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November 15, 1995 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1995-11-15

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The Preseason AII-Americans
The Associated Press released its 1995-96 preseason women's
basketball All-American team yesterday. Here it is: DePaul's Latasha
Byears, Vickie Johnson of Louisiana Tech, Virginia's Wendy Palmer and
Connecticut's Jennifer Rizzotti and Kara Wolters.

Page i
November 15, 1995

Football Notebook:

,. ,
- , . -

ig Ten happy with Can
Conference coaches pleased that he has the job

By Ryan White
Daily Sports Editor
Michigan football players weren't
the only ones happy to see head coach
Lloyd Carr get the interim taken away
from his title.
Fellow Big Ten coaches also said
that Michigan Athletic Director Joe
Roberson made the right move.
"I know I'mpleased," said Penn State
coach Joe Paterno, whose team faces
Michigan Saturday. "I think more
schools ought to do that.
"Lloyd's done a good job for a long
time and his team's playing well and
with enthusiasm."
Carr has led Michigan to an 8-2
record, with one of the losses coming to
intrastate rival Michigan State.
The Spartans' first-year coach Nick
Saban said Carr was the right choice.
"I think it was a great choice by
Michigan," Saban said. "With some
unusual circumstances, he pulled the
team together and I think he'll do a
great job.
Indiana coach Bill Mallory may have
been the most excited about Carr's ap-
pointment. His sons played for the
Doug Mallory played for Michigan
from 1984-87 and Mike (1982-85) was
an All-Big Ten linebacker with the Wol-
verines his final two seasons.
"My boys played for Lloyd and when

66I think it was a great choice by
- Nick Saban
Michigan State football coach

we talked they said, 'I sure hope he gets
the job."'
Doug is now an assistant coach for
his father at Indiana.
"You go back to when he was named
interim coach, and I thought they made
the right decision then," Bill Mallory
said. "I was very happy to hear that he
got the position.
"It certainly gives them stability as
they get into recruiting and into the
final two weeks of the regular season."
Paterno thought the move, and the
way it was handled, was not only good
for the Wolverines, but for the entire
"I'm still sad about the way Gary
(Moeller) went, but I was glad to see
Lloyd get the job."
BACK TO WORK: Carr was ready to put
the events of Monday behind him and
get back to work preparing for Penn
"I'm happy Monday was a day off,"
Carr said. "It shouldn't be any kind of a
distraction for our players.
"I feel good that it's over and that we


Michigan running back Tshimanga Blakabutuka is expected to play Saturday after pulling a calf muscle against Purdue.

Hockey Notebook:
i ro d defense
key to icers'success

By Danielle Rumore
Daily Sports Writer
The Michigan hockey team's de-
fense is hotter than the Arizona desert
in the middle of July.
The No. 3 Wolverines (5-1-0
CCHA, 7-1-0 overall) put on a defen-
sive show this past weekend when
they traveled to Miami (Ohio) (0-3, 1-
6) for a two-game set.
Michigan came back from a 4-2
third-period deficit to pull out a 5-4
win Friday night. Saturday night,
Miami was not nearly the competi-
tion it had been the day before.
The Wolverines blanked Miami, 8-
0, for its second shutout of the season.
The defense allowed just 12 shots on
goal, the third time this season the
defense held its opponent to 12 shots
or less. In the second period of the
game, Michigan took nine penalties
but allowed just two shots.
"I think (we played well because)
of a combination of our defense and
our offense," Michigan coach Red
Berenson said. "When our forwards

are forechecking and controlling the
puck in the offensive zone, that takes
a lot of pressure off our defense.
"But when the puck turns over and
our forwards are back, our defensemen
stand up and create turnovers and take
the pressure off."
Michigan's penalty-killing unit,
currently No. 6 in the CCHA at 84.2
percent, is beginning to resemble lastr
year's successful penalty-killing unit,
which finished second in the CCHA.
Saturday, the Wolverines successfully
killed all 10 of Miami's man-advan-
wing Warren Luhning and left wing
Jason Botterill will not play in
Friday's game against Alaska-
Fairbanks. The two wingers were is-
sued game disqualifications for fight-
ing in Saturday's game.
Luhning and Botterill skated with
their respective lines in Monday's
practice, but skated in red yesterday.
Players skating in red jerseys do not
See ICERS, Page 11

can move on."
Tshimanga Biakabutuka, who pulleda
calf muscle in Saturday's win over
Purdue, should be ready to play Satur-
day against the Nittany Lions.
Biakabutuka missed most of the
second quarter and all of the secord
half of Saturday's game.
The biggest problem, however,
wasn't the injury, but the cola.
Biakabutuka was unable to loosen the
muscle up enough to play because tie
windchill factor dropped the tempera-
ture to minus-8 degrees.
"We expect (Biakabutuka) to be full
go Saturday," Carr said.
strong safety Clarence Thompsonas
named Big Ten Defensive Player f
the Week for his effort against Purdue.
Thompson had four tackles against
the Boilermakers.
His biggest play came in the fourth
quarter when he tackled Purdue qafr-
terback Rick Trefzger in therend zone
for a safety.
heads t0
By Susan Dann
Daily Sports Writer
They've made it to Michigan, an in-
stitute of higher learning, because of
their academic prowess.
However, men's soccer coach Steve
Burns is hoping to teach the Wolver-
ines an elementary lesson. The Wolvr-
ines are relearning their ABCs.
"Success only comes before workin
the dictionary," Burns said.
The Wolverines head to Phoenix tis
weekend for the National Collegiate
Soccer Association's (NCSA) Natioial
Championship Tournament, hopingto
prove Webster's Dictionary wrong *d
show that hard "work" must come le-
fore "success."
"I have never seen a group this tit,
this unselfish, this committed," Butns
said. "There has been commitment frm
them all along."
Michigan joins the nation's best club
teams as the No. 9 seed in the 16-team
draw. Each team plays a three-gane
round robin. The top two teams frim
each bracket advance to the quarterfinals
Friday, with the semifinals and finals
The Wolverines face the University
of Wisconsin-LaCrosse, Middle Ten-
nessee State and New Mexico Stat.
"(The seeding) is pretty close to hbw
we fared in our regular season," But-ns
Michigan faces what Burns conid-
ers to be a relatively ambiguous bradke"
in terms of who the favorite is.
"Looking at the strength ofourgriup.
there is no clear-cut team that looks likc
(it) should win," Burns said. "LaCross
has never really had a strong team. It i
Middle Tennessee's first year in:thc
tournament; when it's your first year
you really don't know what to expec
and they may get overwhelmed."
See SOCCER, Page 13

Michigan's Jason Botterili slams into Ferris State's goalie Nov. 4 in Big Rapids. Botterill has been suspended from Friday
night's game against Alaska-Fairbanks for fighting last weekend at Miami (Ohio).

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