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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 8, 1995 - 3
MSA questions Wainess' code spokesperson role
Ohio State gets
artificial wetlands
,Nearly seven acres of wetlands will
be added to Ohio State University's
Olentangy River Wetlands Research
Park come spring, more than doubling
the size of the current park.
' Due to the construction of a solid
waste plant in the county of Fairfield,
OSU is gaining the land. Developers
-are constructing the Pine Grove Re-
"-gional Solid Waste Facility on wet-
lands that need to be drained. State law
requires that drained wetlands be re-
placed elsewhere.
°" OSU will maintain its man-made
wetlands by pumping water into them
from the Olentangy River.
Bill Mitsch, a professor of natural re-
sources andenvironmental science atOSU,
said the project will cost about $500,000
ajid is completely funded from private
urdue restricts
The Parking and Traffic Committee
of Purdue University has passed aregu-
lation that prohibits the use of in-line
skates in any campus building or on any
surface where damage may occur, ac-
cOrding to The Purdue Exponent.
* Violations ofthe regulation will result
in.$15 fines. Violations involving the
; use of skateboards also will result in the
contiscation or the sKateboard until te
fine is paid. These sanctions come after
Sdamage to various parts of the campus as
a result of reckless Rollerblading.
Marijuana at Delta
Campus police recently discovered
two marijuana plants growing in the
southwestern fields of Delta College
'in Mid-Michigan.
A Delta student is suspected of in-
volvement with the cultivation of the
pjants. Sgt. Kim Beckel told The Delta
Collegiate that the suspect could face
charges of manufacturing and cultivat-
ing marijuana, which is a four-year
felony. The suspect may either be sus-
pended or put on probation by Delta.
Bucknell gets Calvin
and Hobbes house
This fall, students at Bucknell Univer-
sity have a new living option located on
fraternity row - the C.A.L.V.I.N. and
H.O.B.B.E.S. house. The house is spon-
sored by a group of students who have
promised to abstain from drugs and alco-
liol. The name stands for "creating a
lively, valuable, ingenious new habit of
being at Bucknell andenjoying sobriety."
job fair in Livonia
Wayne State and Eastern Michigan
universities will be co-sponsoring the
16th Michigan Collegiate Job Fair for
graduating seniors Friday from 9 a.m. to
3p.m., Burton Manor, 27777 Schoolcraft
Rd. in Livonia.
The fair will provide opportunities
for students to meet with more than 100
employers who are looking to fill entry-
level positions. For further information
call Nannette McCleary at (313) 577-
3390 or Ken Meyer at (313) 487-0400.
- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter
Lisa Poris from staff and wire reports
By Michelle Lee Thompson
Daily Staff Reporter
The Michigan Student Assembly considered a
motion last night that would have lessened MSA
President Flint Wainess' power to lobby the Uni-
versity Board of Regents on a draft of the Code for
Student Conduct.
L SA Rep. Jonathan Freeman's proposal, which
comesjust two weeks before the regents are sched-
uled to vote on the Code, called for Student Rights
Commission Chair Anne Marie Ellison to serve as
the assembly's spokesperson on the Code, rather
than Wainess.
Ellison asserted that Wainess supported the
current draft of the Code, written by the Office of
Student Affairs.
Wainess, who spoke as a student representative
to the regents earlier this year on the current
interim code, denied accusations that he has not
represented the assembly's views.
"I thought I was representing MSA consistently
with the platform I ran on and consistent with what
the assembly stood for," Wainess said last night.
After the assembly voted to postpone Freeman's
motion indefinitely, Ellison said she would not
have wanted the spokesperson position.
"I wouldn't do it if it were given me," Ellison
said, adding that "I'm not interested in their titles
- I'm interested in furthering students' rights."
Ellison said, "I'm convinced that the president
is giving up on this issue to score victories on
other issues."
Wainess said Monday that he did not approve of the
Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs'
decision to urge the regents not to approve the Code.
Last night, Wainess defended his decision, be-
cause the regents said in April that if they do not
adopt a Code from the Office of Student Affairs,
they will adopt the code of another college, such as
Stanford University.
