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June 30, 1927 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1927-06-30

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t, i t r i r i r r i i i i i i i i iii a i i ti i r r t i i i/ i /i it

t&i $yummier
Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Pibica-
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $.o; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Steet,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director.....Paul J. Kern
City Editor.....Joseph E. Brunswick
Feature Editor.....Marian L. Welles
Night Editors
Carlton G. ChampeH. K. Oakes, Jr.
John E. Davis . Orville Dowzer
T. E. Sunderland
E. M. Hyman Miriam Mitchell
Mary Lister
Robert E. Carson Betty Pulver
Win. K. Lomason Louis R. Marks
Telephone 21214
Advertising.............Ray Wachter
Accounts ......... ..John Ruswinckel
Circulation.............Ralph Miller
C. T. Antonopulos S. S. Berar
G. W. Platt
Night Editor-JOS. E. BRUNSWICK
Sixty-seven students of the Univ-
sity received all-A grades for the
second semester of the regular school
year, according to the reports recent-
ly made. The customary thing to do,
and perhaps the proper thing, is to
congratulate this brilliant, or lucky,
or perhaps clever sixty-seven and laud
them to the skies something after the
most baccalaureate style. Some there
may be, however, who doubt the wis-
dom of this unmitigated praise, and
raise an equally just query as to
whether they deserve congratulations
or sympathy.
There is no doubt, of course, that
the courses which students take are
the primary reason for coming to a
University, and there is little doubt,
though it is no. means certain, that
grades measure success in courses of
study. Some of this sixty-seven
achieved their scholastic distionction
without too great a sacrifice, and if
any praise is due, they deserve it.
On the other hand, there are other
measures of success in a college ca-
reer besides grades. An A perhaps
signifies excellent work in the course
pursued, but at the same time a B
in the same course signifies at least
superior work, and in ten years it is
doubtful whether the A student will
retain a great deal more than he who
receives the second highest grade.
Some of the all-A records, and the
least commendable type, were secur-
ed through judicious selection of
courses, and that also militates
against the practice of unstinted
glorification. At any rate, those who
secured these marks have sacrificed
portions of their college careers
studying, when they could have been
gaining an education, and have spent
the hours of effort necessary to breach
the narrow margin between a B and
an A which is largely insignificant
as far as actual accomplishment is
The attempt to grade college stu-
dents by hairline degrees along the

scale of scholarship has led to a con-
dtion which is positively dangerous
to the well being of higher educa-
tion. The idea that something is to
be gained is lost sight of in the gene-
ral rush to get an A, and in a large
number of cases the A secured is
no indication whatsoever that any-
thing has been gained.
Perhaps in time the American uni,
versities will reach the point where
they will have but two or three grades,
one for failures, one for students
passed, and a third for students who
show unusual interest in the sub-
ject pursued, and who are plainly
above average. The nerve-racking
strain of adding the last date or the
last verb conjugation the night before
the final examination could then be
done away with, and the University
could, become a rendezvous for stu-
dents instead of mark getters.
If the fortunate student in that uni-
versity should come across something
interesting and significant, he could
follow it even though it did not lead
down the primrose pathto A grades,
and those students who chose to take
a portion of their education in the
training offered by other phases of
college life than the actual class
room work could afford to pursue
such lines, also.
Scholastic attainment is always to

be striven for, of course, but grades
are a different things. It is not neces-
sary to introduce statistics to show
that the students who obtain all-A
grades in college are not the ones
who lead their fellow men when they
bounce head first into the world on
graduation day. In addition to this,
any human attempt to grade is bound
to be fallible, unless the methods are
scientific, and there is no scientific
precision in the marking system of
this University. Few of the all-A
students were enrolled in thet advanc-
ed science courses, or constitutional
history, or any one of a dozen other
difficult courses. Tey have chosen
their' schedules carefully, and they
havetrenounced arportionhofucollege
life to obtain A grades. Should they
be congratulated, or have they lost?
Members of the Michigan branch of
the National Safety congress, an or-
ganization for the purpose of safe-
guarding our industrial organization
from the high toll of accidents which
annually occur, is now in session in
the city. More than 4,000 factories
and industrial units throughout the
nation are members of the congress,
and 250 delegates are attending the
meetings here.
In the course of the year Ann Arbor
has been host to a large number of
conventions and conferences, from the
National Student Federation of Ame-
rica up, and though some of them
have brought leading scholars and
educators to the city, none of them
has had loftier ideals of accomplish-
ment in the immediate social com-
munity than the group now meeting.
The toll of industrial accidents each
year is appalling-6,000 more than our
total losses in the World War, accord-
ing to the statistics of the conference
-and the men who have as their busi-
ness the safeguarding of these lives
deserve the whole hearted coopera-
tion of everyone who is interested in
the welfare of mankind.
The problem of industrial accidents
is far removed from the secluded cam-
pus of a state university, but it is
never a far jump from theory to
practice, and it is to be hoped and
expected that the men from the Uni-
versity who address the meetings will
give the delegates something concrete
in the line of suggestions or proposals.
At any rate the University, and the
community, appreciate the fine ideals
of the organization, and extend their
whole-heatred welcome to the dele-
gates of the safety convention.
Yesterday an editorial in this col-
uin attacked the policy of inter-col-
legiate athletics that advertises "Ath-
letics for All' and uses the athletic
revenue for Varsity athletes, while
the students pay for every facility.
At the time that editorial was pub-
lished it was not known that the
Athletic Association was planning to
charge for the use of the tennis courts
at Ferry field during the summer.
Yesterday' the announcement was
made that they would charge a fee
of $1.50.
This is in pursuance with the policy
of comprehensive athletic facilities for
the whole student body provided out
of the receipts from the great commer-
cial spectacles called intercollegiate
contests. Michigan's Athletic Associa-
tion is compmitted to this policy-as
far as the outside world is concerned.
The great powers of the world (all
three of them) have gone into solemn
conference at Geneva to see what can
be done about limiting naval arma-
ments. A few years ago, it seems,

