2A - The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 20, 1995
Continued from Page 1A
Clinton and Congress still have a
lot of negotiating left and if they can-
not resolve their deep differences, the
government could again be shut down
next month after the expiration of the
temporary measure negotiated yes-
Senate Minority Leader-Thomas
Daschle (D-S.D.) and White House
Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, said the
Democrats would be able to protect
Medicare, Medicaid, education, the
environment and a tax credit for work-
ing poor families.
"It preserves all of our options,"
Daschle said.
By voice vote, the Senate adopted a
one-day temporary measure to reopen
the government today. It then ap-
proved a bill providing short-term
funding to the government through
Dec. 15. The House planned to adopt
the one-day bill last night and follow
today by approving the four-week
The President was expected to sign
the temporary budget legislation late
last night. Even without it, White
House officials said Clinton has the
power to call federal employees back
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The agreement, reached after a day
of offer and counter-offer, with
Panetta shuttling between the White
House and Capitol, also provides that
any eventual budget deal "shall adopt
tax policies to help working families
and stimulate economic growth."
The argument over whose techni-
cal and economic assumptions are
used is important because it could
make a difference of nearly $500 bil-
lion in spending.
Meanwhile, Clinton signed two ap-
propriations bills, one funding Congress
and the other the White House, Treasury
Department and Postal Service.
The breakthrough on the temporary
measure came during the Senate's first
Sunday session in five years and only
the 16th since the founding of the
Earlier in the day, Gingrich sug-
gested if the impasse wasn't resolved,
Republicans would deal with conser-
vative Democrats directly and bypass
the White House.
"The fact is the liberal leadership is
losing control of their party," Gingrich
said on ABC's "This Week With
David Brinkley." "I think we could
easily, in another day or two, poten-
tially have the votes to override the
The shutdown, the longest in his-
tory, was costly.
National parks, including the Grand
Canyon, have turned away tourists,
the Centers for Disease Control in
Atlanta has stopped tracking flu cases
and Smithsonian museums have
locked their doors.
Employees of hotels, restaurants
and other tourism-related businesses
in Washington placed an advertise-
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"The fact is the
liberal leadership
is losing control
of their party"
- Newt Gingrich
House Speaker
ment in yesterday's editions of The
Washington Post appealing to area
residents to turn their headlights on
during the day as a protest of the
Protesters from the National Trea-
sury Employees Union, chanting
"Hey, hey. Ho, ho. This furlough has
got to go," swarmed around Gingrich's
car in an alley as he left the taping of
the Brinkley show.
However, 20 Republican governors,
meeting in Nashua, N.H., urged Dole
and Gingrich to stand firm and hold
out for a balanced budget over seven
years. Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt said
Congress was "on the verge of liter-
ally making history and we cannot
The gulf between Congress and the
White House over larger budget is-
sues remains wide. Seven of the 13
appropriations bills for the fiscal year
that began Oct. I remain to be signed.
One on Clinton's desk, funding the
Defense Department, is expected to
be vetoed.
And he also has promised to reject
the GOP's massive budget-balancing
bill squeezing Medicare and cutting
The House is expected to give it
final congressional approval today.
Continued from Page 1A
"(Duderstadt's) comment about the ac-
creditation weighed on some people. It
didn't have that effect on me."
Regent Laurence Deitch (D-
Bloomfield Hills) said on Thursday
that he was still unsure if the Code
would improve student life at the
University. But Deitch voted in favor
of the policy, saying he was reassured
by the amount of student input in the
"I believe the University's chief
interest in regulating student life
comes in the form of academic integ-
rity. If it were strictly up to me, I
would prefer a code that is closerto an
honor code," Deitch said. "I think this
code treads lightly, so spiritually it is
consistent with what I'm talking
Ellison said she would continue to
fight the new policy. "I would have
been happier with the sunset clause,
but I think that it's important that it
will be reviewed. Unfortunately it
won't be an interim," she said. "I
don't think this code reflects student
opinions as much as the regents are
MSA President Flint Wainess, who
serves as the student representative to
the regents, was absent from the vote on
Friday. There was no representative in
his place.
"An emergency came up, but I spoke
with all the regents and they had a copy
of my memo of concerns," Wainess
said. "Hopefully they thought about
them in full."
Although three years of drafts fi-
nally culminated in a new policy,
Hartford said her work is not yet com-
"This is not off my plate yet," Hart-
ford said. "The goal is to get it imple-
mented fairly. We're going to continue
getting student input and get student
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Security relaxed at
nation's airports
WASHINGTON - Airports lifted
parking bans and ended car inspections
yesterday after federal officials relaxed
the tight security in place since the New
York terrorism convictions of militant
Other security measures begun in
August and intensified in October will
continue, however, said Federal Avia-
tion Administration spokeswoman
Sandra Allen. Those include checking
travelers' identification.