But Ellison viewed the situation differently.
"SACUA had the guts to come out in support of
student rights and our leader didn't," Ellison told
the assembly last night.
Pharmacy Rep. Matt Curin said he did not
approve of the way Wainess represented the
assembly's position on the Code.
"I don't like what Flint's doing, but I don't want
to look like jerks to the regents," Curin said.
Freeman said, "We need to have the most knowl-
edgeable person speaking to administrators and
whomever," adding that Ellison has 1 1/2 years of
experience with previous versions of the Code.
LSA Rep. Scott Sandler said, "I believe that as
MSA, our president should be our spokesman on
everything'," adding that the timing of Freeman's
resolution could hurt the assembly's credibility
with the regents.
"For us, two weeks before they're going to vote
on (the Code) - to give a vote of no confidence
would be extremely damaging," Sandler said.
Student General Counsel Paul Scublinski told
Ellison and Wainess that they should resolve their
differences and work to fight for students' rights.
Death, exinction
focuses of LSA.
theme semester
Thanksgiving elf
State Rep. Michael Bennane (D-Detroit) is pictured with an elf figurehead on his desk on the floor of the state House in
Lansing. The 50-year-old elf will be featured in Detroit's Thanksgiving Day parade.
Study: Men, women don't differ
m Ji 0 a0 *
By Jeff Eldridge
Daily Staff Reporter
Men and women might not be too different after all - at
least where politics is concerned.
According to a recent study by Nancy Burns, University
assistant professor ofpolitical science, publishedin the Ameri-
can Journal of Political Science, the similarities in the political
habits of men and women far outweigh the differences.
"There's a set of 'common knowledge' that says women's
motivations for activity are different than men's," Burns said.
"By and large, there's been a lot of theoretical work. People
have had a lot of conversations about these different issues.
But the data has not existed, so nobody has been able to know."
The results of their study debunk many common political
assumptions. In results that contradicted the researchers' initial
expectations, the study foundno statistically notable differences
in how major issues like the environment, crime, drugs, children
and basic human needs affected voting patterns.
There are also few differences in reasons and motivations
for activity.
"The biggest difference between gender activity is that
men give more money than women do," Burns said.
Despite this distinction, women activists are just as likely as
men to work on campaigns, attend protests and serve on govern-
ing boards. Categories generally considered "women's issues"
were found to hold little interest in members of either gender.
Burns said few women concentrate their political activity
on women's issues like sexual assault and harassment..
The study also found that differences in income affect the
issues of concern for women.
"When we do studies of elite women involved in politics, a lot
of women said it's their job to help other women," Burns said.
"We are likely for along time to see this difference between elite
politics and ordinary citizen activity, mostly driven by the fact
that elite women really see it as their job to do this."
There were some slight differences nonetheless. Men are
more likely to mention taxes (15 percent of men vs. 12
percent of women) and foreign policy (8 percent of men vs.
5 percent of women) as important reasons for participating in
politics, while women are more likely to include education
(20 percent of women vs. 13 percent ofmen) and abortion (14
percent of women vs. 7 percent of men) as their chief
The difference in reasons men and women cite for involvement
are numerically small. Eighty-five percent of women and 84
percentof men cited civic gratification from working on apolitical
campaign, whereas 25 percent of women and 24 percent of men
listed material benefits as the impetus of their involvement.
Burns and colleagues Kay Lehman Schlozman and Jesse
Donahue of Boston College and Sidney Varba of Harvard
University studied 2,500 Americans nationwide.
Peter Harbage, Rackham student and president of the
College Democrats, and Angela Jerkatis, LSA junior and
president of the College Republicans, said the study accu-
rately portrayed their organizations. Both said their groups
were evenly split between male and female members.
"I think women tend to be slightly more active in a lot of
the grassroots activities," Jerkatis said. She noted that women
hold two of her organization's five executive positions.
Harbage said he thinks his group's members are drawn to
participate for ideological reasons more than material gains.
"I think it's safe to say most of the people who are involved
are doing so because they're Democrats and want to help the
Democratic Party," he said.
