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November 08, 1995 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-11-08

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2 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 8, 1995

'ji, -Aty"L'D

Peres vows to continue where Rabin left off


JERUSALEM (AP) - A day after
Yitzhak Rabin's burial, the gloves were
- off: Politicians traded bitter recrimina-
tions about who was to blame for his
murder, and his widow accused right-
wingers of creating the climate of hate
that encouraged the assassin.
Shimon Peres, Rabin's successor, has
vowed to carry on-the slain man's vi-
sion, and yesterday, he got on with the
business ofpeace, meeting with Jordan's
Crown Prince Hassan and sending a
clear message to Palestinians that
Israel's internal turmoil will not delay
its troop pullback in the West Bank.
"Whatever we have agreed and what-
ever we took upon ourselves, we are
going to implement in spirit and letter,"
Peres told reporters.

To prove the government's resolve,
Israeli and Palestinian officers met in
the West Bank town of Jenin yesterday
to prepare for
Israel's with-
drawal from theh
city by mid-
month. Israeli
troops are to pull
out from most
West Bank s
towns and vil-
lages by the end
of the year.
Some Pales-
tinian officials, Peres
however, are worried that without
Rabin, the military man, the more dov-
ish Peres will not be able to carry through

the autonomy agreement that has di-
vided Israel to the point of murder.
After the seven-day mourning pe-
riod, Peres is expected to try to expand
the governing coalition with small reli-
gious parties in a bid to give greater
legitimacy to his peace moves. He in-
tends to serve out Rabin's term, until
November 1996, government spokes-
man Uri Dromi said.
Analysts had said Peres could
strengthen his hand by giving Rabin's
defense ministry portfolio to Interior
Minister Ehud Barak, a former military
chiefofstaffwho shared Rabin'spolitical
and military philosophies. Israel TV re-
ported yesterday that Peres named Barak
defense minister and gave his own for-
eign ministry portfolio to Economics

Minister Yossi Beilin, one of the archi-
tects of Israel's peace with the PLO.
A day after Rabin was buried in an
emotional tribute by admirers from
around the globe - including the Arab
world - a nation stunned by its first
political assassination found it difficult
to let go of Rabin, and many Israelis felt
a need to share their pain.
At the site of the peace rally in Tel
Aviv where Rabin was shot Saturday
night, a crowd formed a large circle
around a sea of memorial candles on the
pavement and softly sang the national
anthem, "Hatikva" (The Hope).
At the Mount Herzl cemetery where
Rabin was buried, a group of friends
huddled so the wind would not blow out
a white candle lit in tribute.

Powell could announce decision today
WASHINGTON - Retired general Colin Powell appears to have decided
whether to seek the presidency in 1996 and is likely to announce his intentions
today or tomorrow, a close associate said last night.
Powell gave no hint about which way he was leaning during an appearance in
Philadelphia yesterday, where he addressed the American Society of Travel
Agents, although there were few signs he was beginning to put together a
campaign structure.
"There is a role for each and every one of us to play," Powell said in a speech.
"I'm searching for the role I should play."II
Powell's speech came on a day of intensifying speculation about his possible
presidential candidacy, although he and his advisers continued to hold their
deliberations close.
Another associate said last night he believed Powell had made a decision and
that the announcement would come quickly. "You can write that it could be today
or tomorrow," he said. He would not say where the announcement would be made.
Powell's deliberations have captivated the political community and essentially
frozen the GOP nomination race. Polls have shown that, if he enters the race,
Powell would become the principal competitor to Senate Majority Leader Bob
Dole (R-Kan.), who currently leads the rest of the field by a wide margin.

