Few Men on Hand for Baseball
Practice; More Players
xpected in Short
o be Lowered
all pr
1 tom
I Inath
h was lucky to hold a few points
in throughout the game. The In-
. quintet had been rebuilt from
rear before and was having its
hard test of the season. Since
time the Hoosiers have improved
ly and the Wolverines will be
gainst a tough proposition this
iere several wee
Wolverines led
. has little hone
*r in their own gymnasium.
.After the battle tomorrow night
he Wolverines will return to Ann
arbor to prepare for Chicago and
J. A. C. next week end and Ohio State '
wo weeks from tomorrow night. The
Wolverines trounced the Aggies here
everal weeks ago, but the peculiar
ature of the M. A. C. floor is a dis-
inct disadvantage to all opposing
eams, and the Farmers may turn the
ables on Michigan next week.
Chicago Has a Great Team
In Chicago, Michigan will see one
.f the prettiest basketball teams in
he conference. The attack and de-
ense centers about Captain Gorgas, a
:iant' of a center, who despite his size
and bulk is one of the most graceful
nen on the floor. Opposing teams
his year have found this man hard to
:eep under cover. Hinkle, rurning
uard, is one of the biggest individual
corers in the Big Ten.
team has be
Fdr You
hey are to hold
Ten teams they
., Feb.
Iny of
to be started]
Hall, the prese
national service
his crown. Tl
take part are
eferee the matches
teur Billiard Play-
rnament which is
Feb. 25. Nathan
hampion, is in the
.d will not defend
ght men who will
orwin Huston of
wn, Brooklyn; Ed-
siac, N. J.; Jacob
champion; E. L.
Dr. Uffenheimer,
[ial, East Orange,
less of the Illinois
the arrival of a few advan
our new Spring Line.
You will find your favc
clever, classy styles.
We are s
young m
Tom C(
Rugs cleaned and washed. Satisfac-
on guaranteed. Koch and Henne.-
Ir.J. a" Cihapmian's
ES . Main.Adv.