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November 20, 1995 - Image 1

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One hundredfive years of editorialfreedom

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Tonight: Cloudy, low 300.
Tomorrow: Scattered snow
showers, high in the 30s.

November 20, 1995

Vol.cvl O. 71"99 tieNl hgan ail

Regents approve Code,


By Amy Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
The new Code of Student Conduct became
policy on Friday when the University Board
of Regents voted 7-1 to implement the code
permanently - with a review in three years.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) was
the only member of the board to vote against
the policy. Baker has opposed every code
proposal that the board has considered.
The Code replaces the Statement of Stu-
dent Rights and Responsibilities, the interim
non-academic conduct code that had been in
place since 1993.
A workgroup of eight students and con-
sultants recommended the Code to the Office
of Student Affairs in early October, and the
policy has been revised with community in-
put more than three times in the last month.
"This is not a copy of anyone else's code of
conduct," said Vice President for Student
Affairs Maureen A. Hartford. "It is uniquely
The new Code addresses the "values" of
the University community, student rights and
potential violations. The document includes

Board to review policy i'98

procedures for resolving disputes through
mediation and 12 sanctions.
The regents asked Hartford in April to seek
student input to draft a
conduct code that was
simple and non-legalis-
tic, addressing critics'
concerns with the last
policy. Regent Philip
Power (D-Ann Arbor) '
said the new Code suc-
cessfully outlined student
"This code stresses the
norms of the academic Har
community into which
the students enter voluntarily," Power said.
"It's not a punitive document - it stressed
values first and education second. It's a huge
improvement over earlier versions."
Baker, who said he still objected to the
Code, proposed that a "sunset" clause be

attached to the policy, which would have
abandoned the Code in three years unless it
was reviewed and re-implemented by a re-
gents' vote. The clause
was dismissed in favorof
the review after three
"There has been tre-
mendous opposition all
through this process in
the sense that if there is a
code, there should be a *
minimal code," Baker
said. "The regents would
have been better served if Baker
we could have heard the
arguments of students who object to the code
- and there are many."
Anne Marie Ellison, chair of the Michigan
Student Assembly's Students' Rights Com-
mission, introducedthe ideaofa sunset clause
at Thursday's public comments forum. Al-

though she has firmly opposed the code,
Ellison said she would accept a policy with
a sunset clause because it would allow the
regents to test the statement before imple-
menting it permanently.
During discussion, President James J.
Duderstadt disclosed that the North Central
Accreditation Agency criticized the Univer-
sity five years ago for not having a perma-
nent policy. The University is accredited
every eight years.
"It was a great concern that we were the
only university that was derelict in our re-
sponsibility," Duderstadt said. "(They said)
we were at great risk because we didn't have
a code."
Regent Andrea Fischer Newman (R-Ann
Arbor) said that Duderstadt's mention of the
accreditation report may have influenced
some regents to vote for the policy.
"I would have voted for the sunset clause,
and I told Deane (Baker) that I thought we
had the votes for that," Newman said.
"(Duderstadt's) comment about the accredi-
See CODE, Page 2A

White House,
GOP agree to
end shutdown
Under agreement, 800,000 federal
workers will return to their jobs
WASHINGTON (AP) - Ending a tense six-day budget
standoff, the Republican-controlled Congress rushed to en-
act legislation ending a partial shutdown of government last
night after the White House committed to speedy negotia-
tions to balance the budget in seven years.
"Tomorrow the government will go back to work and now
the debate will begin in earnest," President Clinton said,
appearing in the White House press room shortly after the
deal was announced.
Both sides declared victory - Republicans because the
deal reflected their seven-year timetable and Clinton because
it spoke of protecting programs he considers important.
Under the agreement, nearly 800,000 federal workers will
return to work immediately, although government funding
will expire again Dec. 15, the deadline for the temporary
funding accord.
Senate Budget Committee Chairman Pete Domenici (R-
N.M.) said, "I hope in the next three or four weeks we will
produce a balanced budget with the president on board."

