-i M1.
--I -._,. .
Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publica-
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Editorial Director......Paul J. Kern
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Night Editor-JOS. E. BRUNSWICK
FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1927
"I tried to be critical of America
but I could not. I like it ver
much."-Professor Hugo R. Kruy
of the University of Utrecht.
It is seldom that the system c
Ameriman education receives as sin
cere and significant a commendatio
as this. It is rare, even for Amen-
cans, to admit that their universitie
compare with those of the old world
and though we must allow for th
fact that Professor Kruyt is our gues:
and might consider it discourteous t
criticise, the compliment that he ha
paid to the University of Michiga:
and the American system of educatio
though it is significant indeed.
Real encouragement ,can be founi
for proponents of our American sys
tem when a man who comes here wit]
a thorough knowledge of the work
ings of the European universities, ani
who is perfectly aware that our col
lege communities do not consist of a
group of scholars as do those wit
which he is more familiar, can give t
the educational system here a recom
mendation such as this.
It would almost seem for a momen
as though those who advocate the
"Oxford" plan and a dozen and on
other kinds of plane may be wrong
after all, and that there is something
deeper than we see in our own uni-
versities, and something for which we
are. not giving them credit.
Of course Michigan will never pro-
duce as imposing a list of real schol-
ars as any similar European school
could boast, but America's life is one
not particularly conducive to schol-
%s. If a person desires to follow for
ife an academic profession, he still
nay do so by entering the university
s an instructor, and whatever other
charges may be levied against us we
to not deliberately discourage accom-
lishment on that field.
We are perhaps not a thorough, but
ve are reaching an infinitely larger
.umber than our counterparts across
lie seas. We are criticised for not
aving the serious minded students
nd for not allowing them a chance
o use individual initiative, but our
tudents are generally younger than
hose of the other nations, and where
heirs are handpicked embryo schol-
rs ours are everything from pros-
ective real estate dealers up. We can
cracely boast of our products, in
ome instances, but after all it is hor-
[ble to contemplate what these same
ersons might have been without the
aining we have offered them.
The obvious ideal situation is a
ombination of the two, however, with
chance for the scholastic group to
et in its concrete accomplishments
ad a chance for the group which is
ierely being raised slightly above its
wvel to do that also. To attempt to
i-ow these two classes into the same
stem with the same classifications
ad training is of course absurd, and
efeats partially the desirable end of
idespread education. Many of our
iture citizens just aren't fitted for
iltural pursuits, and why a college
raduate should hesitate to become<
plumber or bricklayer is mysterious+
deed. He could at least be a much,
appier plumber or bricklayer for his
lucation, and the problem of leisure i
man could open his copy of "Paradise
Lost" at the lunch hour and appreci-
ate its passages.
With the new University college
which is about to be established here
we are on the verge of this ideal sit-
uation. We shall offer to the broad
general class of student the cultural
training which is the only kind from
which he can benefit, and we shall
offer elsewhere on the campus, to a
different group, that specialized train-
ing that may produce scholars and
professional men on a par with the
old world itself.
It is a pity that Professor Kruyt did
not delay his visit until this new Uni-
versity college started operation, be-
cause if he finds it possible to laud
even our present system he should
find even more worthwhile phases of
our new system. We appreciate more
highly than we can possible make
known, however, the immense compli-
ment that Professor Kruyt has paid
us, and we are very proud to have
such a distinguished scientist in our
midst. We are' proud, also, to have
elicited the compliment he has paid
us, but at present we can not help but
feel that Europe has half, and America
has the other half, of what might be
combined into the most magnificent
educational system the world has
ever known. We lack Europe's very
obvious attention to the individual
student, and they, on the other hand,
very obviously lack our attention to
the great masses of th commonwealth
who can profit, if only indirectly, from
the college training.
The rule of force as, applied to a
national government is always dan-
gerous. Governments, of course, work
on the theory of doing the greatest
good to the people they serve, and
who compose them, and when they
fill in this purpose they are bound
to be -overthrown, either by force as
in years gone by or by popular elec-
tion in our enlightened communities.
This week the world has seen the
most recent example of the attempted
use of force in national government,
with the assissination of Kevin O'Hig-
gins, strong man of the Irish Free
State. The group that took. upon
themselves this dastardly piece of
work has assumed the responsibility
for the future of Ireland threby,
for they have taken from the infant
republic the man who was the bul-
wark of its liberties.
It is only natural that people of
the impulsive and active dispositions
of the Irish would attempt govern-
ment by force, and it is only natural
that in a nation where brilliacy
that in a nation where illiteracy is so
prevalent there should be some who
do not realize the tremendous respon-
sibility which they assume in thus
destroying leadership when leader- f
ship is so sorely needed.
