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July 21, 1927 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1927-07-21

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0 f ou m m er
Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publica-
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or' not otherwise
credited in this paper andtthe local newspub-
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
-ostoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $1.so; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director...Paul J. Kernl
City Editor....Joseph E. Brunswick
Feature Editor.....Marian L. Welles
Night Editors
Carlton G. ChampeH. K. Oakes, Jr.
John E. Davis Orville Dowzer
T. E. Sunderland :
E. M. Hyman Miriam Mitchell
Robert E. Carson Betty Pulver
Wm. K. Lomason Louis R. Markus
Telephone 21214
Advertising.. ...........Ray Wachter
Accounts ........... John Ruswinckel
Circulation ..............Ralph Miller
' Assistants
C. T. Antonopulos S. S. Berar
G. W. Platt
Night Editor-H. K. OAKES, JR.

At least two dozen and perhaps
more governors of the several states
will meet at Mackinac Island next
week to discuss and solve the prob-
lems of the United States.
Some of the problems they are to
solve are: making farming more
profitable; preventation of future
Mississippi river floods; and increas-
ing the merchant marine, all profound
problems that are too great for any
state to solve alone.
To read the program of the meet-
ing makes us think of the days before
the Constitution was adopted and we
had no central government of suf-
ficient power to deal with such prob-
lems. The governors are meeting as
executive of several, states to solve
problems that rightly belong to the
sphere of Federal control.
If the Federal government has not
yet solved the various problems of the
farmer the several states certainly
cannot do so. United and nation wide
legislation would be necessary to
settle this problem and governors of
states, representing both the major
parties, would find it difficult to pass
legislation since that is slightly out
of their power.
In the matter of curbing future
floods of the Mississippi, it would be
wonderful if they could do it, but we
think that even the Congress of the
United States would have difficulty in
making the Father of Waters obey its
acts 'in the matter of floods. Perhaps
the governors will offer to drink the
excess of water and thus prevent the
{ floods.
Then the matter of increasing the
merchant marine is also one of Fed-
eral undertaing. If the governors hit
on some plan to increase the merch-
ant vessals by improving their harb-
ors and the like we would like to
assist in drafting the Harbor Im-
provement bill for the State of
South Dakota and push it' through a
resisting legislature.
However, despite the fact that the
governors are taking all the power
away from the President we do not
feel much concern, for since they are
each leaders of a sovereign common-
wealth, we doubt seriously if they
will agree on much of anything.
Again, if they should hit on some
wonderful plan, which will alleviate
the conditions they are dealing with,
it seems more than likely that party
affiliations would make several of the
governors oppose anything the other
party proposed. However, we ha4e
the profound hope that the body of
executives may suggest something
that Congress may find profitable.
At all odds, Michigan is happy to
be host to so many gentlemen and
the other governors, and wishes
them a merry time at the states great
resort. From the schedul of events
we feel sure that they will have a
pleasant Vacation.,

Riots are very disagreeable things
especially when people are killed in
them.. Of course, citziens of the Un-
ited States .have no terror of blood-
shed, and they cheerfully support
large forces which humorously kill
Nicaraguans from time to time, bul
when a riot occurs in which our ma-
rines take no glorious part, the sit-
uation is different, and as long as it
can not possibly reflect national glo
to the United States it might just as
well be called off.
The riot in Vienna demonstrates
another, thing, however, that is even
as important as this. That is, tha
the action of an irresponsible minor-
ity, improperly directed, are likely tc
discredit a large and respectable ma-
jority9 of citizens, who are engaged
in an honest battle for liberties.
If one should ask who started the
Vienna riot, his answer would be,
nine times out of ten, that the social-
ists did. The answer would be wrong,
The socialists actually aided the
police in subduing the rebelling com-
munists when the police were largely
outnumbered, and though there is no
very clear distinction in the minds
of the newspaper correspondent or
the average public, probably, there is
a wide difference in practice and Aus-
trian politics between the two groups.
We are ever too ready to condemn
without knowing the facts, and this
instance seems to be one of the most
The socialist aided the police con-
siderably in restoring order, and
their leaders conferred frequently
and peacably with the Chancellor,
Seipel, and went to the trouble to
import newspapers to keep the mobs
informed of their peacable negotia-
For this the socialists have scarce-
ly yet been given adequate credit.
Government by violence is an extreme-
ly dangerous thing, and the social-
Ists of Vienna seem to realize this.
The surprising thing is that a com-
paratively conservative government,
kith Seipel at the head, can exist at
all in a city so intensely socialistic
as, thecity of Vienna is. The con-
flict has been brewng for months,
and thessincere attempt of the social-
ists to restore order when the more
radical wing of their numbers re-
fused is a tribute to their sincerity
inattempting to govern by constitu-
tional means.
We in America have a terror of
socialism, apparently, that has
grown by constantly associating that
term with syndicalism, communism,
and all forms of violence. It would
do many of us good, particularly
those who have entered the profession
of journalisni, to clear up this diff-
erence in their minds, and it would
certainly do no harm if they, were
to take pains to meet a socialist
some time, and find out what really
harmless persons they are. The con-
ception of the bolshevik with a bomb
in each hand is no more false nor,
vicious than the conception of the
socialists with a match and club. If
we do not subscribe to their doctrines
we can at least give them a fair
chance to hold them, and incidents
such as the one which happened lasta
eek-end at Vienna are not likelyf
to heighten our opinion of them ast

