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July 15, 1927 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1927-07-15

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I ____________________________________________ ____________________________________

Government Officials Inspect Wireless
Controlled Airplane At College Park
The "wireless airplane" has arrived! Dr. George K. Burgess, director
of the Bureau of Standards, Washington, D. C., and Dr. J. H. Dellinger, chief
of the radio laboratory, with other members of the laboratory staff, are shown
inspecting the plane at College Park, Maryland. It is guided exclusively by
radio waves and the course of safety is indicated by lights on the instru-
ment board of the plane.

Sex Freedom and Social Control- What normal man and woman exist
Charles W. Margold (The University who do not realize to a slight degree,
of Chicago Press-$2.04.) at least, the importance of their sexual
In the first chapter the author states nature, and do not feel the intense de-
that his book "will endeavor to show: sire and sureme satisfaction of giv-
(1) the inherent social nature of ing to their world of themselves a
man's mental life, and consequently of measure of their worth?
all his acts and practices; (2) the in- Dr. Margold has at least chosen the
variable presence of social control in
man's sexual life; (3) the intrenched corciiet rgefoadh
reality of group sex standards." c argues well. One realizes when the
The aim of the book in showing book has been finished that the re-
these things is not an independent dis- moving of all social control from sex,
cussion of sexual conditions as one if such were possible, would be simi-
might first presuppose, but an answer lar to turning the young .of theworld
to the radical doctrines of Havelock ,into the darkest night with but the
Ellis and his school. dim and shaky lantern of instinct to
Dr. Margold presents statements of guide them through a forest pene-
the chief sociologists of the world to trated by few even with the brightest
conform part one of his premise, and empiric spotlights. This hearkens
he conclusively proves parts two and much like "Locksley Hall" and that
three by showing by examples taken familiar quotation, "I the heir of all
from hundreds of different sources ; the ages, in the foremost files of time
that as far as it is known any of the - . ." As Dr. Margold states in
wildest savages have certain distinct conclusion, "Modern scientific research
social rules governing relations de-!. . . will . . . realize the utter
spite the most promiscuous sexual human inutility and impossibility of
habits. having each individual, through mere
I have often considered that Have- sense data, with his limited exper-
lock Ellis wrote merely to defend a ience, directly work out his sex life
certain intermediate class who, being from the biologically given."
interested only in individual pleasures, Dr. Margold's work is well measured
had no particular desire for offspring, by Edward T. Devine, who is the au-
For a Pleasant, Healthful Outdoor Pastime
Try canoeing. The Huron River and Barton Pond offer exceptional
opportunities for enjoying nature.
Huron River at the Foot of Cedar Street.
Rates by Hour, Day or Season.
Open 8 A. M. to 11 P. M.
Friday and Saturday Till 12 P. M.

thor of the introduction to the book.
Dr. Devine state, "The author writes
in admirable temper. He makes no
cheap appeal to prejudice. ,He call
no names. He exhibits commendable
courage in attacking a formidable ad-
versary rather than selecting smaller
fry whose fallacies might have been
more easily and more triumphantly
exposed. His essay is strictly theo-
retical. It challenges presuppositions,
and suggests, with the restraint ap-
propriate to such a treatment of the
subject, that certain conclusions of
popular radical writers may be un-
sound in so far as they rest upon
these premises. It is, in effect, a de-
mand for evidence; a protest against
the calm that biological instincts, in-

dividual inclinations, are a safe guide
against wide human experience and
the social mores."
From my humble position I heartily
recommend this book, not only be-
cause it slaps-Havelock Ellis squarely
in the face; but because it is in it-
self an education on the relation of
Sociology to Sex. -W. K. L.
0. D. MORRILL, Dealer
L. C. Smith and Corona
Typewriters, Inc.
17 Nickels Arcade Phone 6615



ow to Be Loved-low tO ALcEl ewY
all In this Brilliant Drama LclNw
It gfl j tni1 C ua1a r


How to Love--H
Avoid Love-Its
Spiced wit


At ou;5jj s!aav "llu Lviaeuy


SUNDAY-Doroles Costello in "A MILLION BID"

11 _______I_________ f.'

The prime virtue of
the Electric Refriger..
ator is its practically
unchanging cold. It
maintains a steady,
food-preserving tem-
perature-and this
it does automatically.

Bowser in
RE AT electric plants are lubri-
cated by Bowser systems that con-
tinuously clean and purify the oils.
Railroads depend on Bowser for oil
house systems, supply cars that travel
thousands of miles of track.
Automobile plants equip production
lines with Bowser systems that fuel
and lubricate new cars at one opera-
Great steel mills are Bowser-equipped.
So are paint manufacturers, paper mills,
machinery makers-in fact, Bowser
pervades industry from "i"s to"."
This, too, in addition to our leader-
ship in the gas and oil industry, where
the Bowser name'is rec-
ognized as the mark of
the leading manufac-

\\ '"

G ET it all. Don't miss
any of it, the dizzy
lights and party - colored
frocks; stepping to the
frenzied blare of saxo-
phones; senses tingling
with being alive and in
the midst of it all. And
next day-instructors who
are likable but exacting.

he electric re-
frigerator solves the prob-
km of keeping foodstuffs
always in perfect, health-
serving condition with-
out your raising a finger.
Come in and let us tell
you more about it.

To get the most out of college you must be
full of vitality, must have every nerve and
muscle working full time. Right food is the
key to it. The Shredded Wheat habit will
help you to make mind and body alert and
throw off the poisons that bring sluggish-
ness. You'll like it, too. It's appetizing
eaten half a hundred ways; smothered in
fruit and cream or toasted with butter
and hot milk are just two of them.
Niagara Falls, N. Y.


This is the nameplatethat
appears on especially well-
built gasoline and oil
equipment for filling sta-
lions and garages, on sys-
gems for storing oils in
industry; on lubrication
and filtration systems for
pA3 movers and driven

Men who have the am-
bition to travel and
grow with a leader are
invited to write us.


Dependable Pumps and Tanks

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