Continued from Page 1
to serve."
Schorsaidhe hopes the program would
include SAFE House, Peace Neighbor-
hood Center, and the Parks and Recre-
ation Department as employers.
MSA President Flint Wainess, Michi-
gan Party chair, said the WolvCorps
proposal is a rewrite of his own M-
Corps - a program to waive tuition in
exchange for students working for the
University's Department of Public
Safety. Wainess said an M-Corps pilot

program will be implemented next term,
hiring four students.
"We're doing what they're talking
about," Wainess said.
Vice President Sam Goodstein called
WolvCorps "an unrealistic campaign
The federal government reimburses
universities and other work-study em-
ployers for 65percent of wages. Work-
study programs are included in stu-
dents' financial-aid packages. Federal
law requires that 8 percent of work-
study funds be distributed through com-
munity-service organizations.

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Senate debates limits
on late abortions
WASHINGTON - The Senate yes-
terday opened debate on a controversial
bill to limit late-term abortion procedures,
with both sides predicting a close vote
today on a move by the bill's critics to
refer it to committee for hearings and
possible revision.
The bill, which passed the House by a
vote of288 to 139 last Wednesday, would
make it a crime to perform a procedure to
end pregnancies in late stages.
President Clinton opposes the bill,
and has said it fails to consider the need
to preserve the life and health of the
mother, consistent with the Supreme
Court's decision in Roe vs. Wade.
Congress has not limited abortion
procedures since the 1973 Roe deci-
sion, and foes of the House legislation
contended it was the first step toward
dismantling abortion rights guaranteed
in the Roe decision.
Advocates of the bill did not frame
their debate as an assault on abortion
rights, concentrating instead on what
Sen. Mike DeWine (R-Ohio) described
as "especially cruel, unusual and inhu-

mane" aspects of the procedure.
Doctors who perform the procedure
could be fined or imprisoned for up to
two years. They could escape penalties
if they can prove they "reasonably be-
lieved" the procedure was necessary to
save the woman's life.
Bill would extend
government funds
WASHINGTON - House Republi-
can leaders drafted bills yesterday to
keep the federal government operating
into mid-December while they fight
with President Clinton over the budget,
and said they were considering includ-
ing provisions that would spark strong
opposition from both the Senate and the
White House.
The provisions would be attached to
bills to keep the government from ex-
ceeding its legal borrowing authority
-which now stands at $4.9 trillion -
and to fund government operations be-
yond Monday, when temporary fund-
ing authority ends.
The provisions block the administra-
tion from using government trust funds
for emergency cash when it cannot bor-
row from the public.

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Communists mark
aniversary,ho for
comeback in election
MOSCOW-The marchers with red
flags were elderly, nostalgic for the past
and angry about the harsh, bewildering
present, But Russia's Communists
marked their most sacred day yesterday
in the hopeful mood of front-runners in
an election campaign they hope will
again make the future theirs.
"I am pleased to see your honest
faces, the faces of so many who have
never betrayed our country's ideals,"
party leader Gennady Zyuganov said.
Many crowds across Russia celebrat-
ing the anniversary of the 1917 Bolshe-
vik Revolution that brought Lenin and
the Communist Party to power.
With elections Dec. 17, pollsters say
this loyal constituency of pensioners and
older, poverty-line wage earners -those
hardest hit by Russia's free-market tran-
sition -gives the Communists their best
chance of a comeback since the Soviet
Union broke up four years ago.
President Boris Yeltsin, a former
Communist boss who engineered the
breakup and outlawed the party for more
than a year afterward, declared last

month that "our task is to prevent" a
Communist victory at the polls.
Nearly every voter survey showsathe
Communists leading the field of 43
parties, preferred by 10 percent to 14
percent of an electorate still largely
S. Korea summons
tycoons about funds
SEOUL, South Korea - Four of
South Korea's top tycoons have been
summoned for questioning today on
suspicion of contributing to a $653-
million slush fund that former Presi-
dent Roh Tae Woo amassed while in
office, prosecutors said yesterday.
It was the first time that the
multibillionaires who dominate South
Korea's economy have been subjected
to a mass summons since the 1960s,
when the late President Park Chung
Hee hauled in business leaders on sus-
picion of illicit transactions.
Prosecutors said 20 more tycoons
would be brought in for questioning
this week. Yesterday, they questioned
two chairmen of second-tier conglom-
erates and a National Assembly ruling
party member.
- From Daily wire services