By Kiran Chaudhri
Daily Staff Reporter
As students plan their schedules for
next term, they may come across some
interesting classes listed in the course
guide. Don't be surprised to find "The
Black Death," "Death in Shake-
speare," or "The Impact of Techno-
logical Disasters on Human Commu-
These are among the 36 courses of-
fered next term as a part of LSA's
Theme Semester, sponsored by the Pro-
gram on Studies in Religion. The 1996
winter term theme is "Death, Extinc-
tion, and the Future of Humanity: Ap-
proaching the Millennium."
"This is what your education is for,"
anthropology Prof. Roy Rappaport said
of the purpose of theme semesters.
"The theme has to transcend any
discipline's expertise - it has to pro-
pose some sort ofgeneral problem which
our students and other audiences will
be living with over the next decades or
century," said Rappaport, the program's
"They have to have some sort of
living meaning," he said.
Past theme semesters have included
"The Theory and Practice of Evil,"
"Working in a Multicultural Society:
the Changing- Face of Labor in the
United States," ."Comedy," and "The
Americas: Beyond 1492."
Political science Prof. David Singer,
who will teach "U.S. Foreign Policy in
Global Context: Death Defying and
Death Dealing," said he hopes to ap-
proach the material in a more exciting
manner than the usual "cut-and-dried"
"It's foreign policy with a twist,"
Singer said.
In the School of Natural Resources
and Environment, Prof. David Allan will
instruct the class "Conservation of Bio-
logical Diversity and Species Extinc-
tion." Allan said that he believes the
course ties right into the theme semester.
"The subject is crucial to humanity
- it represents the loss of the biologi-
cal capitol of the earth," Allan said.
"There's a linkage of that life support
system to our own mortality."
In addition to courses, the theme se-
mester includes a film series, a special
event at the Matthaei Botanical Gar-
dens, a play, a children's drama, an art
exhibit and a public lecture series. En-
glish Prof. Ralph Williams will head
the lecture series, which will feature
several visiting speakers, including
Some Theme
Semester Courses
® Cultural Anthropology 448:
Ritual, Sanctity, and Adaptation
- Responses to Personal and
Cultural Crisis
U Classical Civilization 453:
Magic and Magicians in the
Greco-Roman World
® Classical Civilization 480:
Death and Memory in the Ancient
English 240: Poetry, Loss and
* English 317: Bigotry &
Maturity in the Literature of
Several Cultures
English 317: Literature and
®3 English 317: P~erspectives on
Death in Literature and Film
e Film-Video 413/English 413:
The Future in Cinema: Other
Worlds, Other Visions
* History of Art 1.94: The Black
History of Art 484: The Art of
Indonesia and Cambodia, From
Apogee to Extinction: The
Disappearance of Great
9 Humanities 102: The Face of
War: Emotion and Armed Conflict
0 Ancient Civilizations and
Biblical Studies 281: Ancient
Egypt and its World
U Ancient Civilizations and
Biblical Studies 393/APTIS 393/
Religion 393: The Religion of
Hebrew and Jewish Cultural
Studies 577/Judaic Studies 467.
"A Time to Mourn, A Time to
Dance": On Emotion and the
Senses in Judaism
* Religion 402: Life, Death, and
Spiritual Development
Religion 404: Death,
Extinction and the Future of
Humanity: A pproaching the
University Courses 150: The
Books of the Dead
theologians Hans Kung and Martin
Marty and Caroline Bynum, president
of the American Historical Associa-
Rappaport emphasized that this
winter's theme "deals with issues that
threaten humanity - not only about
biological extinction, but what it means
to be human."
Mike Newman, an SNRE senior and group leader of the Progressive Jewish Committee, said he was thankfulYitzhak Rabin's
--assassin was not an Arab. This was incorrectly reported in Monday's Daily.
Pres. search
delayed until
Suit filed against accused rapist
SALINE (AP) - Nineteen-year-old Muysenberg says she lost all sense of
Amanda Muysenberg says her life was security, leading her to buy a shotgun
shattered after five young men sexually and a Rottweiler and get an unlisted
assaulted her at a party nearly two years phone number.
