8:15- C"radle Snatelers," at
Sarah Caswell Angell Hall.
,1 h
Sir i4an
VIII, No. 17.
Hodson, Of Tenby, Wales, Trails Bobby
By Two Strokes; Joe Kirkwood
Holds Third Place
(By Associated Press)
ST.BANDREWS, Scotland, July 14.-
Bobby Jones played his second 'round
of the British open golf championship
-4n 72, one stroke under par, giving
him a total for the two days of 140
and maintaining his lead in defense
of the title he holds. He was a stroke
over par for the first nine but clipped
two strokes off coming home.
Bobby found when he had completed
his round he was leading the field by
two strokes. B. Hodson of Tenby,
Wales, returned a fine 70 today which
coupled with his 72 yesterday gave him
a 36-hole total of 142. Joe Kirkwood
was in third place with 144, made up
of two 72's.
Six Strokes Under 1ar
The champion faced the final 36
hole test tomorrow with an advan-
tage of six strokes under par for the
classic St. Andrews course. He was
five under par with his record equal-
ing 68 score of yesterday and added
another today. Bobby's score of 140
for 36 holes compares with par 146
for two rounds.
Bill Mehihorn was watching Bobby's
score with intense interest for it was
evident that Bobby's 36 hoje count
would detemine the players to remain
'for the' final competition. When Bob-I
by turned in a total of 140 for 36
holes, Bill was eliminated as he had
taken 157 over the same route, more
than 15 strokes behind.
Putting Still Good
Jones' game today was almost as
spectacular as that of yesterday al-
though he was more uncertain from
the tee. He was pulling his drives
today but he- had not misplaced his
putting touch.
The huge gallery about the famous
11th green, made the course ring with
shouts whenhe dropped a long down
hill putt of some 50 feet for a bridle
"Long Jim" Barnes of New Rochelle
N. Y., who scored 76 yesterday; and
another 76 today for a total of 152,
Larry Nabholtz of Sharon, Pa, taking
82 today for a total of 159 eliminated
himself from further competition.
Cyril Tolley played today in par 73,
giving him a score fo the 36 holes of
Twenty-five of the summer architec-
tural students accompanied by mem-
bers of the faculty went to Deroit
recently, according to the report of
Professor Lorch, head of the College
of Architecture.
Through the courtesy of the author-
ities of the Art Museum of the New,
Art Institute they were shown
through tiat interesting and sump-
tuous structure. The next objective
was the McGraw house at Grosse
Pointe, designed by Mr. Charles Platt.
Here Mr. J. Philip McDonnel, Detroit
architect on the building, explained
the full-size and shop details as a
preface to a thorough-going examina-
tion of the premises.
On the yray back most of the stu-
dents visited- Belle Isle to see, among
other things, the Scott Memorial
(By Associated Press)
American League
Washington-Detroit. - No Game.
Philadelphia-Chicago. -- No game.
Cleveland, 4; New York, 1.
St. Louis, 4; Boston, 2.
National League
Cincinnati, 8-8; New York, 6-3.
Pittsburgh, 6; Brooklyn, 5.
Philadelphia, 7; St. Louis, 3.
Chicago. 6: Boston, 1.
"Review and Origin of the Nation-
alist Movement in China," with spe-
cial reference to the interests and
rights of treaty powers, will be the'
topic upon which Essan M. Gale, prin-
cipal officer of the Chinese Govern-
ment Salt Administration, will lecture
Tuesday at 5 o'clock in Natural
Science auditorium.
Mr. Gale is a member of the class
of 1907 receiving his master of science
degree in °1908. Since that time he
has servedt12 years with the Chinese
Government Salt Administration,
which is an organ that touches the
political affairs of that country very
closely. He was a member of the
American Legation in Peking from
1908-11; United States Consulate Gen-
eral 1911-13; and a member of the
Chinese Salt Review, 1914-22. With
the background that Mr. Gale has, the
lecture promises to be one of ex-
ceedingly great interest, Dean Ed-
ward H. Kraus, head of the Summer
session stated.
i i
"Cradle Snatchers" Will Be Shown For
Last Time Tomorrow Afternoon;
New Play Opens At Night ,
Marked changes in character will
distinguish tomorrow's programs by
the Rockford Players in their after-
noon performance of "Cradle Snach-
ers" and the evening program of
"Pigs," John Golden's "barnyard com-
edy." --
Robert Henderson and Amy Loomis
especially will have to make extra or-
dinary changes in character, as hob-
ert Henderson plays the Spaniard in
the afternoon performance of "Cradle
Snatchers" and 18-year-old Junior At-
kins in "Pigs" that evening; while
Miss Loomis jumps even further from
the elderly Ethel Drake in "Cradle
Snatchers" to the ingenue lead of
Mildred Hastings in "Pigs."
