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June 30, 1927 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1927-06-30

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1il1, President of Naional eafety
Coupcil, Gives The Opening
More than 500 delegates were pres-
ent in Ann Arbor attending the Na-
tional Safety Congress which is be-
ing held here this week. The meet-
Ing has been characterized by vari-
ous gatherings held in Natural Science
auditorium by the different depart-
ments of labor. Last night at the
Union a banquet was held under the
auspices of the Ann Arbor Chamber
of Commerce, for the congress.
The 'banquet which was attended
by about 400 delegates, some with
their wives, represented a gathering
of ien from all the fields of indus-
try in the state of Michigan. Col.
John G. Emery, past national com-
mander of the American Legion, of
Grand Rapids, was the presiding of-
ficer. Addresses were given by Gov-
ernor Fred W. Green, Eugene J. Block
and Chas. E. Hill.
Charles E Hill, vice president of
the national safety council and gene-
ral safety agent of the New York
Central railway gave then opening ad-
dress. Mr. Hill drew a sharp com-
parison between railway accidents and
those of other industries. He com-
pared the casuaties derived from auto
accidents and those from railways.
The fact that the American people
as a whole were careless was the
chief fault to be found as the result of
the great number of acidents occur-
Ing in the United States every day.
Mr. Hill gave some astounding figu-
res in regard to the accident rate in
the United States._ He stated that
here today there are twenty timesas
many deaths due to accident than
there were per day- during the war..
The automobile has brought the prob-
lem of accident to this point and if
the ratio of autos is kept in propor-
tion the death rate in one more decade
will increase to 310,000,000 each year.
Mr. Hill acclaimed.
There are several ways and means
to assist in accident prevention the
speaker said, through education, en-
forcement of laws, cooperation.
Sicentific study of accidents, there
cause, to establish in the people a
sense of responsibility were also
named. Mr. Hill asserted that the
.automobile driVers Were not com-
petent, and compared them with the
engineers of the many locomotives
operated in the country. He said, "The
engineers are examined for mentali-
ty and ability before being allowed to
operate an engine while anyone who
can afford it drives an automobile."
Be suggested that uniform laws should
be set up, that schools should estab-
lish courses in safety regulations and
possible cooperation such as the rail-
roads have between employees might
be reached in the American people as
a whole.
Mr. Eugene J. Block, chairman of the
State Commission of Labor and In-
dustry spoke on, "What Price Prog-
ress." He outlined the industry of
the middle ages and compared it with

that of modern times. "This great ad-
vance of industry has brought about
the need of safety devices, and acci--
dent prevention must be applied both
biologically and psychologically," Mr.
Brock asserted. Mr. Brock closed by
pledging the aid of the commission
of which he is chairman, to the cause
of the safety council.,
Governor Fred W. Green honored the
meeting with his presence and an ad-
dress in which he enthusiastically1
praised the council for its great work.1
]le stated that .the people of Michi-
gan as a whole were interested and1
hoped for the success of the move-
ment. Gov. Green said, "The maxi-
muum opportunity for men and women
to prosper was the'aim of the govern-
ment of Michigan." The Governor
expressed his pleasure in seeing the
Min of the various industries work-

