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November 20, 1995 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-11-20

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The Michigan Daily - Monday, November 20, 1995 - 3A

workshops on
wrld cultue
The University's International In-
stitute is offering a series of work-
shops that will concentrate on art,
,literature, music and theater around
the world.
The five workshops scheduled cover
Africa (Nov. 18), South and Southeast
Asia (Jan. 27), China and Japan (Feb1
10), the former Soviet Union and East-
ern Europe (March 23), and the Middle
East (April 20).
The sessions are designed for teach.
ers of grades 6-12, community college
faculty, teachers-in-training, librariars
and curriculum specialists. For mos
information, call 764-0351.
ViYsa to award
scholarship for
travel essay
An essay writing contest awarding a
$5,000 scholarship is being sponsored
by Visa USA and applications will be
accepted until Nov. 26.
Contestants should address the ques-
tion, "How does travel help to break
through cultural barriers?" Students will
be judged based on creativity, origiral-
ity, and clarity of thought.
To enter, visit the Loci home page
(httpJ/www.loci.com) on the World'
Wide Web and e-mail an essay inclbud-
ing name, address, city, state, zip code,
°e-mail address and phone number. Ei-
ther cut and paste the document or at-
tach the document, file to
If contestants do not have access to
the Internet, they can mail atypewritten
essay to: Visa Scholarship Essay Con-
test, P.O. Box 8013, Grand Rapids, MN
The contest is open to students 18
years of age or older enrolled at two- or
four-yearuniversities within the United
States, or students who are offibially
accepted as incoming students for the
spr ng 1996 semester.
Kidney Foundation
wants used cars
The National Kidney Foundation is
sponsoring a program that allows indi-
viduals to donate used cars or tracks to
help Michigan residents who suffer from
kidney disease.
The process of donating a vehicle is
free and donors will receive year-end
tax deductions based on the value of
their cars. The donated vehicles and all
their fluids are recycled.
For information, call 1-800-488-
CARS (2277). The National Kidney
Foundation of Michigan will send in-
formation and make arrangenents to
pick vehicles.
Weather conditerns
available by phone
Free current weather information and
forecasts are available by cilling the
Weather Bureau at (313) 994-9000.
Information on temperature, wind chill,
wind speed and barometric pressure is
updated every minute by their auto-
mated system.
This service will help outdborenthu-
siasts and those students who are not
sure how many sweaters to, wear this
": winter.

- Compiled by Daily Staff Reporter

By Heather Miller
Daily Staff Reporter
Nicole Bayrleithner and Nicola
O'Hare carried a dish of gravy and set
it amongst a table filled with turkey,
cranberries and mashed potatoes.
Bayrleithner arrived in the United
States from Austria last April and is
celebrating her first Thanksgiving.
"It's something completely new,"
Bayrleithner said. "We wouldn't have
the whole turkey as a dish (in Aus-
About 30 members of the
University's chapter of AIESEC -
a French acronym for the Interna-
tional Association of Students from
Economics and Business - dined
with 10 international interns last
night at St. Andrew's Church to
celebrate the American tradition of
Through AIESEC, graduates from
other countries travel to the United
States to work in local businesses.
Part of the program is to educate the
interns about American culture.
"(The dinner) is to educate them
about the Thanksgiving tradition,"
said LSA junior Cindy White, a mem-
ber of AIESEC.
"A lot of people say we don't
have a culture, but we do and I think
that that's evident in the reception
we're holding tonight," said Busi-
ness junior and AIESEC member
Tonya Fuhs.
Mauricio Carvajal Trevino also is
celebrating his first Thanksgiving. He
arrived in the United States from
Mexico last July. "(American culture)