Elsie Kearns To Play Grandmother
Iatrons who have so admired the
work of Elsie Herndon Kearns will
, I
Total Amount Of Funds Iteceived For
Year Shows $1,000 Contributed
By The University
Twelve bo4s and four leaders from
the University Fresh Air Camp sold
tags in the city yesterday in an ef-
fort to raise the budget of the camp.
$218.83 was taken in on the campus,
this figure is $100 less than the total
taken in last year.
The total amount of funds received
for the maintenance of the camp this
year through donations was $1,000
from the University students and
$3,500 from other sources, it was an-
nounced. Various societies and clubs
made large contributions in the fore
Dart of the summer.
Shows Increase In Number Of Enter
uing Medical Students Having De-
grees Over That Of 1914
Medical students are rapidly set
tling the question of entrance re
quirements for themselves by obtain
ing a broad edcation before seeking
admission to the medical school of th
University, says Dean Hugh Cabot, in
an annual report of the medica
school to the president of the univer
sity. He also advocates, in the sam
report, the admission of as many first
year men as it is possible for tQe
school to care for, because of the
threat to too few physicians in years
to come.
In his discussion of entrance re-
Reserviations for the fifth excur-l II
sion of the Summer session should be
made before 6 o'clock tonight so that
transportation arrangements can be
completed. This excursion will go 11PT A IT
to the Detroit News building and the
Detroit Public library and should in- FLYEiS LEAVE OAKLAND
terest an especially large number of PORT AT TEN O'CLOCK
Wa LV1 LU ~ i edquirements, Dean Cabot went on to
Wil Reduce Size show that in the freshman class of
I was announced yesterday by 1914, 14 percent of the freshman calss
Homer H. Grafton, manager of the held bachelor degrees, while in the
camp, that dun to the lack of ade- 1926 class 44 per cent were college
I quate funds this summer the camp graduates. 25 per cent of the 1926
would be forced to reduce the last class entered the college on combined
section of boys to 75 instead of main- . courses.
taing the usual section size of 100. 70 Per Cent Have Degrees
At present there are 105 boys in the "It thus appears," says Dean Cabot,
camp with 16 leaders. Ample time "that in the ,freshman class of 1926
and space is given to further the in- 70 per cent of the students either held
struction of the boys along outdoor I bachelors' degrees or were working
life and athletic lines. The camp is !,on the combined courses, this show-
situated on a plot of 170 acres with ing an average of considerable over
facilities for bathing, swimming and three years of college work prelimi-
fishing, as the entire plot is nearly nary to entering the medical school.
surrounded by the water of three Of the remaining 30 per cent, a con-
lakes, however, the ground is high siderable proportion had spent morel
and covered with heavy timber. When than the required twO years. This
the boys reach the camp they are given suggests that no important hardship
a thorough physical examination and wouldresult from the requirement of
any physical defects can be taken care three years of college work for ad-
of. They are placed under an abso-' m ion. V the contents of such a
lutely controlled c nvironm'ent twenty- three yas' period were wisely]
four hours a day. planned and adjusted to the particu-
Two Cottages Donated lar capacity of the student, an edu-
When questioned in regard to the; ctional quipmnent quite comparable
Because of the unprecedented{
demand for seats for "Cradle
Snatchers," there will be a mati-
nee performance of that play to-
morrow as well as Saturday at
3:30 o'clock. Seats for the mati-
nee are 75 cents for the main
floor and 50 cents for the bal-
have an unusual opportunity of see-!
ing her in'the single character role
she is assigned during the season
when she appears as the grandmother
in "Pigs." Paul Faust will take the
part of Spencer, Junior's elder brother,
which was played this spring by Rey-
nolds Evans; Frances Horine will
again appear as the mother, which1
is regarded as one of her finest char
acterizations; and Charles Edgecombel
will play Uncle Hector.
Others in the cast will include Rob-
ert Wetzel as the father; Helen
Hughes as Lenore Hastings, the town
flapper; and Samuel Bonnell in the
double character of the veternary and
Smith Hastings.
Is Comedy Of Family Troubles
"Pigs," by Anne Morrison and Pat-
terson McNutt, is a life-like and rio-
tously funny comedy of family trou-
bles on the stage.