At the close of registration yester-
day 431 more students had enrolled
for summer work than had registered
for the same period last year, accord-
ing to figures released from the office
of Dean Edward H. Kraus, head of
the Summer session.
The total for this year is 3,500,
1,340 of these are women. The Grad-
uate school has an enr.ollment of 920
and it is expected that more than
1,000 will be registered before the
end of the week. The literary college
is still in first place with 1,159 reg-
The total for last year was only
3,322, which mark has already been
passed this year and it is expected
that the total for this year will run
well over 3,600. It may even reach
the 4,000 mark.
Week End Institute Is Experiment for
Benefit of Social Workers of
Michigan and Ohio
As a special acquisition to its regu-
lar summer session the University has
this year added the Program of Spe-
cial Public Health Institutes. These
meetings will take place every Friday
and Saturday, starting tomorrow, un-
til the close of the summer session.
The week end institute is in the
nature of an experiment, and is in-
tended primarily for the benefit of
public health workers from the towns
of Michigan and northern Ohio who
find it impossible to attend the regular
Sundwall, Director of the Division of
summer courses in this field. Dr.
Hygiene,- Public Health and Physical
Education, who is in charge of the
Institutes, pointed out that there were
many officials held by duty in their
respective localities for a great part
of the year, but who could easily man-
age to attend several of the meetings.
It is expected that there will be an
attendence of at least fifty at each
meeting. Because of the fact that
this is the first time anything of this
kind has been attempted, the enroll-
jnent will undoubtedly be smaller
than in the future, for there is no
doubt of its feasibility.
Due to the great experiment involv-
ed in the Institutes, its action and re-
sults will be watched with great in-
terest by others and particularly by
the United State Department of
Health, Dr. Sundwal stated.
Below is a schedule of activities for
this week end:
Friday, July 1
9 A. M.--General Hygiene-Profes-
sor Sundwall; 10 A. M.-Public Health
Nursing-Miss Emily Sargent; 11 A.
M.-The Nature of Obesity-Professor
Louis Newburgh; 2 P. M.--Vital Sta-
tistics-Dr. W. J. V. Deacon; 3 P. M,
-Mental Hygiene-Professor A. M.,
Barrett; 4 P. M.-The Health Depart-
ment in the Municipal Government- i
Lent D. Upson.
Saturday, July 2f
9 A. M.-Nutrition--Miss Margaret
Gilliam; 10 A. M.-Health Education
-Miss Mabel Bragg; 11 A. M. Public
Hleath Administration-Dr. Henry F.
Vaughan; 2 P. M.-The Nature of Ob-
esity-Professor Louis Newburgh; 3
P. M.-Tuberculosis--Mr. Theo Werle;1
4 P. M.-Municipal Aspects of Health

Administration-Lent D. Upson.
The Women's League will entertain
the women in the Summer session
daily, except Saturday and Sunday,
from 4:30 to 5 o'clock in the parlors
of Barbour gymnasium. Tea will be,
served, and special entertainment has
been provided for each Wednesday af-I
ternoon. The tea this afternoon will(
be the first in the series. An invita-
tion is also extended to the women
to use the parlors of Barbour gymna-
sium. The rooms are large, com-.
fortble, land airy, and toje ample
supply of magazines makes them an
ideal place to lounge in between
Three evening dances for women are
planned, as well as the official Sum-
mer school reception on July 8. 4

.)father Will Lecture On Falls Tuesday <.
It Natural Science Auditorium i
To Explain Trips
In an interview yesterday, Profes-_
sor Kirtley F. Mather of the Geology::...
department, stated that the excursion
to Niagara Falls, July 8-11 was an
opportunity that anyone interested
could not well afford to miss.ILieu Lester Maitland
Prof. Mather is personally in charge
of the expedition and is spending a : ;?.:;;:: . ,:,i.
great deal of time and effort to make
it a success. Special arrangements ; x-
have been made with the various com-;
panies at the Falls to allow the mem-
brs ofthe excursio nto inspect their
industries and gain a practical . .::...:>::: :z:
knowledge of their methods. Trips
through the various points of inter-
est in the vicinity of Niagara and lec-
tures on the sights seen have been
Concerning the expenses of trans ; q"
Mather states that they can be had
at a nominal cost. The average cost <
being $30 per person. However, the
expense depends entirely on the in-
dividual, Special cars have been se-
cured for the part of the trip to be
completed by rail and for the trip r
across the lake a block of staterooms1
on the top deck of the steamer for Lieut. LA. F. Ilegenberger
the convience of the members. The Two army fliers who were the first
staterooms will cost $4 per room and to mark the non-stop from the United
it is possible for three to occupy one States to Hawaii. The men covered
room at the price of one. Professor the 2,400 miles of ocean in 25 hours
Mather urges that those who are to and 43 minutes. They were seen only
share staterooms should inform the once during their long flight by the
committee of their intentions and who steamer Sonoma, 750 miles off the Cal-
they are sh'aring the room with. Three ifornia coast.
are two berths in each room, one
double and one single so three will KRAUS ADDRESSES
not be crowded.
Professor Mather expects the party FIRST EDUCA TION
to number about 75, and he hopes it SCHOOL MEETING
will pass the 100 mark. He states
that if the party numbers 100 special More than three hundred attended
rates and cheaper accommodations the first summer school assembly of
can be secured. The trip is not only
going to be a sight-seeing affair but the School of Education which was
one of great educational value. held at 4 o'clock yesterday in the Uni-
The following is the schedule that versity High School auditorium.
the excursion will follow: Prof. Steuart A. Curtis, as chair-
July 8, 3:15 p. m.-Leave Ann Arbor man of the meeting, introduced Dean
on special cars; 5:30 p. m.-Leave Edward H. Kraus of the Summer ses-
Detroit on D. & C. Line steamer sion as the first speaker. Dean Kraus
July 9, 8:30 a. m.-Arrive Buffalo; in developing a short history of sum-
9:30 a. m.-Arrive Niagara Falls, visit mer schools, stated that the School
plant of Carborundum Conpany or of of Education at the present summer
Shredded Wheat Company as prefer- session was offering from 90 to 100 I
red; 11:00 a m.-Visit model of Ni- courses taught by a staff of 50, and
agara Falls at power company, lecture he offered these statistics as a com-
on Development and Utilization of parison to the summer session of 1900
Water Power at Falls; 11:00 m.-Reg- when only two courses in education
ister at hotel; 2:15 p. m.-Tour of were taught at the University.
Niagara Falls Power Plant; 2:45 p. At the close of this speech, Profess-
m.-Trip through Niagara Gorge on or Curtis formally welcomed five
the Gorge Route stopping at Table members of the faculty of the School
Rock, Horseshoe Falls, Niagara Glen, o Education who are here for the
p. m.--Dinner at hotel; 8:00 p. m.- first time this summer.J
Cross to Canadian side for illumina- Dean Allan S. Whitney, of the
tion of falls. School of Education, as the last
July 10, 8:45 a. m.-Visit Cave of speaker, emphasized the fact that -the
the Winds; 9:45 a. m.-Ride on the faculty of the School of Education
Maid of the Mist; 4:00 p. m.-Leave are ready to help the students in
for Buffalo from International R. R. every way possible. Dean Whitney
station; 6:00 p. m.-Leave Buffalo also stated that the University of
steamer Michigan has the honor of being the
July 11, 9:00 a. m.-Arrive Detroit; first American university to have es-
11:15 a. m.-Arrive Ann Arbor. tablished a chair for the training of
A ecture wilb ie yProf. teachers in 1879.