Vamer -to
lead search
By Amy Klein
Daily Staff Reporter
In a decision amounting to only a
formality, the University Board of Re-
gents voted Friday to name themselves
the official members of the presidential
search committee.
The board elected Regents Nellie
Varner (D-Detroit) and Shirley McFee
(R-Battle Creek) to co-chair the commit-
tee, which will handle the selection ofthe
next president. Varner was on the board
duringthe lastpresidential search in 1988.
"There's an intense amount of public
interest in the search, and the public needs
to know that the U-M has no more distin-
guished daughter than Nellie Varner,"
said Regent Laurence Deitch (D-
Bloomfield Hills).
The decision both cuts across party
lines and places two
women at the helm
of the committee.
Former Regent Paul
Brown (D-Petoskey)
chaired the 1988
committee. "It just
shows the sign ofthe
times," said Regent
Andrea Fischer
Newman (R-Ann
Varner Arbor).
Since President
James J. Duderstadt
announced his resig-
nation in September,
the University com-
munity has waited to
see if the regents
lic search in accor-
dance with the state's
Open Meetings Act
McFee - a law requiring
public bodies to con-
duct nearly all business in open sessions.
The 1988presidential search, whichtapped
Duderstadt, was found in violation of the
law by the state Supreme Court.
McFee said the committee is pre-
pared to follow the Open Meetings Act,
and that she and Varner will set the
framework of the search.
'It's my understanding that this com-
mittee will meet in public and follow
the same provisions as other meetings
we have had," McFee said.
But Varner warned that following
the Open Meetings Act would limit the
crop of potential candidates.
"It's going to be extremely difficult
to get the best and the brightest to stay
in until the end in an entirely open
process," Varner said. "We do intend to
follow the law and do whatever is deter-
mined to be legal."
Regent Philip Power (D-Ann Arbor)
also voiced concern that an open search
would not find the best candidate for
the presidential position.
"I don't think that an open search


In the four-
week spending
bill, the White
House and Re-
publicans agreed
the balanced bud-
get legislation
would "protect
future genera-
tions, secure
Medicare sol-
vency, reform
welfare, provide
adequate funding
for Medicaid,
education, agri-

Tomorrow the
government will go
back to work
and now the
debate will begin
in earnest.
-President Clinton

culture, national defense, veterans and the environment."
In a compromise key to the agreement, the two sides
agreed the Congressional Budget Office will measure whether
or not any eventual budget deal eliminates deficits, but only
after consulting with the White House and other government
and private economists.
Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole (R-Kan.) and House
Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) and their chief deputies held
a news conference where they were barely able to contain
their euphoria.
"All I can say is, 'Yes!"' House Budget Committee Chair-
man John Kasich (R-Ohio) said, thrusting two clenched fists
in the air.
At the end, Dole was asked, "Who blinked?" He responded
with two words and a smile, "Seven years."
But Clinton said the agreement "represents the first sign of
their (Republicans') willingness to move forward without
forcing unacceptable cuts ... on the American people."
Yesterday's negotiations occurred amid increasing signs
of restiveness among federal employees and the public.
Forty percent of the federal work force - nearly 800,000
employees - have been furloughed since Nov. 13.

Todd Richards can't come up with the ball as Penn State's Gerald Filardi picks off one of Michigan quarterback Bob Griese's passes.
See SPORTSMonday for complete coverage of all Michigan athletics over the weekend.

Wolverine Party makes strong showing m elections

Students' Party takes
10 seats, but none in
By Jeff Eldridge
Daily Staff Reporter
The unofficial results of last week's
Michigan Student Assembly elections
may signify the coming-of-age of the
year-old Wolverine Party.
The party took four of eight LSA
representative seats, along with a fifth
seat in the Business School. They cap-
tured only one seat fewer than the cur-
rently dominant Michigan Party, which
won four LSA seats, along with one
each in Kinesiology and Medicine.
The Students' Party came up empty in
the LSA races, but had a strong showing
overall, capturing 10seats. Students' Party
candidates swept all three Engineering
seats, all four in Rackham, and one un-
contested seat each in the schools of Edu-
cation, Public Health and Dentistry.
"I was very surprised by the sweep in
Engineering, very pleasantly surprised,"