The same events in our own house-
hold would be tragic, but on the stage
they are most plausible. But, every-
one knows that stage happenings have
a way of somehow coming out just
After troubles and trials that are so
real they are heart-rending, Junior
Atkins manages to bring a . litter of
sick pigs through an epidemic of chol-
era and, raise enough money to pay
off the family mortgage. His veteri-
nary operations are all carried on in
secret, with the aid of his equally
youthful sweetheart, Mildred Cush-
ing, and it is not until the final mo-
ment, when all hope of saving the
home has beep. given up that Junior!
steps forward, cash in one hand and
Mildred in the other,
outlook for the camp, Mr. Grafton1
stated that it was a matter of time to'
determine what sort of camp it wouldt
be, but, with the facilities they have,
now and the remarkable camp-site, hel
predicted a steady growth for the pro- I
ject. This year two cottages were do- c
nated to the camp, Mr. Grafton an-l
The camp is a welfare project ofi
the Student Christian Association of
the University and its policy is "to
provide safe, wholesome, vigorous
living for boys who are not financially1
able to attend a full pay camp." This2
is the seventh season the camp has
been operated and each year shows an
increase in 'tlie equipment and interest3
in the project.
(L3y Associated Press)t
PHILADELPHIA, July 14.-Interred
with undramatic simplicity in ther
presence of only three relatives, the
ashes of John Drew, who died last
week in San Francisco, rested tonight
in the grave of his wife in Mt. Vernon
cemetery here.1
Searing sunlight beat down ont
grassy plots of the burial ground as
a black limousine came to a halt with-{
in the gates of Mrs. Louis Devereaux,{
daughter of the great American actor,
her husband, and Ethel Barrymore,
niece of John Drew, emerged.
Together they walked to a freshly
dug opening that marked the grave
of Mrs. Drew and while the two women
stood with heads bowed Mr. Deve-
reaux handed a small urn to an at-
tendant in the excavation.
F urweatherMan
to that no'V represented by the degree
of Bachelor of Science could be in-
sisted upon.
Tend Toward Older Graduates
"It is quite clear that the tendency
in medical education is in the direction
of lengthening and broadening the pre
medical requirement, though this ten-
dency is bang considerably decried
in some quarters as increasing the
age at which men may enter practice.
This criticism does not, however,
seem to me to be a valid one, though
there need be no hesitation in ad-
mitting the fact.
"It is quite certain that, among the
changes which have taken place in the
last generation in the medical pro-
fession and the public, an outstand-
ing one has been the increased will-
ingness of the public to accept at its
full value the services of younger'
men. She day has almost passed when
the public hesitates to accept a phy-
sician as having satisfactory equip-
ment until he has reached middle age.
This means that widely believed
that the younger men are better
equipped than their older colleagues
because of the improvement of late
in medical education. If this esti-
miate of the tendency is sound;, it fol-
lows that the public is expecting more
of the recent graduate, and that he
must, therefore, be in a position to
deserve their confidence.
Sound Judgment Necessary
"Among the qualities necessary in
a satisfactory practitioner is sound-
ness of judgment, a quality which is
rarely, if ever, inherent and it is com-
monly the result of experience. It,
therefore, follows that graduates in
medicine can hardly be expected to
have the maturity of judgment which
the public expects if they are to be
graduated at an age of less than
PARIS.-Delegates to the American
Legion convention in Paris in Septem-
ber will have special stamps provided
for them by the French authorities.
NEW YORK.-A marked similarity
exists between the brain of early man
and the ape, in the opinion of Dr
Frederick Tilney, professor of Neu-
rology at Columbia University.
students, says Cariton wells, head oYETRA
~LUOIL,~ ~ii~nvv~ I f YESTERDAY -
the Rhetoric department, director of
excursions. -WIRLESS OUT OF ODE
The party will go to Detroit by in- W'RELES OUT F RDER
terurban, leaving. at 8 a. in. from the Smiit' Forced To Ascend 3,500 Feet
interurban station at Packard and In Attempt To Ride Over
I State streets. The total expense of Heavy Fog
I the trip will be about $2.50. Lunch
- wil be served at the General Motors (By Associated Press)
- building. Those who wish to may SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., July 14.-
meet the party at th Detroit News Soaring southward over endless hours
- follow the interurbans. At the De-
g troit News building the party will see of fog, a civilian monoplane piloted
e besides the newspaper offices, the radio by Kenneth L. Smith has hopped off
n broadcasting station WWJ. The libra- from the Oakland municipal airport
ry contains many works of art. at 10:40 o'clock this morning, was
J reported proceeding nicely on its
- flight toward Hawaii late today. The
message received from Bronte late in
t the afternoon said that the wireless
e receiving set abdard the plane was out
..UCC\ WillRof commission, but that did not wor-
U jry him.
Back in Oakland, where the plane
Floating University Considered Worthy took off for its flight, anxious ears
Experiment In Modern were prompt for the slightest word
Teaching Methods of the flyer's progress.