Mather oi"Niagara Falls," at 5
o'clock, Tuesday, in the Natural ARRANGE TEN S,
Science auditorium. This lecture will ARRANGE TEN ISJ
cover the coming expedition and will DANCING CLASSES
perhaps clear up any misunderstand-
ings had by those interested. All All women interested in tennis are
persons contemplating taking the trip requested to sign up immediately in4
should register at the office of Prof. Barbour gymnasium. The Martha!
Mather, room 223 natural science be- Cook tennis court will be available
fore Wednesday. only for those who enroll.

HONOLUI U, June 29.-Arriving from the American mainland
in the brilliant sunshine of the new day, Lieuts. Lester J. Maitland
and Albert Hegenberger, of the U. S. Army, completed this morning
the first flight over the Pacific ocean from the American mainland to
They came unescorted, for the army's wel oming planes lost them
in the murky darkness and rain of early moring.
Lieuts, Maitland and Hegenberger
rested tonight, happy in the accomp-
lishment of another aviation triumphRT
in the progress of the world, and
proud in the possession of a personal
telegram from the President of the ILfI AT
United States praising the skill of
Maitland as a pilot and of Hagen- T ,ild And Franels, Hunter And Ryan
berger as a navigator, American Pairs Win Matches
From the time Maitland and Hegen- Advance To Semi-Finals
berger took off from Oakland yester-
day at 7:09 a. m., until their mono- FRENCH PLAYERS WIN
plane parted the clouds off the Haw- (B As ted Pr
aiian coast and rode into Wheeler WIMBLEDON, tEng., June 29.-Only
field, the army air field, 25 miles from seven matches out of 35 listed were
here, they were sighted by only one played at Wimbledon today, a torren-
vessel and that in mid-ocean. Wheel- tial rain wrecking the program.
ing through space at close to 100 .William T.: Tilden and Francis T.
miles an hour, they finished 2,400
passage over the Pacific waters in 25 Hunter and Miss Elizabeth Ryan,
hours and 50 minutes. They landed American pairs, won the matches, the
at 8:50 a. in., Pacific time. former advancing to the semi-finals in
the men's doubles, while the latter
NEW YORK, June 28.-Richard E.
Byrd, flying test tube, the monoplane reached the third round to the mixed
America, was on its way to France doubles.
tonight, on the first scientific adven- Tilden and Hunter defeated the Eng-
ture in non-stop ocean flight. The lishmen Latchford and Price-Jones,
scientists-aviettors who manned the 7-5, 6-3, 6-3. Hunter and Miss Ryan
America were conducting as they flew, defeated Teodore Mayrogodato and
technical experiments which promis-
ed, to aid the advancement of coin- Miss D. Alexander, 6-1, 6-2.
niercial flying in the days So come and No singles were played today and
as they experimented, radioed to their all the Americans remained qualified
friends ashore their progress, obser- in their respective categories.
V'ations and greetings-an accomp- The French pair, Cpchet and Brug-
lishment in itself new to oceanic avia- non, also advanced in the men's dou-
tion. bles but the other matches are not
The purpose of the flight, over an likely to affect the finals.
air trail already blazed by two planes Tomorrow promises to be the great-
l.(mardly Unterested in speed and est day of- the present tournament,




