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November 08, 1995 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1995-11-08

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night: Mostly cloudy, low
ound 20%
orrow: Partly sunny,
h around 40°.



One hundredfve years of editorialfreedom

November 8, 1995

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Maureen Sirhal
fly Staff Reporter
Another quiet election has ended in
nn Arbor and five new candidates will
gin a two-year term on City council.
ith the off-year election, the turnout,
expected, was exceedingly low but
irits remained high as both winners
'd losers looked ahead.
In the I st Ward, Democratic incum=
nt Patricia Vereen-Dixon defeated
publican John Kidle. This was
idle's first attempt for council. Vereen-
ixon won with 789 votes to Kidle's
"My wife has a'honey-do' list for me
it is back to work," Kidle said of his
st-election activities.
Vereen-Dixon said she looks forward
outlining council goals and getting to
ow her newest colleagues.
She said the turnout worried her be-
use it exceeded bier expectations. "It
as not an ugly campaign, though," she
In the 2nd Ward, first-time candidate

take 3 of 5 seats in council elections

David Kwan, a Republican, outran
Democrat Barbara Bach, Independent
Donald Kenney and Libertarian Dou-
glas Friedman. Kwan won with 1,257
votes. His closest contender, Bach, re-
ceived 873.
Kwan, a land developer in Ann Ar-
bor, will take over Republican Peter
Fink's seat on the
"I feel it was a
good all-around
campaign," Kwan
said. "I amlooking
forward to opening
up a dialogue withT
the (Un iversity
Board of) Regents
soon. Property y
taxes are also a big Herell
Kwan said he enjoyed working with
some fraternities and hopes students
will expand their involvement in the
Bach, Friedman and Kenney could

not be reached for comment.
The Democrats retained their hold on
the 3rd Ward with the victory of new-
comer Heidi Cowing Herrell. Herrell
defeated Republican and University stu-
dent Grant Matthew Grobbel and Lib-
ertarian James Montgomery by a vote
of 1,386 to Grobbel's 664 and
Montgomery's 63.
"I am very ex-
cited," Herrell said.
"I had some good
discussions with
voters today in East
Quad. Ann Arbor
is full of residents
with good ideas and
that is what I am
looking for.".
Herrell said
among her major Kwan
goals will be safety issues and pioneer-
ing more efforts to stop violence.
Grobbel, despite his student status,
did not garner much support from the
University community. "I guess the stu-

dents should be ashamed of themselves
for not voting for another student," he
Although Montgomery did not re-
ceive much of the vote, he still remains
"I wanted to give the voters a choice
now and I wanted to learn how the
process works," he said. "I assume I
will (run again) when I retire."
Republican Patrick Putman added
another council seat to the GOP total
when he defeated newcomer Democrat
David Bryan Smith and Libertarian
David Raauflaub by a vote of 1,242 to
Smith's 696 and Raauflaub's 37.
Smith said his campaign did all it
could and that is what is important.
"Coming to this point, yeah, it's kind
of a letdown," Smith said. "But this
whole experience has been a high."
Smith said he hopes to remain active
in politics.
See COUNCIL, Page 10
Inside: National election roundup.
Page 10.

Renee Emry, a Libertarian candidate for City Council, awaits election results as
she sits alone watching a live TV broadcast of the results yesterday evening.

ifects of
Jodi Cohen
ily Staff Reporter
Adam Jonas drove like he had a blood
cohol content of .13 yesterday.
Feeling the effects of six drinks, it
as difficult for him to steer and con-
l the vehicle. After about a minute,
hit a pedestrian.
Jonas was one of many students who
rticipated in a drunk-driving simula-
n yesterday, an activity of Alcohol
wareness Week, held at Elbel Field.
He drove with delayed physical and
ental responses, navigating a series of
ange cones marking off an obstacle
urse, in a Chrysler Neon designed to
mulate drunk driving.
"It is weird. You're sober in your
ind, but you get the effect of being
ebriated," said Jonas, a Business se-
or. "This really points out having al-
hol affects your coordination."
The participants first drove around
e course while they were sober. Then,
e instructor in the passenger seat en-
red the driver's weight and a hypo-
etical number of drinks into a com-
ter connected to the car. The com-
ter processed the information, ad-
sting steering and braking responses
simulate difficulties that a drunk
iver would experience.
Jonas, along with the other partici-
nts, said steering and braking be-
me difficult, especially toward the
d of the course when hypothetical
destrians appeared in front of the car.

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Baker to run
in'96 without
Engler's help
Governor supports term limits, says
Baker forced Duderstadt to resign
By Amy Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
Gov. John Engler, who accused members of the Univer-
sity Board of Regents of forcing President James J.
Duderstadt's resignation, has announced that he will not
support Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann )rbor) for renomina-
tion next September. Baker has served on the board for 23
John Truscott, Engler's press secretary, said the governor
cited term limits and Baker's alleged involvement in
Duderstadt's retirement as key reasons for not backing the
regent. Engler's views were announced to approximately
90 county Republican officials and district chairs during an
early October telephone conference.
"(Engler) believes it's time to get fresh blood on the
board," Truscptt said. "If term limits are good enough for
the Legislature, then they're good enough for the U-M
Engler charged last month that Baker and Regents Rebecca
McGowan (D-Ann Arbor) and Laurence Deitch (D-
Bloomfield Hills) forced Duderstadt's resignation, which
was announced in September.
But Baker, who began campaigning in January and has
raised $10,000, said he still intends to run, despite Engler's
statements. Baker also maintains he was not involved in
Duderstadt's decision.
"I gratefully respect Engler," Baker said. "He has been a
good governor, and we just disagree on this issue."
Baker said he disagrees with Engler on several funda-
mental points, including Engler's recent push for governor-
appointed regents.
"I strongly believe the U-M should be maintained, and
that the system of elected regents should be maintained,"
Baker said. "I have my own strong beliefs. I think the
University should be independent and free from political
and legislative interference."
Baker said he strongly opposes Engler's push for regent
term limits. "(Engler) has actually served as an executive
officer more years than I have," he said.

