will be closed, the reading
and reference rooms of the library
will be open, regular hours will be
observed, and books will be given out
overnight as usual.
See the skating races at the Colis-
eum Friday night.-Adv.

5 -

New and 'Secondhand

Bought and Sold

Slter sBook Shop
Phon~e 430 336 S. State St.

Tickets for the athletic banquet to
be held Friday, March 1, must be pur-
chased before Tuesday night. They
are now on sale at Barbour gymna-
sium. Cotillion tickets should be se-
cured at the office of the dean of
There will be no Women's league
party this week.

Hair Brushes

We have a complete stock of
Switzer s Hardware


$100 value 75c



Newberry tea room
today. The gymnasium
exeept at meal times.

will be open
will be closed


Our special fashion correspondent
informs us that in professional circles
it is now considered modish - or
should we say muddish-to tell the
struggling experimenter in self-ex-
pression that his explanation is as
clear water.
What Would he Say to the Little
"O, Tempora! O, Mores! Want of
veneration for what is venerable is
the sin of the age. I went into Tuttles
the other day to eat scrambled eggs
md write in the album. Oh, the
shock! I was not sure whether it
was the refectory kn'own of every son
of Michigan, or some mere eating
place. That wooden screen - you
know it's every knot-has been cut
down the proportions of a hurdle in
Barbour gym, and the eyes of the un-
thinking co-ed now gaze in upon the
sacred mysteries. The magic mirrors
repeat their miracle before vulgar
eyes; endless ranks of moving jaws
masticate infinitely reduplicated
doughnuts in the very presence of the
rude populace. Alas, the partition!"
--From the Inlander, September, 1903.
If you hear ome R. 0. T. Cuss greet
another with something that sounds
like "How do you do?", don't imagine
that the lads are putting on a prema-
ture military formality. We have in-
side dope that the real import 9f the
salutation is "How's the shoes?"
Prof. H. Adams to Speak in Bay City
Prof. H. C. Adams of the economics
department will give a paper on
"Uniform Accounting in Public
Offices" before the seventh state con-
ference on taxation, to be held Feb.
27 and 28 in Bay City.

Acts 1 and 2 of the Junior Girls'
play will rehearse at 9 o'clock tomor-
row morning.
Dancifig at Armory every Saturday
night, 9 to 12.-Adv.,

Party and Masquerade Wigs

Including Martha and George
Washington Wigs.
Mrs. Stoddard Hair Shop
707 N. University Ave.

Cor. State and N. University
Phone '08
Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jacars~n
(Effective May 22, 19171
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-7:35 a
m., 8:io a. in.. and hourly to 7:10 p. M., 9:z1
p. m.
Kalamazoo Limited Cars--8:48 a. in rt
every two hours to>65:48 t. .; to lausng.
8:48 p. m.
Jackson Express Cars ;local sto- we;t of
Ain Arbor)-:48 a. In. and eve:y two hours
to ; :48 1p. Ill.
Local Cars East Bound-5:35 a. m., 6'4c
a. Ill., 7 :(5 a. mn. and ',v-"y t,'o }lours to V us
p. a,. 8:0; p. in., 9:05 p.. Mn., 1:50 R. M
To Ypsilanti only, 9:2o a. m., 9:; VO .
"o0 .S ^.in.. 6 :o5 p.In. 9 :45 p. in, tni: }5 ..
12 :2o"a. i., I :io a. in-. IL:2o a.. oSaline.
change at Ypsilanti.
S Local Cars West Bound,- ; :o; aen,7 :48
Ia. in.. 10:20 P. Min a ..-o a am
We have both the inclination and
the equipment to fui nish the
best in banking service
The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Capital and Surplus $ 500,000.00
Resources . . . $4,000,000.00
Northwest Corner Main and
Huron Streets
707 North University Avenue







days ago there appeared in
an editorial entitled "What
?" It was our purpose to
.e facts concerning the sit-
the land of the Bolsheviki
he same time, to interpret
e best of our feeble ability.
in this editorial that one of
.atives must be true-either
id Trotzky are fools and
r they are brilliant states-
mats of the first caliber.
aps we should have antiel-
editorial aroused certain
rticism among members of
. One particularly well in-
ntleman took especial ex-
it and made his own reac-
in both the classroom and
communication. The latter
i another column of this

Sizes 6 to 14 Years.
A Eollection which presents a very un-
usual opportunity; as the materials are
excellent and all the Dresses are crisp
an4 new. Made up in fancy plaid and
Mtr4ped Ginghams and plain Chambrays,
oors include lhe new yellows and
ll Y
Coosicuetenwy w fpd( nhm n l:Cabbrowns. and cadet blue. Many with
pique collar and cuffs and smocking.


S"Just a Little BETTER"
for all occasions
218 S. Main Street

Radio Military
Wrist Watches

$4.5 t $2 and (s :.tk

and Cl

U. of M1fl. Jewelry
Schlanderer Seyjr I
Dance at Maccabee Hall, F
Feb. 22'. Uniform Rank.-Adv,
Skating exhibitions at Coliseun
daft night.-Acv.


Buy your

alarm clocks at J. L
Jeweler. 11S8S. Main


a ILxAr*. zF, Dancing 9 to



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