distance, was a study of atmospheric
conditions over the ocean at differ-
ent altitudes.
It was planned to attempt to formu-
late some broad general rule by
which aviators may be able to sub-
jugate the winds to a condition of
servitude and to make allies out of
storms which at present are the air-
men's principal enemies.
Less than eight hours after the take-
off Commander Byrd himself indicat-
ed that the purpose of the flight was
already being achieved. A message
from the America picked up at Hali-
fax concluded:
"We think we are getting some
scientific data."
He did not say what this data was,
or of what practical use he believedl
it could be put to, but from the hope-
ful tone of the message it was guessed
that Byrd had made important dis-
coveries which might have an effect!
on the flying of the future.
HALIFAX, N. S., June 29.-Thel
Canadian government radio station at
Halifax received a message from the
station at Cape Race giving 'the po-
sition of the' monoplane America at
8:30 'p. m. Eastern daylight time at
200 miles east of St. John, N. F. The
Iplane's position was given as bear-
"hg 77 degrees dueanorth from Cape
Race, latitude 48.
During the international fair atI

all the semi-finals in the men's and
women's singles being 'listed. Miss
IRyan and Senorita de Alvarez will be-
gin the day's work on the center
court; then the long-awaited Tilden-
Cochet match will come on, followed
by Helen ' ills and Joan Fry and
finally LaCoste and Boarota.
(By Associated Press)
POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y., June 29.-
Down through the closing stretch of
a desperately fought race this even-
ing youth won a battle from brawn
and experience. It was the youths of
little old New York that triumphed
and tonight Columbia, long down-
trodden, s the gem of the intercol-
legiate ocean for the first time in 13
years, after as thrilling a comeback.
as college rowing history has ever
While a record-breaking crowd of
more than 100,000 spectators looked-
on in astonishment, Columbia's stalr
wart, young 'Varsityhcrew repulsed
the double-barrelled challenge of the
West, rowed the heart out of the Naval
academy's favorites, and raced through
an ear-splitting din of triumphant
noise to win the intercollegiate row-
ing championship of America.
Green Scores Critics
BAY CITY, June 29.-Fred W.




Budapest there were 30fi,000
from other countries.



,i nan

address here,


The course in natural dancing
promises to be especially interesting.
J The dances will be interpretive, and
not technical. A study will be made
of the musical background of the
dances, and of the moods of the music.
The dances will include the simple
child rythyms and the more intricate
interpretive dances.
ALEXANDER, Egypt.-The Minis-I
try of Communications of Egypt is re-
--Has ascertained that it will be p t.ported as planning as hydroplane
ly cloudy today. harbor to be constructed here.

The ,Summer Michigan Daily
offers practical experience, in
both its editorial and business
departments, to students enroll-
ed in the Summer session. Any-
one interested in working on The
Daily is requested to call from 2
to 5 o'clock any afternoon at The
Daily offices in the Press Build-
ing on Maynard street.

critics of the last legislature.
American League
St. Louis, 3; Detroit, 9.
Cleveland, 0-8; Chicago, 5-6,
Boston, 2; New York, 8.
Philadelphia, 3;; Washington, S.
National League
Brooklyn, 4; Philadelphia, 5.
Chicago, 2; Cincinnati, 1.
. Pittsburgh, 9; St. Louis, 10.
New York-Boston - Both gamea
postponed; rain.


n ground upon this prob-
elfare of humanity.

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