someone conceived the brilliant idea
that, thouigh it was necessary for
them to prepare to# destroy one an-
other, they might economize some-
what in those preparations by ac-
cepting equal handicaps in peace
The present conference will not
attain what its most optimistic ad-
vocates could have hoped. A dead-
lock has developed in several quar-
ters, and it -appears as though little
of a concrete nature can be accomp-
lished, immediately, at any rate. There
is another phase, however, which ar-
rests our attention in the whole pro-
At the time of the first deadlock it
X s announced to the people of the
nited States that England was hold-
ing up the proceediings by insisence
on 16 inch guns. Two days ago it
was announced to the same public
that Japan was threatening the fu-
ture of the parley. Through it all, the
representatives of the United States
have sat stubbornly holding out for
our demands against the other powers,
with never a sign of capitulating.
Our position may be just and correct,
but the mis-representation in pre-
senting it leads to a type of inter-
national misunderstanding which is
not in any case desirable.

/T -
( J




It seems that somebody
somewhere in an airplane.

else flew
And that

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While in Ann Arbor, we urge you to that you will appreciate such service.
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We manufacture the famous Rider We are headquarters for Royal Type-
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Get your Masterpen direct from the * at fair prices.
factory in Ann Arbor. Give us a call.

somebody else is on his way some-
where in one.
After a while schools will be put-
ting big maps on the walls and stick-
ing thumb tacks in them everyday to
show the progress of the latest
* * *
Rolls predicts the final breakup of
the American home as a result of the
popularization of aviation. We pic-

ture below th
last youthful
father's small
for an aerial

e sad scene when
American leaves
town real estate o


315 South State St.
Phone 8950




The nice thing about flying is that
if the news isn't good, you aren't able
to wire it home. You do or die.
. * .
We wonder why these "birdmen"
Keep risking all they have
To travel just a little farther
In so much shorter time.
If transportation gets so fast
Just think of all the extra time
We'll have to figure what to do
To keep from being bored with life.
And if so many aeroplanes
Fill up all the air
We'll need a lot of traffic cops
With winged motorcycles.
And what a racket they will make
We'll have to close our schools
Because the children can't be heard
Above the aeroplanes.
These flyers must get awfully tired
Of Welcomes and Receptions
They haven't any privacy
Or peace of mind at all.
And so we wonder why they go
But when the weather is like this
We think we see the why
Is to get cooler air.
- A Summer Co-Ed.
You see the poets who write for the
clumn in the winter have some com-
petition. Such as it is.
We've heard so many stories about
the summer session students. About
how academic and staid they seem.
It makes 'us wonder if they'll like
any humor column. . For that's what
Rolls is supposed to be.
* * *
Whether mild jokes about education,
or burning satire on administration,
or half-way funny poetry, or just ran-
dom musings would be more apt to
please. The last are the most fun to
* * *
In the winter tme the regular stu-
dents do so many crazy things that
the Rolls editor has no trouble find-
ing things to ,laugh at.
But in the sumer there will be no
one person' writing the column every
day. Different people will sit down
occasionally and try to keep you
either amused or rather entertained
for the short time it takes to read a
* * *>
As in the winter time, our readers
who are so inclined, or who feel that
they could do it better, are welcome to
send in copy. Anything will be ex-
amined, and if the editors are at all.
amused, they will use that fact as
basis for hoping that the readers will
be also.
* * *
The regular Rolls editor is out in
Colorado enjoying the cool refreshing
mountain air, picking strawberries or
canning peaches or some equally dig-
nified job, resting his 'ind so that
he can watch the events of the com-
ing year with that keen piercing per-
ception which will enable him to in-
terpret them in a sensible cynical
manner, seeing everything as some-
what funny, and some things funnier
than others.
* * *
Fictitious names are used to con-
ceal the identity of people who aren't
quite sure whether their stuff will ge
over or not. We wouldn't sign any
names except that it is the style to
do so on such columns as this. The
names have no significance.

State Street

8:30 to 10:30
75c per couple


Barton Hills Country Club

Granger's Academy-

- I


Read The Daily "Classified" Columns


"61&-hat the
man will
ride in
yoU can zoom the Erskine Six
up to sixty, hold it there, and
float down the #ighway with the
comfort of the Twentieth Century
... Four-wheel brakes will ease
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the burning of tires ... It will
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It will fit into your vacation
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tives from feminine lips. And why
not?' A saucy coupe for kfur--
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Plan your summer on wheels-
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On display at all
Studsbak shWWOms


The majority of Michigan
students are satisfied cus-
tomers because they ap-
preciate the regard f or
personal ownership that
is so characteristic of Var-
sity methods.




, 0, mms

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