Graduation is a very hectic time and this
notice is to inform you that this semester
will be taken:
Time: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Dates: Monday through Friday
November 6,7,8,9, and 10
Place: Michigan Union Bookstore

The Department of Microbiology and Immunology and Depart-
ment of Biology will be continuing and expanding a series of
courses set in a modular format. Each one credit module runs for
one third of a semester. In some cases multiple modules can be
combined to make up a traditional course. Students may choose
from the various modules to create a program that best fits their
educational objectives and interests.
Microbiology 606.607 and 608 are three modules focusing on
microbial physiology and pathogenesis. They are designed for
upperclass advanced undergraduates and graduate students
interested in the health sciences. These modules will be offered
consecutively and will meet TTH from 10 -11:30 AM in 5623
Medical Science Building II.
Prerequisites for all three modules - first year biochemistry and
geneticsor permission of course director.
Module I (1/11-2/13)
Microbiology 606 - Microbial Physiology & Metabolism(1 credit)
Module I11(2/15-3/19)
Microbiology 607 - Microbial Pathogenesis I (1 credit)
Module III (3/21- 4/23)
Microbiology 608 - Microbial Pathogenesis II (1 credit)
The first module will focus on the metabolism and physiology of
growth. The second module deals with colonization mechanisms
and attributes of pathogens. The third module focuses on molecu-
lar mechanisms underlying bacterial infectious disease.
Microbiology 641 and 642 are two modules focusing on molecular
and cellular events in the immune response. They are designed for
upperclass advanced undergraduates and graduate students
interested in health sciences. These modules will be offered con-
secutively and will meet TTH 1-2:30 PM in 5623 Medical Science






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EDITORIAL TF ihe Rosenberg, Editor In Chief
NEWS Nate Hurley, Managing Editor
EDITORS: Jonathan Berndt, Lisa Dines, Andrew Taylor. Scot Woods.
STAFF: Stu Berlow, Cathy Boguslaski. Kiran Chaudhri, Jodi Cohen, Sam T. Dudek. Jeff Eldridge, Lenny Feller, Ronnie Glassberg,
Kate Glickman, Jerifer Harvey. Amy Klein. Stephanie Jo Klein. Jeff Lawson. Laurie Mayk, Will McCahill, Heather Miller, Gail
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CALENDAR: Josh White.

EDITORIAL Julie Becker, James M. Nash, Editors
ASSOCIATE EDITORS. Adrienne Janney. Joel F. Knutson.
STAFF: Bobby Angel, Patience Atkin, Zach Gelber. Ephraim R. Gerstein, Keren Kay Hahn, Judith Kafka, Chris Kaye, Jeff
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Polakov. Jim Rose, Jed Rosenthal, Danielle Rumore, Brian Sklar, Mark Snyder. Dan Stiliman, Doug Stevens, Dan Van Beek.



ARTS Heather Phares, Alexandra Twin, Editors
EDITORS: Dean Bakopoulos (Books), Melissa Rose Bermardo (Theater), Jlennifer Buckley (Weekend, etc.), Brian A. Gnatt
(Music), Kari Jones (Weekend. etc.) Emily Lambert (Fine Arts), Joshua Rich (Film)
STAFF: Matthew Benz, Josh Biggs. Eugene Bowen. Kate Brady, Mark Carlson, Neal C. Carruth. Christopher Corbett. David
Cook, Thomas Crowley, Ella de Leon, Stephanie Glickman, Use Harwin. Josh HerringtonKinberley Howitt, Kristin Long.
Elizabeth Lucas, Jennifer Petlinski. Elan Stavros, Matthew Steinhauser. Prashant Tamaskar, Ted Watts, Kelly Xintaris, Michael
Z ilberman.
PHOTO Jonathan Lurie, Editor
STAFF: Tonya Broad, B. Damian Cap. Noppom Kichanantha. Stephanie Grace Lim, Elizabeth Uppman, Judith Perkins, Kristen
Schaefer, Sara Stillman, Walker VanDyke, Joe Westrate.
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