EE U AWinds Add Speed
S LECTURE ILLUSTRATED The flyers got the benefit of trade
I winds, aiding them along at abot 20
"The students on the World Cruise miles an hour when they reached 500
1 actually learned something, contrary miles from Sant Francisco. Smith and
to the general opinion," stated Lio- Bronte were face to face with disas-
nel G. Crocker of the Public Speaking ter in their first attempt to take off
department, who delivered an illus- this morning. As they roared down
trated talk, "With the Floating Univer- the runway at 10:30 o'clock the wheels
sity on Its World Cruise," yesterday of the plane struck a slight depres-
afternoon in the Natural Science au- sion i the ground that caused the
ditorium.monoplane to swerve violently to the
Emphasizes Importance right, onto the rough ground adjacent
Crocker emphasized the impor- to the runway. When the plane final-
Mr. rcerIpaizdteimo-
tance of this type of education and'ly came to a halt, it faced at right an-
f pronounced the experiment a success. gles across the 'runway.
By means of a miscellaneous group of I Try Second Take-Off
slides he showed the cruise at the Taj- I The second take-off was accomp-
Mahal, Bombay, Ceylon, Honolulu, lished without incident. The plane
Java, Siam, the Philippines, Gibralter, cleared the runway at about 3,500
Japan, China, and Panama, as well as feet and labored slowly upward. Smith
numerous views on shipboard. , was forced to circle about over Oak-
Ryndain Was Boat Used land, San Francisco and the bay some
The Holland - American steamer, little time before attaining sufficient
"Ryndam," which was the boat used altitude to take him above the fog
by the cruise, left New York Septem- that loomed in the west. .
ber 18 and returned May 2. During Lieut, Leslie J. Maitland and Albert
this time 40,000 miles had been cov- Hegenberger, army flyers who beat
ered of which 7,000 were on land. Smith to an Oakland-Hawaii hop, ap-
500 students were on board, of which peared on the field a few. minutes be-
50 were women. Dr. Crocker was head fore Smith was scheduled to leave.
of the Public Speaking department
on the cruise. CITY CELEBRATES
FIGHT To DECIDE Ann Arbor celebrated the French
FIGHTLDTCHAMPION National holiday with a Bargain Day.
WORLD CH AMPION IWith flags waving in the breeze, col-
ors floating 'n the air, an impromptu
By Frank M. Smith I band striving valiantly to keep in step
DETROIT', Mich., July 14.-The bat- and in tune, lost' children crying for
tle of speed against ruggedness will "mama," hot adults cursing the ever
be staged tonight at the University of rising mercury, $1 garments selling at
Detroit Stadium when Sammy Mandell, the unheard of price of 98 cents, ex-
lightweight champion of the world, travagant women asking whether or
and Phil McGraw, Greek contender, not Woolworth and Kresg were sel-
meet under the keen promotional wing .ing at a reduction-with these and
of Floyd Fitzsimmons in a ten round other interesting trifles did Ann Ar-
decision bout at 135 pounds. bor celebrate. And a good time was
Without question, Mandell is the had by all-who stayed at home.
fastest boy of his weight in this or any__
other country today. Not only is heCOUNT IES' VIEWS
speedy, he is confidence personified,
when he enters the ring. There isn't TOLD AT GENEVA
an angle of the pugilistic racket with
which he is unfamiliar under the tu- (By Associated Press)
telage of Jack Blackburn, a whirl- GENEVA, July 14.-The men who
wind in the ring in his day. represent the United States, Great
Added to what he absorbed from Britain and Japan explained before a
Blackburn, Mandell has had a world plenary session of the Tri-partite na-
of experience in the ring and it too val onference today the viewpoints of
goes without saying that steady, well their countries on the cruiser prob-
programmed ring work is the best lem, and when, all was said, with
'conditioner for champions or those firmness and good temper, the con-
who aspire to the heights. ference adjourned to meet at the call
With speed as a permanent asset, of the secretary. No private meeting
Mandell, in preparation for the Mc- I of the Plenipotentiaries have changed
Graw setto, has been developing most and the general opinion in Geneva
of his time to developing a punch that tonight is that if the delegates do not
'wil stop his aggressive opponent. I succeed in breaking the back of the
Whether or nt he has developed this cruiser problem within the next week
angle of the fighting game with abili- the conference inevitably will have to
ty to use it in his melee with the Greek be terminated with failure written on
remains to be seen. In his training its register.
camp he has daily upset his sparring Admiral Jellico and W. C. Bridge-
partners with heavy jolts to the head, man, first lord of the British admiral-
and body and on one occasion a mate ty, spoke for Great Britain. Hugh
was forced to call it quite after al S. Gibson set forth the attitude of they
short exchange. I United States, which Viscount Ishii
made a specific proposal that the num-
NEW YORK.-A complete dining ber of 10,000-ton cruisers for the
service, including a six-course chicken United States and Great Britain limit-
- dinner, is provided on airplanes flying ed to ten and that the limits for Japan
between New York and Boston. be fixed at seven or less.
-Fears there will be showers.