The changes come just in time for the
busy Thanksgiving and Christmas travel
season, but Allen insisted that did not
influence federal officials' decision. She
would not say what prompted the change.
"We are constantly monitoring the
threat potential, and we came to the
conclusion these modifications were
warranted," she said.
When security was first tightened in
early August, Newsday reported the
FBI had received information that two
militant Muslim groups were planning
a suicide attack on a New York airport.
On Oct. 1, security was tightened
Fla. poll gives Dole mixed message
NASHUA, N.H. - Even in victory, there was cause for Bob
Dole to worry after Florida's weekend Republican straw poll: 33
percent isn't a particularly strong showing for a front-runner..
Some voters who broke from the Senate majority leader at
the end raised questions about his commitment to the conser-
vative cause.
As the campaign moved quickly yesterday to the site of
next year's first presidential primary, there were plenty of
reminders that, Dole may be fragile - but is also formi-
With 85 days to Iowa's caucuses and 93 to New Hampshire's
primary, there was compelling evidence of the organizational Dole
advantages Dole is counting on in next year's busy stretch of
early primaries: The Republican governors of those two states, and 13 others, are
behind Dole.
Dole's rivals predict he will ultimately stumble, and suggested Saturday's
Florida results proved him vulnerable.
Texas Sen. Phil Gramm, who placed second, noted that 67 percent of the Florida
GOP activists voted against Dole.
even more, to the highest levels since
the Persian Gulf War, on the same day
a group of militant Muslims were found
guilty of terrorism.
A Clinton administration official said
at the time that the alert was related to
the terrorism convictions, the signing
of a Mideast treaty, the pope's visit and
the United Nations' 50th anniversary.
Baby removed from
slain mother's womb
ADDISON, Ill. -Three people were
charged yesterday with killing a pregnant
woman and two of her children, and slic-
ing open the woman's womb to remove
her infant son, police said.
The infant, named Elijah by rela-
tives, was found with one of the sus-
pects Friday, authorities said. The child
was in good health at a hospital.
Investigators said they did not know
who Elijah's father is, and would not
discuss a motive for the crimes.
Elijah was found hours after Deborah
Evans and two of her children were
found murdered. A third child, 17-
month-old Jordan, was found unharmed,
shaking in a bedroom of the apartment.
1 A !N TORso FRD1'P
Reason #1
Former Communist ers. They da
"May He Liv
Wins residential The 52-y
. nPol dpeared at hi
ruiln YO. u where suppo
ing the news
WARSAW, Poland - A polished
former Communist, Aleksander Pacific
Kwasniewski, defeated faded Solidar-
ity hero Lech Walesa by a slim margin free-tra
in a presidential runoff yesterday, ac-
cording to projections from the state OSAKA,.
polling agency. ers took ano
Kwasniewski won 51.4 percent of the building a fi
vote to 48.6 percent for the incumbent, China's prom
according to unofficial ballot results com- ease foreign
piled by state television's OBOP agency markets star
from 1,150 of 22,472 precincts. Their ent
The projections had a 1-percent mar- dimmedby P
gin of error, and the race was so close because of th
neither candidate acknowledged vic- ers at the Asi
tory or defeat. eration sum
The election was a symbolic duel be- ments" on the
tween Poland'stwomajorpostwarforces. liberalize tr
Walesa keyed his campaign to fears of a century.
Communist resurgence while Thepledg
Kwasniewski insisted he could be trusted industries an
to transcend his party's totalitarian past. ming the re
Kwasniewski, 41, had already left trade.
his headquarters when the projections The 18 Al
were announced, triggering a joyful of 50 percen
frenzy among youthful campaign work- ing.
anced, screamed and sang
ve 100 Years."
ear-old Walesa never ap-
s campaign headquarters,
orters fell silent upon bear-
leaders afran
ide zone
Japan - Pacific Rimlead-
ther step yesterday toward
ree-trade zone, buoyed by
mise to slash tariffs and to
access to its fast-growing
ting next year.
husiasm apparently un-
President Clinton's absence
he U.S. budget crisis, lead-
a-Pacific Economic Coop-
mit offered "down pay-
e pledge made last year to
ade over the next quarter-
es ranged from deregulating
nd lowering tariffs to trim-
d tape hampering regional
PEC nations are the source
t of world trade and grow-
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The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967) is published Monday tirough F-naay during the fall ana winter terms by
students at the University of Michigan. Subscriptions for fall term, starting in September, via U.S. mail are
$85. Winter term (Januarythrough April) is $95, year-long (September through April) is $165. On-campus
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