Ireland can never move forward, or
backward either for that matter, if it
lacks leadership, and the price which
leaders have paid in Ireland in thet
past few years has been tremendousv
indeed. The situation is one approach-e
ing in seriousness the case of Frencev
after the revolution, and the mend
whom the English did not execute as
rebels .have been assassinated by theirn
In Italy, also, for has on six
six occasions been attempted in the
disposition of their premir, Musso-
ini. The situation is only parallel
in a small degree, however, for where
a nation is goaded by the very essence
Af force eve'i extreme measures may
be used with justification.
Ireland, however, is supposed, at
feast, to be a constitutional govern-
ment of the people. No single man or
small group of men, under such a
system, has the right to strike down
at the point of a, gun a man whom
hey dan not defeat in an election.
'he Irish people must learn, first of
all, before they can hope to command
he respect of the family of nations
which they are about to enter, that
government consists of more than a
eries of assassinations, and that they-
.ow have recourse to a different and
Sven more potent method-the ballot
ox. Years of suppression have ap-
parently develpped an attitude that H
ill be hard to overcome; but there t
S no excuse for opposing with force w
i government based upon democratic c
* * *
Although the exact number of liters
of air that could be purchased for the
S. C. A Fresh Air camp with the $500
that the Tag Sale raised in Ann Ar-
bor yesterday, Ann Arbor no doubt
feels that it has contributed nobly.
* * *
Most anybody could be seen yeste-
day, after buying a Tag for a dime,
suddenly feeling the heat and going
in for a milk-shake which cost fifteen
* * *.
History has not repeated itself in
the matter of giving. The develop-
ment has been constant-and great.
The tithe is no longer a tenth, but a
'* * *
Such is the notice that is run in the
next column to the right of this page
of The Daily every morning during the
regular year. Summer session stu-
dents indeed enjoy a privilege. Of
all the traditions and customs of the
University, the one which is best ob-
served of all is that of keeping off the
* * *
You may see a freshman walking
without a pot-until he gets caught-
or an engineer in cap and grown enter
the Law building, but very very rarely
will you see a student walking on the
And as for sitting on the senior
benches! The seniors don't even sit
there themselves. The numerous
green benches under the trees near
the Library and Angell hall serve
only as ornaments in the fall, winter,
and spring. And many of the days in
The spring are just as nice as those in
the summer, only not so hot.
If the regular students showed the
zeal in studying which some of the
bench occupants do now, they would
have to go out and sit on the lawn for
mental relaxation.
Among other things one never sees
in the regular session:-
Baby Carriages on the diagonal.
Teachers teaching teachers.
A student studying while the sun
A philosophy paper handed in on
A boy walking down the street with
a girl without a necktie.
Having put on "Cradle Snatchers"
for a week without arousing storms
of protest, the Roquefort Players are
now going to put on a "clean" play
with Pigs in it.
And now we have an authentic pho-
tograph of the kind of ducks the men
went hunting for in "Cradle Snatch-
ers." We would illustrate what their
wives went for in their absence, but
due to the presence of so many exam-
ples on the campus, it is not deemed
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IT IS a disproven idea that bond selling is merely
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ceptive outlet for whatever issues come to hand. The
worth-while bond house does not want its bonds sold
that way. It trains its representatives to work more
When the house and the man representing it are
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ing to serving.
Men who represent Halsey, Stuart & Co. are
trained in this policy. It enables them to grow in the
bond business and to find a worth-while outlet for
their capacity and ambition.
College men should find out all they can about the
bond business before deciding for or against it as a vo-
cation. That will correct any erroneous ideas they
may have about it or their own fitness or lack of fit-
ness for it.
rau will fnd accurate al helpful information on tAis
subject in a pampAhlet 'we ha'ze prep ared forcolege men.
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Year in and year out, with scarcely
a- notice from the vast majority of
hale and healthy students, the Univer-
sity Health Service serves the stu-
dent body. The benefits which this
agency accomplishes are scarcely
measurable, but still it receives only
a small portion of the appreciation and
credit to which it is entitled.
The annual report shows that the
death rate has decreased again among
the students; an unostentatious but
The Players have added Miss
Hughes, Miss Olson, and Mr. Faust to
the list of faculty, actors, and others
who hlave come to Michigan from Wis-
consin.. This spring the head of the
Public Speaking department was
* * *
It calls to mind the time, so long
ago that it could no longer rankle,
when a student publication at Madi-
on, on the occasion of the transfer of
prominent professor, asked if the
university was an educational enter-
rise itself, or "just a training ground
or better institutions.'
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ing students physically is measured
by small size of the death rate, and
from these figures they have been
immensely successful.
ever becoming more and more tremendously significant fact, for the
.s, would be solved 'if' the work- work of the men whose duty is keep-1