said Brian Elliot, Students' Party mem-
ber and the leading vote-getter among
Engineering candidates.
When the new representatives are
seated on Nov. 28, the Wolverine Party
will expand from five to eight seats.
The Michigan Party will still hold the
plurality of positions and a working
Turnout in the election was strong
compared to previous years. Election
Director Meagan Newman said more
than 9.3 percent of University students
voted in the election. This is an increase
over least fall's turnout of 6.2 percent.
In LSA, 15.6 percent of students voted,
and in the College of Engineering,12.5
percent of students turned in ballots.
Wolverine leaders said they are very
pleased with their party's showing.
"I think it's great," said Wolverine
Party member and MSA federal liaison
Andy Schor. "I think that we have some
real hard workers, people who really
want to make a difference and want to
do a lot of hard work. Those people got

MSA Elections: Partial Unofficial Results

1. Fiona Rose, Michigan (3,695)
2. Dan Serota, Wolverine (3,390)
3. Sarah R. Cole, Michigan (2,977)
4. Paul Scublinsky, Michigan (2,864)
5. Tracy Wolfson, Michigan (2,705)
6. Andy Schor, Wolverine (2,234)
7. Michael Nagrant, Wolverine (2,475)
8. Srinu Vourganti, Wolverine (2,157)
Srinu Vourganti, a successful LSA
candidate in the Wolverine Party, said
his party's showing was affected by the
Michigan Party's plans for a mandatory
student health care system.
"I think that students are not looking
favorably on the health care plan, and I
think the election says a lot about that,"
Vourganti said.
The candidate with the highest vote
total was Michigan Party member and

1. Brian Elliot, Students' (549)
2. Jasmine Khambutta, Students' (352)
3. David Burden, Students' (265)
1. Roger De Roo, Students' (256)
2. Andrew B. Narten, Students' (220)
3. Amy Lounds, write-in, Students' (16 )
4. Paul Check, write-in, Students' (6)
LSA Rep. Fiona Rose. "I think a lot of
that had to do with constituent contact,"
Rose said. "I think it represents a trust
and understanding that I'm going to
continue to work hard for students."
Rose said her party is not threatened
by the newfound success of the Wol-
verine Party, nor the success of the
Students' Party in the smaller schools.
"I'm focused more on the Students'
Party winning no seats (in LSA)," said

Rose, who was the MSA vice-presiden-
tial candidate for the Students' Party ins
February. She switched to the Michigan
Party in September. "I think in general
voters are becoming less and less at-
tracted to the radical positions in MSA."
Rose dismissed the Students' Party's
strength in the smaller schools, saying
that the LSA seats carry the most recog-
nition and influence on Central Cam-
pus and that the Students' Party's poor
showing there is a sign of its weakness.
The Michigan Party may be faced
with more difficulties. MSA Treasurer
Adam Clampitt, a Michigan Party LSA
representative, failed in his bid for re-
While the MSA treasurer is not re-
quired to be an elected member of the
organization;Michigan Party members
said Clampitt would resign his position
as treasurer.
Sarah R. Cole, newly elected LSA rep-
resentative in the Michigan Party, said
Clampittwill determinehis future. "We're
supportive of whatever he does," Cole
said. "We want him to stay ifhe wants to."

Gingrich won't run
for President in 1996


GEO criticizes 'U bargaining stance

By Stephanie Jo Klein
Daily staff Reporter
After four rounds of contract nego-
tiations, members of the Graduate Em-
ployees Organization say University
nrimin.trnnc nre not ivnu t hem the

tant, and ensuring proper benefits and
employee recognition for interns.
In a statement issued late last week,
GEO officials said Gamble "made clear
that the administration bargaining team
has little interest in workin0 with the

Gamble said he thought he had ex-
plained his position adequately. "It is a
unit determination made by the Michigan
Employee Relations Commission," he
said, "I'm sorry if I didn't make it clear."
Sell saidGEO is"lessthanoptimistic

Speaker says he'll
likely make it official

run," Gingrich said
on ABC's "This
Weekwith Daid




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