Q American Baptist Student Fellow-
ship, free meal, meeting, 663-
9367, First Baptist Church, Cam-
pusCenter, 512 East Huron, 5:30-
7 p.m.
Q AIESEC Michigan, general member
meeting, 662-1690, Business
Administration Building, Room
1276, 6 p.m.
Q Archery Club, 930-0189, Sports
Coliseum, Hill Street, 7-9 p.m.
Q Conference on the Holocaust, 769-
0500, Hillel Building, 7:30 p.m.
Q Hindu Students Council, firing line,
764-2671, Michigan Union, Pond
Room, 8 p.m.
Q La Voz Mexicana, meeting, 994-
9139, Michigan League, Room D,
7 p.m.
Q Ninjutsu Club, beginners welcome,
761-8251, intramural Sports
Building, Room G-21, 7:30-9 p.m.
Q Reform Chavurah, weekly meeting,
anyone welcome, Hillel Building,
Hill Street, 7 p.m.
Q Shorin-Ryu Karate-Do Club, men and
women, beginners welcome, 994-
location, 8 p.m.
U "After the 'Storm' in Krajina:
Whither Croatia?" Vesna Pusic,
brown bag lecture series, spon-
sored by Center for Russian and
East European Studies, Lane Hall
Commons Room, 12 noon
U "Bonnie Brereton Celebrating Pub-
lication of Her Book," sponsored
by Shaman Drum, Shaman Drum
Bookshop, 315 South State, 4-6
U "Careers in Consulting," sponsored
by Career Planning and Placement,
Michigan Union, Pendleton Room,
7:10-8:30 p.m.
U "Career Opportunities With a Lib-
eral Arts Degree," sponsored by
Career Planning and Placement,
Michigan Union, Pendleton Room,
5:10-6:30 p.m.
U "Law Placement: Facts, Trends,
Options," sponsored by Career
Planning and Placement, 3200
Student Activities Building, 4:10-
5 p.m.
rt lea i%-l tiwa~i+ ~witl
Michigan Union, Kuenzel Room,
6:10-7:30 p.m.
Q "TheComprachlos," sponsoredby
Students of Objectivism, Michi-
gan League, Conference Room
6, 7 p.m.
Q "Through the Wire - Lexington
Women's Control
Unit," sponsored by The Revolu-
tionary Anti-Imperialist League
and The Maoist Internationalist
Movement, East Quad, Room
126, 7:15 p.m
U Campus information Centers,
Michigan Union and North Cam-
pus Commons, 763-INFO,
info@umich.edu, UM*Events on
GOpherBLUE, and http://
www.umich.edu/~info on the
World Wide Web
U English Composition Board Peer
Tutoring, 741-8958, Mason Hall,
Room 444C, 7-11 p.m.
Q Northwalk, 763-WALK, Bursley, 8
p.m.-1:30 a.m.
By Amy Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
The public forums designed to col-
lect campus input on the criteria for
selecting the next president will not
begin until at least December, said Vice
President for University Relations
Walter Harrison saidyesterday.
Harrison said at last
month'sUniversity Board of Regents'
meeting that the forums were. tenta-
tively scheduled to coincide with next
week's regents meeting in Ann Arbor.
The board announced in October that
Provost J. Bernard Machen, Secretary
Roberta Palmer and Harrison would plan
the series of public forums to gather
opinions from faculty, staffand students.
Harrison said the group has not yet
completed its recommendation, which
is scheduled to be presented next week.
"We haven't even finished our rec-
ommendations to the regents, so it's
nremature to say when (the forums)
In the aftermath of the attack, she
didn't go to the prom at Saline High
School or graduate with her class. Her
friends in the town of 6,700 south of
Ann Arbor turned on her, accusing her
of promiscuity and being out to get one
of the men, she said.
Now, she says she has decided to stop
being a victim.
"It's not fair they took all that ftom
me," said Muysenberg, who agreet to
be interviewed and photographed by
the Detroit Free Press as part of her
recovery. "It's time to get some of what
I went through back."
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Jerry Blackstone, Director