Students experience what it feels like to be intoxicated while driving a Chrysley Neon at Elbel Field yesterday.

"When the people pop up, there is no
hope in stopping," Jonas said. "The car
slides well past where the people are
standing. You will hit them."
LSA senior Derek Bridges said he
maneuvered around the cones at about
20 mph.
"When I was drunk, the steering was
much harder. When you would go to
turn the wheel, it was really hard to turn
and you go straight into the cones," he
said. "We would not have made it to
While some students and staff drove
the car, others participated as passen-
gers or spectators.
LSA sophomore Duke Knapp said
the simulator made him realize the in-

difference of college students. "Stu-
dents will have one beer and jump into
a car and not think of it," he said.
The simulator has toured the country
since 1988 when it was introduced with
the "THINK ... Don't Drive and Drink"
program. During the past seven years,
more than 140,000 people have driven
the car and about 1.9 million have been
exposed to the program.
LSA senior Jenna Levy, a volunteer
for an alcohol and drug peer education
program, said the simulation should
impact students.
"I was kind of shaky when I got out,"
she said. "It's scary that people can
drive this way. It's definitely a wake-up

Drunk Driving Statistics
* Despite the minimum legal drinking age
of 21 in all states, 32.5% of fatally injured
drivers under 21 had known blood alcohol
concentrations of .01 or above in 1993.
* In 1993, 17,641 people died in alcohol-
related traffic crashs - -an average of one
every 30 minutes. Alcohol was involved in
44% of all fatal crashes.
About one-third of 17,461 people killed
in alcohol-related traffic crashes were
under 25 years of age.


0 A total of 7,245 drivers aged 16-20 died in alcohol-
related crashes in 1993. The relative risk for drivers
under 21 is greater at low alcohol impairment levels
than for older drivers.
Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration


not 10
y Amy Klee
ally Staff Rep
The sand
al search h
ators pred
ave to app
hen James
0, 1996.
An interir
me tasks
ssociate V
ons Lisa B
"There is
d perman
ave the sa
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erim adr


ms face day-to-day, conduct code policy only one week after
assuming office. Proving that an interim has
ng-term, decisions full reign in a position, Fleming implemented
in the Policy on Discriminatory Acts in March
orter 1988. The state Supreme Court later ruled
is falling steadily in the presiden- that the policy violated First Amendment
ourglass, and some top adminis- rights.
ict that the Board of Regents will But many interim deans and executive offic-
point an interim to the position ers disagree, and say that holding a temporary
s J. Duderstadt steps down June position can sometimes hinder a decision.
Some decisions may fall outside the scope of
m would essentially perform the an interim's judgment, said Provost J. Bernard
as a permanent president, said Machen, who will serve on a permanent basis
ice President for University Rela- until the next president is selected.
aker. Machen had been interim provost since Sep-
no difference between the interim tember and permanently assumed the position
ent in terms of authority and deci- in October.
g," Baker said. "The interim would "I'm clearly not in power to chart the future
ime authority as the permanent of the University for the next decade. On the
othar hend -there are a lot of an-to-dav deci-

are a lot
of day~fo-

Wolverines to elect MSA
Rep. Wright as party chair


By Michelle Lee Thompson
Daily Staff Reporter


were some
decisions that 1
have felt I couldn't
make because I was
an interim.'
. Bernard Machen
- Provost
interim position, is never quite the same as
occupying the office on an indefinite basis,"
Knoll said "There is always at least some

Tonight, less than a week before Michigan
Student Assembly elections, members of the
Wolverine Party say they plan to elect a new party
chair - LSA Rep. Andrew Wright.
Andy Schor, a current party leader, said last
night that he plans to nominate Wright tonight at
the party's meeting. Schor and Wright, along with
other party members, said A took at
they expect him to win the The
"As of tomorrow night, P
he's going to be the partyo
chair," Schor said. "He's
not running and he can be
the best.":
Wright, who is not run-
ning for re-election to the
assembly, agreed with
Schor that his status as a non-candidate would
henefit ith Wolverine Partv.

Strachan said the Wolverine Party supports his
goals to implement a "North Campus Express" bus
route directly from the C.C. Little Science Build-
ing bus stop to the North Campus Commons.
Strachan said the party also hopes to increase
metered parking on campus, improve campus safety
and lower textbook prices.
Schor, who serves as MSA's External Relations
Committee federal liaison, said the party is also
focusing its efforts on Wolverine Corps - the
party's proposal to fund community service pro-
grams in Ann Arbor with federal workistudy dol-
The party's proposal comes on the heels of a
congressional bill that would cut AmeriCorps.
"(Students) would be getting their money not
through AmeriCorps but through work-study,"
Schor said.
Schor and Wright sent their proposal last month
to U.S. Rep. Peter Hoekstra (R-Holland), chair of
the oversight and investigations subcommittee of
-the House Economic and Educational Onnortuni-


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