Music N Drama
A Review by A. J. Woods '25
Another great German picture has
comes to stir the heart of industrial
America and point a warning finger
at the world's relentless march to-
ward soulless scientific perfection.
Based on the gigantic strides made
in science in the past generation,
"Metropolis," as the film is called, is
an intensely interesting projection of
a not impossible state of existence
some fe'w generations ahead. As
does the typical collosal German
cinema, "Metropolis" presents a
striking picture drawn with simplic-
ity and sincerity, and holds its spec-
tators breathless in its dramatic
Detroit audiences viewing "Me-
tropolis" this week are being filled
with wonder and contemplation. The
general question of the audience
seems to be, "Are we coming to it?"
Metropolis is the name of the city
of scientific' perfection where the
workmen begin and end their work'
shifts with the mechanical precision
indicative of their entire life. The
factories themselves are many stories
underground, but the homes of the
workers are hundreds of feet lower.
There in the bowels of the earth,
everything is reduced to power, and
system is so perfected that the com-
plicated and high-powered machin-
ery, though constantly taking its
deathtoll, is never idle. Accidents are
due Pto inability of toilers to keep
pace with the giant-capacity machines
and before the maimed and dead are
dragged off and the steam and smoke '
clears away other workers have fill-
ed the places of the unfortunates and
progress continues its inflexible pa-
Mr. Masterman, the brain of Me-
tropolis, controls everything from a
unique office in one of the monstrous
buildings that reach boldly toward
the sun. His dream of making man
into machine has come true and
there only remains the perfection of
the making of machine into man.
Eventually even this comes true and
he causes to be created from ma-
chines exactly like human beings ex-
cept they lack a soul. This ultimate
efficiency overmasters its creator and
brings all to the brink of disaster.
For the thoughtful movie-goer
"Metropolis" is a film not to be miss-
ed. It is a' powerful social thesis in
which all may see the dangers of a
possible future mankind struggling in
the jaw of commercialism when life's
spiritual forces have been crushed
and dried.
Mankind may be fortunate enough
to avoid the catastrophe of which
Metropolis is a vision; yet much of
it has already come true.
But if efficiency is to be the sole
aim in life and power is to be God,
if the sweat of toiling workmen is
but to oil the grinding wheels of
efficiency, then we of today who are
shaping the tomorrow may well be
glad that our lives will 'see only the
vista of Metropolis and not extend to
experience its grim reality,
"So this is London," George
Cohen's outstanding production, will
be the next attraction at the Bonstelle
Playhouse, Detroit, beginning next
week, July 25th.
"So This is London" was produced
during a marvelously productive year

in New York-a year of exceptionally
fine plays. It enjoyed long runs in
both New York and London, receiv-
ing appreciation and equal popularity
on both sides of the ocean. While
it containsdsatire on the English, it
also contains satire on the American,
and both nationalities were equally
good scouts" in acknowledging the
laugh on themselves.
Hiram Draper, Jr., son of weal-
thy and excessively American shoe
manufacturer, meets Eleanor Beau-
camp, daughter of Sir Percy Beau-
camp, an extremely English shoe
manufacterer, on board ship. They
become engaged. In London, their
respective parents violently oppose
the idea. Mr. Draper pictures the
English as a ludicrous set of nin-
compoops, while Sir Percy pictures the
Americans as gum chewing monstrosi-
ties. When the Drapers and the
Beaucamps meet, however, their sur-
prise is mutual and both families
seem delighted to further the romance,
thus uniting the shoe factories.
Arthur Goodrich, the author of this
delightful comedy, has treated the
subject so impartially that no one of
either ancestry could possibly take
offense. On the other hand, no one
with the slightest degree of humor,
could fail to find the pieces uproar-
iously funny and true to life.




I :_-_

Feel the Thickess
of this Paper
--then imagine it


twelve times

Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communi-
cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.
To the Editor:
I am taking my typewriter in hand,
as the old saying goes, to comment
on your editorial criticizing Mr. Clark
and his article in the current num-
ber of the American Magazine. It
seems to me that you have missed,
on all four cylinders in analyzing
Mr. Clark and his statements. Are
you so sure that he advocates race
suicide? Does he say that all chil-
dren are a nuisance? Does he not
rather argue that there are compen-
sations for those who are so unfor-
tunate as to be childless and that one
of these is the opportunity to aid
in preparing the children of others
for happy and successful life work?
I do not wish to seem critical of
your ardent statements for I remem-
ber that "out of the mouths of babes
and sucklings comes forth wisdom."
'It is also Just as true that "fools
rush in wheresangels feartto tread."
To "shoot from the hip" appears tor
be a quite common characteristic of
the undergraduate even though his
ammunition is nothing but blank
cartridge. Do you thing it is sane,
policy to give any problem worthy oft
editoria comment at least a cursory
glance -before analyzing it? I am
trying to raise of family of four child-
ren of my own. The eldest is a uni-
versity graduate. My experience as a
"family man" leads me to agree hear-
tily with the opinions Mr. Clark has
expressed in his article.
' - C. C.M.
Field Marshal Haig says the Allies'
would have won the rar without the
aid of the United States, and the'
Marshall isn't the first soldier in his-7
tory who has a wonderful idea to late.
^n~ r i --~ mo-

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