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November 15, 1995 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-11-15

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, November 15, 1995 - 9

There. A whole review of Hole
without even saying the "C" word.
- Brian A. Gnatt
Ozzy Osbourne
Yeah, Ozzy is the grandfather of
metal, and yeah, he is Beavis and
Butt-head's favorite artist, and most
of all he is Ozzy Osbourne. But
with his latest release, "Ozzmosis,"
Ozzy fails to rule anything but, huh
huh, my butt.
It's a surprise "Ozzmosis" is as
dull as it is. With its 10 tracks of
mediocre metal and hard rock, it
comes as a disappointment after
Oz's last studio record, "No More
Tears," which had a number of good
songs and big hits.
"No More Tears" gave hope that
maybe all of Ozzy's creative juices
weren't drained with great singles
like "Mama I'm Coming Home,"
"Time After Time," "Mr.
Tinkertrain," and of course, "No
More Tears." After he announced
his retirement with the release of
the album, it seemed like such a
shame he was bringing his career to
a halt.
But not anymore. "Ozzmosis" is
a definite let down from the potent
songs on "No More Tears," and
gives the impression that the last
record was somewhat of a fluke in
the real "Batman"'s career.
With the songwriting team and
lineup of Oz on vocals, Zakk Wylde
on guitar, Geezer Butler (Black Sab-
bath) on bass, the possibilities
seemed endless with a half-Sabbath
reunion. Nevertheless, the album
turned out to be a dud and a disap-
The Gothic metal of "Perry Ma-
son" is fairly dull as is the ballad "I

Just Want You." "Thunder Under-
ground" just seems to drag on and
on uneventfully, and "My Jekyll
Doesn't Hide" (give me a break,
Ozzy) is just more of the same.
"See You On the Other Side" cap-
tures some of the classic Ozzy
sound, but is only one of a few
interesting tracks on the album.
As always, just about every song
is about Ozzy losing his mind.
"Could it be that I have found my
mind or have I gone insane," he
sings on "Thunder Underground,"
and "Living in the thunder / Driv-
ing me insane," on "Tomorrow."
He sings "I fight the demon, but it
just won't fall," on "Ghost Behind
My Eyes" and "Inside the soul lies
a man insane," on "My Jekyll
Doesn't Hide" and finally "Out of
my mind and I'll never know why,"
on "Old L.A. Tonight."
The biggest disappointment
comes with the line, "I don't drink
holy water/I'm not the son of Christ/
I ain't no black messiah/and I don't
load my dice." C'mon Ozzy. You
are still the holiest of them all, even

if your album does suck. And don't
you forget it!
- Brian A. Gnatt
You are getting very, very sleepy
... your eyelids are heavy, and you
must shut them ... you are falling into
a deep trance ... you are listening to
Luna's third album "Penthouse."
All kidding aside, Luna's latest ef-
fort makesDean Wareham and the rest
of the band out to be master mesmer-
ists. Their hip-but-friendly, warm-but
sophisticated music borders on the
ambient but remains, essentially, won-
derfully sleepy pop. Songs like "Moon,
Palace," "Chinatown" and "Lost in
Space" conjure up an affable tran-
quility that's quietly addictive.
While "Penthouse" doesn't have the
immediacy that last year's brilliant
"Bewitched" brims over with, it-is Z.
solid and rewarding work. Like sleept
it's a good thing.
- Heather Phare"

These are Courtney Love and Eric Erlandson with two of the many people that have filled in the gaps of Hole.

Continued from Page 8
ask For It
,What is there to say about Hole
that hasn't already been said? We
know who they are. We know what
tbey are. So here's why you're read-
i about them:
-r-aroline Records has released an
P-from the band that was recorded
after the "Pretty On the Inside" ses-
siobs and before the band signed to
DGC Records. This mini-album was
never released before now because

of licensing problems, but here it is
- a collection of covers and BBC
tracks that captures a couple early
versions of "Live Through This"
tracks and some covers to create a
pretty decent disc.
"Ask For It" is kicked off by a
rockin' rendition of the Wipers'
"Over the Edge" which was also
released as a "Miss World" B-side.
The track is the best on the album,
and unfortunately, the rest of the
songs go downhill from there. A
rough and rather poor recording of
the Velvet Underground's "Pale
Blue Eyes" follows, and the band's
cover is disappointing.
"Drown Soda," which also ap-

peared on the "Tank Girl"
soundtrack appears from a BBC
session along with early versions of
"Doll Parts," which is basically the
same as on "Live Through This,"
and "Violet," which is pretty darn
rough and gritty compared to the
later album track. The EP finishes
up with a cover of the Germs'
"Forming" and Beat Happening's
"Hot Chocolate Boy." The track is
again rough and off-key, but cap-
tures the band's anger and makes
the poor quality recording accept-
able. The most interesting thing
about the EP is its cover art, which
features a pair of beautifully razor-
blade scarred wrists.

JImmy Carter (with
illustrations by
Amy Carter)
The Little Baby Snoogle_
Times Books
Yes, this book was written by
former President Jimmy Carter. Yes,
this book is about a snoogle-fleejer.
Yes, it is meant for kids, and if I
.was a kid I would like it. I would
like it because it is about a snoogle-
fleejer. Snoogle-fleejers might seem
like they are scary, but they really
aren't. They are very nice once you
get to know them.
This is Carter's 10th book, and
thank God he decided to leap to
children's fiction. His last book, a
poetry collection called "Always A
Reckoning" was rancidly bad, sap-
laden and trite. His new book isn't

so bad, because this one actually
intends to appeal to a readership
with the mental capacity of
kindergarteners. Carter's daughter
Amy provides the unspectacular il-
lustrations, which give all the char-
acters bad hair on top of their al-
ready mounting problems. And the
characters in this book have their
problem, but nothing a little late
'70s feel-good liberalism can't cure.
The little boy in the story is named
Jeremy. He is crippled and the chil-
dren treat him like an outcast. They
mock him and spurn him; Jeremy is
treated like dirt and he gnashed his
teeth and bit the recessed lady's
breast ... oops, wrong Jeremy.
This Jeremy doesn't hit anyone
with a surprise left, instead he en-
counters a vicious-looking sea beast
known as the snoogle-fleejer. Yes,
he is tripping, but not on acid, on

Carter's new book
isn't so bad,
because this one
intends to appeal
to readers with the
mental capacity of
sea rocks. He loses his crutch and
has to face the snoogle-fleejer. The
snoogle-fleejer turns out to be a
nice guy and even helps Jeremy fund
his mother's costly operation.
Innocent children's story? Ha!
Think of it ... Jeremy's the son of a
poor single mother;then his mother
gets sick and then she can't afford a

life-saving operation. So if you
share this book with children you
love you should ask them to ponder
some simple questions: Can you say
"political allegory for universal
health coverage," kiddies? Can you
say "the snoogle-fleejer represents
the federal government and that
former president Carter is advocat-
ing a society in which we all ride
middle-class tax dollars into con-
tentment and financial security",
kiddies? No, of course you cannot,
kid, you are six. But you should
think about it.
-Dean Bakopoulos

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The Problem
Student Legal Services, which provides legal
advice and representation to all U-M students, has
been without a fee increase for several years. As a
result, SLS has been forced to lay off employees
and its ability to serve students has been reduced.
The Solution
SLS needs your support on MSA Ballot
Questions 1, 2, and 3.



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While not a long term fix, this
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The fee should be increased
next on Question 2 year so
SLS can pay its staff
reasonable wages and

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