Panelists defend

affirmative action
at EMU forum


By Kate Glickman
Daily Staff Reporter
Members of the educational, busi-
ness and legal communities spoke out
in favor of affirmative action Saturday
at Eastern Michigan University.
More than 50 people attended a fo-
rum sponsored by EMU affirmative
action program Director Tamara Fackler
Hendricks and U.S. Rep. Lynn Rivers
(D-Ann Arbor), who was unable to at-
tend because of the budget crisis in
Lester Monts, vice provost for aca-
demic and multicultural affairs the Uni-
versity of Michigan, warned against
cutting affirmative action programs.
"Today, that any university should
abandon affirmative action is a denial
of historic and social conditions that
exist in the country," Monts said.
"International studies, global stud-
ies, and women and gender studies of-
fer new ways to look at the world,"
Monts added.
Monts touted the University's
progress under President James J.
Duderstadt and the Michigan Mandate,
a program instated in 1988 in an effort
to increase numbers of people of color
at the University.
"I attend a number of meetings deal-
ing with these issues with other Big Ten
schools and as I discuss and make com-
parisons, University of Michigan stands
very tall," Monts said.
Seven years ago, 15 percent of the
University student population was re-
ported to be people of color, but today
that number is 24 percent, Monts said.
Barbara Palmer, corporate director
of diversity at Henry Ford Health Sys-
tems, spoke favorably about diversity
in business.

"Diversity cannotbe aprogram. Itcan-
not sit as an island by itself," Palmer said.
While Henry Ford Health Systems
does not exercise affirmative action in
a strict sense, the hospital supports it,
Palmer said.
She added that a diverse staff is good
business for her company, because cusL
tomers of all backgrounds can feel com-
fortable with their health care providers.
"Health care is competitive," Palmer
said. "We want patients to feel we loop
at them as individuals. We need to meet
the needs of the ethnic community where
we are located."
While all three speakers supported
affirmative action, University Law Prof.
Terrance Sandalow spoke about the dim
legal prospects facing affirmative ac-
tion programs at businesses and univer-
sities today.
"What do we mean when we talk
about affirmative action as a legal prob-
lem?" Sandalow asked.
Legal issues arise whenever an indi-
vidual is given preferential treatment be-
cause of their race or sex, Sandalow said.
In general, when courts are called
upon to examine issues, if any kind of
racial discrimination occurs, whether
its purposes are to subjugate, benefit or
bring people to equality, courts will
rule the discri mination unconstitutional,
Sandalow said.
"Some members of court have said
the only objective one can have for
racial discrimination that is compelling
is remedying current discrimination in
programs," Sandalow said.
If the government were to abolish
affirmative action programs at schools
like the University Law School,
Sandalow said he believes the presence
of minorities would decline drastically.

Nate Plerantoni, an LSA first-year student,E
at St. Mary's Church yesterday. AIESEC sp
has a strong influence in Mexico,"
Carvajal Trevino said. "I wanted to7
know the true American culture.
"(Thanksgiving) is more important
than Christmas," Carvajal Trevino;
said, referring to his impressions of
the holiday.
Carvajal Trevino said he plans to
travel to New York for Thanksgiving.
O'Hare came to the United States
from Ireland in 1992 as part of

eats at the parish Thanksgiving dinner
onsored a similar dinner last night.
AIESEC's international internship
For the past three years, O'Hare has
spent Thanksgiving with friends. "It's
a nice chance to see American family
life," she said.
O'Hare plans to travel to Montreal
during the holiday. "It's fun to be part
of the tradition, but I've done it the
last three years," she said. "For us,
it's two days off of work."

Striking reporters launch Sunday
paper; little violence near plants


DETROIT (AP) - Leaders of the
Detroit newspaper strike stressed
competition over confrontation yes-
terday, launching their own newspa-
per while the usual early-Sunday pro-
tests at Detroit Newspapers sites were
relatively peaceful.
"The focus this weekend is on the
new paper, on our paper," said Al
Young, president of Teamsters Local
2040. "We don't want one arrest. We
don't want anything to take the focus
away from our paper."
The Detroit Sunday Journal pre-
miered with 48 tabloid pages and eight
sections, including local and state
news, entertainment, business, food
and sports.
The 15 stories in the City-State sec-
tion covered topics such as plans to
have twice-a-day drawings for state
lottery daily games and a look at the
Michigan Educational Assessment
Program test, up for review by the
state Board of Education beginning
There was no national or interna-
tional news.
The union strike headquarters re-
ceived about 500 calls between 7 a.m.
yesterday and mid-afternoon, said
Becky Beach, acting as phone coordi-
nator. The strike headquarters is also
the Journal circulation phone center.
"Virtually 90 percent of the calls
are people wanting to know where to

