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June 30, 1927 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1927-06-30

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Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of I
the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session
until 3:30 p. m.' (11:30 a. 'm. Saturday).
Volume VIII TIURSDAY, JUNE 341, 19W7 Number 5
Health Service During the Summer:
All students regularly enrolled for the Summer Session are entitled
to practically unlimited medical attention of any nature. It is provided at the
University Health Service, N. University Avenue, near Washtenaw.4
Dispensary: The Dispensary will be open from 9 to 12 and 2 to 51
daily, except Saturday and Sunday. Saturday hours from 9 to 12; Sunday,
hours 11 to 12.1
Room Calls: Students who are ill in their room and wish medical
altention should call University Telephone Exchange for such service. 1
Warren E. Forsythe.

University Men and Women:
A beginners' class in Social Dancing will be held in Barbour Gymnasium
Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 7 to 8 P. M. Six lessions for $1.50. Music-j
three-piece orchestra. Classes begin July 5th.,
Ethel McCormick.
Teachers Enrolled in the Sumner Siession:j
All teachers registered in the Summer Session are eligible for enroll-
ment with the Bureau of Appointments, either for positions this fall or in
the future. Office hours: 8:00 to 12:00 A. M., and 1:30 to 5:00 P. M., Room
102 Tappan Hall.
Lutille Brooks.
Faculty and Students, College of Engineering:
Assembly for faculfy and students in the College of Engineering, Friday,
July 1, at 11 o'clock, in Room 348, West Engineering Building. DeanI
Cooley will speak. Classes scheduled for this hour will not meet..
Louis. A. Hopkins, Secretary.
Physics 116; Laboratory Arts:
Meeting for arrangement of hours today at 5 P. M. in Room 3072, East'
Physics Building. Students intending to take this course should be presentj
at this meeting or interview me beforehand.!
Charles F. Myer,
Education A22Gs;
The graduate course in Principles of Education Will meet hereafter inl
Room 123, University High School Building.
C. L. Clarke.
The Detroit Edison Fellowship in Personnel Administration:
Applications will be received immediately from candidate§ for the
Detroit Edison Fellowship in Personnel Administration the stipend lof whichj
covers three years of enrollment in the Graduate School of the University
of Michigai. The recipient must be male, twenty-one years of age or older,
and have completed the A.B. degree or its equivalent. A transcript of under-
graduate grades will be required. For information see Professor W. B.
Pillsbury, Room 253 or Professor Adelbert Ford, Room, 250, Natural Science
Adelbert Ford.

Women Students:
All women students taking Physical Education, Hygiene or
Health are required to take a physical examination immediately.
your appointment at the Health Service.


illargaret Bell, A3. D.

Summer Session Institute in Publie Health:
The first Summer Session Institute will bei held Friday and Saturday,
July 1st and 2nd, in the lower Auditorium of the Dental Building. Stu-
dents registered on the campus are invited to attend. Programs are obtain-
able at the office of the Division of Hygiene and Public Health, Room 2,
Waterman Gymnasium.
John Sundwall, A. D.
Enrollment Records In Coaching School
At Indiana Are Broken; 225 Register
Bloomington, Ind., June 28.-All tors.
records for enrollment in the Ind'ianal The increase in seven classes is
university summer coaching school I thirty. The enrollment of these classes
have been broken, according to figures is as follows: Basbketball, 60; foot-
compiled today. Entries in eight ball, 38; track, 30; baseball, 28; wrest-
classes have totaled 225 or 50 more ling, 20; swimming, 19, and organiza-
than were entered last year at the tion and administration, 10.
end of the four weeks' session. Coach Everett Dean, instructor in
Exactly fifty-eight coaches make up baseball, has organized a team from
! the large enrollment. Most of the ! h)is class and has booked several
men are taking all courses which con- games with amateur teams near
sist of basketball, football, track, of- Bloomington.
ficiating, training, wrestling, baseball Vern Ruble, in charge of intramur-
and swimming. Besides those men al athletics, is organizing a league
who are taking the courses for credit in basketball, tennis and other sports.
there are about 75 who are attending
irregularly because of other work. Many students who are not in the
The officiating courses attract the coaching school take the intramural
largest number of men. Fifty-five are work to keep fit. Many of the coaches
enrolled while there are at least fifty are also planning to take part in the
more who attend the classes as visi- games.
:#ttttt#Itililttil11 ti gtitt llttt llltltlitl tl #1itil~ i l ti ie iteitigilill stili#1itttli
340 South State St.
! for
tltttlitlllltitllttitltlltlllm t11tltt011liltillttittt1111tt1tt111t

Engineering Students:
Will those students who have recent text books for Shop 4 please callI
University, branch 48 and leave their name and telephone number? Several
books are urgently needed for the lummer school class.
0. WV. Boston.
The University School of Music Orchestra meets Mondays and Wednes-
days at 3 o'clock'at the School of Music Auditorium. Open to all summerl
school students who play orchestral instruments.I


Charles A. Sink.


Suninmer Session of the University High School:
The University High School will be glad to enroll in its summer session
children of students registered in the summer school of the University.
There are classes- in French, English, Industrial Arts, Mathematics, Latin
and Social Studies. In general the work is limited to pupils in grades
seven to ten inclusive. All classes meet in the forenoon and there is no
It is believed that work with these teachers who have been selected
because of unusual scholarship, teaching ability, and personality should
prove one of the valuable offering to families coming, to Ann Arbor for
the Summer Session of the University. Those interested are urged to
confer with Mrs. Donelson in the High School office.
Raleigh Schorling.

College of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Unavoidable changes of elections may be made on Thursday and Friday,
June 30 and July 1, in the Recorder's office, Room 4, University Hall. A
change of elections slip must first be obtained from the Recorder's office,F
and returned to that office only after the signature of the instructor whose
course is dropped and the signature of the instructor whose course is'
elected are secured. Change slips not signed by instructors will not be
Membership in the class does not cease until the change of election slipj
has been field in the Recorder's office, and official notice sent to the instruc-
tors. Verbal arrangements with the instructors are not official changes.
Florence Mohr, Recorder. !


FOR TRENT-Two singles and one
suite. Two blocks from campus.
Continuous hot water, 311 Thomp-
son. 3, 4, 5
FOR RENT-Double or single rooms.
Use of entire house. Phone 21655.
FOR SALE-1923 Ford touring. Good
condition. Five tires. Cal 9571.
LOST-Small white kid purse on
State street. Phone 3318. 5,6,7
LOST-German Police dog. Finder
call 7617. Ask for Lamb. Reward.
WANTED-Two students for part
time work at Court Cafe. 108 East
Huron. 4,5
WANTED-Meals in private home
for eight men. Call 5618. 4,5,6
FOR RENT-One double and two
single rooms. Nice, cool, well ven-
tilated, located one block south of
Clements Library, at 912 Monroe,
Phone 8741. 4,5,6

h --

- - - .. .. . ... ..........................................................


° ;
" i
H !

New L. C. Smith, the easy running
ball bearing typewriter; also 'Corona,
Underwood, Remington and Royal port-
ables. Easy terms if desired.

Rebuilt and second-hand machines, bought, sold, rented, exchanged,
cleaned and repaired. Our Service Department, established in 1908,
is considered one of the best in the State.
Promptly and neatly done by experienced operators at moderate
rates. All work is done ih our own shop.
A large and choice assortment of best makers, such as Eaton,
Crane & Pike, Hampshire, Whiting and others. In order to clear
a number of odd items we are offering a discount of 20% to 40%.
This is all clean stock.
Waterman, Conklin, Wahl, Shaffer, LeBoeuf and other nationally
known makes; the kind on which you may obtain service anywhere.
If your pen does not operate properly see us. You will get the
best service obtainable.
17 Nickels Arcade
The Typewriter and Stationery Store. Phone 6615.
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Michigan Daily
Subscribe for the Summer
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Sunshine and Silks
Both blondes and brunettes will like these cool little dresses. You may have
forgotten the warmer days that summer school so often includes in its schedule,
and neglected to bring back with you, light dresses for those days. Mack's has a
complete line of reasonably priced frocks from which you can make your choice.
All the colors and designs known to the most imaginative are to be found in
these dresses, as well as the newest details of fashion, such as the Patou neck.
To be more practical, these silks may be successfully laundered. Silk crepe, silk
broadcloth, silk rayon, georgette" and linens. Sizes 14 to 50.

1 \
on it. This shirt has
the long point collar.
It is made of a genu-
ine imported English
Broadcloth-the best
in collars and in shirts
that you can buy.
As rour Dealer




. _ r ',4t
*9, r
' '

Glad! lad! Happy! mid! In Silks! In Rags! 1
A Warrior! Quick of Tongue! Nimble of Foot!
Tender in Affection! Mighty in Passion!

A Poet!

. !ffi! ' aJohn l
L~ k :. S 7 me



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