get the paper," she said.
The Journal produced its planned
press run of 300,000 papers, she said.
Aside from 15,000 copies set aside for
distribution later in the week, all were
delivered to merchants, street-sell-
ers, homes or institutions, she said.
The Journal's price is 60 cents.
The combined Sunday Detroit
News and Free Press has a press
run of about I million and sells for
About 300 demonstrators gath-
ered about 3 a.m. yesterday out-
side a Detroit Newspapers dis-
tribution center in Harper
Woods. Delivery trucks had al-
ready left, police said.
They were met by about 70 police
officers. Union leaders began asking
the demonstrators to leave at 4 a.m.
Some shouted that they had a legal right
to picket, but the last left by 4:20 a.m.
No one was arrested or injured,
although two tires on a van parked
near the distribution center were punc-
tured and an M-80 firecracker was set
off, Lt. Dennis Krezenski said.
One union leader warned the strik-
ers that Detroit Newspapers would
use any violence to justify pursuit of
a court order further limiting picket
A court order already restricts picket
activity at a Detroit Newspapers print-
ing plant in Sterling Heights, where

lot '4.-

Columbia Review
:::l:: FILLING!

Nearly 300,000 copies
of the first edition of the Sunday
Journal, launched by striking Detroit
newspaper workers, hit newsstands

M The Women's Glee Club was reformed in 1976. This was incorrectly reported in Friday's Daily.
K.University spokeswomanmJulie Peterson would not comment on what action the University would take if a student sent
a lewd e-mail message. This was incorrectly stated in a headline in Friday's Daily.

-U Burning Bush Canji
930-0621, Micli
Watts Room, 1st F
D Nlnjtsu Club, begirfie
761-8251, Intran
Building, Room G-21,
Q Shorn-Ryu KarateD
and women, begirne
994-3620, CC R B3
7-8 p.m.

What's happening in Ann Arbor today

there was violence earlier in the strike.
About 2,500 workers went on strike
July 13 against the News, Free Press
and Detroit Newspapers, which over-
sees both papers' business and pro-
duction operations. The two papers
have continued to publish using re-
placements, managers and employ-
ees who have crossed the picket line.
The unions' Detroit Sunday Jour-
nal said about 2,000 striking workers
are producing their paper.
1994 murders
fell in Detroit
rosein Fint
DETROIT (AP) - Murders, robber-
ies and burglaries -fell in the city last
year, as the FBI reported a 1 percent
decline in major crime nationwide.
Murder rates fell in Grand Rapids and
Lansing but rose in Flint.
In Detroit, the number of murders
dropped from 579 to 541, reducing its
murder rate from 57 per 100,000 in
1993 to 55 last year.
Grand Rapids had 23 murders, down
from 33 in 1993. Lansing had 10, down
from 14 the previous year. Flint's 58
murders addedup to 10more than 1993.
Detroit Police Cmdr. Charles Wilson
said he thinks the figures show Detroit
residents are taking back their city.

ie $$

a i. - phone: 663.5800
1140 south university (above goodtime charleys), AA
- - mon.-thurs.:9:00a-10:OOp sundays
! fri. & sat.: 9:00a-11:OOp 11:00a-8:00p
scheduled for: ve., yda NOq- 74-
2 C-05



ws Ministry,
gan Union,
ioor, 7-8:15
rs welcome,
aural Sports
7:30-9 p.m.
o Club, men
rs welcome,
Room 2275,

Reserach Center for Group Dy-
namics, the institute for Social
Research and the Evolution and
Human Behavior Program, ISR,
Room 6050, 4 p.m.
Q "Honors Reception Honoring Dr.
Birute Galdikas," sponsored by
Honors Program, Michigan
Union, Kuenzel Room, 3-5 p.m.
Q "A.L. Becker and Andrew Sprague
Becker Celebrating Their New
Books: Beyond Translation: Es-
S - mR a.A a a...A n ..fli4our.,

Michigan Union and North
Campus Commons, 763-INFO,
info@umich.edu, UM*Events
on GOpherBLUE, and http://
www.umich.edu/-info on the
World Wide Web
0 English Composition Board Peer
Tutoring," 741-8958, Mason
Hall, Room 444C, 7-11 p.m.
0 Northwalk, Bursley, 763-5865,
8p.m.-1:30 a.m.
(l p, vaejhrfeg DaPAA..-.IAMl-. Ai4

VCh we als
10 Z" °4Uwihm ihaveU




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